6th Pay to 7th Pay Calculator for Central Government Employees
First Basic Salary Calculator in India!
Disclaimer: Please note that this 7th CPC Pay calculator provides approximate figures based upon the 7th Central Pay Commission Gazette Notification and the data submitted by the reader. For exact information, please refer to the CCS Revised Pay Rules 2016. Calculate your new salary with our 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table for Central Govt Employees today!
First Basic Salary Conversion Calculator in India!
7th Pay Commission Pay Scale Calculator: Introducing the 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table for Central Govt Employees: Discover the first-ever Basic Salary Calculator in India designed for Central Government employees. Our online tool helps you calculate your revised or new salary and allowances in line with the 7th Pay Commission recommendations. Over one crore users have already benefited from this accurate and convenient calculator. We offer a free 7th Pay Commission Salary Calculator download for Central Government employees as well as a 7th Pay Commission Calculator online. You can also access the 7th Pay Commission pay scales with our pay matrix table.
The 7th Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) submitted its report to the Finance Minister on 19th November 2015. Since then, the Pay Matrix Table has become a hot topic among all Central Government employees and Pensioners. According to the 7th CPC Report, there were 33,01,536 CG employees in service as of 1.1.2014, including 91,501 Group ‘A’ Officers, 2,80,892 Group ‘B’ Officers, and 29,29,143 Group ‘C’ employees.
The 7th CPC recommended a new pay fixation method that differs greatly from the 6th CPC and proposed a 2.57 fitment factor applicable to all CG employees. Instead of a salary slab system, the commission suggested a new Pay Matrix System. Pay and arrears-related revisions have been effective since 1.1.2016.
Basic Pay Converter (6th CPC to 7th CPC)
Our online tool, the Basic Pay Revision Calculator, is specifically designed to assist Central Government employees in determining their revised and new basic pay following the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations. This free tool requires the input of an individual’s pay details and effectively calculates their next basic pay, providing them with an excellent opportunity to convert their current basic pay to a revised basic salary from 1.1.2016. However, calculating the new basic pay of an individual can be somewhat challenging given the abolishment of the grade pay system and the introduction of a new pay structure known as the ‘Pay Matrix Table’, which is entirely new for Central Government employees. To simplify this process, we have thoroughly reviewed the 7th pay commission report and developed a user-friendly tool that is tailored to meet the needs of CG employees.
How to calculate the 7th CPC revised pay scale?
To calculate the 7th CPC revised pay scale, follow these instructions as recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. Determine your basic pay (including grade pay) as of 31.12.2015. Multiply your basic pay by a fitment factor of 2.57 and round it off to the nearest rupee. Then, refer to our Matrix Pay Table and select the Level corresponding to your Grade Pay. Lastly, select either the same pay or the next higher pay in the corresponding Matrix Level. To use our calculator, select your Pay Band and Grade Pay, enter your Basic Pay (as of 31.12.2015, including Grade Pay), and if eligible, select NPA. Click the ‘Calculate’ button, and the calculator will display your revised basic pay calculation detail as of 1.1.2016 with the pay matrix table.
7th Pay Commission Salary (Pay Scale) Calculator Download
Pay Scale Calculator Type | Conversion from 6th CPC to 7th CPC |
Pay Scale Calculator Beneficiaries | Central Government Employees |
Pay Scale Calculator Introduced | August 2016 |
Pay Scale Calculator Updated | December 2017 |
Pay Scale Calculator Inputs | Pay band, Basic pay, Grade Pay, and NPA |
Pay Scale Calculator Results | Basic pay conversion as per 7th CPC |
Pay Scale Calculator Method | Prescribed in the 7th Pay Commission Report |
Pay Scale Calculator Feature | Basic pay indication in 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table |
Software Language | HTML, Java, and PHP |
Developed by | TEUT Digital Concepts |
How to Fix Basic Salary as per 7th CPC in Calculator?
To determine your revised basic pay under the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) structure, you can utilize a calculator that allows you to input your pay band, grade pay, and basic pay as of January 1, 2016, under the 6th CPC regime. Upon clicking the Calculate button, the tool will display your updated basic salary with the pay matrix table. This calculator also has the additional feature of showcasing the complete pay matrix table, which is a useful resource for Central Government employees. It is worth noting that many prominent websites in India have provided a direct link to this calculator on their platforms.
New Salary Calculator July 2023 with 46% DA
Check Your Latest Expected Salary Package after the announcement of the Dearness Allowance with 38% of DA + Revised HRA and TA Rates.

What is the Basic Pay Revision Calculator?
The Basic Pay Revision Calculator is an online tool designed to help Central Government employees determine their revised and new basic pay following the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations.
How does the Basic Pay Revision Calculator work?
The tool requires the input of an individual’s pay details and effectively calculates their next basic pay, providing them with an excellent opportunity to convert their current basic pay to a revised basic salary from 1.1.2016.
How can I fix my salary in the 7th Pay Commission?
Your salary should be fixed on the methodology approved by the Central Govt as per the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. 2.57 is the common fitment factor for all groups of Central Govt employees. Your basic salary as of 31.12.2015 with multiply 2.57 and the figure will match the pay matrix of your entitled pay level.
Is the 7th Pay Commission Pay Scale Calculator the first Basic Salary Calculator in India?
Yes, the 7th Pay Commission Pay Scale Calculator is the first-ever Basic Salary Calculator in India designed for Central Government employees News [www.7thpaycommissionnews.in].
How to fix pay of an Assistant Professor of a college in Maharashtra State who was promoted from stage I (Rs 6000) to Stage II (Rs 7000) on 15.04..2024.
Please enlighten the subject:-
If an Senior Resident doctor has been appointed on 01.10.2020( on contract basis for three years). As per rules the Earned leave should be credited as 2.5 for every completed month i.e. 3 months X 2.5=7.5 (rounded off to 8 Earned leaves). After completion of three years contract period his services are terminated and he has been credited the Earned Leave as:-
01.10.2020 to 31.12.2020 = 8 Earned Leaves
01.01.2021 to 30.06.2021 = 15 Earned Leaves
01.07.2021 to 31.12.2021 = 15 Earned Leaves
01.01.2022 to 30.06.2022 = 15 Earned Leaves
01.07.2022 to 31.12.2022 = 15 Earned Leaves
01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 = 15 Earned Leaves
01.07.2023 to 30.09.2023 = total completed months 3 X 2.5 = 7.5 (rounded off to 8)
As such his total Earned Leave becomes 91 days (however he has rendered 3 years service only and normally 90 days Earned leave can be earned during the 3 years of service). Please cast some light on this issue with rule position. Thanking you in anticipation.
My mother is receiving Civil Defense family pension. How do I know which Pay level she is in? I have the PPO order.
As per her basic family pension multiply by two and see in MATRIX LEVEL Table it is yours father’s pay as per the 7th Pay Commission. But minimum family pension is Rs.9000/- fixed.
My basic was 9690/- as ACC on 01/07/2010 (5200-20200/2000)
Self promoted as Goods Guard on 07/05/2011
Self promoted as Sr.Goods Guard on 01/11/2013
What will be my basic today….
Please help with reference RBE.
I will be grateful to you
good evening all,
i am working as assistant professor in Telangana state in state job but with UGC scale, kindly give reference pdf for transport allowance in UGC PRC 2016 for disabled persons.
thank you
I am a Maharashtra government employee working as Professor. My date of appointment is 02/01/2002. My date of increment in 6th pay is 1St July. My basic pay (including grade pay) as of 31.12.2015 is 36030 so my 7th pay on 1/1/2016 is 95300. On 02/01/2016 I become an associate professor with AGP 9000. Kindly tell me the date of the next increment.
1st July 2016.
sir as on 31.12.2015 my pay was 7430rs please what pay will fix in 01.01.2016 please clarify my problem sir
Is it grade pay included 1800 Level 1 it will be 19100, if 1900 included level 2 1900 it will be 19900, if 2000 in level 3 it will be 21700, if 2400 in level 4 it will be 25500 & it will be 2800 in level 4 it will be 29,200.
My date of joining is 19.1.2009 and my increment date is 1/7/2010 and I have lost one increment. My due date for macp is 19/1/2019 . Current pay as on date is 19/1/2019 is 42300. Please suggest me for next date of increment month is Jan or July to make option and please post my pay as on date on 1/7/2021 includes macp and in increments and along c choice of increment.
My date of birth is 28/2/1984 for information.
January increment option is good so as on 1-7-19 as 43600 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & from January, 2020 as 44,900 in MATRIX LEVEL 7.
Thanks for the reply sir, I have a macp due date on 19/1/2019 and increment due date is also on 1/7/2019. How my pay is fixed with according to macp and increment due date. So my pay will be fixed under macp from that date or not. Why would be from jan 2020 on level 7.
As per the rule CSS 10 six months pay should completed so your normal increment on 1-7-19 and promotional increment of option from January 20 in higher MATRIX LEVEL basic pay fixation. Pay changed from MACP date. If you give July increment option benefits be given from 1-7-20 it is loss of six months pay.
Ok Sir thanks for your valuable information and comment
Suppose if any female Govt. Employee takes CCL but later she qualifies the test and get selected in other department then is it possible for that individual to avail CCL in other department ? It must also be cleared that is it possible anyway for any Govt. Employee to take more than 750 CCL in both various services.
No, Because all your leave entries have been recorded in the service book…if you are continuously service, then this will be NO……if service does not count, in this case, you can avail again…
Hi, I joined service on 20january 2015. As per 6th cpc, my increment was due on 1.7.2016. My 7th cpc pay fixation was done as on 1.1.2016. Will i be granted one increment on 1.1.2016? Previously my department had granted one increment at the time of fixation i.e. on 1.1.2016 and another increment was applied on 1.7.2016. Since then, my pay fixation has been revised and recovery has been made from me on account of excess payment due to early increment grant. I am unable to get clarification on this. What should i do? My increment date is 1st july as of now.
It is correct. That was administration mistakes.
I had opted for pay fixation under Fr(22)1a in the lower grade in July 2016 (DNI) as I had been promoted in Feb 2016. Can I re-excersise to fix my pay in Jan 2017 as per the office memorandum
No you’re benefited in higher next Grade pay of 6th CPC from 7/2016 already given & also 2.57 multiply by basic pay of 31-12-2015. If you’re giving January increment you will be eligible from January 2018 of 7th CPC next MATRIX LEVEL stage of located basic pay.
Entry level pay benefits for chargeman not granted for me i am retired on 31-08-2007 ordnance factory service 33 years and 4 months plz reply
Sir mai itna janana chahata hu ki jo log retired ho rahe hai, aur DA increase nahi ho raha hai to jo lumsum amount basic amount ke saath DA calculate kiya jata hai retired pe milta hai uski calculation kis percentage pe di jayegi , koi next year July 2021 me retired hoga to kya 17 percent DA ko jodkar calculation ki jayegi ya ya jo ab Tak da increase hua hai uske adhaar pe di jayegi, aur sir leave encashment me group X pay add kiya jata hai ya nahi.please sir clarify this.
I join as group d (Field worker) on 16.12.1999, deployed as lasker on 23/08/2005 with basic pay 5200-20200+1800 and promotion as Supervisor by departmental examination on 09/01/2009 in grade pay of Rs.1800/-, after 10 years as supervisor given acp on 09/01/2019 in grade pay of Rs.1900/- please I would like to know the pay fixation of my salary as per the 7th pay cpc and arrears
please give in details
You have mentioned. Pay scale of you since you have joined in 5 th CPC so inform your basic pay as on 31-12-2015.
Mention the pensioner last basic pay with scale of pay.
Revision of basic pay wef01-01-2004 -2005after50%DAmergerd in basic pay is not clear. Basic pension fixed after50%DA merger hasnot been revised in the parent deptt. PAO office wef01/04/2004,6thcpc&7thcpc scale grade is under process , information is yet to receive fromCSMRS ,MOWR palme marg new delhi. DIR.CSMRS hasbeen informed but not replied yet.Iam receiving pension in old scale and grade with out 50%DAmerger inbasicpay wef01-01-2004.So kindly revise pension and arrearasper7thcpc pre206latest amendment before August 2020.Hoping for justice to revise pension./arrear payment.
As per your basic pay pension will be credited. 50% Dearness pay was merged in 6th CPC and give as GRADE PAY. So arrears question does not arise.
Hello Sir,
I am a Central Govt Employee in Survey of India, Approximately one year before, in 7th CPC, I was holding the post of UDC in Pay Level 5 (got 2nd MACP on 3rd May, 2014 i.e. in 6th CPC Scenario), and was drawing Basic Pay of Rs.40,400/- as on 1st July, 2018 in Pay Level-5 with the date of next increment w.e.f. 1st July, 2019.
Subsequently, I was promoted to the post of Assistant on regular basis w.e.f. 22-05-2019 in the Pay Level-6. I gave my option to my deptt. for my pay to be fixed from date of next increment i.e. 1st July, 2019 under provisions contained in FR 22(I)(a)(1). My deptt fixed my pay as follows:-
(1) As on 22-05-2019 = Rs. 41,100/- p.m.
(2) As on 01-07-2019 = Rs. 42,300/-p.m.; and next accrual increment would be w.e.f. 1st July, 2020.
Sir, in my purview which appears and seems to be totally incorrect.
Therefore, it is requested to kindly enlighten and clarify the correct fixation of my pay i.e. on the following dates:-
1. W.e.f. 22-05-2019 to 30-06-2019,
2. As on 01-07-2019,
3. As on 01-01-2020,
4. As on 01-07-2020; &
5. As on 01-01-2021
I shall be very grateful and obliged to you forever.
Thanking you in anticipation.
You have to give option increment for January so that you may get normal increment same matrix level 6 of Rs.42,300/- on 1-7-2019 & from January 2020 onwards Rs.44,900/- in level 7, if you’re basic pay as on 25-6-19 of Rs.41,100/- in level 6. DNI on 1-1-2021 as Rs.46,200.
Good Morning Sir,
In my purview, according to the option already given in my deptt., at my present situation, the correct fixation of my Basic Pay will be as follows:-
(1) As on 22-05-2019 must be Rs.41,100/- (which my deptt. already fixed very correctly).
(2) As on 01-07-2019 must be Rs.43,600/- (i.e fixation from the date of next increment, as per my option already given in my Deptt.).
(3) As on 01-01-2020 must be Rs.44,900/-.
(4) As on 01-01-2021 must be Rs.46,200/-.
Sir, it is once again requested that kindly let me know, is it correct or not?
If you are been fixation on 22-5-2019 increment will not been given on 1-7-19 since you have not completed six months same basic pay & increment on 1-7-20 only. It is also as per 6th CPC Rule.
Good Morning Sir,
Please clarify the following in the light of CCS pay rules 2016 (i.e. in 7th CPC Chronology). As every OM issued by Govt. of India after implementation of 7th CPC, which nothing mentioned clearly regarding benefit of rule FR22(I)(a)(1) i.e. on the methodology of pay fixation “on direct promotion” or “on regular promotion which comes after MACP” of a Govt. Servant. Rather, every OM only indicates/shows words “promotion/upgradation” which is confusing. Therefore, it is once again requested you to kindly clarify –
(1) Is there any different method of pay fixation on –
(i) direct promotion from one pay level to another, at present, in 7th CPC Chronology?; and
(ii) regular promotion after MACP from one pay level to another, at present in 7th CPC Chronology?
and if so, is there any kind of pay fixation rule presently exist, related to above, in 7th CPC Chronology? Then please quote Govt. of India’s OM or Pay fixation Rule in detail, specifically for those –
(i) who had already got MACP in 6th CPC and now getting regular promotion in 7th CPC (i.e. on change of pay level); and
(ii) for those who got MACP after 01-01-2016 (i.e. in 7th CPC) and then now getting regular promotion (i.e. on change of pay level).
(2) In 7th CPC Chronology, when there will be change in pay level (i.e. from one pay level to other) i.e. on direct promotion or upgradation or regular promotion after MACP-
Could we get benefit of rule FR22(I)(a)(1) every time, i.e. on fixation of pay? or it will be applicable on getting direct promotion only (i.e. not on regular promotion after MACP), in 7th CPC Chronology.
You can see the subsequent revised pay fixation F.R.22(I)(a)(1) under G.S.R.370 subsequently revised dated 19-11-2018.
you are absolutely right
In revised pay fixation for pre 1.1.2016, NPA and special pay are included or not for notional fixation? I reired on 1.4.2014 , scale was 37.400-6700 Pay band 10.000. Basic salary was 60940 +NPA 15235 +_ Spl pay 2000 . Now revised notional fixation is 157900 and pension remains the same as it cannot be reduced. Had NPA and Spl. pay added to basic and then notional fixation would have been done, pension would have been higher. Youe opinion????
For pension purposes any other allowances should not be added. Only 50% of basic pay.
My basic pay is (13410 + 4200-gp) = 17610=00 as on 01.01.2016
I got promoted to next higher level with GP 4600=00 on 08.07.2016
I would like to know the pay fixation of my salary as per the 7th pay cpc and arrears
please give in details
Your period of promotion comes under option 6th CPC, but you are asking for the 7th CPC Pay so it was not benefited to you because 6th CPC pay more. As per 7th CPC you may be got Rs.47,600/- from 1-1-2017. only. If you have got the amount should refund the old already got in GP 4600 from 8-7-16.
1-50%DA hasnot been merged with basic payRs5664/ retiredondate31/03/2004asper latest amendment of centralgovt.w.e.f.01/04/2004
2-50%DA merged withbasicpay of centralgovt.employees andpensioners w.e.f01/04/2004.
3-Iam getting pension asperoldscale of Research OfficerRs8000-13500 but 6thcpc&7thcpc pay &grade pay hasnot been received as per latest amendment of Central Govt.
This is to inform you that from 1-1-2004 your basic pay was merged with 50% D.A. was Dearness Pay. That was merged in 6th CPC from 1-1-2006. So you have to less 50% D.A (as D.P). from your basic pay that is your basic pay. From 1-1-2006 as per your Grade pay rs.5400 (as per scale) plus last basic pay 50% as your pension. If you are not received revised pension (minimum Rs.26,550/-) from 1-1-2016 and arrears you have to contact your Ex-Employer.
I have joined as Protocol Officer on 01.01.2016 in the scale of Rs. 9300-34800 G.P. 4200/-. Prior to that I am drawing my salary in the scale of pay Rs. 5200-20200/- G.P. 2800/-. After joining as Protocol Officer on 1.1.2016 my pay was fixed Rs. 13,380/- G.P. 4200/-. . Kindly fix my pay as on 1.1.2016 after the implementation of 7th pay commission.
Rs.35,400/- from 1-1-2016.
Pension from 1-1-2016 as rs. 35,550/-. Arrears calculate you already got basic pension amount minus from the amount for 30 months.
I have been selected as Jr.staff Nurse under sro 202 of 2015, under pay scale of level 4 (25500-81100) what will be my starting salary
I join as group d on 12.01.1994 in cbi, promotion as ldc by departmental examination on 18.04.2000 in grade pay of Rs.1900/-, after 10 years as ldc given acp on 18.04.2010 in grade pay of Rs.2000/- and promotion on 27.01.2020 as udc. presently my pay Rs.35000/- what pay after fixation of pay as udc on 27.01.2020.
Since you got two promotions in 20 years of service now there is no pay benefits only your designation changes higher. You will get 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years service from January, 2025 as Matrix Level 4 ( GP 2400).
Dear sir . Pensioners when get msp 5200 pre 2016 pensioners
I retired SUB & Hony LT on 31.1.2005. What is my pension as on date
Hello Sir,
I am at highest pay level in my gp 10000 since July 2011. with basic pay 77000.Please provide information about stagnation increment. And how much advance increment i will get in 2016 due to stagnation .
Dear sir/madam,
my mother family pension 9000 per month,
as per new DA-wef july-2019, how much it will increase and when it will credit to account
D.R.From July 5% of increased as rs.450/- p.m. total D.R.12% i.e. Rs.1080/- (9000+1080 = 10080) Arrears for 4 months from July to October,as rs.1,800 or as per order to be released if in October 450/- will be included & arrears get 3 months as 1350/-.
Kindly calculation my Basic pay the detail are as under:
1- basic pay on 31-12-15 =9680/- Gp=1800
2- MACP due on = 01-5-2016
3- my promotion as a clerk on 13-4-2017
4- my promotion as a Sr.. Clerk on 09-10-2019
, please send me the fixation from 1-1-2016
Your basic pay as on 31-12-2015 Rs.9860×2.57=25340.20 rounded to MATRIX LEVEL 1 as Rs.25600 and. From MACP as on 1-5-2016 as Rs.26400/-. No increment on 1-7-16 since you have already got advance increment and next increment as on 1-7-17 as rs.26800 in MATRIX LEVEL 2, increment as on 1-7-18 as rs.27600 & I’rom 1-7-2019 as rs.28400/-. This is to inform you that since the 7th CPC no promotional pay benefits, so only you’re designation changes higher. Now your designation from 13-4-17 as Clerk and from 9-10-2019 as Sr.Clerk no pay fixation for these promotions. Your next MATRIX LEVEL 3 from 1-5-2026/36on completion of 20/30 years of servicer respectively.
Sir,In Dec 15 basic of all of my batch mates was 8060/ and grade pay 2000/.
I got promotion on 03 jan 16 and now my basic is 30500/ and my batch mates got promoted later to me 06 months on 01 Jul 16,now their basic is 32300/.
I talk to my organization to fix my basic at par with my batch mates they denied.
Sir kindly suggest me what should I do for the same.
1)Have you got any promotions between your joining duty any promotions other upgradrations of MACP on completion of 10th year on 10-5-2017 ?
2) Mentions your basic pay including GP as on 31-12-2015 also your bench mark position.
My joining date is 10-05-2007 so grade pay 1900 my increment or when start my increment date and how much get total basic pay
1)Have you got any promotions between your joining duty any promotions other upgradrations of MACP on completion of 10th year on 10-5-2017 ?
2) Mentions your basic pay including GP as on 31-12-2015 also your bench mark position.
I am working in IIM Shillong as a Librarian.
My scale of pay was 15600-39100 GP 8000 basic 23730 (March 2016)
As per 7th CPC what will be my pay level. ?
Kindly Inform me, Pls.
As you mentioned in the pay scale of 15600-39100 of basic pay GP 7600 (not 800) of ₹ 23730 X 2.57 = ₹ 78,800 (if increment was 7/15 so you will fix your basic pay in 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL 12 starting stage as ₹ 78,800,,0 7/17 as 81,200, 7/18 as 83,600 & 7/19 as Rs.88,100/-
I enrolled in the Army on 30 Jul 1968 and retired on 31 Jul 1996 as Sub Gp B and drawing pay ₹ 12268 as on 31 Dec 2015. Please let me know my pay as on today.
My basic pay in 6th cpc was 28470 as on 31./12/2015. The pay band was
9300–34800. The grade pay was 4600.
I retired from central government on
29/02/2008. What will be my basic pay
In 7th cpc.
I think you retired on 28/2/18 of your last basic pay of 7th CPC. at ₹ 78,800/- 50% of basic Pension as ₹ 39,400/- if you are not got any MACP upgradrations of basic pay from 1/1/2016 to 28/2/2018. You have fixed basic pay as on 1/1/2016 as ₹ 74,300/- increment on 1/7/16 as ₹ 76,500/- & increment on 1/7/17 as ₹ 78,800/-. If you want any other details ?
6th CPC basic pay is 28470.
Date of retirement is 29/02/2008.
7th CPC basic pay……..?
What is your last basic pay (including grade pay) retired as 28/2/2008 ? If you are retired on 28/2/08 how will you get basic pay as on 31/12/15 as ₹ 28,470/-.
My basic pay is Rs. 9260 i.e. Rs. 7360(Pay) + Rs. 1900(GP) as on 01-01-2016.
Your calculator clearly shows basic pay is Rs. 24500 (7cpc) as on 01-01-2016.
Please clarify whether your calculator is correct or wrong.
Whether existing HRA slabs as per their location, as on 31-12-2015 would continue to apply from 1-1-2016 to 30-6-2017 ? (till the New HRA slabs replace from 1-7-2017). Some say there shall not be any HRA on new UGC 7th Pay, till 1-7-2017, if it so, is it not against natural justice ? ..Pl Clarify
Check up no D.A. from 1/1/2016 to 30/6/16. O!d H.R.A. is given from to 1/1/2016 to 30/6/17. Since all allowances were given from 1/7/2017 only.
