7th Pay Commission to Autonomous Bodies – Confederation
Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of –
(a) Autonomous organisations
(b) Central Government Employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.
Ref:Confdn/7th CPC/Autonomous/2016-19
Dated – 20.09.2016
The Secretary (Expenditure)
Ministry of Finance (Govt. of India)
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: – Implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC – Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in respect of – (a) Autonomous organisations (b) Central Government Employees who are working in Autonomous bodies on deemed deputation.
1. Please refer to the Government of India, Department of Finance & Department of Expenditure Resolution No. 1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016 bringing out the decisions of the Government on the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission as well as consequent promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016, notified vide G. S. R. No. 721(E) dated 25th July 2016 regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016.
2. Every time, when Revise Pay Rules in respect of Central Government Employees are used, the Government used to issue separate orders regarding the extension of those benefits to the employees of Autonomous Organisations etc. whose pattern of emolument structure are identical to those of the Central government employees.
Last time the Revised Pay Rules was issued on 30.08.2008 and orders extending the benefit to similarly placed employees of Autonomous bodies was issued on 30.09.2008.
This time eventhough the Revised Pay Rules are issued on 25.07.2016, till this day i.e. even after a lapse of more than one month orders regarding Autonomous bodies is not issued.
3. Further it is reported that the employees of working at Central Food Laboratory, Kolkata (Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of India) who are on deemed deputation has not been paid the Revised salary for the month of August 2016 in terms of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 by the Director, Central Food Laboratory. Director, CFL has issued orders to draw the pay on the basis of pre-revised pay even in respect of those Central Government employees working at CFL who are on deemed deputation.
He has equated employees of the Autonomous organizations with the employees on deemed deputation. Above action of the Director, CFL, Kolkata appears to be not in conformity with the Para- 7 of OM No. 1-5/2016-IC dated 28.07.2016 in letter and spirit.
4. In view of the above, it is requested that clear instructions may be issued to all Ministries regarding applicability of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 in respect of
(a) Employees of Autonomous Bodies
(b) Central Government employees who are on deemed deputation to Autonomous bodies.
A line in reply from your end will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: – 09447068125
E-mail: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
Source: Confederation
This is a matter of great regret that SAHITYA AKADEMY
an organization of letter has not yet received the benefit
of 7th Central Pay Commission. They have got neither
their arrears not the new scale.
DA for autonomous bodies since they have implemented 7th CPC. Is it 6%?
Prasarbharti not implimented 7 cpc for its employees. Only deemed depities of the prasarbharti are allowed to take it. We are still waiting for the order
Frnds, already ESIC and PRASAR BHARTI had implemented 7th pay commission. I am sure they are also autonomous body, so how similarity is not there for all autonomous body order? I think more important dept in autonomous body like CSIR, IIT, NIT, AIMS, HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION are there, so why govt is not implementing the benefit to all. Researches and study will grow up a country to high altitude. Then why so delay?
The scientists of ICMR are still waiting for much awaited seventh CPC recommendation to them. During festival season, there families are eagerly waiting for our beloved PM Mr. Modi bleshings for extension of seventh CPC to the..
Beloved Shri Narender Modiji, Prime Minister of India,
Inordinate delay in extension of 7th CPC orders to Autonomous bodies is injustice, and we understood that Autonomous bodies was totally defamed and the employees are being treated as step mother children. With this delay tactics employees are disgusted and gradually loosing trust on policies of Govt. of India . Perhaps, still employees have a lot of hopes on Sri. Narender Modiji Government that the Government would positively extend the 7th CPC implementation orders to autonomous organizations before Dussera.
However, Dussera festival has also entered,and no action has been initiated till date.Keeping in view of this, Ministry of Finance may kindly understand the anxiety /pain /mental agony of the employees , and expedite the orders at least before announcement of July DA.
The Central Goverment is simply ignoring the Autonomous Bodies that are fully funded through the consolidated fund of India by not extending the 7 CPC Pay. Normaly within a month’s time the pay commissions recommendation as accepted by the Government used to be communicated to the Autonomous Bodies. This kind of neglect is eroding the morale of the concerned staff members. It’s almost more than two months the Government Employees got the pay rise. This is not justice.
The employees , retiring this year are worried about their pensionary benefits on 7th pay commission. When will central Govt. declare it for employees of autonomous institutions?We have a family and some commitments.
Sir, when the employees and pensioners of autonomous bodies like ICAR, KVS, CSIR will get their pay as per 7th pay commission. The Durga puja will start in a few weeks time which will be followed by other major festivals. But there is no news from the Govt reg. 7th pay commission for autonomous bodies. Why this type of disparity between central govt. employees and employees of autonomous bodies. The Head of such autonomous bodies also not doing anything. Being Secretary of respective ministries they are drawing their pay as per revised pay. But they are not doing enough for their employees.
Two months elapsed but there is no news about implementation of 7th CPC from the end of Central Government. we are waiting by counting the days when central government will announce to provide the benefit of 7th cpc for the autonomus organizations.Central should realize that we have family and we all are a part of my country.
autonomous bodies worker are still awaiting 7 cpc
Thanks Sh. krishnan for the initiative you have taken for the benefit of autonomous Organisations.
Surprising attitude of Government towards Autonomous Institutions, AIIMS, IITs, IISERs, CSIR, DBT, ICMR, ICAR etc have not implemented 7th pay commission yet
This is atrocious. Once the service conditions & account abilities match with other central govt employees , then why this delay in extending same offers to them . This is a gross negligence on the part of Finance secratery Govt of India.
