Voluntary Retirement Scheme in Central Government Services
The Central Government Services provide a Voluntary Retirement Scheme for its employees and officers. Such a scheme grants Central Government employees the entitlement to retire from their service after they have reached the age of 50 years, 55 years, and upon completion of 30 years of qualified service or 20 years of qualified service.
Who can apply for Voluntary Retirement in Central Govt Services?
Employees of the Central Government are eligible to apply for Voluntary Retirement under certain conditions. Rule No. 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 permits Central Government employees to apply for Voluntary Retirement after completing 30 years of service. Additionally, Rule No. 48-A of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 allows Central Government employees to apply for Voluntary Retirement after completing 20 years of service. Central Government officers in Group A and B may apply for Voluntary Retirement upon reaching 50 years of age, while other employees may do so at 55 years of age, as per Rule No. FR 56 (k).
Premature Retirement and Voluntary Retirement
The premature and voluntary retirement policies for government servants are as follows: Upon completion of thirty years’ qualifying service, the appointing authority may require a government servant to retire in the public interest. In such cases, the government servant will be entitled to a retiring pension calculated according to rule 44. Similarly, a government servant who has completed twenty years’ qualifying service may retire from service by providing written notice to the appointing authority at least three months in advance. In this case, the retiring pension will also be calculated according to rule 44.
Voluntary Retirement for Persons suffering from a disability
As per the Supreme Court Order in Bhagwan Dass & Anr Vs Punjab State Electricity Board (2008) 1 SCC, 579, individuals with disabilities may request voluntary retirement. To comply with the PWD Act and such legal rulings, government appointing authorities must examine cases of voluntary retirement due to medical reasons. If the PWD Act applies to the case, individuals must be informed that they have the option to continue in their job under the Act’s protection. If they still decide to proceed with their voluntary retirement request, it can be processed as per normal rules. All Ministries and Departments should take note of these guidelines while handling voluntary retirement requests involving disabilities – Click to View the Order
Voluntary retirement under FR 56(k) and amendment of Rules
In accordance with FR 56(k) and 56(m) and the amendment of rules, a Government employee may voluntarily retire in certain circumstances. These circumstances include if the employee is under suspension, if a charge sheet has been issued and disciplinary proceedings are ongoing, or if judicial proceedings on charges that may amount to grave misconduct are pending. It is important to note that for the purposes of this clause, judicial proceedings will be considered pending if a complaint or report has been filed by a police officer and the Magistrate has taken cognizance in a criminal proceeding – Click to view the order in pdf
VRS accepted while on Extra Ordinary Leave
The voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) may be accepted even while an employee is on extraordinary leave. It is important to note that extraordinary leave does not count towards an employee’s accumulated leave and cannot be used at the same time as the notice period for voluntary retirement. The Department of Personnel and Training has released an order addressing this matter under the reference number No. 25013/3/2003-Estt(A) on June 17, 2003. – Click to view the order in pdf
Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Surplus Central Government Employees
The Expenditure Reforms Commission (ERC) recommended a generous voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) for central government employees who have been deemed surplus. This scheme is known as the Special Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Surplus Central Government Employees. The Department of Personnel and Training has subsequently released an official order regarding this scheme, which can be found under the reference number 25013/3/2003-Estt(A) and the date 28.02.2002. – Click to view the order in pdf
Completed 20 years of service qualifying for pension
After serving for a period of 20 years, a government employee is eligible to receive a pension. According to the office memorandum issued on August 25th, 1977, if an employee chooses to retire voluntarily, they must ensure that they have completed the required 20 years of service and are eligible to receive a pension. This can be confirmed by consulting the relevant administrative authority. – Click to view the order in pdf
ARC recommended to VRS after 15 years of service
The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) made a recommendation in section 59(1) that civil servants should be permitted to retire voluntarily after 15 years of service, with a proportionate pension and gratuity. The government considered the ARC’s recommendation and decided to allow government servants to retire voluntarily after 20 years of qualifying service, with proportionate pension and gratuity, and a weightage of up to 5 years towards qualifying service if applicable. Participation in this scheme is entirely voluntary, and the government does not have the authority to retire government servants under this scheme. The Department of Personnel and Training issued an order on this matter on August 26th, 1977. – Click to view the order in pdf
7th CPC Voluntary Retirement Scheme
The 7th Central Pay Commission report does not provide any explicit guidance regarding the Voluntary Retirement Scheme proposed by the CPC.
Recommendation on Voluntary retirement in 6th Pay Commission: The 6th Pay Commission recommends voluntary retirement to eligible employees. An employee who has completed 30 years of qualifying service is entitled to take voluntary retirement by providing a 3-month notice. Group A & B officers who entered service before the age of 35 may retire after reaching the age of 50 by giving a similar notice. Group A & B officers who joined the service after 35 years of age and all Group C & D employees may retire voluntarily at their discretion, and retirement will become effective upon the completion of the notice period. Unless an official is under suspension, no formal approval is required. An employee who has completed 20 years of qualifying service may voluntarily retire by providing a 3-month notice, but acceptance from the Appointing Authority is necessary in this case.
Pension on voluntary retirement is payable only if an employee has put in 20 years or more of qualifying service. In the case of superannuation, a pension is payable on completion of 10 years or more of qualifying service. However, full pension, whether on superannuation or voluntary retirement, is payable only on completion of a qualifying service of 33 years. Additionally, up to 5 years of weightage is allowed for reckoning qualifying service for pension/gratuity in case of voluntary retirement, provided that the total qualifying service, including the weightage, does not exceed 33 years and does not extend beyond the date of normal superannuation.