Pre-Revised PB PB-1
Pre-Revised GP 1900
Pre-Revised Pay in PB 7360
Pre-Revised Basic Pay 9260
Pre-Revised BP x 2.57 23798
Level corresponding to GP 1900 Level 2
Revised Basic Pay as on 1.1.2016 24500
Your 7cpc calculator shows Rs. 24500(Revised basic pay) with bunching benefit.. Whether it is correct or not?
Please clarify for our future reference.
23798 rounded off to 24800/- not 24500/-
You have put 1900 & 7360. Instead of this you put 1900 + 9260 it is wrong. 7360+1900 = 7360.
P.B. = Rs. 7360
G.P. = Rs. 1900
B.P = (PB + GP) = Rs. 7360 +Rs. 1900 = Rs. 9260
This calculator shows basic pay(7cpc) Rs. 24500
The same Calculator format of your website follows as under:
7th Pay Commission Pay Scale Calculator as per 7th CPC Notification
(Revised Basic Pay Calculator as per 7th CPC Gazette Notification)
Enter your 6th CPC Pay details and get your revised pay as per Revised Pay Rules 2016.
Select 6th CPC PB PB-1 (5200 – 20200)
Select 6th CPC GP GP -1900
6th CPC basic Pay As on 31.12.2015 9260
(Includig GP)
Whether eligible for NPA No
The same output calculation follows as under
Pre-Revised PB PB-1
Pre-Revised GP 1900
Pre-Revised Pay in PB 7360
Pre-Revised Basic Pay 9260
Pre-Revised BP x 2.57 23798
Level corresponding to GP 1900 Level 2
Revised Basic Pay as on 1.1.2016 24500
Sir, the revised Basic Pay as on 01-01-2016 shows Rs. 24500 not Rs. 23800.
I hope your 7cpc calculator shows the correct figure.
Please advise me.
9260 x 2.57 = 23798 fixed as 23800 not in next stage 24500. You have added again 1900..
Respected Sir,
My basic pay is Rs. 9260 as on 01-01-2016.
( Pay Rs. 7360 + GP 1900).
Please put my above pay practically in your website 7th CPC revised basic pay calculator. Sir you will see whether my 7cpc basic pay is Rs. 24500 or Rs. 23800.
Thank you very much Sir.
Duration of blood donation schedule time
Sir my basic pay as on 01 January 2016 is Rs. 9260 (7360 + 1900) .
The same had fixed in 7th CPC for Rs. 24500 by giving bunching of stages benefits wef 01 January 2016.
My branch office already submitted the application with the DOE, GOI bunching orders.
But my head office still not granting one bunching benefits and fixed my pay as on 01 January 2016 as Rs. 23800.
Please tell me whether bunching benefits of one increment is applicable in my case or not.
No, you fix basic pay as 1/1/2016 as ₹ 23800/- and from 1/7/16 as ₹ 24500/-.
Basic Pay Consolidation based Pay fixed as Pay after bunching
(G.P. 1900) on 2.57 multiple (Rs.) on 01-01-2016 as on 01-01-2016 (Rs.)
8,990 Rs. 23,104 Rs. 23,800 Rs. 23,800
(8,990+3%) Rs. 23,798 Rs. 23,800 Rs. 24,500
Please tell me whether bunching benefits of one increment is applicable (Basic Pay 9260) in my case or not as per Office Memorandum of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Government of India (vide No. 1-6/2016-IC/E-IIIA, dated 7th February, 2019)
Basic Pay 6th CPC (as on 01-01-2016) = Rs. 8990
ROP 2016 = Rs. 23800
Basic Pay 6th CPC (as on 01-01-2016) = Rs. 8990+3% = Rs. 9260
ROP 2016 = Rs. 24500 (Pay raised because of bunching)
Bunching benefit is applicable vide DOE, GOI bunching OM dated 7th February, 2019
Your is not bunching. Why 3% should be added. That fixation was abolished from 6th CPC.
My junior Basic Pay (as 01-01-2016) = Rs. 8990 (6CPC)
CSS ROP 2016 Rs. 8990 x 2.57 = Rs. 23,104 = Rs. 23800 (7CPC)
My Basic pay (as on 01-01-2016) = Rs. 8990 +3% = Rs. 9260 (6CPC)
CSS ROP 2016 Rs. 9260 x 2.57 = Rs. 23798 = Rs. 23800 = 24500 (pay raised because of bunching)
Basic pay Rs. 9260 i.e. 3 % is more than previous Basic pay (Rs. 8990)
As per Page No. 3, Para 9 (i) DOE, GOI O.M. No. 1-6/2016-IC/E-IIIA, dated 7th February, 2019 clearly illustrated one example..
Please suggest me whether bunching is applicable or not for the above case.
This is to inform you that the bunching order shown by you is for the GP 8700 in PB-4 of Rs.46100 + 3% = 47490 it was not in pay of Rs.48,920/- this may noted. Your pay is only Rs.8990/-.
My basic pay is Rs. 9260 as on 01-01-2016. My previous basic pay is Rs. 8990. My 7cpc basic pay is fixed at Rs. 23800 on 01-01-2016.
On the other hand, My junior staff basic pay is Rs. 8990 as on 01-01-2016. His 7cpc basic pay is fixed at Rs. 23800.
I am senior from him i.e. 3% increment advance from my junior staff who is working in the same grade pay 1900 and same designation.
As per Page No. 3, Para 9 (i) DOE, GOI O.M. No. 1-6/2016-IC/E-IIIA, dated 7th February, 2019
Where consequent upon fixation of pay in terms of Rule 7 (1) (A)(i) of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, two different pay drawn in the pay structure obtaining immediately before 1.1.2016, which were separated by one another by 3% of the previous stage, are fixed at the same cell of the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix effective from 1.1.2016, then the benefit of bunching by way of one additional increment as on 1.1.2016 shall be admissible in respect of the pay which is more than 3% of the previous pay,
My questions : May I applicable to get bunching benefit Rs. 24500 instead of Rs. 23800?
With kind regards
Same my problem
I was promoted from the post of Assistant in the grade pay Rs. 4,200/- as Office Superintendent in the same grade pay of Rs. 4,200/-w.e.f 20.4..2019.What is my pay fixation and from which date I have to give Option
If it is upgradation of MACP it will be benefited from the completion of service, 10 years without any promotion. Otherwise no pay fixation only your designation changes from 10.4.2019 no monitory benefits.
My PPO No.239038903696, Basic Pension as on 31.12.2015 Rs.6750. Now as per CPC 7th Basic Pension fixed to Rs.17,348 which now reduced to Rs.15050/-. Please confirm correct Basic Pension.
Your basic pension from 1/1/2016 is Rs.17,450/- (without D.R.). Check up with your bank any Income tax has been recovered in the month of February, 2019 or if any reduced as family pension due to any change. . Contact your pension paying bank.
Sir, Kindly confirm as to whether bunching benefit can be claimed in respect of below mentioned pay fixation as on 1.1.2016. (Ref;OM No.1-6/ 2016-IC/E-IIIA dated the 07th February, 2019)
6th CPC: PB-2 (9,300-34,800) + GP Rs.5,400/- 7th CPC : Level-9(53,100-1,6(53,100-1,67,800)
Pay Consolidation based on 2.57 multiple Pay fixed as on 1.1.2016 Pay after bunching
34,400 Rs.88,400 Rs.90,300/- Rs.90,300/-
35,020 Rs.90001.4 Rs.90,300/- Rs.95,800/-
You may see the reply of D.C.DONGRE on 11/4/2019. It contents so many rules applicable which applies to you may refer.
My basic pension as on 1/2006 is 9170 and as on 31-12-2015 with grade pay 15004-level -6 in paymatrix-entry pay 13500-what is my basic pension as on 1-1-2019-?
01/01/2005. Rs2550(basic) per month+1275(DP)+650.25D.A @ 17%ON BP+DP NEW PAY IN 2019?
Have you not promoted in between 2005 to 2019, if promoted mention that period or your basic pay as on 31/12/2015.
what is the meaning of PAY SCALE (pre-revised) = 9000-16400?
and what will be my CTC & in hand, if company is a government organization?
I retired in rly as guard on. 2-2-1998: now. My. Basic. Pension rs.34058/-is this correct. .in new. Pop in the column written as n/a
PaYOn 31.12.05 rs 6500 in5500-175-9000 scaie. From 1.1 .0 6 scale was upgraded from 4200 to 4600. by mof Order in oct 18 PayWorld not be fixed less than entre Pay rs 12540+ 4600=17140.now Pay of all officials in pre revised sale On basic Pay On 31.12.05
AT stage
from 5500/5675/5850/6025/6200/6375/6550 r fixed rs 17140(12540+4600= 17147). Now officials of stage1 to upto 7th Stage B. P of all officials r fixed rs 17140. How the benefit of bunching would be regulated under 6th Pay commission. In above cases.
Pay Scale in 5th CPC 5500-175-9000 not upgraded as GP 4600 (it is GP 4200 only). Pay Scale of 6500-10500 upgraded as GP 4600 from 1/1/2006. Yours is 6550+4200 = 10750 x 2.57 = 27627.5 fixed at matrix level 6 as Rs.35,400 stage 1 & Notional Pension 50% as basic pension of Rs.17,700/- from 1/1/2016 plus D.R. as applicable rates from time to time.
I got CAS in 01 Jan 2017 with grade pay 7000,in Pay Band III, in UGC scale, how to caluclute my basic in new PAy revision
It depends upon your basic pay plus Grade Pay, as per your grade entry pay is Rs.25790 begins it contains 40 stages.
I had retired from Min. of Defence as Junior Works Manager on 30.04..2016 (Defence Civilian Staff Gr.B Gazetted) My Pay as on 31.12.2015 (16790 + 4600GP) Rs. 21390.. The Pay was fixed on 01.01.2016 Rs. 55,200/-. But your table shows Rs. 62200/-. Which one is correct. Please verify and tell me.
Check up to basic pay may be as on 31/12/15 is 12190+4600 (16790+4600 not) total 16790×2.57=43150 fixed on matrix level 7 as rs.44,900/- as 1/1/2016,not as mentioned above by you.
Apki basic pay and grade pay ko add karke 2.57 se multiply karo. Unhone 55200 sahi pay fix ki hai apki
Ok. sorry, I thought 16790 as (12190+4600). If 16790+4600+21390×2.57=54972 fixed as 55200. It is not 62,200 it is 12th stage you might have calculating wrong numbers, please check up.
Sir, I have been granted 3rd MACP w.e.f 16/02/2012 with grade pay Rs.5400/- on 13/09/2018 by the appropriate authority. On Feb 2012 my pay band was Rs.9300 – Rs.34900 and was drawing Pay of Rs.18080 and grade pay Rs.4800. I retired from service on 31/10/2016.
In this circumstance I like to know the procedures to be followed for fixation of my Pay.
i joined Delhi university, hindu collegein may 2018 on permanent post of 1800 grade pay . whether i will be eligible for one increment on 01.01.2019. as 7th cpc increment rules
Increment given on completion of one year after in the month July annual only in the 7th CPC. For you 1/7/19.
Jab nhi Pata ho to kyo kisi ko mis Guide Kar raho ho. Increment or joining ke bich me minimum 6 month ka gap Hona chahiye bas agar isne 1 July 2018 tak join kiya honga to 1 Jan 2019 ko increment milega.
Check up Min.of Finance O.M. F-21/2017-IC/E.III(A) DT. 31/7/2018 – regarding JULY INCREMENT ONLY IN ANNUAL.
What is the
Up lekhpal salary in hand when newly join service
As per the 7th CPC from 1/1/2016 minimum Pension/Family Pension is Rs.9000/- P.M. plus applicable D.R.
I m retired as subedar in 2001, want to know what would be net pay pension for me in 2019.
You have not mentioned basic pay as on 19/6/2008 or basics Pension on retirement. May be you level 10 pay & level 11 or same amount or given with your salary.
I retired from service on 31.05.2017 in level 10 and I got macp to level 11 wef 19.06.2016 after retirement in 2017. IAAD. I have not got my salary arrears and revision of pension inspite of repeated requests. What could be the possible reason?
You have not mentioned basic pay as on 19/6/2008 or basics Pension on retirement. May be you level 10 pay & level 11 or same amount or given with your salary.
I retired from air force on 31 jan17. . I’m level7 index 14 . What will be my basic pension and gratuity.. as per matrix my fixation is 66000/-
Basic Pension of Rs.33,000/- plus applicable D.R. Gratuity will be as per your total service.
When get 7th PRC I pension Nowgetting.pension Rs.21585 per month retirement on 31.04.2017 arrears effect what date sir
7th CPC from 1/1/2016.
I want to know the period about the restoration of 2nd commutation of pension .
I was allowed 2nd comutation in 2007.
I got voluntary retirement in 1992 after completion of 21 & half years of service.
I also got my pension commuted at that time .
2nd computation was also allowed to me in 2007 ie after completion of 15 years of retirement.
I want to know in which year this commutation will be restored ?
Sukhija S C .
It seems you have re-employed in other institution after volunteer retirement hence second commutation will also restored after completion of 15 years from the amount received if it is in 2007 it will recovered in 2022.
I retired as TGT(Hindi) from kendriya vidyalaya on 30/7/2016,when will I be getting my 7cpc pension
in 6th prc 9000 agp is also there. why it is not shown here/
Please intimate eppo no for ex Sgt Purshotam Das 607474 DOJ 7/7/1970 and DO D 31/7 1985.Please intimate earliest.
Sir, What is my 100%disability pension asper revised 7th cpc pl requested to kindly letus know. (DSC 10 Yrs service low med categories)
Thanking you sir yours sincerely
how to arrear calculate 1/1/16 to 31/3/2018j&k jammu
whats the pay fixation for Telephone operator under 7th pay
My fixed medical allowance Rs.1000pm required with arrear since 2002
Pp0 s/028256/2000,army, my fixed medical allowance rs.1000 pm with arrear since 2002 required.
Answer to DURAIBABU : If it’s upgraded as MACP it will be RS.35,300/-
According to 7th CPC, Am sitting in band 3, level 16, 34000 basic. Currently am going to promote in 2800 GP. Having 30 years of service. What will be my basic after promotion ?
30/6/2006 sahayak bhandaar pal se sevanirvirt pansion me 1/1/2016 se Purv matrix k dwara passion me antar kya h
I retired on the post of Vice chancellor, The basic pay (Fixed ) for retired VC in 6th pay commission was Rs 75000. So my basic pension was Rs 37500 as per 6th Pay commission on 1-1-2006. Now what shall be my pension on 1-1-2016 as per 7th pay commission. Pl;ease give repl;y only on my email. Thank you.
Answer to PARKH BHUNUPRASAD AMRATLAL : Pension seems to including grade pay. Revised NOTIONAL matrix Pension from 1/1/2016 may be ₹ 49,900/- plus applicable dearness relief.
Answer to PARKH BHUNUPRASAD AMRATLAL : Sorry for above. Pension seems to including grade pay. Revised NOTIONAL matrix Pension from 1/1/2016 will be ₹ 1,99,600/-plus applicable dearness relief.
My net pension 24544, I don,t know my actual pension after 7th cpc, with 50% disable
Pl reply
My disable 75% as per 7th cpc
My disabled 75% as per 7thcpc revised
My basic salary was Rs. 19650 as on 31.12.2015 i.e. 15050+4600(GP).As per 7th cpc fixation as on 01.01.2016, my basic salary is multiplied with 2.57 i.e 19650×2.57= 50500.5. Then in Level 7, where my pay should be fixed either 50500 or 52000?
Is there any guideline issued by Ministry of Railway regarding rounding off to the nearest rupee ( fraction of 50 paise and above to be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of less than 50 paise to be ignored) while fixation of pay as per 7th cpc?
My basic salary was Rs. 19650 as on 31.12.2015 i.e. 15050+4600(GP).As per 7th cpc fixation as on 01.01.2016, my basic salary is multiplied with 2.57 i.e 19650×2.57= 50500.5. Then in Level 7, where my pay should be fixed either 50500 or 52000?
Is there any guideline issued by Ministry of Railway regarding rounding off to the nearest rupee ( fraction of 50 paise and above to be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of less than 50 paise to be ignored) while fixation of pay as per 7th cpc?
Answer to KANHAIYA SHARAN – 16/27-8 : In this site…….. See the examples in 6th CPC introduced new method of calculation for increments. Previous Pay Rules 2008 of 6th CPC Rs.100.90 is to be taken as Rs.100/- and 101 is to be rounded off as 110/-. Even the 7th CPC is fast approaching about the pay fixation/increment calculations on the basis of 6th CPC persists, especially about the rounded off to the next multiple RUPEES TEN method. Paise is to be ignored. It is obvious that doubts persist.
How much in hand salary I will get that directly come into account as Group C level 3 ? please tell me asap…
Answer to SAMI : Minimum first stage of ₹ 21,700/-& it depends upon your service periods with other allowances of your living city.
I was drawing basic pay of 67000/- and grade pay of 10000. My NPA was limited to Rs 7500/- as the limit was 85000/though 25% of my NPA comes to 19375/-.. Please let me know whether the 125% DA on NPA for pay fixation as per 7th CPC will be based on 7500/- NPA or 125% of Rs 19375?-which is actual 25% of my basic pay .
Dear Dr. Ashok
Similar is the case with me and many others I have written to Department of expenditure, GoI. No reply so far. I request you to write to Deptt of expenditure. When they will have more representations we can expect clarification. You can communicatie with me on shrikanttyagi07@gmail.com
Answer to Dr.ASHOK & Dr. SRIKANTH THAGI – Min. of Finance, Department of expenditure, New Delhi O.M. F.No.12-2/2016-A dt. 7-7-2017 will solve both of your problems. As per the 7th CPC pay 20% NPA.
Sir, I am waiting my new PPO as per Martix table 7. I retired from Ordnance Factory Kanpur in July 2008.I want to know about new PPO. How much I get arrears.for your kind information 9300 ‘-34800.&Grade pay was 4600.
Contact your ex-employer.
My PPO No.018720401247.
My last pay drawn (Average emoluments for pension )Rs.9750.
Date of retirement 30/6/2004.
Pay scale 4500-125-7000 ( As per 5Th cpc)
Total service 23 Yrs 11 Month.
Received pension as per pro rata basis Rs3546. Revised pension to Rs.5344 As per 6 Cpc.Again revised to Rs.5585.As per full pension order w e f 1/1/2006.
My full pension should be Rs.4875 As per my average emoluments Rs.9750.( Last drawn pay as per 5Th cpc and pension was drawing accordingly) So as per full pension order my pension should be Rs7345 As per 6 Cpc w e f 1/1/2006. But received Rs.5585 Only.
Now, as per 7th cpc pension revised to Rs.14354. w e f 1/1/2016. And now again revised to Rs.19600.As per notional basis w e f 1/1/2016. By CPAO letter dated 21 Nov 2017. ,Here my last drawn pay shows Rs.6500 Instead of Rs.,9750. Why ? I was drawing pension as per the last drawn pay Rs.9750 Since My retirement.Then how it is eliminated to Rs.6500?
As per last drawn pay Rs.9750. I should get revised pension as per notional basis Rs.27100.w e f 1/1/2016.
I earnestly requst you to take necessary action as early as possible.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
K M Ibrahim.Phone 9847311786.
My pay bay band as per 6 CPC 5200-20200 GP 2800.
This is to inform you that your last basic pay is ₹ 6500 only, in the scale 6500-125-7000 (that ₹ 3250/- it was your DEARNESS PAY it was merged in the 6th CPC.)
I am a retired employee of a PSU. , In my ex-organisation 7th pay scale has just implemented, Since I superannuated on 31st July 2016 I should also get a lumpsum amount as arrears. It will be pleasure if let me know please the accumulated arrears will accrue together with Basic Pays based on my following information :
Basic Pay as on 1,1,2016 : 23540 (9300-34800), Grade Pay : 4600
Got promotion wef. 30.05.2016 when effecting concerned grade pay of Rs.5400(15600-39100 i.e. 10th label) my basic pay was fixed at 24340.
On 01.01.2016 I got two increment, one as regular & other for promotion and
my Basic pay was fixed at 25810.
My basic on 31/12/15 approx 23000/- than i pramoted as smo on 20/12/16 on gp 6600 i avil non practice alllwne also please tell me what is my new salary i work in central university sagar mp
fitment factor ko badhao 3 guns 3.00 minimum pay ki jaye varna sit khali kare ye janta ka wada hai
As per the 6th Pay Commission after including two advance increments the Basic Pay is as follows: (The two advance increments has to be shown separately as per the GI OM No 1/1/2010-Estt.(Pay I) dtd 6.12.2012. The two increments should be shown separately as per the order. In that order they have mentioned the two increments should be taken for all purposes. (like pay, DA TA etc).
Sl. Date Basic Grade Pay 2 advance Increments Total Basic
1 1.1.2016 11160 2400 760 14320
2 1.7.2016 11590 2400 760 14750
3 1.7.2017 12040 2400 760 15200
As per the 7th Pay Commission the Basic pay is as follows
No Pay fixed in revised pay matrix as on 1/1/2016 (in Rs.)
Pay as on 1/7/2016 (in Rs.) 37500
Pay as on 1/7/2017 (in Rs.) 38600
Pay as on 1/7/2018 (in Rs.) 39800
Please suggest at the earliest
See individual your office O.M. for 2 increments in which periods you have passed. If it in the 6th CPC period what your office done is correct. O..M date may be after 2016 but exam results date is main.
Answer to PUSPA : Further to inform you from 2016 Grade Pay was abolished and only matrix table used for basic pay. That was multiple (as on 31/12/2015) × 2.57 and fixed in stage of table. Not previous 6th CPC conducted exam in new increments in 7th CPC stages of increments. Next increments will be given in this table.
Sir, I am a Jr.stenographer and I got two advance increments for passing the test. as per the 6th pay commission since 2013. As per the order the two advance increments should take for all allowances etc.
My question is, as per 7th pay commission two advance increments have to take for pay fixation.
Ex.: Basic Pay 11160
Grade pay 2400
2 adv.incremnt 760
Total Basic 14320
as per this my basic pay in 7th pay commission is Rs. 37500/- but my office has fixed my pay in 35300/- please send the answer immediately.
Since you have passed the exam in 6th CPC so your old increment should be given is correct. You added increment as RS 2400 is not correct for that amount plus basic pay is only 3% of increment. i.e basis pay 11160 + 2400 = 13560 ÷ 3% first increment 407, 11160 +407 = 11567, 2 nd increment 11567 + 2400 =13967 ÷3%=2nd increment 419 total 11567+419 = 11986 × 2.57 = 30804+ one increment on 1/7/15 with fixed in 7th CPC matrix level 4 for from 1/1/2016 as 32300, 1/7/16 as increments of 33,300, 1/7/17 as 34,300 on 1/7/18 as 35,300.
.mp me ra employe no 100000309he.ariyr 7th pay menu wale 100442/-aur saftveyra se 95034samthing fist istal ment 15800/-lag Bhagat jabki mp sar kar ne 50pratishati Gpf me Jma and 50 pratishta nagda.
Nic nd worth informatiom..i luk frwrd fr retiremnt on superannuation settle ments calculatiin in details sr pl feed back.
Sir Mera sawal hai asha rakhta hu uska muje answer milega. Sir level 3 ka banda office work se out of station jata hai to as per 7cpc usko hotel accommodation 450 rs hai sir Aap bataiye 450 rs me muje hotel me Kaha room mil sakta hai. Muje jyadater x or y cities me Jana padta hai. Sir plz hotel accommodation 1500 rs tak badhya jaye taki sahi room mil paye
sir 7 pay kb say lagu hoga koi repot aaya hai ki nhe or kis wabsid par chak kar saktay hai ki 7 pay kb say lagu hoga ya 7 pay ki sari new chak karsay koi websaid batayiya sir
7th pay commition bhul jao bjp sarkar mei intjar karo next sarkar ka yadi sarkar badal diya to yadi sarkar nahi badla to 6th pay commition lete raho
I am a govt teacer my joining is 20.11.99 my basic on 01.01 .16 19000 and my acpdone on 20. 11 .17 and i not found benofit of 7th pay commisionplease told me that 1 when fixation will be useful 2 01.01 16 eithe july 2018
Sir I appointed as a Havaldar radio operator in 19/01/1998 in itbpolice and boarded out on 22/09/2011 on the account of disability percentage 80% aggravated to military service my basic was at the time of boarded out 9490+2800 gp total 12290 .i am getting disability pension before 7th cpc basic pension 9832 (in which service element 50%+disability element 30% of last emoluments) .sir what will my pension after revision by 7th cpc notional pay fixation
I am inspector of income tax, earning basic salary of Rs.55200/- , in pay band : pay level-7 ( 44900 – 142400) . As on today I have completed 23 years, 11 months & 7days of qualifying service. I want to avail VRS from the department. Kindly, let me know whether I can opt the scheme and what will be the gratuity amount and other benefits receivable by me.