CSIR being autonomous body appears to have been forgotten for revised pay and pensions as per 7th Pay Commission. Till date we have not received new revised pension which was due on 1st Sept 2016.
Govt should issue necessary directives for actiins in this regard.
Its unfair ?
I retired as Deputy Secretary from Central Silk Board, which is an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. Of India. The recommendations of all the CPCs have been made applicable to all employees and pensioners of all Autonomous Bodies functioning under the various Ministries of the Govt. Of India. I am now 88 years of age, i had a full hope that i will be able to enjoy the benefits of the recommendations of the 7th CPC, unfortunately, I may say the Govt. Of India seemed to have forgotten the employees and pensioners of the Autonomous Bodies under the Govt. Of India.
I am greatful to Mr. Krishnan, Secretary General of the Consideration of Central Govt Employees for taking up our case with the Ministry of Finance. I hope the Govt. Of India will take necessary action immediately to make the recommendations of the 7th CPC applicable to the employees and pensioners of the Autonomous Bodies.
Ministry of Fiance,
Sub: – Request for the issue of 7th CPC Extension orders to all the autonomous
bodies & Pay Fixation Implementation of and release of payment arrears in
respect of all the central autonomous bodies employees- Reg
As all the Central autonomous employees shall have a lot of trust and faith on BJP government and its policies. Regarding 7th CPC implementation, autonomous employees are eagerly and greedily awaiting for 7th CPC Extension orders since last two months, for which employees are becoming nervous day by day.
Ministry of Finance may kindly understand the present burning situation / anxiety of the autonomous employees, and may kindly advise the concerned authorities to speed up the administrative procedures and may release the extension orders for implementation of 7th CPC revised pay scales for the employees of Autonomous bodies of various ministries .
Hope that Ministry of Finance may kindly issue the orders on priority at least before Dussera festival for which we are so grateful to you Please
Government of India (Ministry of Finance)
Sub: Request for the issue of 7th CPC Extension orders to all the autonomous bodies,
Pay Fixation and release of payment arrears in respect of all the central autonomous bodies employees- Reg
As all the Central autonomous employees shall have a lot of trust and faith on BJP government and its policies.But this time employees of all the autonomous employees are eagerly and greedily awaiting for 7th CPC Extension orders since last two months, for which all the employees are becoming nervous day by day.
Ministry of Finance may kindly understand the present burning situation & also the anxiety of autonomous employees, and may kindly advise the concerned authorities to speed up the administrative procedures and may release the extension orders for implementation of 7th CPC revised pay scales for the employees of Autonomous bodies of various ministries.
Hope that Ministry of Finance may kindly issue the orders on priority at least before Dussera festival for which we are so grateful to you Please.
When 7cpc will be implemented for Autonomous bodies.
The Ministry of Labour Gazette for salaries and wages of common people in India. An education to read . This was published on 01 Sep 2016. Two interesting inputs here:-
a) Unarmed guard – starting salary is at Rs 15000/- per month .
b) Armed guards – starting salary is at Rs 25000/- per month. This salary is for say the armed guard we all see in Public Sector Banks. Benefits ? Yes added on as per scales notified. Hours of duty , overtime, places of duty , all in elaborate detail. Good.
7pay Commission Report – Starting salary of Armed Forces Jawans ( all armed ) has been fixed by the demented Commission at Rs 18000/- ?? Why? Was it too difficult for Justice Verma , his IAS rep, mr Rae ( RETD ) and his IDAS expert to consult Ministry of Labour ? This post is in a response to vacuous eloquent statements made by many here on the Armed Forces salaries and their supposed high entitlements ! Really ? The jawan serving along 15000kms of our borders , or 7500 kms of maritime boundaries , must get less starting salary than a armed guard in our public sector banks? Is there even any thought or application of mind by the 7 Pay Commission worthies ? They should be asked pointed questions on what they did in the years they sat , travelled , and made the report! It stinks to high heaven.
Sir iam promoted 2800Gp to 4200Gp in the month of 26.08.2016 the fixation is mae but 1400 difference of Gp is not added please give suggestions
This is also in case of kendriya vidyalaya sangathan teachers. I request the concerned authority to issue the required order for implementation of 7th pay commission for all the affected autonomous bodies.
revised pension for post 2016 received or not/ or it will be fixed as per pension rules. kindly confirm
Govt. should notify the 7th CPC recommendations for implementation to employees and pensioners of autonomous bodies immediately. It was issued for central govt employees during July 2016. Why it is being delayed?
In my entire service period , I have not witnessed such step motherly treatment t0 the employees of Autonomous bodies. Let up hope for the mercy of the present Govt.
The matter is very serious.The employees working in Autonomous Organisations, fully funded by the union ministries like UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION, are being denied their right of revision of pay as notified for the Central Government Employees. This shows step motherly treatment to number of employees and it is not fair on part of the Government of India and particularly, the Ministry of Finance. The Honorable Prime Minister Mr. MODI should take note of this and direct the Ministry of Finance, to issue the orders for implementation of 7th Pay Commission revised pay scales for employees of the Autonomous Bodies of various ministries.
Such delay never happens at the time of earlier revisions of the Pay Commissions.
Sharanjit Singh
Former Joint Secretary,
University Grant’s Commission,
New Delhi
It’s first time that Central Government forgot to issue notification in r/o Autonomous Bodies. May be Govt thinking of reviewing or relocation of Autonomous Organisations which should not be linked to implementation of 7cpc. 7cpc is the right of Employees and Pensioners.
For autonomous organizations 7th Central Pay Commission’s order for Pay and arrears will be issue after depositing the RE for the year 2017-18 to the ministry of finance latest by 30th September 2016 as per reliable sources.