Cabinet Approves Merger of DA with Basic Pay The Cabinet today approved merger of 50% dearness allowance of Central government employees and pensioners with their basic pay. However, it has deferred a decision on anti-corruption ordinances and … [Read more...]
7th Pay Commission can suggest the Merger of DA in its interim report…
7th Pay Commission can suggest the Merger of DA in its interim report... Times of India publishes an article regarding that the huge expected demand among the central govt employees, 50% Dearness allowance merge with basic pay... NEW DELHI: The … [Read more...]
50% Merger of Dearness Allowance with Pay–NFIR Writes to New FM on 28.5.2014
50% Merger of Dearness Allowance with Pay–NFIR Writes to New FM on 28.5.2014 NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110 055 Affiliated to : IndIan National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) International Transport … [Read more...]
Feedback of meeting with Cabinet Secretary–Regarding of DA Merger & Interim Relief
Feedback of meeting with Cabinet Secretary–Regarding of DA Merger & Interim Relief Feedback of the meeting held between the Cabinet Secretary(Government of India) and Secretary(Staff Side), NC/JCM Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary Ph.: … [Read more...]
Demand for 50% DA Merger presented to the new government
Demand for 50% DA Merger presented to the new government It looks as if this time all the Central Government Employees Federations are seriously committed to getting 50% Dearness Allowance added to their basic pay! All the CG employees federations … [Read more...]
Merger of DA with the Basic Pay from April 2004 to Running Staff – NFIR Letter Dated 30.3.2021
Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Basic Pay w.e.f. 01/04/2004 – Computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI -110 055 Affiliated to: Indian … [Read more...]
Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Basic Pay – Computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits
Merger of Dearness Allowance with the Basic Pay - Computation of emoluments of Running Staff for granting retirement benefits GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD E(P&A)II-2012/DC/JCM/1 New Delhi, Dated 17.10.2016 The General … [Read more...]
6th Pay Commission Dearness Allowance ends with 6% hike at 125%
6th Pay Commission Dearness Allowance ends with 6% hike at 125% Cabinet approves 6 percent Dearness Allowance hike for Central Government employees “In the 7th Pay Commission report, submitted to the government on 19.11.2015, it was mentioned that … [Read more...]
Merge DA with Basic this year and Defer Increments: Pay Panel Member
Merge DA with Basic this year and Defer Increments: Pay Panel Member Member of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Rathin Roy has suggested that to meet its fiscal deficit target the Government should merge the basic pay and dearness allowance (DA) of … [Read more...]
Order for Merger of 50% DA, Retirement age news goes viral in Social Media
Order for Merger of 50% DA, Retirement age news goes viral in Social Media Recently rumour mill went overdrive in social media with the following news that 1.central government decided to Merge 50% DA with basic pay with effect from 1.1.2015 and … [Read more...]