I have been promoted from grade pay -2800 level 5/15 i.e basic 46762 to grade pay 4200 I. e level 6 in the month of August 2018.what will be my new basic and total salaries from the month of September 2018
I hope bjp govt will hike fitment factor. Because someone tell that there will be no hike in da, fitment factor when bjp is in ruling. When congress is there will be definitely increase in salaries and we are the low paid employees bcoz pay commission will be for 10 years
7 pay commission report says that fitment factor will be uniform for all. But level 1-5 fitment factor is 2.57, level 6-9 is 2.62, level 19-12 is 2
67 …..are these uniform factor. Lower grade employess are supresses….this is awkward
I have been promoted from grade pay -4800- level-8/17 i,e. basic 76500.00 to grade pay 6600 i.e. level-11 in the month of March, 2018. What will be my new basic and total salaries from the month of April, 2018.
sir i am medical office and my joining date is 26/12/2016 at chc shahgarh amethi. and my PB-3, ( 15600 -39100 ) and grade pay 5400….
so please sir tell me how much my salary?
March 13, 2018 at 10:09 pm
sir i am medical office and my joining date is 26/12/2016 at chc shahgarh amethi. and my PB-3, ( 15600 -39100 ) and grade pay 5400….
so please sir tell me how much my salary in january2017
मेरी नियुक्ति 15/01/2016 को 4750+1300 ग्रेड पे पर हुई तो.मुझे जनवरी2016,की स्थिति मे कितना सॉतवा बेतनमान मिलेगा 15500 या16000
मुझे 21/02 /2016 से समयमान वेतनमान का लाभ प्राप्त हुआ। 1/1/2016 को मेरा वेतन(6thpay ) 8030+1900=9930 था।21/02 /2016 को समय मान वेतन के लाभ से मेरा वेतन 8030 +2400=10430 हो गया।
कृपया मुझे बताइए की सातवां वेतनमान निर्धारण में मेरा वेतन 1/7/2016 की स्थिति में क्या होगा?
मेरा अप्रेल 2005 में उच्च वेतन मान स्वीकृत हुआ था। सातवें वेतन आयोग की अनुशंसा के अनुसार वेतन निर्धारण के उपरांत मुझे दिनांक 1-1-2016 से वेतन वृद्धि प्राप्त होगी अथवा नहीं ?
मेरा अप्रेल 2005 में उच्च वेतन मान स्वीकृत हुआ था ।सातवें वेतन आयोग की अनुशंसा के अनुसार वेतन निर्धारण के उपरांत मुझे दिनांक 1-1-2016 से वेतन वृद्धि प्राप्त होगी अथवा नहीं ?
मेरा नियोजन बिहार सरकार ,शिक्षा विभाग के आलोक में 07/04/2015 को प्रशिक्षित माध्यमिक के पद पर हुआ। ग्रेड पे पाने की तिथि 07/04/2017 हैं।7th pay में कब-कब increment होगा ?
सर मेरा नियोजन दिनांक 10 मार्च 2003 को शिक्षामित्र के रूप मे बिहार सरकार मे प्राथमिक विद्यालय मे हुआ था। 7th पे कमीशन फिक्सेसन मे मेरा वेतन कितना होगा।
Sir I got my macp on 7th Aug. 2016. Now I want my salary to be
get fixed from Aug. 2016 instead of Jan.or July 2016under 7th CPC. Whether is it possible or not.as per rule.
Sir Indian army jcos ki salary se Hav ki salary jyada hai uske bad jcos ko class pay aur good service pay bhi nhi milti sabhi allces OR aur JCOs ke barabar hain to phir jCOs rank kyon isliye mahoday se request hai ki JCO rank Army se abolished kar Diya jaye sarkar jab jcos ko salary nhi de Sakti to rank upgradation kyon kar rahi hai. Jcos ke bachchon aur OR ke bachchon ko barabar scholarship Sainik aur Army school men Hona chahiye jab ek jCO Hav se kam vetan le rha hai to bachchon ki fee kyon jyada pay kare.
sir my basic pay as on 1.01.2016 is Rs. 9260.(7360+1900).the same had fixed in 7th CPC for Rs.24500 by giving bunching of stages benefits wef 01.01 2016.But my up Basic office still not granting one bunching benefitsand fixed my pay as on 01.01 2016 as. Rs. 23800 .Plese tell me whether bunching benefits of one incriment is applicable in my case or not.Hence railway revised his employes salary .
My basic pay was 22600 as on 31/12/2015 how much in salary I will get what would be my new basic pay as per the 7th pay commission
Sir I m doctor by profession and I read in gazette notification that railway running staff and doctor must get minimum hike 14.29 of total emollient. And after calculating I found one level more than ur calculation.. plz be clarify thnks
My current basic according to 7 th pay is 42300 (4200), after my 1st higher pay what would be my new basic
Joined SSB in 1989 in the pay scale 2000-60-2300-EB-75-3200. Promoted on 24.08.1993 in the pay scale 2000-3500. Remained in this post till 15.04.2013. Awarded pay fixation on 01.01.2006 in the pay scale 15600-39100 with GP-5400. 2nd MACP was allowed on 01.09.2008 in pay scale 15600-39100 with GP- 6600. Whether I am entitled for 3rd MACP from 01.09.2013 as I was in the same post from 24.08.1993 to 15.04.2013 as 2nd MACP with GP 6600 is deemed for remaining 1993 t0 2003 & 2003 to 2013 in the same post. As also, receiving the same GP i.e. Rs.6600 for last 15 years calculated fro 01.09.2008.
Sir my basic pay as on 01 jan 2016 is Rs. 9260 (7360 + 1900) .
The same had fixed in 7th CPC for Rs. 24500 by giving bunching of stages benefits wef 01 jan 2016.
But, my PAO office still not granting one bunching benefits and fixed my pay as on 01 jan 2016 as Rs. 23800.
Please tell me whether bunching benefits of one increment is applicable in my case or not.
What will happen if an employee reaches at the highest level of his matrix table? Will the employee be switched over to the next higher matrix table to avoid stagnation.
My grandmother gets benefit of family pension of 11000 so now after applying seventh pay commission how much she will get?
My first appointment 1995 after 2009 permanent as LdC but macp no benefit me
Please guide me macp require me
Sir my baic +GP on31.12.15 is
But my first A.C.P is on 1st jan.16 than my
Basic +gp
8750+2400 what will be my salary after 7th pay commission on jan.2016
And July 2017
We have payroll software for central govt organizations earlier it works as per 6th pay rules.Now it is updated as per 7th pay rules.This is java based application.we have pension software also.Any one interested to take software contact 9848868739.
BP+ GP(31/12/15)=₹10560
BP- ₹27600(1/1/16)
Increment in July – ₹28400
Then I got promotion on 16/2/17 with GP -₹ 2400/- ( no pay fixation).
How to calculate my pay on 16/2/17 and which option I have selected for increment (1st January or 1st July?)
If fitment facter multiply by3 then what will be the basicsalary from1.1.2016 if my basic is 25770 including 4800gp in PB2
My basic.is 16140 including go 3600 what is my new pay in 7th pay
I am teacher in govt service. Basic pay on 1-1-2016, 26590 and grade pay 5400.what is my basic pay 1-8-2017.
My fix pay 14430 in probesnary traini rajsthan gov in 7 pay how many salary in probesnary trani
वर्तमान में राजस्थान सरकार ने ४२०० पे ग्रेड को ४८०० पे ग्रेड में बदला है। यह २०१३ से लागू किया है। सर जुलाई २०१४ में राजस्थान सरकार ने मेरे को ४८०० पे ग्रेड देकर बेसिक पे २२०७० पर नियत किया था । मुझे बताते कि १जनवरी २०१६ को मेरी बेसिक पे क्या होगी जुलाई २०१४ में राजस्थान सरकार ने मेरे को एसीपी देकर पदोन्नति दी थी
Harish chandra pathak
BP+GP (31-12-2015) = 7650+1800=9450 BP(1-01-2016)=24900 INCRI IN JULY BUT ACP DUE DATE 22-4-2016 hone par BP (22-4-2016 )=25600 (LOHAR GREAT VETAN BIRDHI) LEVEL 2 RS 1900 MAI BP 26000 SIR MY NEXT VETAN BIRDHI DATE KYA HOGI
grade pay 4200 .now in probation on post nurse grade 2. now fix pay 14430. what will fix pay in 7 pay commission.
what will be the new pay for class D or class 4th employee,like peon …
earlier was 4440-7440+gp= 1300
I was appointed as assistant professor in govt aided college in 2017 May what is my basic pay according to 7 th revise
How many percent allowed to incentive
i am gujarat government employee fix of 38090 from february my scale is 9300-34800 older and grade pay 4400 now i am permanent and complete 5 years of fixation so how much salary as per 7th pay
BP +GP (31-12-2015) =19310+4600
BP (1-1-2016) = 62200
INCRI IN JULY _2016=. 64100
Then I got senior-scale in
1 -3-2017 (GP =4800)
What would be my basic in March-2017.
It is earnest to govt of odisha to provide 7 th pay to all non govt colleges of odisha.because the discrimination should not do for college employees
I was central government employee as accounts officer in 1973 and absorbee in psu on 31.3.1977 and my basic pay was 1056.00 as accounts officer after 22 years of service. Please let me know what is my corrent pension. My dob 21.10.1933.
I joined on 22 July – 1998 as a LDC Basic pay Rs.3,050/- and present time fix my basic after increment is Rs.33,000/- this is for your kind information that I have getting one MACP.
Dear Sir i joined as LDC grade 2 in January 2017 fix payment is 8910 Rs. what effect occurred if 7 pay wiil be for me in probation.
I am contractual employee . draw only pay+GP . 5200+1900=7100
Regular after 6years.
I am eligible or not in 7 pay commission .
My basic pay 9300-34800 and pay band is 4200, and my basic 19530/- so please calculate my 7th pay fixatation.
I had got promotion to the post of AO/EO on adhoc basis on 13.05.2011 and subsequently got regular promotion to this post on 31.07.2017. Now if I opt for fixation under F R 22(1)(a)(1) how my pay will be fixed?
Retired 2003 at the pay scale 6500-200-10500, basic pay reached 8300, 6th CPC fixed 9289, at 7th CPC fixed 23873 on 1/1/16 now what will be my pension after modified reviwasid pension kindly tell me thanks with Regards, Damodar Kandpal contact no 8169536141.)
Sir my pay as on 31.12.2015 was Rs. 13460, after implementation of 7th CPC my pay is fixed on Rs. 35300 then I again promoted to Sr. Steno (GP -4200) from 01.12.2016.
Sir, my question is that I had already promoted to Sr. Steno in 6CPC then I transferred and my pay was fixed is Rs. 13460/- and again promoted after implementation of 7 cpc. when i transferred from GP 4200 to Rs. 2400 only GP difference was reduced from my basic pay. so kindly intimate me what is my pay fixation at this stage. My present basic Pay is Rs. 37500
Sir. My details are give below, What will be my manual calculation in 7 CPC.
Basic = 17699
DA = 4389
Allowance = 500
Disability = 3094
Net Pension = 25652
M Sampath
Sir, My Basic Pay is Rs. 7360/- + Grade Pay is Rs. 1900/- as on 01.01.2016. manual calculation of 7th pay commission – my Basic pay is Rs. 23800/- as on 01.01.2016 but in the Pay calculator is shown my Basic pay is Rs. 24500/- as on 01.01.2017. What is the correct Basic pay to me.
there is anomaly in the Level 7 (4600) and Level 8 (4800). Employee on getting MACP between 2nd january 2016 and before 1 july 2016 do not get benefit in the next level because in both the level slabs are same and dont get changed
Dear sir, As HPCA/PCA given to Hospital staff…but till it was not given to Defence hospital staff working in uniform as paramedical staff but given to civil staff working in same hospitals…in 7cpc is there any provision to extend it
Good news
nice information
Sir my basic pay on 1.1.2016 is 5430 and grade pay is 1800 what is my actual pay fixed in 1.7.2016.
Use the simple calculator with your pay details…
Your revised pay as on 1.1.2016: 19100
Your revised pay as on 1.7.2016: 19700
Your revised pay as on 1.7.2017: 20300
I did not benefited in 6th CPC was given widows saliery was 3050/- what to do not getting any help.
There are different multiply factor for level 1 to 5 I.e 2.57& 2.62 for level 6 to 9 & 2.67 to 2.72 in original pay matrix table
Sir, If bunching updated then payment should also be given to the employee but as of now not happaned. That’s why one or more year Junior employee in the same rank fixed in the same sale/payment. I am advising to the gov letter who released from his side again needs to be circulated to each and every department wings regarding bunching updated letter.
Sir, The OROP pay matrix has not yet finalised to Hony Fg Offr as the pay roll made in different of 32.5 yrs Rs.16090/= and 33 above Rs.16160/=. It is very funny things, pensioners , who have served 38 yrs of service, paymatrix is Rs.16090/= and under the provision of 32.5 yrs category. The central Govt is proud of fixation of pay matrix in OROP. The OROP is different pay in different services as well as rank.
Please tell me about the minimum salary after Lavasa report of tracmaintainers in the Railways
Sir why computer technical staff is not included in 7 th paycomm since 3 decades mhrd files are kept pending . Action initiated in 30 yrs we are in same post with no promotion .i.e jntuhyd.
A clerk get rs 500 up after 12 yr in gp what kind of gradation & some post change scale after 5 to 6 yr. So please consider it they are people 500 growth only after 12 yr its not good.
7 cpc give Different scale higher post & lower post. So allowance give equal & fixed means rent 2000, traveling 2000, house 4000 because train bus petrol & kirana etc rate equal every where please consider it.
Hlo i am retired crpf Person. Please sugest me .after implement of 7th pay commisin. What is My Pension
I retired on august 01 1982 with my basic salary of Rs 2500 in the grade 2000-50-2500.
My bitthdate is july 29 1922.
My present pension is Rs32410 plus DR of 125 percent which totals to Rs72920.
What would my pension be now ?
I am a state government emplyee in kerala police department. Now my basic pay is 37500 and I have completed 19 years of service. Now I am Head Constable. I wish to apply to the deputation post of Head Constable at National Police Academy,Hyderabad. If I choose deputation,what will be my total monthly salary?
I am working as Associate Professor with basic pay of Rs 22320/- with a Grade Pay of Rs. 8000/- in a Private university in Technical Education. How much I will as per 7th Pay commission
i am primary teacher in Maharastra zp school and my besic pay on 01/01/2016 is 18180 (included 4200 grade pay) my inceiment date is 01st july what wil new date in 7 th pay and what is NPA is it for me pls help
Myself In 3rd CPC Rs330/,nowG/pay 2800/and complete 40y 9y, myself retaired on 31.12.15 ,my besic pay 26260/ g/pay 4800/ at the time of my retairment pension fixed 15530/ comutetion 6212/,
7y(330_560), 21y(455_700),4y(4600 g/ pay)&11y(4800 g/pay) total service without any Panisment , Pl let me know my pension in 7th CPC?
Date of promotion 10.06.2016
Asper 7cpc basic salary Rs 49000 on 01.01.2016
Asper 6cpc Rs 18560 (14360+4200)
Please advise me
1)my date of promotion Asper 7cpc and basic salary on that date
2)my increment date Asper 7cpc and basic salary on that date of 2016 and next increment date .
I am JAS. My basic pay on 01.01.16 was 20280 (grade pay 5400). While on 05.02.16 I got my increment after passing departmental exam and my basic became 21520. How can my basic pay will fix in 7th pay.
Bunching circular issued on 7-9-2016. Please publish latest position on how to calculate additional increments in grade pay 4800. Where people were promoted from 4600 and there pay was fixed way below the pay for direct recruits. My case is I have earned 4 additional increments in grade pay 4800 but under 7cpc my pay is fixed at index 1 of level 8. And there is also a junior whose pay is fixed at index 1 level 8. And difference of pay is 24%.
I am a primary teacher in Jharkhand; joined in Feb.2004. I got a time bond promotion after twelve yrs. of job in February 2016 and thus my grade pay upgraded from 4200/- to 4600/- and as per 7th. CPC upgraded level 6- to level 7. My existing pay on Jan.2016 is 18560(14360+4200) pay band 2 . Increment drawn in July 2016. Now Kindly help me in fixation as per 7 th CPC -what will be my pay on 1st Jan.16 and what will be the date of my increment.
My basic on 1.1.2016 is 18560 and we get MSCP on 06.01.2016 what will be my pay on 1.1.2016 and next incriment
I appointed as assistant teacher in 1992 I am running on 14410+pb 3200
Whre I stand in 7th pay commission report in mp govt. What will be my scale in 7th pay commission by mp govt.
In the above case my MACP is due exactly on 01.07.2016. Which will be the best option for me? Please guide.
I was appointed as Assistant Teacher in Dec 1982. Part B of 4CPC implemented from April 1998 with my basic of Rs 5500. In july 2007 i was promoted to Junior Teacher and at present i drawing t basic of Rs 23770 with gp 4800. Please give me my exact basic to be drawn in 7cpc and shall i get double increment in july 2017 after completion of 10 years in JT.
i have joined 8 sept. 2015, my basic pay 7000(5200+1800) now i want of my 7 th pay
As per pay matrix my pay on 1.1.2016 was 21710+gp 4800 =26510 which was in 7 cpc 70000/- and as on 1.7.2016 was 72100/- my 3rd MACP wef 8.12.2016 what would be the Basic pay as on 8.12.2016 in 5400 gp (Third upgradiation in level-9 gp 5400)wef 8.12.2016
My 6cpc basic pay as on 1.1.16 is 20040 + 4600 GP. On 14th May, MACP granted and pay hiked to Rs.21550/- + GP 4800. My date of retirement is 31.05.2020. What would be my pay as on 1.7.16 ? Which option is beneficial for me whether 1st January or 1st July?
My 6cpc basic pay on 1.1.16 is 23790 in pay band 9300-34800 grade pay 4800.my increment date is 20-6-16 and20 yearly MACP date is 1-7-17 which option will be profitable for me and howmuch will be my pay on 1-7-17
Helpful tool to easily understand the calculation but I am not clear about increment calculation and factor indicated below level from 1 to 18.
I do agree with the multiplication by the fitment factor to the basic pay(band pay+grade pay). But below the Level there is 2.57 factor in Level 1 to 5, 2.62 factor in level 6 to 9, 2.67 factor in level 10 to 12, Where is the application of these factors in level 1 to 12. Again this factor is 2.57 for level13, 2.67 in level 13A, 2.72 in level 14.
the change is consider for increment then why 3% is taken as increment on band pay +grade pay.
very much easy to calculate the revised pay in 7 pay commission rules.thanks and helpful tool in esteblishment office
In the first column
Do i need to include basic pay + grade pay
Sir,what about the TA Calculatipn ( %DA on TA is Not included ) in 7 pay .
Is it only TA ( 1600/month ) ?
Dear sir/madam
Thank you so much for making easy to calculate. I would like to know basic cuttings explaination
Mai Vivek Kumar Sharma, LCOM in Indian Navy me karyarat hu.
Mera Jun 2015 me basic pay 8770 tha aur Jul me as usual 3 present ke bad basic pay 9110 ho gaya. Arthat as of Jan 2016 me basic pay 9110 aur 2400 gp tha.
Par jab 7th CPC ke anusar calculate karte hai to harani Hoti hai ki Dono stithi me new basic pay 29600 hi Aya hai. Sir ye kaise ho sakta hai ki mere se aik increment Kam wale ka payment 7th pay commission me Barbara ho jaye.
At the time of retirement .the pay of Director was 37400-67000 with pay band of 8700but in year 2014,the pay band was increased to 10000. How the pension after 1.1.2016 will be fixed.
What will be the salary for Senior Research Associate under CSIR Scientists Pool scheme when it was mentioned as on 01.01.2016 and maintaining same till date that the basic pay may be fixed between 21000 to 28000 plus usual allowances as per CSIR employees excluding transport allowances. Suppose basic pay is fixed at 21000 in offer letter dated 16.10.2016, then how will the salary be calculated.
Tell me what’s about interium relief to haeyana gorv.employess? Will this amount addec to basic pay of employees of haryana government or not ……
Tell me what’s about interim relief to haryana govt. Employees? Will this amount added to basic pay pay of employees of haryana government or not……
I am working for a grant-in aid hospital under Dept of Atomic Energy. I am eagerly waiting for the notification from the Ministry of Finance Government India. All other Central Government staff have already got the new payment along with arrears. I want you to look into the problem and do the needful.
There is no much difference between the Clerical staff and the class D employees now. Once more 7th Pay recommendations have failed to give due cognisance to the fact that , they are worthy of the work they do.
It is ridiculous !
government is declared the central government employees bonus is 3500 to 7000 but instead of that why bonus is giving 6908 rupees. I want to know that.
Sir, if the next level in the pay matrix for Rs. 23798 exists as Rs 23800, then how are you calculating it as Rs 24500 as on 01.01.2016.
Please define it as my department has fixed it as Rs 23800 as on 01.01.2016.
My basic pay was Rs (7360 +1900) = 9260 as on 01.01.2016.
Ur given power to state government to revised pay any different in pay scale if they have power to modify lower post high higher post low
need not get the any order from central government
Like sanitary inspector and pharmacist are identical pay in 6th pay commission revised decrease pay band pharmacist 2800GP sanitary inspector 4200GP (more different in pay band)
6th pay commission 5900-200 revised to 9300-4600Gp this may is decrease trend for junior entomologist post(Administator office post is identical in 6th pay commission )
7th pay comm what will be happen decrease or increase pay scale
Sir 6th pay commissions pay band is 5900 increment is 200 (junior entomologist & administrative officer pay are identical )post and revised 6th pay commission pay band is 9300-39900 grade par 4600 but administrative officer is grade pay 5100
In 7th pay commission pay scale junior entomologist scale will increase trend or like revised 6th pay decrease the grade pay. Which will be happen I need ur valuable suggestion thank you
In 7cpc pay matrix,The pay of Major rank is calculating with multiplication factor of 2.67 (in PB -3),but in pension resolution,for calculation of pension factor is 2.57. Why it is so?Aray bhai kahin to justice karo.
HRA and other Allowances will not be declared before November 2016 as per latest govt order
When will be declare HRA and other allowances
When will be declare HRA android other allownces
Sir i join in SSB IN 1982 AND TAKE VOLUNITER RETAIRMENT AT 2005 AS A MATTER OF FAMILY PROBLE,actually sir,in month of August i recive Rs.18000 but now what only 9487 RS.only in september,i dont understan about OROP..sir tell us about detail information of revise pay..till now i think no revise is there or either any change of payment.is made
Sir, my basic pay on 1.1.2016 was 15860 with grade pay of 4200. I got my 3rd MACP Scheme on 22.1.2016 with grade pay of 4600, but i opt to have my increment of MACP in the month of July with annual increment. Now, my pay has been fixed at 55,200/- as per 7th Pay Commission. But surprisingly I got the arrears of 45,096/- upto July, which is very less then others. Kindly clarify and give me in details that how much arrears i am entitled, so that you can claim my balance amount.
In comparision sixth pay commission seventh pay commission is not satisfactory for the employees
kindly increase some allowances for the employees
Sir I appointed in Mar 1997 and my old pay was 18120 and grade pay 4600 total pay was 22720 and new pay fixed in Rs 58600. My junior (One year appointed in Mar 1998) old basic pay was 17740 and gde pay 4600 total pay was 22340 they also fixed in Rs 58600. than where is my one year seniority.
in our office they fixed my pay 7th cpc as 52000/- and my basic pension as 26000/- and nowthey are preparing due drawn statement for previous 6th & 7th cpc. is it correct. I have already given my pay details to you. you have replied – “awaiting for moderation”. pl. clarify.
As on 1..1.2016, my basic pay is Rs 30670 [as per 6th CPC, PB2: 9300-34800 + GP: Rs 5400].
On 1.9.2016, I got promotion and elevated to PB3: 15100-39100 + GP: 5400.
Please tell me what will my basic pay on 1.7.2016 and 1.9.2016 as per 7th pay commission.
As on 1..1.2016, my basic pay is Rs 30670 [as per 6th CPC, PB2: 9300-34800 + GP: Rs 5400].
On 1.9.2016, I got promotion and moved to PB3: 15100-39100 + GP: 5400.
Please tell me what will my basic pay on 1.7.2016 and 1.10.2016 (due to my promotion) as per 7th pay commission.
Vivekanandan Says
As on 1..1.2016, my basic pay is Rs 30670 [as per 6th CPC, PB2: 9300-34800 + GP: Rs 5400]. On 1.9.2016, I got promotion and moved to PB3: 15100-39100 + GP: 5400. Please tell me what will my basic pay on 1.7.2016 and 1.9.2016 (due to my promotion) as per 7th pay commission.
I have been granted NFSG in the pay band of Rs.15600_39100+5400 (grade pay). In 1..11.14. At that time i draw Rs.19870 +4800 in the pay band 9300_36900.. what will my pay in 7th pay commission.
I am retired on 30/06/2016 from the service of LIC of India recently central government enhanced the gratuity to twenty lakhs whether I am eligible for this revision since Life insurance corporation of India is the central government under taking organization please clarify
My basic pay as on 1..1.2016 is 22050/- + grade pay Rs. 5400/- in the scale of Rs. 9300-34800
My question is that I am going to Retire on 18.5.18
I will opt my increment from January 16 or July 16 which is profitable
What’s the current rate of NPA as per 7th CPC? Will be the rate of NPA depend on increment?
My Scale of pay is Rs.37400-67000 with GP of Rs.8700. My pay as per 7th pay commission should be Rs 118500 and my pay being pensioner shall be Rs 59250
+ 20% extra being over 80 yrs age and works out to Rs 71100 where as the SBI has drawn only 71087 without following Matrix table.
What would be my pay from July 2016 on wards .
I am giving my VRS on 31.03.2017. My appointment date is 30.12.1988. I am now working as assistant since May 2006 till date. what would be my pension emoluments and gratutity. 6th pay commission basic pay 1s 13450 + 4200 grade pay before fixation of vii pay commission pay.
Already drawing grade of Rs 4800/ for more than 4 years. Whether the benefit of upgraded GP 5400/- will be given (Department of Post). Because GP 4200/- for Inspector upgraded to 4600/- and GP 4600 upgraded to 4800/-. Simultaneously 4800 is upgraded to 5400/-.
I am central govt employee. I got transfred from Ghazibad to Ahmedabad last month that is 29-7-2016 and joined the New office on 3 Aug 2016.
My house told goods was transferred through transport including car. I paid 70k approx.
I also got the salary from my new office for moth of Aug. 2016 with revised pay/7th pay.
My question is:
Howlate can I apply for TA???
Within three month
within one year.
Reply as per rule with reference only please.
Plz give information about ICDS aganwadi workers .now my salary is 5500 what would it be after 7th pay commission. Plz reply.
What is bunching please clarify sir
[9/13, 06:13] +91 75972 73719: My email to Lt. Gen Kadayan in reply to his email sent to 400+ people I happened to be in that group.
Respected All the Veterans,
I am attaching my research papers for the perusal of you all learned and also elite class of defense.
My question to Gen Kadayan and all the other Commissioned officers, do you remember the oath you all took while commissioning.
I have raised the questions on the leadership of defense forces, I am proud to state once again that I feel proud to salute the IPS officers of Chandigarh Police and Punjab Police who fought for their subordinates and got sanction of Pay Band 2 for their constable who is equivalent to a Sepoy of army. And our Havildar comes under Pay Band – 1.
I feel ashamed on my so called all the defense officers who claim to be a true leaders. They always fail to get good deals for JCOs and ORs.
However they always manage to get good deals for themselves / commissioned officers.
I dare you all to have a live discussion on any news channels or on a open stage.
My question to you all is you were able to conveyance Govt to sanction pension of Lt. Col to a Major who was never promoted to the rank of Lt. Col.
You got sanction for MSP for Maj Gen.
Now you are keeping us in front to get NFU and Pension of Col to a Lt. Col with 26 years of service.
You all could convince Govt to increase the salary structure of Lt. Col, col, Brig under 7th cpc.
You all want equal allowance for Siachin or North east states as for IAS.
My question is why not equal MSP for all the ranks who are combat enrolled. Under article 14.
Why not equal hard ship allowances as being claimed by you all to IAS. These should be equal for all the ranks.
Why don’t you stop using soldiers as butman/sahayak.
Why separate q for officers in ECHS and CSDs.
Why 100% reservation to settle officers after retirement at the age of 57 by alloting, coal blocks, security agencies etc.
There are many such questions.
I request each one of you once again to read my research papers submitted to ONE MAN COMMISSION, before commenting adversely.
Rajeev Behal
Coordinator Punjab & Member Legal Cell
H. No. 728, Basant Avenue
Ludhiana Punjab, Pin – 141001
Mobile : 9357172728 (What’s up)
[9/13, 06:14] +91 75972 73719: Anyone from elite class ( Defence Officers) may clarify as they are abusing Babus and Netas for wrong doings everywhere like in OROP ,PAY, PROMTION Etc.
1. Who proposed separate MSP for Officers, Nurses and Jawans?
2. Who proposed MSP for Nurses more than a Subedar Major?
3. Who proposed Second Lieutenant rank be scraped but never bothered for Sepoy rank to b scraped ?
4. Who proposed reduction in time scale for Capt, Major and Lt Col and increase in time for Havildar / Sgt/ Petty Officer?.
5. Who proposed that minimum time for JWO in IAF b 19 years in selection and brought Lt Col in Time bar to 13 years. In both cases, min time was 17 for selection grade. Lt Col pay increases on promotion from Major by 32000 to 35,000 in 13 years time bar while for Sgt 13 year time bar 1800 only and for selection grade JWO it increase by 3800 . DA @ 119 % Ref.
6. Who proposed that promotion from Sgt and above will be based on ACR / Merit and for Officer 4 Promotion Time bar?
7. Who Brought Lt Col to pay band 4 and Not brought Havildar to PB 2 . As per 6 CPC report, PB 4 was given to Maj Gen and above.
8. Who made policy to Kick more than 70 % Sepoys after 17 years of Army service without single promotion and keep Officers in service up to 55 yrs ?.
9. Who justified that your car will become scrap within 4 years and you be allowed to buy again through CSD but a jawans car will not get a scratch for life time.
10. I can list many more but I hope the above mentioned points are enough to tell you that stop fooling us on the name of Babus. I’m sure 90% Officers sitting in AC Office at HQs are real culprits behind all the discrimination and injustice for above said points.
Share if U agree.
No information on implementation or gazette notification on revision of pension is obtained. It seems to be a taboo subject so far.The reality of harsh economic burden is concrete and not imaginary as far as pensioners is concerned. Government may show sensitive to the problems of senior and very senior pensioners.
Sir, I was promoted from Head clerk to the post of superintendent class 2 in tribal area. while working as Head clerk departmet has sanction the pay scale of asstt. supdt. class 3 post as a time bound promotion. The pay scale of Asstt. supdt. class 3 and supdt.class 2 is same/equal. . I am retired superintendent class 2 from tribal area in Maharashta State. Department has given me one increment while fixing the pay at the time of promotion on the post of supdt. class 2 vide rule No. 11(1)(a) due increase in duties and responsibilites. There after one more increment is given in one step pay scale of next higher post due to said promotion in tribal area. But Sr. Accounts Officer in the office of Accountant General Mumbai has not considered pay fixed as above at the time of promotion for the purpose of calcullating pensionable pay. Is it proper.
Sir I am volanterly retd after 16 years service ex hav gde-y in AOC now I am getting pention 16855 whereas other junior rank pers getting more than me pl rectify even though may suffering many ex servicemen n ex service pers childrens higher education scholarships like MBBS,eng, MD & ms reqd to be hike I hopping considered in the 7th PC. “JaiHind” “Onedematharam”
thanking u
Respected Sir,
I am sv abdulla from tamil nadu i was retired from army in 1987 (Signals corps) Which was Rect-Ex-Servicemen by accident of Military training center at present i am receiving pension Rs.8ooo only after the 7th pay commission may i eligible to get increase the pension and another benefit kindly if any body know let me inform here i am expecting your valuable replay thanks & jai hind.
Your’s sincerely,
Ex.Rect-sv abdullah.
Pay Commission, National Anomaly Committee, JCM , Welfare Associations/ Organizations, Federations, Bharat Pensioners Samaj, are all silent/mum on the major issue regarding anomaly created by Sixth Pay Commission in which justice has been denied to those employees who have completed more than 33 years of regular service before 01.1.2006
But retired/died between the period of 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008.
They could not get MACP only due to the wrong implementation of the date of effect of the MACP.
…………”Besides it was also observed that while changing the date of effect from 01.09.2008 to 01.01.2006 may be beneficial for certain employees, such a change could also place certain other employees at disadvantage thereby
entailing huge recoveries from them. It was therefore decided that it may not be appropriate to change the date of effect of the MACP.”
In my opinion, the above mentioned conclusion/decision taken by any authority is clearly violation of Article 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India.
i. ” A pertinent Question since it greatly effected those Commissioned Officers retired / discharged / invalided / died between 1. 1. 2006 and 1. 9..2008 since their pension would be proportionately reduced in accordance with their length of service on the retirement. Thankfully the MOD has released this pension order much in favor of PBOR and thereby protecting at least PBOR from this anomaly keeping in view the recommendations of 6th CPC”.
ii. ” Retired Government employees who missed out on their promotions due to late meeting of the Committees deciding on such departmental elevations will now be able to avail its Post- retirement benefits.”
(Give to some and deny the others, Why?)
MACP granted to the employees is a part of the pay structure which not only effects the pay but also his pension.
The MACP is not an allowance or alms being given by the government as when and where they desire. Let me bring to your notice that MACP is the benefit which an employee has the right to after putting in n number of years of hard work and diligence.
I fail to understand that why the authorities have closed their eyes to the facts and have adopted the role of mute spectator to the plight of section of employees who are facing this wrath due to wrong implementation of the date of effect.
As pensioner, I got an increase of about 16% on existing pension for July’16 as against min 20%. Also about 2.5% times of basic pension as against 2.57%! Why and how?
(I got a total pension of Rs.28,350 on basic pension of Rs.12,600 per month upto July’16. On Aug 31, got Rs.31,787+27,705 as pension+arrears).
Is it correctly calculated?
Central Govt. Officials may be enjoy pay hike according to 7th CPC
Class IV employee working in the Govt. may also enjoy above
Class IV already murge into Class III Group ‘C’ with GP Rs.1800
Govt. may be reduce staff stnth upto 20%
Employees would be retired at superanuation at the age of 60 vacant posts my be abolished
It is absolutely correct calculator
Sir my basic pay +GP as on 31.12.2015 11920+2800
as on 18.02.2016 grade pay 4200 (macp)
as on 01.07.2016 basic+grade pay fixed 17030(old)
as on new 7th pay scale 01.07.2016 please send details.
Good Response
My Basic Pay as 01 Jan 2016 was Rs 16730/-( 12530+4200) Band Pay + Grade Pay. I have been promoted to next Rank on 01 April 2016 and currently as on 01 Jul 2016 my basic pay is Rs 18160/- (13560+4600) in Grade pay 4600/- . Now what will be my basic pay as on 01 Jul 2016 or 01 Sep 2016.
My gradation will be on 28/7/2021. So I also have to fill option form? And if yes than which option or date is good for me for my gradation in future? Pls reply. Which date I can choose?
Iam retairment march 31 / 2016 tell me how much pension it s my basic 11090 grade pay 2400 how much arrear up coming
sir I was promoted as Gr. B Officer on 28.04.2008 and my basic pay was Rs.25060/- on 01.01.16 in the grade pay Rs.5400/- of PB: PB3 (15600 — 39100) and my basic pay was Rs.25820/- as on 01.06.16.
It is requested to intimate the fixation of my basic pay as per 7th CPC and the calculation may please be provided .
My basic 8180 +2400 gp on 19.1.16 and after pernotional with normal increment on dated 01.7.16 of 8810+2400=11210 . I want to 7pc on dated 01.07.16 . What is my 7pc basic on 01.7.16
Effected on 01.7.16 my basic and gp =8810+2400 = 11210
sir I was promoted 1.4.2016 in the grade pay rs.6600 and old pay fixation i opted only grade pay from 1.4.2016 and 1.4.2016 my Basic pay was rs. 22750+ GP 6600 = total rs. 29350 and given option to fix my pay from 1 st July 2016. in old pay then 1st July I have to granted 2 increaments and my basic pay was 24470+6600 GP=
total rs. 31070/-
please guide me to which option will be benefited for me.
dipak Meshram
Dy. Director RDMEO, Mumbai
My basic pay was on 01.01.2016 in PB- 1 Scale (5200-20200) (under 6th CPC) Rs. 10520/- + GP Rs. 2400/- and my increment date was on 01.07.2016. I promoted on 06.02.2016 in the PB- 1 Scale (5200-20200) and GP Rs. 2800/-. As option given by me to fix my pay on promotion after giving my increment date will on July 2016.
It is requested to intimate the fixation of my basic pay as per 7th CPC and the calculation may please be provided .
My 1ST MACP is effective from 26/06/2016. on 1/1/16 i am drawing basic 9940+Gp 2400 and after getting annual increment on july /16 drawing basic 10310 +gp 2400 but pay aready fixation by my department (i.e CRPF) is 10700+gp-2800 (i.e 13500) as per my 1st macp sanctioned wef 26/06/2016 but not drawn with regular pay till date and I would like to be fixed in revised pay according to 7th cpc . Is it beneficial to me either option 1 or option2 . please suggest. regards
12200+4600=16800 on 1st Jan 2016
after promotion adding 2 increments +4800
after 7th pay comm new basic kitne hogi sir
Good evening sir
basic pay 16800= 12200+4600 as on 1st Jan 2016 . to 22nd June 2016
After promotion to lecture on 23rd June
to 30th june basic pay 12200+4800=17000
now 1st July to basic 18020=4800+13220
sir tell me acc to July after 7th pay comm
new basic = ?
I got senior scale on 1/9/15 and upgraded from 4600 to 4800 then on 3/2/16 I got promotion and fixation done by giving 2 increment on 1/7/16 one usual increment and 1 for promotion and fixation done at 19190+4800 gp so please tell me what will my basic in 7cpc and what should be the right options for increment either in Jan or in July
I am railway eploy my basic pay is 17930 as on 01-01-2016 that is 46200 after increment gets 47600 my arriers is 41184 same date of joining my friends his arriers was 42184 tell me how it is possible whenever same basic and same grade pay
I had 6th CPC pay on 31.12.2015 PB-3 scale (BP 26620 – GP 5400) and promoted as on 01.01.2016 (BP 28620 – GP 6600) and my increment date is 1-July-2016. How they fix me in 7th CPC pay fixation as on 01.01..2016 ? Is they apply first promoted grade in 6th pay and convert to 7th pay fitment OR apply to old pay (i.e. as on 31..12.2015) and convert to 7th pay and then give one increment in lower grade and fit to upper grade level ?
January me Basic +GP 9260 wale ko 1 increment ka nuksaan hua hai,
1.1.2016- 9260 after revise Basic on 01.07.2016 – Basic -24500
01.01.2016-9540 after revise Basic on 01.07.2016-Basic – 26000
Jiska January me Basic 9260 tha January me Basic 9540 wale se 6th CPC me one Increment pichhe , 7th CPC me 2 Increment Pichhe.
Bakwaas Commission …..
I don’t know my basic pension but I am drawing total pension of Rs.20760/- per month. Kindly let me know my revised pension under 7th pay commission
Dear Rahul
You will opt for revised w.e.f. 01.07.2016 only than you will get revised pay as suggested by Admin. Otherwise if you go for revised pay w.e.f. 01.01.2016 than your pay will be first fixed at Rs. 33900 in Pay Matrix Level 5 (Grade Pay 2800) and on the dated of promotion your pay will fixed at Rs. 35400 in Pay Matrix Level -6 (Grade Pay 4200) w.r.t. notionally increased pay of Rs. 34900 in the next cell of Pay Matrix Level-5 (Grade Pay 2800)
I retired as Wellfare Officer from D.G. Of audit in the scale of 3000.-4500/15600-39100 (6pc) grade pay Rs 6600 my revised pension on 01-1-2006 was Rs 12729 I completed 80 yrs. On sixth June 2016. What will be my pension in the revised scale on 1-01-2016 7th pay commission report PAY MATRIX
It is suggested that the competent authority may kindly consider fixation of pay (and pension based on the pay fixation) , in the revised pay structure of 7th Pay Commission rationally, as indicated here under: Entry Pay (EP) for the given Pay Band and Grade Pay as per the Pay Matrix of 7th Pay Commission plus number of increments on earned in the retiring grade ( corresponding to the index number)- K. A. N. Talpasai
Raghuvir Singh says
August 31, 2016 at 6:39 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I had been drawing a basic pay of Rs. 32940/- in PB-3 while on deputation to Min. of Panchayati Raj, New Delhi unto 01.02.2016.
Later on, I had been repatriated to my parent Department i.e. Railways.in my substantive Grade i.e. PB-2 in Grade Pay Rs.5400/-.
My Questions are:-
i) How will my pay be fixed while on deputation i.e. as on 01.01.2016 in the ministry of Panchayati Raj, New Delhi unto 01.02.2016?
ii) How will my pay be fixed in my i.e. as on 02.02.2016 (includes Joining Time of 10 days i.e. unto 12.02.2016( in my Parent Department i.e. Railways in PB-2 while pay has been fixed as 30570/- in the old pay scale.?
I promoted from GP 1900 to 2400 w.e.f 22.06.2016 my Basic pay was on 01.01.2016 is 9110.
Please tell me how to fix my pay in revised scale on 1.01.2016 or 22.06.2016 or 01.0.2016.
Administration says if my pay fix on 01.07.2016 then I will not get my arraer from 01.01.2016.
Resp. Sir now my pay scale by 6 pay cpc to, pay band 8450 & grade pay 2400
so plz tell me how many become my sallry by 7 pay cpc
Plz tell me sir
I promoted from GP 2800 TO GP 4200 wef 28-05-2016 my BP ON 1-1-2016 IS ( pay 13950 + gp 2800 ) PLS TELL ME HOW TO FIX MY PAY IN REVISED SCALE FROM 1-1-2016 OR FROM DATE OF PROMOTION OR FROM 1-7-2016
I am a Rly. pension holder, retired on 31.03.2003 and . as per 6th. pay commission my basic was Rs.9651/- and as per 7th. CPC and your calculation my basic pay after a fitment it should be 6951 x 2.57= 24803 and REVISED BASIC PAY AS ON 1 st JANUARY 2016 should be: 35400 as per 7th. CPC revised pay calculator. But I have got only Rs.23596/- as sms received on dt. 30.08.2016 in my mobile against SBI pension account under kalyani/WB,.then to whom and how the complaints can be lodged
Sir me in 1.1.2016 ko ccl par thi.mine March m join kya to mujhe 7th pc kab se mileage?
Mujhe cpc Jan se karAna chahiye ya July se?
Pls suggest.
I promoted from GP 2800 TO GP 4200 wef 2-6-2016 my BP ON 1-1-2016 IS 12970 PLS TELL ME HOW TO FIX MY PAY IN REVISED SCALE FROM 1-1-2016 OR FROM DATE OF PROMOTION OR FROM 1-7-2016
Your pay may be fixed as follows…
7th CPC Basic Pay as on 1.7.2016 : 39900
7th CPC Basic Pay as on 1.7.2017 : 41100
Click to more from this calculator and write your comments
My pay as on 1.1.2016 is 19630(15230+4200). I got MACP (4200) on 1.5.2016. Pls fix my pay and arrears to get maximum benefits
may I know the calculation behind the arrangement of pay matrix. I mean the logic how pay in the pay matrix is calculated. In my Office I am doing the pay fixation of paramedical staff and arrear calculation and pay fixation. we are doing in microsoft excel. Now I am directly enter the new pay in the pay matrix but I want to know how automatically the new pay comes.
My band pay was 17090 as on dated-1.1.2016 and grade pay 4600.My 2 yr of increment has stopped which was released on current year July with my current increment .My new band pay was 19100 .I want to know that which band pay the will consider during my salary fixation. and please calculate my basicpay of August 2016 according to 7th paycommision rules.
NB- my basic pay was on 1.1.2016 -21690
my basic pay is on 1.6.2016 and till date -23700 (added 2 previous yr increment and current yr increment)
My basic pay as on 1.1.16 – 15160/ Grade pay 4200/
My basic pay as on 1.7.16 – 156200/ Grade pay 4200/-
My MACP date is 13.6..16
Which option is beneficiary for me ? 1.1.16 or 1.7.16
What will be the new basic after MACP
My Joining as LDC 12.07.1993
2nd MACP date 12.07.13–Grade pay 2800/-
My basic pay as on 01.01.16 – 14120/ Grade pay 2800/
My promotion as on 01.04.16- Grade pay 4200/-
My Fixation basic pay as on 1.4.16–15520/ Grade pay 4200/-
My basic pay on 01.07.16 -15950/-
My Fixation as on 01.04.16 and 01.07.16 beneficiary option
Which option is beneficiary for me ? 1.1.16 or 1.7.16
My basic pay as on 1.1.16 – 18510/ Grade pay 4600/
My basic pay as on 1.7.16 – 19070/ Grade pay 4600/-
My 3rd MACP date is 24.7.16
Which option is beneficiary for me ? 1.1.16 or 1.7.16
What will be the new basic after MACP
Basic as on 01/01/2016 = 17166
GP =5400
DA (113%)=25500
I have got a promotion on 01/04/2016
DA (119%)=27687
What will be my new basic as per 7PC recommendations ?
kindly make calculator for the employees who drawing non practicing allowance (NPA)
my band pay is 41090
my grade payis 7600
D,A,is 57941
HRA 9738
transport allowance1600
DA Trans 1808
gross Pay 119777 on 1st January2016in 6th pay commission—I got a promotion to grade pay 8700/-in band(iv) on 22-01-2016..I retired on 31-01-2016. What is my gratuity payment if I worked for27 years in central government. service.
I get promoted to 2800/-grade pay in this year of may2016,and with 2increaments in july 2016 ,my basic increases to 10830.please tell me that 7th pay basic pay is calculated from the current basic (after promotion) or from january (before promotion).
5.1.37 For instance, if two persons drawing pay of ₹53,000 and ₹54,590 in the GP 10000 are
to be fitted in the new pay matrix, the person drawing pay of ₹53,000 on multiplication by a
factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to ₹1,36,210 and the person drawing pay of
₹54,590 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to ₹1,40,296.
Revised pay of both should ideally be fixed in the first cell of level 15 in the pay of ₹1,44,200
but to avoid bunching the person drawing pay of ₹54,590 will get fixed in second cell of level
15 in the pay of ₹1,48,500.
This calculator is very good but it does not take into consideration dearness allowance on pre-revised NPA is not being added in fixation of pay and secondly it does not take into consideration the maximum limit of Pay+NPA as 85000/- Eighty five thousands and revised limit of Pay+NPA 237500/- two lacs thirty seven thousands five hundred.
My Basic pay including grade pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs. 26110 and after implementation of 7th pay commission , my basic will be fixed Rs. 69700/-.
My Junior colleague Basic pay including grade pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs. 25350/- and after implementation of 7th pay commission his basic will be fixed Rs. 69700/-.
Means in i am loosing my one increment in 7th Pay commission.
Any comments of members?
What will happen in the case an employee gets promotion in the month of July 2016 and his grade pay increases from 4600 to 4800 ?
We are working as Laboratory Assistant in a Central University. Joining month May’2016. Please reply us what will be our Basic Pay as per 7CPC.
Starting Basic Pay (May’2016) = Rs.8460/- (with Rs.2000/- G.P)
All Calculators are shwoing wrong calculation don’t trust them
according to fitment formula Current Basic pay + Grade pay X 2.57 = amount suppose X New basic pay which will be nearsest or equal to matrics table
Suppose If your Current Basic pay is 10000 Grade pay 2400 then your new basic will be
10000+2400 = 12400 x 2.57 = 31868
Now serch equal to or nerarest highest in matrics table under PB 2400 which is 32300 so new basic will be 32300 now calculate your HRA and othr allowances accordingly
As per 7 th CPC pay matrix only level 2 to 3, 6 to 7 & 7 to 8, in which after getting MACP, you will get only one increment and further yearly increment will delay 6 months as 2 dates for annual increments i.e. 1 Jan & 1 July has been created. So the level created in PB2 will be get much loss during getting MACP.
In upgraded some post level due to recommendation of 7th CPC, in which GP4200 has been upgraded to GP4600, the senior (experienced of 8 yrs) will be fixed with the same pay as fresher while senior (experienced more than 8 yrs) will be loss 8 increment as compare to the freshers.
i am fully satisfied with 7th PC because I always think the people who are surviving on rupees 5000 to 10000/ per month. This is my country where farmers are making suicide for loan burdens. This is my country where millions and millions tons of foods grains rotting in the FCI. This is my country where 40% children are born with malnuitrition.
My pay as on 1st Jan.,2016 was Rs.28080/- in Grade Pay Rs.5400/-.My pay in the revised VIIth CPC comes to Rs.73400/-.
While going through the Unique Table for pay fixation in PB-II it is seen that in Grade Pay Rs.4200/- to Rs.4800/- it comes to Rs.74300/- which seems to be incorrect. Please look in to and corrected accordingly.
i retired on 31.8.2006 and after 10 years my present pension is
Rs. 12240+DA 15300=27540/-
What will be my new pension
Two DAs and one increment = 15% increment of salary per years.so there was no need for 7th pay commission
whether banks have posted the pension for july 2016 and it is possible to receive the same on 1-8-2016
I am entitled for MACP in july the what would my fixed salary
employees who retired in April and June 2016 gets less pension compare to the pension is getting right now. After 7th pay commission pay matrix my pension goes down to the extent of Rs.4000/-.
I retired on 30th June with the basic bay of 29,540/- and pension is Rs.27.325/- after commuting 40%. But with the new basic according to 7th pay commission my pension will be Rs.23,000/- after commutation.
I request the pay commission committee to rectify this difference.
Our Indian parliamentary working system has to be totally reorganized and refomed.to provide Balanced pay system and also nearer to equal amenities to all types of the bonafied citizens of our great country. But since years together our Rullers never wanted this .also never looked in that aspect because they are always plan for their survival by making some people happy and making them laziest and by which way the country’s progress and development certainly will be a problem.So every citizen must realize and plan accordingly for the great future with our children at least or otherwise we will be writing and publishing as usual.
Back ground (prior to 6th PC)
Service record – Normal (very good). Date of annual increment — February
Designation Month & Year Pay Scale Basic pay
Section Engineer Jan 2005 6500 – 200 – 10500 Rs 7900
Section Engineer Feb 2005 6500 – 200 – 10500 Rs 8100
Promoted from Section Engineer (6500–200–10500) to Senior Section Engineer (7450–225–11500)
Joined duty on promotional post (Pay Scale :– 7450 – 225 – 11500) on 23 -12 – 05
To have the benefit of promotional pay “Option”:–From the next date of increment (ie Feb 2006)
After promotion (prior to 6th PC) :–
Designation Month & Year Pay Scale Basic pay
Senior Section Engineer Dec 2005 7450 – 225 – 11500 Rs 8125
Senior Section Engineer Jan 2006 7450 – 225 – 11500 Rs 8125
Senior Section Engineer Feb 2006 7450 – 225 – 11500 Rs 8575
(8125 + 225 + 225)
the hike is not from 7000 to 18000. it is 15750 to 18000 that means the benefit is only 2250. the wrong information is published and news spread in radio, tv media etc. the general public is not aware of this. govt itself spreading this wrong information. moreover the pay commission hike is given once in ten years only. ofcourse da increase and annual increment is there. now a days with shortage of hands and no recruitment being made for the retirements, it is and it is going to be tough for government employees, of course for the persons who really works with sincereity and dedication.
What abt private employees . In H.P. the minimum salary is Rs. 6000/- and maximum companies are paying the same inspite of knowledge and working hour’s limit.
Due to negligence of Labour officer’s the employees are not getting OVERTIME also.
Whereas our MP’s & MLA’s , those who are getting free petrol and other stuff are getting approx. 1.5 lakh per month. What a calculation….
Mera Bharat mahaan bas MP aur MLA hi krte hain kya kaam?????
Why are including HRA as though its being given now? Instead, you should include DA due from July!
Is the bonus gonna be out on August.. Are we gonna get all the money!?
7th central pay commission benefits may kindly be extended to the contract employees who are working in Central Government undertakings years together and their services are required to be regularized.
I think growth must be equal for all levels
There was major growth different in the time of 5th to 6th pay commission and it repeat further
It may injustyfy lower level further
Sir,without considering the 80000 engineers of rly.who work round the clock for safe movement of millions of rly passengers.they have been placed in group c since 1st CPC & their workmen’s in group D. 6 the cpc upgraded workmen’sto group c eliminating group d.But these engineers remains in group c instead of group B . Several MPs recommend this to Rly Board & raise this issue in Parliament for group B status to engineers at par with engineers of others department of Central government to enhance the quality of rly safety but Rly Board has been ignoring consistently making rly engineers frustrated which put safety at stake.It is nothing by under estimation of Parliament and negligence to safety of passengers.I would like to urge UpTo government to give social status by upgrading je/SSE of rly to group B non gazetted& gazetted respectively without any functional disturbanceat Par with engineers of other departmentof Central government.
Very disappointing
Difference (Ratio) between lower level and higher level must be minimized. It is injustice to lower level employees. hence, it is my humble request to central govt. to avoid the same please.
Implementation of TWO WAY APAR system is very essential to prevent the corruption and stop the monopoly.
TWO WAY APAR SYSTEM: Current system is APAR of junior employee evaluating by the senior officials. Now my suggestion is same mechanism should be implemented for evaluation of APAR of senior officials by junior officials related.
One who is geting 4300 Rupees grade pay. Not any thing given in 7th pay commission
It is pertinent to mention that if income tax slabs are not revised by the Govt. Than it will not even 10 percent benefit of increasing pay in the 7th pay commission report. It is just news of increase but no increase in the pockets of Govt. Employees. Central Govt. just abusing to the employees by Debiting one side under standard object and Credit under another standard object by way of income tax
Mr F.M is requested to lower the difference between power grade n higher grade employee plz
Thanks to our pm modi ji and arunot jetli ji for 7th cpc
I also highly support M. K.Tiwari that difference (Ratio) between lower level and higher level must be minimized. It is injustice to lower level employees. hence, it is my humble request to central govt. to avoid the same please.
respected modi ji Minimum wag ₹26000 should be given in 7th pay commission and maximum wag not more than ₹224000 point to be noted seriously
CAPF staff who are supposed to live in difficult and risky working atmosphere (some times riskier than army deployment) treated in 7th CPC at par with CIVIL employees. Army drawing benefits of one scale up and also MSP. Atleast, they should introduce any allowance at par with MSP to CAPF staff as a consolation. In case of number of martyr, CAPF also facing huge lose of jawan like army.
Pay commission recommended lower multiplication factor to low paid and higher multiplication factor to highly paid and HAG level. This practice is just opposite to old reports which allowed less DA to higher scale paid staff, by which they attempted to remove economical dis balance.
The LDC and UDC are much more deprived. Their pay must be upgraded to 2400 and 2800 before implementing 7th CPC. The govt. Should keep in mind that majority of employees belong to Gr.C and they can teach lesson in comming election because each employee has minimum 4 to 5 members on average. Pl. Look at this lower class employee because they are the backbone of each and every organisation and office. If their problem are solved they get more energy and enthusiasm to do office work. PMO should try to understand our genuine problem.
There is discrepancy In pay band 4 with go pay 8700 and 8900 the difference is of 200 only but the multiplication factor is disproportionate like 2.57 and 6.7 it should be 6.4 and 6.7 only
Is any news about the change in the grade pay from 2800 to 4200 for all lab technician post working in Delhi government ? If yes pls provide the details or any link.
The overall rise in salary is 24 per cent, it includes all three components: basic pay +HRA+ Transport allowances. The basic pay is raised by 14 per cent, however your HRA is increased by 108 per cent and Transport allowance by 33 per cent. These all contribute to average impact of 24 per cent on salary. For eg if somebody total basic pay is 10000 (basic pay+ grade pay) then after 7th CPC it is raised to 26000 after adding DA of 12500, HRA is raised from 3000 to 6250 (108 per cent rise) and transport allowance 1350 to 1800 (33 per cent raise). as of now it is not major gain for the persons not getting HRA, but now onward any increase in DA will have more impact on your salary.
FMs statement with respect to pay and pension hike in 7th pay commissin is misleading in its totality .125% DA as of now applied on Basic pay finds no mention. My basic pension is 23745 +DA 125%.. Paymatrix 2.57 if applied gross benifit comes to slightly more than Rs6ooo. It nothing other than beating empty drum. The income tax burden at 2o% is too heavy to bear .Just immagine what will remain in pocket .
I have some doubt about how to calculate my revised pension in terms of the 7th Pay Commission recommendation. I retired from Indian Economic Service in 2000. My basic pension, according to 6th CPC was fixed at Rs 20605. No increment was considered while fixing this basic pay. At present, the break-up of my pension (in June) is: basic pension 20605; DA 25757; and medical allowance 500. Will my new pension, as per 7th CPC, be basic pension x 2.57 plus extant DA plus medical allowance?
Please enlighten me
Govt. says that fitment factorof 2.57 will apply for all whereas officers drawing salary 80000 & 90000 will get approx. 2.81 fitment factor. Why so ?
Two dates for increment is considered or not (i.e 1st January and 1st July). If 1 st January increament is considered what should the new 7 PC basic pay
Say for example in case of person whose increment date is Feb.
Basic + GP on 1st July 2015 Rs. 51,910/-
Basic + GP on 1st Jan 2016 Rs. 53,470/-
Multifilication factor 2.57
New basic as per 7 PC on 1st Jan 2016 137500/-
Is it correct.
Cabinet decisions on Implementation of the recommendations of 7th. Central Pay, “ Till a final decision, all existing Allowances will continue to be paid at the existing rates.” Hence, HRA should be corrected as per existing rates. (The existing rates of HRA is 30%, 20% and 10% for class X, Y and Z respectively. Whether these existing rates of HRA will be paid based on revised pay or pre revised pay..?)
I am working as a civ/vm in civil defence y group and receive 8 rs as a washing allowance. Please reply to me that any changes in the 7th paycommission
But the actual thing done in 7th cpc is that the hra are going to be calculated on the basic salary which was almost half in 6 cpc…and DA after six month will also having the same criteria for calculating salary.ie. On basic salary which is also almost half in 6 cpc…and rest allowance also having the same factor 2.57 time (basic plus grade pay)
This is like old wine in new bottle… existing 125% DA is merged to basic salary and saying 23% increase is really misleading.. For example in 6th pay commission if a persons basic salary was 20 thousand then his DA was 125% that is 25000 so totally 45000 on adding basic pay and DA.. Now what they have done is 2.57times the basic salary which will be in this case 20×2.57 roughly 51000 difference is just 6000..
Sir please give me relaxation on qualification for T5 to T6 . For T6 Post graduatition is complersary .
Despite being a strong BJP supporter I feel that BJP leaders used to be against the govt. employees. Unable to understand what Empowered Committee of Secretaries was doing all these days? It seems that their views were not taken into account. What govt. has given from one hand will be taken back by another hand as tax slab has been left untouched. Now it has been proved that BJP is against govt. employees.
We thank the Govt. of India for implementing the 7th CPC. Its good that a start has been made. Now, any hiccup is felt anywhere that can be sorted out on the way. But govt should be honest enough to listen to the genuine grievances of any category of employee. It is observed that last govt. failed to attend to some of the genuine anmaly of a category of employee which should not be repeated by this govt. Let a Committee continue to work for at least 5 years to remove the genuine grievance of the employee. Apart from it, Govt. should also work in the interest of the employee to enable them to deliver best result for their country men.
(1.) 33 yr job or 60 yrs age ?
(2) DA ℅??
Central government employees are very coolingly swimming very hard into the ice ocean, with only air bags rather than boat by this 7the pay commission, there is no proper pay commission, smart movers forget that central government employees are back bone of India to stand straight.
Good news for employees. But what about the Income tax. The tax slab should be increased.
What about the pensioners? Did the government think about the people drawing so less pension. Has government thought about the hike in prices. The hike is same for all
When will the respective @State employee like electricity, teachers n engineers of state will be included under this comissioned umbrella. cEntral govt r now on a smiling mood but states employee of
Very good sir I fully agree that
Good news for employees. But what about the Income tax. The tax slab should be increased. Whatever we will get from 7th pay,will be again taken back by the Government. Very smart move.
The 7th CPC has been some wrong, in this CPC the difference(gap) between the rich and poor incresed. No more special intension has been given while fixation.
No increment for Gramin Dak Sevak…..
What about employees under national aids control organization department of aids ministry of medical health n family welfare
The report says government is burdened with 1.02 Lakh Crore. What about the taxes paid by the Government Servant ?
There is no noticeable hike in payment. i don’t think its right
Respected sir
I request you to please provide me the details of pay fixation in 6th PC
For a permanent Railway staff, ECR Danapur.
As per the data (back ground) given below.
Back ground prior to 6th PC
Service record, Normal very good. Date of annual increment Feb
Designation Month, Year Pay scale Basic pay
SE Tele Jan 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 7900
SE Tele Feb 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 8100
Promoted & joined duty on promotional post
Pay Scale 7450 225 11500 on 23 12 2005.
Option, to have the benefit of promotional pay from
the next date of increment ie Feb06
Designation Month, Year Pay scale Basic pay
SSE Tele Dec 2005 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
SSE Tele Jan 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
SSE Tele Feb 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8575
Now as per the above data please let me know, what will be his basic pay on
(1) 01 01 2006 (2) 01 07 2006 (3) 01 07 2007
If you feel that this matter is not concerned with you,
please direct me where I should go for this.
Sir please help a retired person..
Thanking you
usually in the month of july increament nd da will fall….in this 7th pay is this applicable?????
It is negligible hike after 10 years
Please revised the pay calculator with multiplication factor 2.7 instead of 2.57.
Please update your calculator with revised multiplication factor i.e., basic pay multiply with 2.7 instead of 2.57.
Based on the ECoS report, the Finance Ministry is preparing a Cabinet note and the VII CPC issue may come up for approval by the Cabinet on June 29.
It seems that Govt. is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues. Based on the ECoS report, the Finance Ministry is preparing a Cabinet note and the issue may come up for approval by the Cabinet on June 29.
The Seventh CPC report was submitted on 19th November 2015 after a delay of about 3 months. The Government especially the Finance Minister had assured that the final decision over the report will be taken within 4 months. On 19th June 2016, the delay has crossed seven months. Till date the Govt. has not come forward for a negotiated settlement. Instead, Empowered Committee of Secretaries (ECoS) headed by Cabinet Secretary conducted a meeting with the staff side on 1st March 2016. In the meeting Govt. did not disclose its mind on any of the demands raised by the staff Side in the charter of demands submitted to Govt. Staff Side explained the justification for each demand but official side didn’t make any comment, either positive or negative. The concluding paragraph of the minutes of the meeting reads as follows:
“After hearing the participants, Cabinet Secretary observed that the deliberations have helped ECoS in understanding the major concerns of the staff side and said that all issues have been taken note of. He assured that fair consideration will be given to all points brought out by JCM before taking final views. He further stated that the ECoS needs to examine the Report of the Commission in entirety as well as the issues raised by JCM in consultation with all other stake holders. As such, it may take some time to take a final call on the recommendations of the Commission.”
It may be seen that, neither did the Govt. side made any commitment on any demands, nor did they indicate in the minutes that further discussion will be held with the staff side to arrive at a negotiated settlement on each demands. It seems that the Govt. is moving ahead to issue unilateral orders taking the staff side for a ride.
The JCM staff side Secretary, in his letter dated 2nd May 2016, addressed to Cabinet Secretary, has made the stand of the staff side clear, without any ambiguity. The letter reads as follows:
“I have been directed to draw your attention towards minutes of the Standing Committee of National Council JCM held on 7th May 2008 and our rejoinder submitted to Govt. in the matter of Report of 6th CPC.
You will kindly find that it was not only a general discussion, but also official side explained their views on each and every issue.
I would therefore request your good self to kindly arrange for similar type of meeting for bi-lateral settlement on each of the issues raised by the staff side, NC/JCM before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.”
Thus the picture is clear now. The Government, it seems, has a hidden agenda to take the staff side for granted without giving any further opportunity for a negotiated settlement. The staff side on the other hand has taken a position that if unilateral orders are issued, without taking the staff side into confidence, the NJCA shall go ahead with the indefinite strike from 11th July 2016 as already informed to the Govt.
The coming days are crucial. If the Govt. adopts delaying tactics or issue unilateral orders rejecting our demands, then confrontation shall become inevitable. The stand taken by the then Nehru Govt. that “Pay Commission report is an award and is not negotiable” has resulted in the historic indefinite strike of 1960, which commenced on July 11th midnight.
Central Government Employees and Officers comprising Railways, Defence, Postal and other Central Government departments are demanding modification in the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commissions including minimum wage and fitment formula. Other demands are scrapping of New Contributory Pension Scheme, No FDI in Railways and Defence, filling up of vacancies, No outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation and corporatisation etc.
The NJCA & CCGGOO had already given strike notice to Government. As the Government is not ready for a negotiated settlement, the Central Government employees and Officers have to intensify the campaign and preparations and make the strike a total success.
About 33 lakhs Central Government Employees and Officers will participate in the strike. 40 lakhs Central Government Pensioners have declared their solidarity with the strike. Central Trade Unions had also extended their full support. State Government Employees Federations have cautioned the Central Government that they will also be compelled to join the strike if Government refuses to settle the demands relating to 7th CPC recommendations as majority of the state Governments are implementing the Central pay parity to their employees also.
On the one hand NJCA & CCGGOO are fighting for the cause of Central Government Employees and Officers and on the other hand rumour mongers are spreading false news through social media. Rumour mongers are coming out daily with different kind of news and pay scales about 7th Pay Commission. Please don’t believe rumour mongers on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media sources.
There had been no meaningful discussions with the NJCA & CCGGOO so far. The computation of Minimum wage by the 7th CPC deserves to be rejected as the commission has, in a bid to suppress the entitlement doctored the formula itself. The wages of an MTS in civil service, who is a group C employee cannot be less than Rs 26000 on the basis of the formula evolved in 1957 to which the Government is a party. There cannot therefore be any question of reduction in the quantum of minimum wage.
The NPS, which the Government introduced for those joined after 1.1.2004 in Government service has to be construed as a fraud perpetuated and deserves to be abandoned. There cannot be two classes of civil servants in the country; one making contribution but still not getting any assured pension and the other entitled for a statutory defined pension without any contribution. Those who are covered by the NPS in Central Civil Service are now more than 40% of the total personnel. The Government must be bold enough to address this issue.
It is high time, that the Government comes forward, hold meaningful and fruitful discussion with NJCA & CCGGOO and settle the Charter of demands. The continued procrastination is a sure step to confrontation and the Central government employees in the Country will certainly commence the strike action from 11.7.2016. The entire civil services, which include the Railways, Postal, Defence and all other services of the Government of India, will come to a grinding halt on 11.7.2016.
What about 33 years or 60 years which ever earlier?
Good pay scale.
What about NHM , regarding 7th Pay commission
33 or 60 year service only
This calculator is no more useful for central service man staff. therefore give revised 7 cpc calculator.
its an good work…
Very good scale
This calculator is no more useful. The multiplication factor is going to be changed. To be more than 3
This calculator is the old one based on the original recommendation of the 7th CPC report .what is the change after the recommendation of the secretaries committee report .please publish the revised pay calculator .
Thank you for giving required information to us.
very nic good modi sarkar
very good information about us
How come the HRA % remains same, nevertheless the basic & grade pay have been merged. The % should be on lower side.
It is not justified the difference is very high specifically for defence personal.
Excellent information
Good information about us
I think, Govt servant have not need for increased salary. They can agreed with the old pay scale D.A.125% and HRA 30% may include in the old pay scale . A very high difference between the salary of Minimum and Maximum Pay scale of employees.
By changing incement date it is lose of salery. Previouse increment dt was 1 jan but i was promoted on 2 jan it lost my one incremt such now increment in july to aug
Very good 7th CPC calculator
Please give equal salary to the state government servants just like central government employees, now a days government employees are struggling to run their life with mere salary. House rent, newspaper, cable connection, milk, gas,provision, transport, petrol, school fee,mobile recharge, electric bill , water tax, hospital expenses,vegetables,fruitsetc., just think, how can they run their life. Always dfiiciency budget at home, they are able to build a house with minimum budget in EMI .rest of their life will spend to repay the loan maximum level.
What about other allowances e.I. hill allowance, high altitude, SDA allowances
What about da
Will the people working in autonomous body like Municipal Corporation of greater Mumbai,get the same benefits as the central government employees
What is the expected pension for Lt col
selection grade with 22 years service after 7pay commission ??
My present grade pay is 9500. How much it will be considered under 7th pay commission scale?
What about the 7th pay commission for haryana govt. Employees doctors in medical colleges.PGIMS rohtak and others.
what about other allowances i.e hill allowance, high altitude allowance etc
Calculated transport allowance of 7cpc is correct ? It is reducing from 6cpc is it increasing or decreasing ?
Sir, govt. Is delaying the same due to save more money for encouraging pvt. Enterprise. Actually this is very bad conditions for the paramilitary. Soldiers who are serving in deficited areas and extremely weather conditions and never get facilities. All those ministers never saw that area and never see location in their entire life. In this 7th cpc to grant more facilities and allowances to the paramilitary servants for their happiness life…..
This pay amount for postal assistant is a small bag to carry large goods
Pay commission should be effective because lot of employs are waiting with this government specially armored person . It was promised by previous government but i don’t know reason of delay.
thanks verry good information
No D.A. has been added to the 7th pay commission hence the payment can’t be found in the calculations. Please give me the format of like Basic pay+Grade pay+D.A.+H.R.A.+T.A.+C.L.A.=total salary.
I retired on 30 Jun 2006 with pay band 2 –9300-34800+ Grade pay 4200/-
Revised pay as on 1 Jan 2006 : 11820. Grade pay 4200
What will be my pension as on 1.1.2016
Govt is delaying the same due to save more money for encouraging pvt enterprises. Actually this is very bad for the army soldiers who are serving in high altitude & and extreme weather conditions. All those ministers never saw that areas and they never see such locations in their entire life. If that is the matter of their in case that will be happen in the same time with immediate effect…….
what will be the inhand salary of government basic primary teacher in up with pay band 98000-34800 and grade pay of 4200 in 7 pay
What is
Basic pension in 7th pay commission of H/LT
All employees are expected to implementation of 7th pay commission 01-01 2016, it should be done from the said date because all essentiality commodities have expensive .
There is no variation of pay in 7cpc calculation for the basic pay 14750 and 15150. How will you differentiate these two pay in 7cpc table?
Only 2000 rs. Difference between 6th pay commission to 7th pay commission……. Its same on current government……. chullu bhar pani me doob marna chahiye……….
It is not showing 15600-39100+6000 grade pay which is applicable fir assistant professors
thank you for detailed information.
Bunching benefits not included in calculater
Class IV Peon GP 1800 and Sr.Peon GP also 1800 it is also change…..
Peon to Sr.Peon 5Years and Sr. Peon to Attendant also 5Years…..
Total 10Years GP is 1800…
Pleas justice…..
This calculator doesn’t include the bunching benefits as per the 7th pay commission report.
I have checked your pay calculator. There is minor calculation error as follow:
Basic Pay : 27010
DA : 125%
DA showing :33762
DA Should be : 33763
Kindly rectify.
I am retired central government pensioner on immediate absorption in PSU wef 2nd August 1985. At the time of absorption I was drawing Rs 580/- in the pay scale Rs. 500-20-700-25-900.I have commuted 1/3 of my pension and drawn 2/3rd as lumpsum.Now I wish to know what will be my revised pension wef 1.1.2006 as per the recent govt of India circular dated 06th April 2016.I had a qualifying service of 12 years 10 months.
I am a family pensioner and I am 85 years old.
My basic pension is Rs.4887.i also get Rs.977/ as additional pay for attains 80 yrs.above. my birthday is 20-02-1931.i get medical Rs.300/-
Kindly advice me my expected total family pension as per 7th pay commission report.
My mother is a pensioners under family pensioners, my mother’s basic pensions is 6530 and da is 7771. What is the new pension of my mother taken on may 2016?
Good 7th pay commition sab k dilo me chha gaya hai.sabhi ki ni gahe tiki hue hai kab yh kab subarea gI sarkar
Hamara basic pay 10820 hai up 2400 hai 7th pay me kitna gross salary hojayega
What about persons whose AGP is 6000? (which is not mentioned in any calculator)
NIT teachers usually have AGP’s like 6000, 7000, and so on…
Kindly add this AGP in the calculator.
Thank you
Good !
What about the GDSBPM? For 7thpay commission. . I’m working 8 our but salary is not included for rs.20,000 tweenty thousands. What happened . Thank you modi sarkar I hope you to give us.
what would be my salary if my pay band is 5200-20200 with grade pay of 2000?
The calculator should also include a column for non practising allowance for doctors. The present calculator does not have this option.
Thank you Dr.M.Meghachandra Singh, we included in the separate calculator and the link is given below…Thank you for your comments.
This calculator shows only base of 2.57 multiple factor not shows cadre bys fixation like any MACP 3rd official getting 4600gpAlso got 5inc And promoted in lsg cdre on july 14.How to calculate his pay on 1.1.16 ?
my pay as on 01.1.2016 is 20490/-. so multiplying it with 2.62 comes 53683.8/- (approx 53684/-). so how my basic be fixed at 53600/- then?
according to few, 53684/- will be upgraded to next index level i.e at 8.
so the new basic expected to be 55200/-.
plz reply your view admin…in this regard
Thank You very much for this calculation prediction.
there is no provision of NPN to the doctor in this calculation. please revised that one.
Any Idea of deductions like CGEGIS, CGHS, PT & ECTR? Are the same or will change as per 7th pay commission report?
What about patient Care allowence , is it increased or not?
7th pay commission me 4th grad employee ko ignore nahi kiya jana chahiye. qualified etc.B.A . Promotion ka rule bhi kiya jana chahiye.
Basic pension is 10170 pay band was 9300_34800+4600 go 5 increments in same scale how much Inc re a my basic pension in 7 the pay commission?
Which month may pay comison money catch in hand.
No hyphen (-) given between starting and end pay scale against GP 7600. As a result error is occurring. Kindly correct..
Thank You Challa Sivaji
Sir my basic pay is 13840 and G.P. is 4200 what will my new Basic Pay as 7th CPC and my other allounces remains or not.
Sir mera band betan 10130grade pay2000hai.7th pay men kool kitana betan hoga.
What about pay fixation of Medical and Veterinary Doctors getting NPA
What will benefit of pay commission because every thing is increasing high
Sir my BP is 13370 GP 4600 XGp 1400 what is my BP & X GP in 7th cpc
Sir my BP is 13370& GP 4600 XGp 1400 what is my basic pay 7th cpv
Respected sir,
I am Ex. Subedar Dharambir Sharma retired on 30th April 1998 after 28 years and 9 days. My basic pay is 1,270. CPC 1996 – 4,660. CPC 2006 – 11,970.
OROP Y group subedar pension is 12,268.
Please tell me my total pension in CPC 7.
Thank you.
sir my basic pay 7540 grade pay 2000 tptl 800. msp 2000 please calculat my total pay as per 7 cpc
Kerala state also mininum basic pay 18000 .so pls revise central govt basic pay status at 7th pay commession
My basic pay 12630. Pay band 5200-20200, Great pay 2000. How will new basic pay of 7th pay commotion?
Halo sir ..I m deebee ..sir all defence personnel are doing very hard work and their own duty specially jawans ..but why r u giving msp and all allownces are to less to jawans ..and why r u keeping too differences in pay scale between officers and jawans..It is not fair becoz jawans do more works than officers ,if u have not observed please go to many unit surprisely than u will see what is the true ..so here is a request sir ..please give allowances equally to all ranks ..and dont keep too much differences ..Thanks sir
it is very useful thanks
i was getting pension of rs 18518/ as per sixth commission. what wiil be my pensio after 7th comm.?v
Iam so happy
Sir my grandmeother deffence basic penson in 6 CPC 9279 .n orop new penson 9654. What wil the total basic in 7 CPC.
Would u pl find method how to calculate after jumping to next heirachy of payband as per macp.
I am a defence person. My basic pay is 8770 and grade pay is 2400 …what will be my total salary in 7th CPC
Sir, I am basic primary teacher.my basic salary is 15670 hra 670 deduction 87 rs group insurance.pls tell me my full salary after 7cpc.
sir…I am track man my basic pay 7660 & DA 119% transport alwnc 824 …what will the my total salary in 7 CPC plzz
what is my hike salay
basic pay 19480
garde pay 4200
living in hyd
Mr.m a waheed,
Use this webpage for calculating your revised pay.
i am woking in postal employee my basic pay is 19480
grade pay is 4200 what is my next salay fron 1-01-2016
My besic pay 9090. grde pay 2000. how much total will be in 7th cpc.
I was drawing 7598 wef 1 jul 2014 as y group havildar having 15.5 years qualifying service retired 01 march 1987. What is my present basic pension as per 7th cpc.
I am so happy
I am working in H,P. Govt. School now basic pay is 10730 and grade pay is 4200 & no other allowances. what will be the basic pay in vii pay commission in January 2016
Mukhtiar Singh
I am serving in defence. My basis pay is 8770 and grade pay is 2400. What will be the basic pay in 7th pay commission in jan16.
I am working in jipmer hospital now my basic pay is 9820 and grade pay is 2000 what will be the basic pay in vii pay commission in January 2016
Am working in defence now.My present band pay is 13380 including Grade Pay of Rs 2800. What will be the basic pay as per seventh pay commission revisiion ?
My pension fixed at Rs. 10800, gp. 4600 my pay band scale was 9300-34000. Please let me know what will be my pension as per 7th pay commission
my Basic pay is now 15210 & Grade pay 2800(5200-20200) what will be the basic pay in 7th pay commision plz tell me fast..Thank u..
If My basic pay is now 9160/- and go 2400/- ,how much my next pay in 7th pay commission ? Please tell me…
Dear Sir,
I am retirement Sep’2006, Rank- Hav /Army
Current basic pay-6500/-rs and total pay in hand 10,980/-per month
kindly check & advise one rank one pension basic pay and 7th pay commission basic and take home pension fixed at your end.
kindly share the approx. idea after calculation.
Thanks in advance for the same.
Vinod Kumar
I am working in Kendriya Vidyalaya as sub staff now basic pay is 9820 and grade pay is 2000 what will be the basic pay in vii pay commission in January 2016
I was serving with Central Govt and has been retired on 31 Jan 2016. At the time of my retirement my Basic Pay was Rs. 16,180/- (+) Rs. 4,600/- Grade Pay. I want to know what will be my new as per 7th CPC as on 01 Jan 2016. I also want to know my new Pension as per 7th CPC and what will be the Gratuity & Commutation of Pension amount. Please advise me.
meri pensan 7435 rupay hi to ahi kitai hogi
Sir Mara name Ranjeet singh hain mare old pay ha 9830+2400 7th pay mare Kay hoge place muja send kara thanks Mara mb no.8116350712 hain
Rank rfn 7th commotion
My name is RAMESHWAR main Crpf main hu .mera basic pay 6690+gp2000 hai .to mera 7th pay Cale kitna hoga .please reply me.
Contact no.07869359316.
I’m under serving in cntrl govt nd myself basic pmnt 9540 incld with GP, So I want to knw hw much will make my total pmnt in 7th cpc. Ply reply as soon as possible,
I’m under serving in central govt and myself basic pmnt 9540 imcluds with GP, SO I want to know how much will make my total payment in 7thCPC. Pls rply as soon as possible.
i am Clerk Grade-II in Govt. of Rajasthan, and my basic pay is 9980+2800=12780. i wanna know, what may be basic pay in 7th pay commission.
My old pay 11400+2800 new pay kiya hogi
Any body wants to come bangalore from visakhapatnam as a LDC on mutual posting contact to me
Sir my name is ajay kumar mishra and i job for central gov.my old basic pay 8760+2000 gp my new pay scale for 7th pay commission please. Reply me sir
Mera name Bundila Vishwakarma hai. Mai uttrakand state mai collectorate gopeshwar district CHAMOLI mai administrative officer ki post par hop. Mera P.b 15530g.p4600 hai after 7pay mujhe pay mileage & mera Retirement 31-7-2016 hai, mujhe kitni pension millege,& grisuaite kitne millege.please marge DARSHAN karne ka kast Karen.
Sir mera pay b 9300_34800/p.p_15530grad pay_4600 hai. 7th after kitna hoga. &mera. Retirement 31 _7_2016 hai, mughe after retirement par pension kitni hogi & kitna graisuti millege.
Pl..say my basic is 9400 get my net payment after 7th cpc
Sir my pay in band is 12210 and grade pay 2800. From 1 may my grade pay is going to be 4200. What will be my basic pay as on 1 jul 16. As per new pay calculator my basic pay will be 2700 less compared to persons who got their grade pay 4200 from the month of DEC 15. Only due to 5 month my basic will be 2700 less. Confirmed any solution for us.
Sir my basic pay is 6990 and.grade pay 2000 than what.shall be my salary after 7th cpc?………
Hi basic pay 9500 hai air fare pay2400 hai 7 CPC after kitna hoga
Prabal pratap
Sir mera bp 9740 gp 2400 basic pay 12140 hai 7th kit a hoga
sir mera basic pay 6820 hai aur grade pay 1900 hai. 7cpc after kitna hoga.
7th pay commission should announced as soon as possible that’all employees awaiting to see pay growth.MOM should take notice to implement so earlier as soon as possible
force no 145317556 ct-Taun mondal basic payscale
force no 145317556 ct/Gd-TarUn mondal crpf basic pay scale
Force no 145317556 name ct/Gd Tarun mondal basic pay scale crpf kit na pata Karen chatahu
Sir mera basic pay 9900 hai to mera payment kitbag hoga
Mera name Sk Asadul Haque ..mera BP 8130 or GP 2000. 7th pay commition main mera pay kitna hoga . Thank. .
My basic pay 10100 grade pay 2400 msp 2000 meri 7 cpc me kitni pay hogi pl… bataye thanks
Sir mera basic pay 11810 hai aur grade pay 2000 hai 7 cpc after jitna hoga
Meta pay band 8950 gp1900 hai 7cpc mera sallry kya hoga
Meta pay band 8950 gp 1900 hai meta 7nth me sallry kitna hoga
Mybasic pay 9810 hai to ab kitan hoga
Sir my basic pay 11970
Disabled basic pay 1804
Sir meri kitana pension hoga
Pl dead .iam ex Subeder Harminderpal Singh from Hoshiar pur
My basic pension now is Rs 10029/- per month. Please let me know my basic pension after 7th pay commission.
With regards,
My now my basic pension is Rs 10029/- per month after commutation. Please let me know My basic pension after 7th pay commission.
With regards,
My basic pension is Rs 10029/- per month. What will be my basic pension after 7th pay commission.
Hi mera badic 11050 hai to ab kitna hoga
My basic pay is 9160 & grade pay is 1900 . So how much do i expect of full salary in 7th pay. Please inform me
Sir. As per 6th CPC Pay has not been cleared till date. Givt has been revision pay structure from previous dates like 1999. But, as per 7 CPC being announced is very lower pay scale. The implimatation of financial matter only for political parties not for country securities / force personnels.
my band pay 10370 and grade pay 2400 my 7th pay comission me meri actual pay kya hogi
I am Bhagvat my service 17 years my BP 11120 GP 2800 msp 2000hai please btaiye mera pay kiya hoga thanks
Sir I am b.p.yadav my service 17 years my BP 11120 GP 2800 MSP 2000 hai mera pay kitna hoga bataiye please thanks
My Baskpay 11400 H new pay and gradpay kay hoge
Mera pay band 8120 hai or grad pay 2400 hai to bataeye ke mera 7 pay salary kitni hogi ? In
Mera pay band 8120 hai or grad pay 2400 hai to bataeye ke mera 7 pay salary kitni hogi ?
Mera basic 18350 hai aur grad pay 4600 hai to mera new basic kya hoga ?
इससे घटिया pay commission कभी नहीं आया । क्या कुछ और सुधार होगा इसमे ? मेरा वर्तमान पे 12920 है और ग्रेड पे 4200 hra 20% है । 7th cpc के अनुसार मेरी पे क्या होगी । कृपया बताए । धन्यबाद
sir mera bp 10375 hai mera kitna hoga
Rly group d ka kya fayda hoga kyonki rly isi pe tika hai
Dear sir my name is subedar sumer singh tanwar i have copelated 30 year calluor service on 30 th march 2005 now we get BP Rs 11970 please what my baic pay at parsent after dp0r and 7th pay c0mmissi0ne and what is arriear Rs we get upto 31 jan 2016
sir mai army men mery survic 17 year b pay 11500 g pay 2800 hai my new pay ?
whether same salary level persons at pay band 3 with Gr pay 7600 will be fixed above the same salary level person at payband 4 with Gr pay 8700
My basic Rs 11050
Grade pay Rs 2800
Ms pay Rs2000
I retired in 1993 & I was given with 6thcpc pay Rs10744 from1/1/2006. I got 20% increase in my basic after 80the year of my age & fixed at Rs 12893/- Now pl let me know how & where I stand in 7th CPC scale? Thanks.
my basic pay is 22500 da is 27500 hra is 2272 cca is 300 pay band 9300-34000 grade pay is 4200. what will be my new pay after 7cpc
Sir my BP 12330 GP 2800 CCA 20 percent what will be my salary after 7cpc.
Mera BP 8440 GP 2000 hein seven pay commision me mera basic pay kitna hoga, please reply me
Sir, I retired from Army 16 yrs service and my basic pension is Rs.1393. What is my current basic pension as per OROP.
Cl leve 28 days hone chaya
sir kab she milega 7th p c p plz sir
Sir I am bhavesh. I am state electricity employees my Jan 16 basic pay 11060 .plz tell me my salary after 7th pay fexetion.
Sir mera bp 9500 hai , gp 2400 hai TA 800 hai pz tell me my salary after 7th pay comission
7pay commission kabse pepent aana suru hojayega. our mera pepent 32465 hiiii abb kitana milega. abb mera basic 9240 hiiii abb kitana hogaa our jawan keliye khy wellfer hiii
Sir Ram Ram. Ex Sep dinesh Chandra service 17yrs. My basic pay 8030 hai. My total pension after orop & 7th pay commission kya hogi.
Sir My basic pay 8030. Please tell me my total pension after orop & 7th pay comision
Respected sir,
When the 7th pay commission will be declared and credited to the bank account of army personnel. Everyone is waiting for the good news.
सर मेरा वेतन GPकेसाथ 20180 हैं GP4800है मैं 20%मकान किराया लेता हूँ TA800हैं मेरा वेतन कितना होगा
Sir mera GP1800 HRA 20%hai or TA 800 band pay 5630 h mera 7pay commission Lagne par selary Kya hogi
Several time registered my complaint but still pending the response from u.
Sir, I No 6929413 N
Last Rank Ex Hav
Group Y
Q/S 16/3/09 days
Retirement date 31/10/2004
Pension start from 01/11/2004
Last basic pay 4400/-+classification pay Rs 150/- + 2776/- DA for gratuity.
Basic pension Rs 1687/-
Commutation Rs 759/-
Residual pension 928/-
After 50% marger in DA BP 2529/-
Commutaion Rs 1138/-
Resudual pension 1391/-
@ the time during retirement my basic pay scale is Rs 3600-100-5100 the table is not display any where in VI or VII CPC calulator.
may I request to u kindly check and confirm real basic pay of Hav Gp Y and if possible to change and involve these basic figure. My original PPO is S/040348/2004 and Corr/070438/2005 may be because may I not confirm about Corr only.
Very high increase for offr ranks
No benifits for PBOR
I have retired from army after completion of 17 years service. My present basic pension is 8435/- with MACP. so please sir, how mutch get total pension in OROP and 7th CPC . please inform on my gmail address .
thanks & regards
सर मेरा वेतन GPकेसाथ 19120 हैं GP4200है मैं 20%मकान किराया लेता हूँ TA800हैं मेरा वेतन कितना होगा
sir, what is “HRA%”
From which month we all pensioners will get the payment as per 7th PC.
namaskar sir i am serving with 14years and 02 monh service i am lmc in low back l4-l5(optd) so i think should give my applicaton to leave my service next year,so how much my pension when iam retire in 7th pay commision
Respected sir,
Ex-Naik Muralidhara K I am B C in J & K (Gun Shout Wound Left Foot) group Y service 16 years 10 months Medical Cat B(P) retired 31/12/2005 out 01/01/2006 please sir I am not received arrears in till date so please sir how mutch my basic pay and my total pension in OROP and 7th CPC informed my gmail address thanks & regards. (anushree.anu687@gmail.com) Mobil No. 9632195224.
Thank you sir
V v v good
Vv essy
Benefit only high scales . Not for lower
we are not satisfied by the pay diff …as per inflation increases we must get pay as per increasing inflation rate in future…. think on it
Good efforts. Calculation is simpler and easy. If finally it turns out to be correct, hats off to you
Total basic on the last day of service was Rs 30000/-Basic pension on retirement was Rs 15000/- calculate new pension in 7th pay comm. retired on June 2009. Total service 35 years. last pay scale was 8000- 13500. Grade pay Rs 5400/- calculate new pension. Thanks a lot.
7th pay cpc is benefits for high ranking service person ..not for law..
Rakesh prakash LOKHANDE
My besic pay 7190. Greda pay. 1900
Hra 30%. Ta 1260
How my 7th pay commision total pay
sir my basic pay 7560 and grade pay 2000 t.a. 1957 hra 1050 sda 1265 hca 2400 and total pay 28560 how 7th pay commision total pay
Kindly calculate my revised pension that would be effective after 7th pay commision. Basic pension @14890 after deducting comm. Value 50% and foregoing medical facility due to free treatment both outdoor and indoor hospital facility my net pension value comes to Rs26660/- peyable as on date.
my basic penssion is 10280/- and total penssion credited ia account of Dec.15 is 18225/- what is my new penssion as 7th cpc..
Rs 7750.00 BASIC voluntary retirement 2003 wef ist nov 2003 rs 2400 aprox basic pension Rs 1450 commutation. next 6th pay commission rs 9300 approx basic pension
29TH December 2015 credited total [ after deduction commutation] pension received Rs 17.971.oo at bank account.
now please show 7th commission pay value details
Its not satisfied to low class employes.we want some high. It is a not a 5 years commission. State government also given 42% . we can think once
My present basic 29710/- g.p 5400/- hra 10% t.a 1600/- my pay is?
Law salary in high costly market
Not gooodddd
I AM EX ACP (NB SUB ) DULI CHAND MY BASE PAY 10050 hen how much I got after 7th pay commission…. Pls give me ur ref.soon……
My daughter got one increment in the scale 15600-39100 in 2015 July. What is her BP on 1.1.2016
Rajendra kumar
BP – 7640
GP – 1900
HRA – 10%
TPT – 800
Please give my New pay after 7th pay commission
My self Brajesh Kumar Rawat, I am serving in para military force, this time my bp is 6990/- and grade pay 2000 …no hra ….then how much I got after 7th pay commission…. Pls give me ur ref.soon……
No fixation of pay hasbeen shown inr/o MACP 3rd sa who has been promoted in LSG cadre in the deptt.of post India.
Dear Mr. Sanjeev, your Basic Pay would be Rs.41917 + 6707 (HRA 16% for unclassified city) + 2096 (5% CCA) + TA 900 = Rs.51620 (gross) + other allowances to defence personnel if admissible (as per proposed 7th CPC).
No satisfied , low salary
I m serving in para milltery force and my bp is 13510/-gp 2800/- what would be my nexy basic in seventh pay commision
What do mean ? Matrix leavle & index leavle. My matrix Leavle -05 & Index 12.
There is a big gap of MSP ( Military Service Pay ) of defence personnel between PBOR and OFFICER of defence services as generally the worst situation seen by the PBOR only in field areas and when Officer come to that place they will be treated very luxuriously.
Dear soldiers we to keep fighting against the angrej rule of officers .
Now the time has changed and soldiers are much educated than an officer.On the name sake of discipline officers are harassing us.Whenever they want can go leave but soldiers has to get on his knees to go on leave.It seems like a soldier is not going on leave but he is going to Pakistan.
Bloody angrej wakeup and see around the world.See the difference between officers and Jawans in foreign countries and you will find no difference they are running in one mess and their salary is almost same.
Ye angrejpana sirf India me chalta aur defence me bahut jyada.
We will keep fighting against angrejihuqumat
Why soldiers are demanding equall MSP for officers and Jawans bcoz we all are equall in military.We are not asking to make basic pay equall to officers why bcoz officers are supposed to get higher pay than a soldier as officer clears a tough level of exam and we understand heavypay package paid to officers but our officers have also to understood the demand of equall MSP.
MSP was included in 6th pay commission to distinguish military services from civil services but as name suggest it is only for military personnel then who the hell has dicided to value the life a soldier at different prize than an officer.Are officers are most important in military.Can a war be won without involving a soldier you know the better answer.Officers do not feel any hardship in their full career but a soldier faces all the hardship since his enrolment. If you ask me MSP should be abolished for officers and continue for soldiers @10000pm.
Dear PBOR as I am observing that demand of equall MSP is only from soldiers side not from a single officer as expected.It clearly shows that our alakaman adhikari do not want to make it equall. Recently our three services chief have written to Mr. Parrikar expressing their concerns regarding pay parity of Lt. Col,col and brigdr compare to civil counter parts but no where they have mentioned a single point for soldiers.It means if we (soldiers) will be crying like this nothing will happen untill our alakaman take interest any but the question is why officers take interest.They are angrej and they are being paid for their angrejiness and we are gulam and there is no value of a gulam in view of angrej as well as government also.Officers want a soldier to keep polishing their shoes,take their bloody dog outside for walk,their wife for shopping,their cloths for washing,their vehicle for cleaning and their children for school.
Why officers are not doing any of above job bcoz they are in AC room and moreover they are bloody officers.
Salary has been improved for whose salary is good, hats off Modi garu
band pay = basic+gp
band pay= basic .
Very bed 7nth pay commition
any employee on leave from 28/12/2015 to 01/01/2016 for 5 days El. the pay fixation effect on 01/01/2016 or when she joined on 04/01/2016
As par the calculator i am suppose to get 27000 (gross) appx in 7 pay. But at present i am drawing 28000 gross. This meàns that i am going to draw a lesser amount of salary by 7 cpc…. has the 7 cpc committee members gone crazy… is this 7 cpc a pay reduction commission…. really sad…
Fate of our warriors are very pathetic in all the cases. Welfare of Warriors are always been neglected and they are not been paid with good salary. Officers behave as Angrej used to and they think Warriors are still their servant and not the govt’s. No one think about the horrible life of Warriors, alone officers can protect our nation by sitting in the AC room,So its my humble request please feed them with extreme hike in all the allowances and forget about soldier.I would like to say to the people who are involved in preparation of 7th paycomission please re-think and don’t demoralize soldiers.why there is such anomaly in pay structure,allowances and MSP of a Soldier and officer?very bad show by NDA.There is a huge difference between salary of a soldier and officer,why?very bad show by NDA govt.
Manoj Singh Manral
15, December, 2015
Sir, prior to 4th CPC officers were being paid less DA comparing to non-gazetted post officials. On implementation of 4th CPC, DA is being paid equal to officers and non-gazetted post officials in defence or civil services. Similarly, there should not be any disparity in other allowances also among the officers and non-gazetted post officials in defence or civil services as the officers are being granted higher pay scale. Military Service Pay may also be granted to the personnel of Para-Military Forces, as they are also performing duties in the similar conditions and situation.
PBOR need money. Let it come in any name. MSP is a name..No need to compare with offr or others.
Very well said …all of the above.
Msp shuld be given to all rqually or not to any one…bcoz we all are in independent India…then why so difference b/w a soldier and officer payment..what extra officer do that a soldier can not do…plz NDA govt think about it…we all have choosen NDA for a better India. Not officer choose NDA alone….plz govt think abt it.
why the police organisations are neglected at every time and no one thinks for their betterment. if anyone want to know about their working condition he must watch them closely. the police forces works in minimum resources if govt. think that the police forces are burden then these departments must be scraped.
MSP neither given to PBOR nor officer. Govt given more MSP to officer in 6CPC. But value of life of soldier for his wife and children are same. If govt is unable to distribute MSP equally to all. It is better not given to any one
MSP means military service pay so equalise it to all military personnel .
Sir, MSP of defence personnel required to be equal as we all are defence. As we all are serving in indian.
Sir. Why the CAPF personnel categorised as civil employee? Is it justified by the pay commission. Often the CAPF are neglected by Govt. Request analyse the matter and do the needful to get the सीएपीएफ Benificial like defence personnel. All of us waiting for a possitive conclusion from the Govt.,..,
Officers in defence is king and soldiers just like slaves therefor they don’t have rights to ask equal MSP. If possible don’t give any MSP to soldiers. The amounts for soldier’s MSP should be equally distributed among officers becouse there need are more.
Modi Govt. has initiated the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” and the people involved in cleaning and supervising (Sanitation Inspectors) the sanitation work are generally considered less important. Now the Modi Govt. had understood the importance of these cadre. My question is that whether the 7th Pay Commission has given any importance to these cadre, by giving suitable pay scales.
Sir msg is equal 4 all rank
MNS msp is 10200 but why or’s msp is only 5200 but why jab hu kar karte saree me duty ke lia hum jaw an sab kuch karne ke lia hum log jab payment ke bare aate hai to jawan piche ho jate hai sir QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ sir aisa Q plz sir Attract this point
When.our CAPF jawans viz BSF CRPF ITBP ETC are doing far tough job both on borders as well as to maintain internal law and order and bsf jawans are facing first bullet of enemy then why government is desisting in giving them same benefits of army pers viz. Pay scales…..allowances …..para military service pay. ….canteen facilities and medical facilities etc…..this is clear cut dishonour of our beloved jawans who are daily struggling and fighting with the enemies and militants. …. govt should not do any partiality in such matters as both defence and para military force pers are sacrificing for the nation. ……
Sir my father retired on 30th May 1995 in the rank Master Warrant Officer. His service was for 30 years and 8 days. Would like to know what will be his revised pension based on 7th pay commission.
Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance+Disability
Sir My father was retire from SSB on dated 30.6.2005. waht will be the new pansion accprding to 7th CPC ( His scale was at the time of retirement 6500-200-10500)
Sir, please let me know how much he will get pension and which option he choose
thanx and regards
Sir, now my x group pay is 1400/- . so what is my x group pay in 7th pay commission?
Sir what will be the total pay after adding da and other allowances after 7 th pay commission and when will be it implement
Sir I have three comments. 1. MSP should be equal for all rank for defence personnel as it is military bearing pay. 2. If not then jawans MSP should be equal to 70% of officers MSP accordingly NCs(E) MSP should be equal to 70% of jawans MSP.3. If not then abolish the MSP for defence personnel so that the moral of jawans should not go down.
LDC & UDC must be given replacement levels of GP 2400 &2800.
Successive difference of Rs 100 for GP 1800, 1900 & 2000 has been carried forward during nomalisation. Inefficient to resove anomalies and demands.
Pay Matrix should be modified by granting 5% annual increment for PB 1 & 2 scales.
I have retired from Railways on 31.10.2014 as a supervisor i. the scale pay Rs 9300-34800
and last pay drawn was Rs 23440(inclusive of my GP Rs4600) and my basic pension is
Rs11720 commutation is Rs 4688. Have put up 8 years of service in the abov. scale. what
Will be my new pension under 7th pay
My payband is 5200-20200 and present basic is 10390 grade pay 2000. So, what is new gross pay. HRA 30 percent.
Sir our pay scale should be level with mns it was no defer with soldier. Mns only serve prominent place we do allround duties .one of the soldier pay will be only basic pay = 25000 to 29000 .
My basic pay pay 7540 & grade pay 2000 meiri total pay kitni hogi sir 7th pay comision par
Why different between msp officer’s & jco or
i am working 5200-20200 &gp 1800 .so i know want to basic pay
In 7CPC Pay calculator, under HRA, pl introduce 0% column (employees residing in Govt Quarters)
sir, I joined in aug 1995..as junior translator .got 1st ACP in Aug 2006in 5500 scale…..in dec 2009 i was promoted as Senior translator in 4600 grade pay which was same as previous 5500 scale with ..no monetary benefit….my 2nd (now MACP)macp falls in Aug 2015 as per 6th cpc rule it would be in 4800 grade pay…but 7th cpc has recommended MACP/promotion in hierarchy which is in 5400grade pay…as our hierarchy is 4200,4600,5400 not 4800for junior translator,senior translator.assistant director respecttively…how could my pay be calculated? pl clarify?what about tranport allowance which is 7200 in 5400 grade….if a junior gets 2nd MACP in january 2016 will he get 7200 as TA?wound this will be desparity as junior will get 7200 while senior will get 3600as TA what will be the solution…pl clarify?sorry there was typing mistake in my previous comments ..please clarify the issue on this updated comment…thanks.
Sir, i am working as head ticket examminer in railway kolkata.my basic pay 18490 grade pay 4200 ,t.a 10200 p.m.what sailary i expect in 7th pay commission
I am working as head ticket examminer in railway kolkata my basic pay 18480 grade pay 4200 .what sailary i expect in 7th pay commission.
It’s very intresting pay calculater matrix table for calculate revaised pay scale..
I like it very much
Financial benefits to be reaped by central government employees through the recommendation of seventh central pay commission are going to be in leaps and bounds :
Criticizing the recommendations of the VII Central Pay Commission without fully studying the report and jumping to the conclusion that the pay commission has done injustice to the central government employees is not fair.
The Seventh Central Pay Commission have done an excellent job by presenting the VII CPC Report within the scheduled time and without much anomalies that were vastly found in VI CPC Report. Abolition of Pay Band and Grade Pay System deserve appreciation. Pay matrix have been worked out with brilliance which provide minimum entry scale as well as fitment table for existing employees according to the increments drawn unlike the 3 methods of fixation adopted by VI CPC among new recruits, promotees and existing employees which caused great disparity and anomaly in pay fixation. The hike granted is also quite substantial which in fact is more than what VI CPC had granted.
While the increase granted by VII CPC actually come to 32% of the pre-revised existing Basic pay, the increase is projected as 15% wrongly by the media including the VII CPC in its comparison table which unnecessarily have been paving the way for resentment and unrest among the central government employees who would not have fully studied the report. While projecting the percentage of increase the VI CPC,had taken into account only the basic pay . Whereas the VII CPC had reckoned D.A. element also to project the percentage of increase which gives a wrong picture of around 15% hike.
A clear analysis of the recommendations shall throw insight on the vast financial benefits that the central government servants are going to reap for years to come. Let me analyse the salient features of the recommendations thread bare in an unbiased mind to present a true picture:
1. Basic Pay: The VII CPC has arrived at a factor of 2.57 for multiplication with the pre-revised pay and pay band to arrive at new Basic Pay. While the pre-revised Pay in the pay band and Grade Pay is to be deemed as 100%, the D.A. as on 1/1/2016 constitute 125% totaling to 225% in other words 2.25 factor. This is the actual Pay, Grade Pay and D.A, a government servant would be drawing as on 1/1/2016 under the VI CPC pay pattern. The VII CPC added 32% hike uniformly to all the employees as fitment benefit to the existing pay and grade pay and raised it to 257% or 2.57 factor.
What is to be noted here is although the VI CPC had granted 40% of the maximum of the basic pay scale of the pre-revised V CPC pay as fitment benefit and shown it separately as Grade Pay, yet the present hike of 32% in pay and grade pay is more than that because the existing basic pay containing pay and grade pay already contain 1.86 factor +40% fitment benefit offered by V CPC i.e. 72% D.A as on 1/1/2006, in other words 86% D.A as on 1/1/2006(i.e 50% Dearness Pay and 24% DA and 24% D.A on 50% D.P which come to 12% totaling to 86% plus Grade Pay of 40% totaling to 226 or 2.26 factor Therefore virtually 32% of increase presently granted by VII CPC on the 6th CPC Pay consisting of 1.86 factor plus Grade Pay of 40% totaling to 226 or 2.26 factor actually come to 72.32% hike (226 x 32% = 72.32%) when we have to compare the hike of VII CPC with VI CPC and in terms of the amount.
2. Dearness Allowance: The VII CPC had rightly added 6% D.A. notionally for the period 1/7/2015 to 31/12/2015 to the existing 119% D.A and merged 125% of D.A. on the pre-revised pay and Grade Pay in its revised Basic pay. What is more – the future D.A payable every 6 months as per the All India Consumer Price Index is going to be calculated retaining the same formula of 115.76(Base year 2001=100). Continuance of D.A calculation formula as per the existing rate for the revised Basic Pay which include 125% of D.A as on 1/1/2016 and 32% fitment benefit certainly is going to increase the salary level hugely as the D.A. increase every 6 months may continue to be in the range of 6% to 7%.
3. House Rent Allowance: Although the existing percentage of HRA has been reduced to 0.8 factor i.e. to 80 percent which comes to 24%, 16% and 8% for the X, Y and Z cities respectively, yet there is more than 100% increase in the present HRA rate as a result of payment of HRA on the revised basic pay which include 125% D.A. and 32% fitment benefit totaling to 257 or 2.57 factor. The percentage of increase of HRA come to 61.68% of the existing pre-revised pay and grade pay for X cities which carry only 30% at present(257 x 24%=61.68). The HRA come to 41.12% of the existing pre-revised pay and grade pay for Y cities which carry only 20% at present(257 x 16%=41.12).. Similarly the HRA come to 20. 56% of the existing pre-revised pay and grade pay for Y cities which carry only 10% at present(257 x 8%=20.56).. Thus the present hike in HRA is more than 100% of the existing HRA amount drawn. Further when D.A crosses 50% HRA will be raised to 27%, 18% and 9% and when D.A. crosses 100% HRA will be raised to 30%, 20% and 10%. It must be seen that HRA rate recommended by VII CPC at present itself is very huge.
4. Transport Allowance: 125% of D.A. as on 1/1/2016 have been merged to the existing slab and revised Transport Allowance slabs have been arrived at on exact basis. For example the Transport Allowance after merger of D.A to the existing slab of Rs.3200, 1600 and 600 gets raised to 7200, 3200 and 1350 respectively. Further The D.A gets added once in every 6 months as per the CPI index. Therefore there will be steep increase in Transport Allowance amount every 6 months as the D.A rate enhances.
5. Annual Increment: Retaining 3% increment is quite okay because the 3% increment is granted on revised basic pay which constitute pay, grade pay D.A. at 125% and 32% hike in the existing basic pay as fitment benefit. Of course the benefit is marginal only from the existing monetary benefit that accrue on increment.
6. Children Education Allowance: Hiked by 25% i.e. to Rs.2250 per month with simiar rise in hostel fee.
7. Child Care Leave: Recommended for single male parent also. 80% salary for the next 365 days of the total 730 days is a welcome measure to discourage misuse of Child Care Leave.
8. House Building Advance raised from a meager limit of 7.5 lakhs to 25 lakhs
9. Group Insurance Schme: Increasing Group Insurance limit to such a stupendous level of Rs.50.00 lakhs, 25 lakhs and 15 lakhs shall provide adequate succor to the bereaved family of the government servants who die while in service.
10. Retirement Benefits:
i. Pension: 32% hike in the basic pension(2.57 factor) with one more option for ensuring equal pension for equal number of years of service as in the case of defence which perhaps was not demanded by any central government employees forum is a milestone of the recommendation.
ii. Gratuity: Retention of Gratuity at 16.5 months of revised basic pay and D.A . shall increase the take home gratuity amount. Doubling of Gratuity amount from Rs.10.00 lakhs to Rs.20.00 lakhs with provision for raising the Gratuity limit by 25% when D.A. crosses 50% i.e. to Rs.25 lakhs is a great relief to middle level and higher level employees whose remuneration for 16.5 months are much higher than the existing Rs.10.00 lakhs and who would be saved from losing several lakhs as a result of enhancement of gratuity limit.
iii. Commutation of Pension: Retention of Pension commutation at 40% of the revised basic pension which stands increased by 2.57 times as a result of merger of 125% D.A and 32% fitment benefit shall correspondingly increase the take home pension commutation by 2.57 times. For example, an employee who may be otherwise getting only Rs.5.00 lakhs as pension commutation on the existing Pay+Grade Pay under VI CPC recommendation, may get Rs.12.85 lakhs as pension commutation under VII CPC recommendation.
iv. E.L. encashment: Retention of E.L encashment at the existing 300 days is also a welcome gesture.
Surely there will be 60 to 70 percent increase in the overall take home retirement benefits when compared to the existing retirement benefits
All these monetary benefits recommended by the VII Pay Commission, shall definitely provide an insight about the genuine concern of the Hon’ble Chairman and the Members of the VII Pay Commission to improve the financial situation of the central government employees. The criticisms raised against the Pay Commission’s recommendations are totally unwarranted.
1. Retention of 3% increment on basic pay in case of promotion leads to lower financial benefits than the existing benefits:
In the matter of increment on promotion, the Chairman and the Members of the VII CPC have erred, since the financial benefit would be much lower than what a government servant would have got under VI CPC recommendation on promotion, because the existing benefit on promotion carry change in grade pay apart from 3% increase in Pay+Grade Pay. The following illustration shall show the huge difference:
Suppose an employee whose Pay is Rs.24210/- and the Grade pay is Rs. 5400 totalling to Rs.29610(in the Pay band of 15600-39100), gets his next promotion to the Grade Pay of Rs.6600/- he will be entitled to the following hike in total remuneration under the existing VI CPC recommendation:
Rs.29610 x 3% increment =Rs.890
Difference in Grade Pay from Rs.5400 to Rs.6600= Rs.1200
Total increase of increment in basic pay and Grade Pay= Rs.2090
D.A. at 125% as on 1/1/2016 on Rs.2090 = Rs.2613
HRA at 30%(assuming X city) on Rs.2090 =Rs.627
Total monetary benefit = Rs.5330/-
Whereas the net monetary benefit under VII CPC recommendation, as a result of promotion in the above case will be much lower than the above illustraion as shown under:
Equivalent Basic Pay for Rs.29610 come to Rs77700 as per pay matrix
Rs.77700 x 3% increment =Rs.2331(rounded to 2300)
D.A. at 0% as on 1/1/2016 on Rs.2300 = 0
HRA at 24%(assuming X city) on Rs.2300 =Rs.552
Total monetary benefit = Rs.2852/-only as against the existing Rs.5330/- leading to shortage of Rs. 2478/- This is a big blunder committed by the VII Pay commission.
Therefore the increment on promotion should be atleast 5 to 6% to bring the benefit of increment on promotion to the existing level.
2. Non recommendation for merger of 50% of D.A. with basic pay when D.A. crosses 50% is a great disappointment:
The long standing demand of the central government employees for merger of 50% D.A with basic was not implemented by the government on the excuse that the VI CPC had not made such a proposal. The VII CPC is totally silent about this aspect. It appears no one has demanded the same before the VII CPC for consideration.
It is quite surprising that such a vital issue of non-recommendation of merger of D.A with basic pay when D.A crosses 50% is not being opposed by any central government associations or pointed out by the the media. Had it been recommended by the VII CPC, the government would have implemented the same and the benefit of hike in salary as a result of merger of D.A with basic when it cross 50%, would be so vast that no government servant would crave for a need for timely setting up of next VIII Central Pay commission.
3. Disparity in fitment factor among existing and new recruits at various pay levels:
The grant of higher percentage of fitment benefit to new recruits at 2.62 factor(37% increase on Pay+Grade Pay), 2.67) factor(42% increase on Pay+Grade Pay) and 2.72 factor(47% increase on Pay+Grade Pay) etc., is reminiscent of VI Pay Commission’s recommendations which led to disparity among promotees and new recruits. Uniform method should have been adopted. There are chances of persons with more service in a particular pay level getting equal salary with his junior by one or 2 year. This needs rectification.
4. Likely disparities in pension fixation whereby junior may get more pension than the seniors as a result of recommendation under option 2:
The VII CPC has recommended a factor of 2.57 for multiplication of existing basic pension to arrive at revised basic pension. This of course shall not lead to any disparity in pay fixation.
Where as the 2nd option to get the pension fixed as per the number of increments drawn in the particular pay level prior to retirement, may result in great disparities whereby the juniors may get much more than senior pensioners who retired in a higher pay with more basic pension, but with less number of service in the promoted post which he would have held at the time of retirement. Because for arriving at pension under the 2nd option, only the number of years served by a government servant in the particular level of pay at the time of retirement should be taken into consideration as per VII CPC recommendation for exercising the second option.
Therefore in order to arrive at a correct picture to ensure equal pension for civilians for equal number of years, the number of years of service at various level should be taken into account in all the levels from the date of joining the government service till retirement.
5. Suggestion of the Chairman, VII CPC, to do away with setting up of future central pay commissions and give proportionate hike annually to avoid financial burden is a wrong proposal:
The Pay Commissions are set up by the government, to look into the current salary structure and to recommend the hike needed in the pay and other allowances on the basis of the current economic scenario. The Pay Commissions recommendations are not meant for providing financial benefit for the past 10 years, but for future 10 years. The additional financial implication of about Rs.1,02,100 crore i.e. 23.55% in the existing financial liability for implementation of the recommendation is only for one year. i.e.2016-17 which proportionately gets increased every year for the next 10 years. Therefore the suggestion of the Chairman to do away with setting up any more pay commissions and instead to grant proportionate rise in salary every year is a big flaw. It is not clear what the Hon’ble Chairman of the VII CPC really want to suggest. Such a suggestion really shall baffle all the financial experts since the very quantum of additional increase in salary every year comes on the basis of recommendation of the pay commission. Does the Chairman suggest to government to grant further increase in salary every year over and above what the VII CPC have recommended?
6. Questions that need to be answered by the Pay Commission/Government:
a). While adequate amount is provided out of the minimum basic pay of Rs.18,000/-for monthly food items for 3 persons of a family unit which is quite sufficient even for 6 members in a family, but adequate provision is not made towards house rent and educational aspects. The House Rent admissible in X Cities at 24% for Rs.18000/- comes to only Rs.4320/- No family can get a good accommodation for this rate even in Z category cities. There should be a minimum of at least Rs.8000/- as House Rent Allowance in X category cities and a maximum ceiling of Rs.25000/- should be imposed, since persons in higher basic pay stand to get hefty amount as House Rent Allowance which is not advisable.
b). There is no point in granting Children Education Allowance only upto 12th Standard. Any one with 12th Std. qualification can at the most go for a helper job or MTS in government offices. Certainly no welfare government will have such a narrow concept of making the wards of government employees limit their education upto 12th Std. with a view of providing them menial jobs. Therefore government should encourage high level education and pay Children Education Allowance upto Post Graduation level.
Except for the above flaws which need to be rectified, the recommendations of the VII CPC are by and large beneficial and therefore there should be no cause for resentment among the central government employees. They should rejoice over the benefits offered by the VII CPC since the recommendations of the VII Pay Commision are going to yield huge financial benefits in the long run. However, there is a need to take up the matter with the government on the issues which really need intervention by the government to set right the anomalies.
In a nutshell the Chairman and Members of the VII CPC have done a commendable job and fulfilled their mission successfully ensuring justice to all levels of central government employees without any need for worrying about their bread and butter. They really deserve appreciation for presenting an employee friendly report which surely is far beneficial in the history of pay commissions constituted so far.
Deputy Director
ESIC Model Hospital
(Ministry of Labour, Government of India)
Sir,I was rtd as a Sub/Maj copleted rank sercice4yrs.I rtd after 27/07/08days service in gp(y)Arty in 31-03-2005 What is my basic pay OROP and what is my arrers31-12-2015
5200+200 not others allownce
then what is the 7th pay scele odisha government plz replay with my email
AT chalburga th ausa fist latur post jawline pin 413516 Mahesh range
If we are leaving in Independ lndia told us that we all indian is equal so why is the large defference if increase in min steps if we take a same breath ” same drinks in equal rato and more in all sides or steps why is the large defference in India with the human in previous increase as a DA I upper classes decrease but now what in India is doing I don’t know after four-five years it is the large defference in rich and poor man in india
sir may basic pay 7560 and grade pay 2000 .haw is total pay in 7th pay commission
It is un fortunate that all faculty members were granted training allowance for five years only in a career, where as in railways the tenure period of faculty is 8 years and faculty members were selected without deputation since they classified that as ex cadre. request ministry to remove the slab of 5 yrs. and revoke training allowance to 15 %
Sir I have retired from the post of Section Officer in the Scale of Pay Rs.9300 – 34800 on 31.1.2014 and last pay drawn by me was Rs.20810 (B.P.) + 4600 (G.P.). My Basic Pension is Rs.12705/- Pension after commutation is Rs.7623/-‘ I have spent 10 years of service in the above scale. What will be my new Pension under 7th Pay Commission.
I retired from service on 3 Sep 1998 and getting basic pension Rs 16145.00. Please intimate me on my Email the pension as per 7th pay commission.
Now- Pb5200-20200 grade pay 2400 but what is the basic pay in 7th paycommision
I AM WORKING 9300-34800+5400 wiht MACP from9/2008 &NOW IN GROUP B same pay band & GP W. E.F 3/7/2014. I want to know that which factor will be impliment as 2.57 or 2.62 pl. intimate . thanks
my pay is 11060&GP 4200 pl calculate
My basic pension is Rs 10460 wef 01 Aug 2014, kindly calculate my expected pension ar 7th CPC.
What would be DA on 01.01.2016
What would be the DA as on 01.01.2016?
i am getting SCA(remot location) under PART A @3000 now. What would be new SCA?
I Jc 145914l Submaj NP Tiwari retd 31 03 1998 corps of signs. Arreas pree 2006 still not paid . If applicable clarify the payment amount please
Sir with due reverence I want know why the MSP(military service pay) is greater to non combatant forces than the combatant & life threatening to combatants. The MNS(military nursing services) non combatant forces rather the combatant force have more hardworking actions & nation saving soldiers who leave their families alone and defend the nation in the insurgency borders put their lives in the mouth of a tiger,While the non combatant forces e.g MNS etc pass their lives aweless with their kiths & kins by star facilities given to them domestically as well as commercially by government.
What will be the basic pay of the following persons. All belongs to Level 7 grade pay 4600
Pay in PB Grade Pay (Pay +Grade pay) (after multiplying with factor 2.57
A – 15760 4600 20360 52325
B – 15380 4600 19980 51349
C – 15340 4600 19940 51246
D – 15270 4600 19870 51066
E – 14990 4600 19590 50346
F – 14730 4600 19330 49678
kindly reply on my e-mail address
You are showing the examples of likely salary/pensions for the present serving personnel. But what about the old pensioners – howto find out their new pension from 1.1.2016 as per 7th cpc. please let us know. I ‘ve retired in January 1983 as a SGT in IAF with 20 yrs of service. My present Basic pension is 7760. Adding OROP increase, what will be my present Basic pension and then what is likely to be on 1.1.2016 with 7th cpc. Thanks & regards,
Mst Mst… It is easy to find &use.
CCA given on 7th pay commission
सर जितनी 7 payकमिशन से उम्मीदें थी उसने नहीं मिल पाए
सिपाही रंके लिए यह तो बहुत कम है
The kind of massive difference the govt has made between army offrs and pbors in ms pay is ridiculous because an offr comes to the unit and learns all technical things from pbors only and take at least 3-4 years to become good to be an offr. All the work in the field area is managed by pbors on ground, only the orders are given by offrs and execution and management is done by other ranks so in this way ms pay hike should be of pbors not offrs.
Very very bad commision astemeted i am safforing 7th pay commision
MSP of All indian staff will be equal becouse very dangerous day night duty of or & jco’s in army
How to fix pension for those retired from. 1-1-1996 to 1-1-2006
sir, i joined as junior engineer in NIMHANS in the year Mar.1988. i got promoted as Asst.engineer on May 2010. My basic pay on 1/1/2006, Rs.17210 & GP Rs.4600. Kindly give 6cpc pay scale details till to date.
sir, my basic pay fixed Rs.17210&GP Rs.4600 on 1/1/2006,i got 20 years time bond on Mar.2008,as of 6cpc, kindly give me,scale on 1/7/2008. i am working as a asst.engineer in NIMHANS, autonomous institution of cenral govt. i joned as junior engineer grade.kindly give details from 1/1/2006 to 1/7/2015
Ek army ke jawan ki pay kitni hogi 1/1/2016 ke baad mw
Sir ,
Indian army soilder ki total pay kitni hogi 01/01/2016 ke baad me
Sir this is not sufficeant 7Cpc for country Soulders . So pl re consider and increase all type of allowence and equal Ms pay all ranks Indian Army
I am now working in station master cadre. From 7th pay commission report it is learnt that in this category starting grade pay will be 4200. Now my grade pay is 4600 and I got last promotion in 2005. Then is it possible that we jump 2 scale as MACP. Please give answer.
Sir. My basic pay 4494 retired on 1999 my last basic and 75% disability appox how much i will get as on today
What is 7cpc new pension commuted table
pay 9500P Band 2400 HRA10%CA400
Grade pay 1900 have loss of rs. 900 as per calculation of 7 CPC .
The pay commission has not clearly mentioned about the pension fixation for those retired prior to 1-1-2006
7th pay commission ek dhokha hai iski jarurat nahi
I am LDC my G.pay 1900,present TA allawnce 3504,my basic pay 7950 and 7th pay commission according TA allawnce 1350 only.why
If I transfer from 30% HRA to 20% HRA city before pay commission what kind of HRA I shall draw after pay commission for double HRA benefit for old station
pbor and hony comision
My pay band is 9300 – 34800. Grade pay is 4200/- last pay drawn Rs 19460/-. Retired on 30-6-20o8. My basic pension is Rs. 9730/-. Commuted Rs. 3892/- Request to info what is the benefit of my pension on 01/01/2016….My increment date is 01/08/2008.
I am going to retire from 31.01.2016 with pay band pay 22160 & gp as 4800 as private secretary. I have got 4800 gp on 2008 and got promotion on 2013. whether i am entitled gp 5400 before applying fitment formula recommended by 7th cpc
Your calculator is not correct because multiply factor should be different for each pay band as per 7pay commission matrix i.e.,2.57, 2.62, 2.67 etc.
Bsf all ways first line attached Indernational Borders& Any time Naxalite area So kindly provided first poirity
I got 2nd MACP in November 2013 in payband of 9300 (GP 4200/4600/4800).
Thus my GP now is 4600. Now Pay comission has recommended GP as 4600 for those who had 4200 GP in initial stage. Now let me know if my GP will be 4600 or 4800 before calculation of new pay
7th cpc has taken different factors ranging 2.57 to 2.82 to compute entry level pay for various levels saying it is for rationalisation. But in doing so rise in pays of few levels ( especially levels above 14th levels) is upto 25% as compared to 14.3% for others. Besides, taking higher factor for fixing entry pay and lower factor for fixing/fitment in within same level is giving higher percentage increase ( upto 21% ) to junior as compared to ( 14.3 %) for seniors. Junior
Therefore, for uniformity a single factor say of minimum 2.7 to be adopted at all levels both for fixing entry pays as well as for fixing pay/ fitment . This factor of 2.7 is just 5% higher than 2.57.. This would also keep ratio ( lowest pay : highest pay) unchanged at ( 18900 : 243000 :: 1; 12.85) which was in 6th cpc( 7000 : 90000 :: 1: 12.85), this would yield uniform increase of 20 % to all employees .
Change in percent is required 24% is too less. It should be minimum 35%. Change in transport allowance is also required because amount which is advised we are already getting.
level 1and 2 ko 6cpc me TA allowance 1600 Da tha ab7cpc me TA allowance 900 DA ho gya to selery kha badi ye to or kam ho gyi.please attention this point.
The recommendations of 7th CPC Committee is very disgusting, not justifiable and without any support to previous commissions. I feel Government should send it back to committee for modifications because Govt. on its own cannot put forth any major benefits without recommendations. The Government should see the agony of family members of Govt. servant and also sincerity of the Government employees except few employees who are not giving their 100%. Kindly do the good for the Govt. employees.
The calculator needs modifications as under:
1. As per 7th CPC recommendation, HRA is 24%, 16% and 8% depending upon the type of city for 0% DA.. When DA crosses 50% these rates will be 27%, 18% and 9%. Finally when DA crosses 100%, the rates will be 30%, 20% and 10%.
2. The multification factor for different grade pay are not incorporated properly. For exapmple for a grade pay of 10,000, it uses factor of 3.05 which is not correct. It should be 2.72.
Please verify and make corrections, if agreed.
Can u please tell me will msp & tech pay of Indian air force pbor will be calculated in determining the next basic along with basic & gp
Not satisfactory 7th pay of central gov. Employee.
Expected Horse and given zebra and we becoming “Big Ass”
I am a clerk of Indian Army. Presently I get 119%.
What about DA and other allowances i.e. TPTL, CILQ, LRA, CLASS PAY, GS PAY, of Indian Army on 01 Jan 2016 ?
DA kitna % hoga aur January me Jo DA badhta hai kya weh isme hi samil yoga ya alag she joda jayega
Why it showing basic pay equal to 11170 and 11510.
Ur calculator is incorrect because multiply factor is different for each pay band i.e.,2.57,2.62,2.67 etc.
It’s wrong calculations. My band pay is 14290,GP is 4600,hra 30%& TA 1600. New pay shown BP 49000 but after multiple factors 2.62 comes to 49492 level at 50500.
Pl. read the 7th CPC Report once again.
Hi all my fellow brothers I m very unsatisfied Due to 7th cpc why there are lots of gap between pbor and officers I never understand why it mens there are onbody cares about us we are just depends on their shake . In army we nerve rais our voice for us. I don’t want to say that i m jealous or something but I m asking a question.
Your pay calculator is correct and easy to use. The first entry column could have been named as ‘Basic Pay”
Basic Pay means Pay in the Pay Band(Band Pay) + Grade Pay
The calculator does not give beyond grade pay of 10000. Why dont you cover the entire spectrum of the employees, just to make the calculator a complete tool. Also it would be a nice idea to include the difference in pay between what we are getting in the present VI pay commission scale and the enhanced pay of the seventh pay commission.
Thank You.
This pay commission not satisfied
7th pay commission must be hiked according to 6thcpc.
Dear sir
VII cpc report is disappointing
Govt. Should think to improve the hike otherwise this will be a great loss to the Govt. In future
I retired on 30/04/2007 in PB 4 with GP of 8700. My basic pension was fixed at 26175 by VI CPC. I was drawing 9 increments before my retirement in 14300-18300 scale(5th CPC). As there are ways of calculating pension, pl. tell me the beneficial calculation of pension.
Hi admin,
I am in Indian air force. My basic is 11820, my gp is 2400, my msp is 2000 & tech pay is 1400. Can u tell me my basic pay. Is msp &:tech pay calculated for determining the new basic.
I retired on 30.4.2008 with basic pay 19050+4800=23850 and the basic pension fixed at 11925 under the pay band 9300-34800. What wd be my 7th cpc pension.
B. While retiring I was in the pay scale of 9300-34800 with GP 4800.. I hv been in the same post since 1993 (2000-10500) and from 2/1/2006 in the scale of 9300-34800) and earned 15 to 16 increments. Under ORP what would be my pension.
Awaiting your reply.
Calculator needs your Basic pension, Pay in pay band, Grade Pay and Increments earned in the pay scale when you retired to calculate your pension. Pl. follow the link for our pension calculator…
my basic pay Rs 10250+2800=13050 what is my 7 th cpc pay
Mr.Abdul, Click the link and give your band pay and grade pay. Immediately will get your new basic pay details. It is very easy to use. Try it..
admin sir my grade pay is 2400 basic 9500 so what will be my pay on 1 Jan 2016
Your basic pay as on 1.1.2016 may be fixed at Rs.31400 as per the recommendations of 7th CPC.
my basic pension is 10400 tell me the what wil be after 7th pay commission …
Dear admin please tell me is 2.57 method is same for pension ??
Yes Sir.
Mr Hussain calculation correct he mention his basic pay incl GP.
Dear Admin… what about DA…. ? Is basic pay only? If DA is there, then what percentage on new basic pay?
After implementation of 7th CPC, there is no DA from Jan 2016 to Jun 2016.
7th CPC have submitted report to Govt of India. Media reported a BONANZA for central Govt employees and pensioner, Economists shown their concern about fiscal deficit, private employees see it as Malai, marketing companies described it a boon for slow market. I also felt ACHHE DIN AANE VALE HAI , and started calculation to know whether a MAKAAN(house) or a SUV can I purchase.
Salary slip of a group B employee is/will be as under:-
Basic Pay 17140 44900
DA@125% 21425 000
TPT+Da 3600 3600
HRA 000 000
GROSS PAY 42165 48500
Mandatory recoveries
GPF/NPS 3857 4490
CGEIS 60 2500
I. Tax 1256 1909
L. Fee 200 600
CGHS 325 975
TOTAL 5698 10474
NET Pay 36467 38026
VII CPC 1559
Finally I come to know – makaan aur SUV kya ek cycle bhee nahin aa saktee. Yah bhee pata chala ki hamare desh me achhe din kyun nahin aa rahe. Actually, we have poor Economists, a sensational and irresponsible media, innocent people and “10 saal k baad 4.275% net increase paakar itni aalochana sunane vala” bechara central Govt employee
Forward this as much as possible
The persons who r in paycommission or in such a committees have enjoy with their families entire life by the expenditure of govt.of india.they does’nt know the regular use of onion& tamota price also.the ground level working people should be suppressed bcoz they r decision makers.
Modi bhi mulayam Akhilesh ki tarah jar nahi jeb majboot kar raha hai
Bihar ne to ghatka de diya ab bhartiy sena degi iske bad modi ke acche din Aayege nahi Chale jayega hamsha ke liye
Modi ne army ke jawano ke sath dhokha kar rahe hai kendra ke imply hamsha yad rahega our ek bat Army walo ko noukari karane se Koi fayada nahi jo rat ko chain se sote hai wahi army ki noukari kar sakte hai modi ji border par police walo ko laga do Hindustan saf rahega Yeh so kar dutty de sakte hai
In this calculator, the index adopted is 2.57 universally, but in the pay matrix, the index varies from 2.57 to 2.78.Kindly clarify.
What about stagnation gaps between two increments in calculating total no. of increments for fixing revised pension as per option 1.
Will stagnation years I.e increments after two yrs. count for determination of pension revision in 7 pay comm.
MR Naredra modi do not except this pay commission before modification i.e previously i was getting 8000/-Rs HRA for Govt quarters after confirmation of 7th pay commission i will have to pay 17000/- so i can visualized that ” Achhe Din Aa gaye hai i will shift to the new area of zopad paatti of Dharavi area so think on the subject and do the needful for advance payments for shifting charges for new location of dharavi Mumbai .
Joined service on 27.1.2014 in PB 3 with GP 6600. Earned one increment in 2015 and my present BP is 26110 (inclusive of GP). Calculate my present basic pay in 7 cpc.
My basic pay=23990(19190+4800). What will be new BP
Your new basic pay as per recommendations fo 7th CPC will be Rs.62200
Sir what about CA and DA
What will be my total pay afer 7 CPC
Now my basic pay is 7830 and MS PAY is 2000 grade pay also same
I currently draw the Family Pension of Rs. 10243/- p.m. under Pay band-2 9300-34800 including grade pay 4600. What will be my pension as per 7th cpc recommendation.
please calculate my pension…
nice ,
pay calculator works properly
Sir my current basic pay is 17000 including 4200 grade pay. but as per 7th cpc recommendation my new gp will be 4600. so what will be my basic pay. if it will be 44900 then a new entrant and my salary after 20 yr of service will be same.
please clarify……
Pay fixation formula for those who are getting NPA means for doctor
In this calculator, the index adopted is 2.57 universally, but in the pay matrix, the index varies from 2.57 to 2.78
In which way we calculate MSP & DA for total payment
CG Employee (dreaming)…100% pay hike
News paper…..CG employees will get 23% pay hike
Govt….CG employees will get 15% pay hike…
Accountant says…after deducting income tax and CGEGIS you will get 6% pay hike from Jan 2016….. CG
Employee(??!!)…6% hike is 6% DA for JAN 2016…where is pay commission hike……
Great work. The Calculator works perfectly.
It is a most worest and labor opposite C P C and lower to higher ratio of the pay fixation very high, that means the committee members supported higher cader employees
I am working in A & N Islands and entitled for Special Compensatory Allowance in fixed slab and Island Special Duty Allowance in terms of %.These two component of allowance may also be in formed to calculate actual gross salary w.e.f 01.01.2016
My basic pay was 19100 and grade pay 4800 on my retirement, 1st may 2011.
I would like to know new pension.
Dr.P Ramulu
how to calculate pension from new pay, pl explain
tks & regards
The calculator is correct ly working. Very good…..
It is seen that the pension calculation in pre -revised scales for pay 22310+da after commutation is working out to be more than that in the 7PC (58600 ie 29300 . full pension . Now after commmutation coming upto much less ie under 18000.
But . If you calculate the full pension it is more in 7pc , than in the old scales . Can anyone clarify please
the increase provided by the report is only 15% which fetches a very meager amount as hike. while the top level were granted a big hike the lowest paid employee were not considered appropriately. a 30% increase would have resulted a decent hike. hope the govt. add something to provide its employees a decent hike.
All the website are scrap and showing same .but what be the in Hand salary it will be effective increment not what will be gross.
what will be the da after new pay commission
thanks for this calculation example
Thanks for Advance calculations..
Dear Sir. Thanks for introducing this calculator for knowing 7th CPC hike. But this calculator should have other allowances and CPF / GPF etc.
7th pay main CRPF ko bhi Amry ka soman Pay hona chahian; Jai Hind…….
V. Good
Sir me ahmedabad Gujarat me gov. Servant hu mera basic pay 9680 hay aur grade pay 2400 hai HRA 20% aur Transport allowance 800 hai to 7th pay me mera salary kitna hoga
i cant understand the fix 7th pay plz describe me my basic is 9090 gp is 2000 hra 1075 wa 125 then how much the current pay
Sir my presnt TA is 1600 i am in higher tpta city so my new ta should be 3600 as pR 7 th cpc pls correct tha same.
What is band pay? I am getting basic salary of 8460 and my payband is 5200-20200+2000. Please help me admin.
very good efforts made by you and your team. Thank you verymuch.
My present pay including grade is Rs 16160/- and as per 7 the pay commission matrix my present pay multiply with 2.62 my pay comes to Rs.42339/- and as per 7 the pay commission matrix my present pay comes to Rs.43600/-. But when I calculated in your calculator it shows my revised pay will be Rs.53600/-. So please reply whether my calculation or your calculation which is correct.
Expecting your reply
Please provide a calculator for defence persons
Sir ,i am woking in Indian Bureau of Mines CHENNAI, as Senior Techincal Assistant (STA) with B P=18010, GP 4800,In the 7 cpc ( Ref page no 691 to693) my GP UPGRADED to from 4200 to4600 , i joined in 1984 ,i got one ACP and two MACP now i request u fix my new pay as per 7cpc
sir mera basic 9540 aur grade 2000hai hra 350 aur 950 food 150 washing 80 press la hai 7th pay me meri sallery kya hogi
excellent coverage
lot of thanks.
thanks for introducing this useful calculator.
how to calculate pay on promotion
hot to calculate pay on promotion as per 7th PC
Very good calculator, but 7th CPC has ignored rather rejected the most important demand of lower and mid level employees for revising time bound promotion or upgradatiom from 3 to 5 in entire service period. The grade pay system has been replaced by matrix levels, so the anamolies will remain of MACP and on promotion from level to level………….
You have not included 6000 grade pay in the calculator .
How to calculate?
You mean 6000…or 6600.
6600 Grade Pay is working. Check once again. Thank You.
The report of 7th CPC is not up to the expectations of govt. Employees even after so long patience of 10 years. Reducing of HRA is not good. Merger of DA has also not considered which resulted ultimate loss to innocent employees. Fraction ratio is also on very lower side. Required enhancement of encashment of 300 EL limit at the time of Retirement.
In this calculator HR A % is not according to the pay commission and zero HRA option should be included for Govt Accn holder.
Thank You. Will be added soon.
Good calculator,thanx
Thanks for calculater system but not
Show DA
ThanQ so much sir.
Thanks if pay is settled account to this it made easy to calculate
Find it accurate. Thanks to the developer of this calculator
Thank you so much sir
My present basic is 7848 navy x group with 17.5 yr service as ch.mech/ch.artificer rank what is my basic under 7 th pay com. And also new basic with if orop is applied
I retreat from my observation pointing out defect in your pay calculator in view of the fact that the variation in the multiplication factor for various levels like 2.57, 2.62, 2.67, and 2.72 appears to be only for the new entrants at the entry level and not for the existing employees since uniform factor of 2.57 i.e 32% increase on the VI CPC pay and grade pay need to be taken at all levels which you have done correctly. I regret for hasty comment about your pay calculator.
At the same time I am disappointed that even the VII Pay Commission had erred in discriminating between the existing employees and the new entrants by adopting 2 different formulas in the matter of fixation of pay by applying varying factors at higher rate for the new recruits at entry level
Splendid effort you have done.
Hope your effort will very close to be implemented.
its not working for GP 6600
Thank You Very Much..! Rectified.
There is no difference in old & New payment
The Seventh Central Pay Commission have done an excellent job by presenting the VII CPC Report within the scheduled time and without much anomalies that were vastly found in VI CPC Report. Abolition of Pay Band and Grade Pay System deserve appreciation. Pay matrix have been worked out with brilliance which provide minimum entry scale as well as fitment table for existing employees according to the increments drawn unlike the 3 methods of fixation adopted by VI CPC among new recruits, promotees and existing employees which caused great disparity and anomaly in pay fixation. The hike granted is also quite substantial which in fact is more than what VI CPC had granted. While the increase granted by VII CPC on pre-revised VI CPC basic pay actually ranges from 32% to 56% of the pre-revised Basic pay, the increase is projected as 15% wrongly by the media including the VII CPC in its comparison table which unnecessarily have been paving the way for resentment and unrest among the central government employees who would not have fully studied the report. While projecting the percentage of increase the VI CPC,had taken into account only the basic pay . Whereas the VII CPC had reckoned D.A. element to project the percentage of increase which gives a wrong picture of around 15% hike.
Therefore there should be no cause for resentment among the central government employees. They should rejoice over the benefits offered by the VII CPC. There is a overall increase of 25% to 40% in the gross emoluments which is more than what they received from the VI CPC. The retention of percentage of pension and percentage of commutation of pension and gratuity of 16.5 months and 300 days EL encashment on retirement shall steeply increase the take home retirement benefits by almost 60 to 70%.
In a nutshell the Chairman and Members of the VII CPC have done a commendable job and fulfilled their mission successfully ensuring justice to all levels of central government employees. Let us hope, the Government of India approve the recommendations without any changes and implement it .
Hats off to the Chairman and Members of the VII Central Pay Commission for presenting such an excellent report unseen in the history of pay commissions constituted so far.
Let me bring it to your kind notice that in your pay calculator you have taken 2.57 factor uniformly for multiplication for all the levels of employees. This shall not fit into the Pay Matrix correctly. Please note that 2.57 factor is applicable only for the Grade pays of Rs.1800 to Rs. 2800. For Grade Pays from 4200 to 4800 the factor is 2.62. For the Grade pay from Rs.5400 to 7600 the factor is 2.67. For Grade Pay of Rs.8700 the factor is 2.57, For Grade pay of RS.8900, the factor is 2.67, for Grade pay of Rs.10,000 the factor is 2.72. Similarly there is variation in the multiplication factors in the apex scales.
I request you to make necessary rectification in your pay calculator as you are projecting less salary in all the above cases where the factor varies.
It is wrong calculator. 17650 Basic (including grade pay) becomes 45360. its nearest index level is 44900/-, How new basic becomes 56900/-
I am retired on 31/5/2006 .my pension basic. Is 9125plus119%da Including
Commutation .now how.much pension I would get on 1 1 2016.
Basic Pay presently 16490 x 2.57 = 42379, so will be place in 42800 and not 49600 as per the calculator. The difference in total is 10k between manual calculations and calculator calculation
Your calculator has to be modified as per coefficient for multiplication is different for every pay band
Kindly modify the HRA as 24, 16,and 8 % of the basic pay on 1.1.2016
Thanks. Can you guide us through to pension calculation.
How to calculate my pension with the pay calculator? My current pension is a pro-rata one at Rs.4,388/- in PB 5200-20200 with grade pay of Rs.2,800/-.. Pre-revised scale of 4500-7000 and 5000-8000 were merged and placed in PB-2 as per 6th CPC para 3.1.14. What is my pension and what about full pension? No clear recommendation in this aspect. Pl. clarify.
All are aware that since quiet long time Central Government employees are waiting for 7th CPC results. Finally Commission has submitted report on 19.11.15 at 19.30hrs to our Honorable Finance Minister for budget approval.
I hope that Finance & Prime Minister of India may definitely understand the lower cadre employees hurdles and anomalies and increase the minimum hike from 23.55 which is very less and unlike in State government organisations, the contribution of Central government employees is enormous and the increased should be at least 30% keeping in view of the existing price index . It is also submitted that one has to wait for the next 10 years till the next pay commission arrives. Needless to mentioned that a good number of organisations which are running on self sufficient ( Non-grant organisations ) may be looked into to give them a weight-age of at least three additional increments in the beginning itself before fixing of pay.
In order to motivate them and to bring consistency of self sufficiency in the years to come. Vis – a – vee they should have at least four elevations in their service which was in vogue in the Vth & VIth CPC. This will help to many thousands of Central government employees who are deprived of promotions for various reasons from one organisation to other. This can only be looked into sympathetically by none other than the Prime Minister himself.
with regards
CITD, Balanagar, Hyderabad
really very good. hats up for team
All are aware that since quiet long time Central Government employees are waiting for 7th CPC results. Finally Commission has submitted report on 19.11.15 at 19.30hrs to our Honorable Finance Minister for budget approval.
I hope that Finance & Prime Minister of India may definitely understand the lower cadre employees hurdles and anomalies and increase the minimum hike from 23.55 which is very less and unlike in State government organisations, the contribution of Central government employees is enormous and the increased should be at least 30% keeping in view of the existing price index . It is also submitted that one has to wait for the next 10 years till the next pay commission arrives. Needless to mentioned that a good number of organisations which are running on self sufficient ( Non-grant organisations ) may be looked into to give them a weight-age of at least three additional increments in the beginning itself before fixing of pay.
In order to motivate them and to bring consistency of self sufficiency in the years to come. Vis – a – vee they should have at least four elevations in their service which was in vogue in the Vth & VIth CPC. This will help to many thousands of Central government employees who are deprived of promotions for various reasons from one organisation to other. This can only be looked into sympathetically by none other than the Prime Minister himself.
Very nice and quite accurate.
Multification factor is 2.62 is for GP Rs.4200 to 5400., pl. Modify calculator.
very very correct calculator easy for one to know their gross salary on implementation of 7th cpc
Good work
In HRA column one more field to be added because i am in govt quarters
Please Discard the Nps otherwise modify it as it will be beneficial to us
Good efforts. However, I would like to know for whom the other index levels applies. This is because, I am going to complete 33 years of continuous service while 5 years far away from superannuation.
With regards.
Simply superb
Good effort…Thanks