Resignation Rules in Central Government Services
The Central Government Services have specific rules for resignation. While Voluntary Retirement is an option, it is conditional on fulfilling eligibility criteria under CCS Rules to receive a monthly pension. The Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for Central and State Government Employees requires careful consideration before initiating the process. Resignation from Central Government Services can be a lengthy process and must adhere to orders under CCS Pension Rules. Voluntary retirement is classified into three categories: forced to retire, retirement in the public interest, and retirement on medical grounds. Central Government employees do not receive additional benefits for voluntary retirement. However, if an employee has served for 20 years, they are eligible for a full pension, gratuity based on their service, leave salary, and Commutation amount.
VRS Rules for Central Government Employees
The VRS regulations for Central Government workers comprise of CCS Pension Rule 48, which stipulates retirement upon completion of 30 years of qualifying service, and CCS Pension Rule 48-A, which mandates retirement upon completion of 20 years of qualifying service. Additionally, CCS Pension Rule 48-B allows for the addition of qualifying service on voluntary retirement. Finally, Fundamental Rule 56 (k) is also applicable in this context.
BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme 2019
BSNL has recently declared a Voluntary Retirement Scheme for its workforce and has released a Notification on the 4th of November 2019 to that effect. – Click to know more
Voluntary Retirement Age Service Table
Government servants may retire from service voluntarily with pensionary benefits before attaining the age of superannuation under the following provisions of Fundamental Rules and CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
Group A & B Officers under FR 56 (k)
Officers belonging to Group A and B, falling under FR 56 (k), are subject to the following criteria: they must belong to the Grade of Group A and B Officers, have entered into service prior to reaching 35 years of age, and have attained 50 years of age. In addition, those who have attained 50 years of age or more and have met the minimum service requirement are also covered under this provision. The notice period for such officers is three months, and their acceptance of the same is considered automatic unless they convey their non-acceptance within the given time. The only ground for non-acceptance of the notice is suspension.
Group C & D Officers under FR 56 (k)
This policy concerns Group C & D Officers who fall under FR 56 (k) and meet certain age and service requirements. Specifically, these officers must have entered service before the age of 35 and have attained either 50 years of age or 55 years of age in other cases. There is no minimum service requirement for this policy, and the notice period for non-acceptance is 3 months. If an officer does not convey non-acceptance within the notice period, acceptance is automatic. The only grounds for non-acceptance under this policy are suspension.
Group C Officers under FR 56(m)
As per FR 56(m), officers belonging to Group C are subject to the following conditions: they are not governed by any pension rules, must have completed a minimum of 30 years of service, and are required to provide a notice period of three months before leaving their post. It is important to note that acceptance of the notice is not required, and there are no grounds for non-acceptance.
Group C & D Officers under Pension Rule 48 (1) (a)
According to Pension Rule 48 (1) (a), Group C and D Officers falling under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, must have a minimum of 30 years of service. In the event of retirement, a notice period of three months is required, and if non-acceptance is not conveyed within the designated time frame, acceptance is automatic. However, non-acceptance may be based on the grounds of suspension.
Group C & D Officers under Pension Rule 48 (A)
As per Pension Rule 48 (A), officers belonging to Group C and D fall under a specific grade of all government servants that are covered by CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. These officers must serve a minimum of 20 years before being eligible for pension benefits. Upon retirement, a notice period of three months is required, and if nonacceptance of the pension scheme is not conveyed before the expiry of this notice period, acceptance is presumed. However, officers may choose to not accept the pension scheme, and any grounds for non-acceptance will be considered valid.
Important Note on Voluntary Retirement Rules
Please take note that the rules regarding voluntary retirement require careful consideration. As per FR 56(k) or Rule 48 (1)(a) of Pension Rules, a notice of voluntary retirement does not necessarily require acceptance. However, in the case of a government servant under suspension, the appropriate authority may withhold permission for retirement under these circumstances. It is important to note that this differs from the notice under Rule 48(A) of Pension rules, which requires acceptance by the appointing authority. Additionally, even the right to refuse a notice of voluntary retirement under FR 56 (m) is not available to the government if the government servant is under suspension.
Latest News on VRS and Resignation:
- Voluntary retirement under FR 56(k), etc. and amendment of Rules September 26, 2024
- Wage Revision of BSNL Retired Employees September 26, 2024
- Premature Retirement of Government Employees June 19, 2023
- Number of Employees Retired Prematurely Under FR 56 (J): DoPT asked all Ministries June 19, 2023
- Pending payment of encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave for BSNL VRS Retirees October 19, 2020
- Immediate settlement of pending issues in respect of retired employees under BSNL VRS 2019 September 11, 2020
- Timely submission of the cases for approval of voluntary retirement under Rule 48 September 9, 2020
- Release Gratuity to retired employees of BSNL without any delay July 11, 2020
- Payment of Ex-gratia to BSNL VRS 2019 Retirement June 28, 2020
- Technical Resignation or Voluntary Retirement – Option for induction in Old Pension Scheme – Govt Order June 15, 2020
- Payment of leave encashment in respect of VRS-2019 optees whose Vigilance clearance is withheld May 9, 2020
- Payment of Pension for Regular Pension Cases till March 2020 April 18, 2020
- Voluntary Retirement Scheme for Employees December 13, 2019
- Periodical Review Report under FR 56(j) and 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules November 11, 2019
- Voluntary Retirement Offer to BSNL and MTNL Employees October 24, 2019
- Pensionary benefits under NPS on Voluntary Retirement July 24, 2019
- VRS in three Defence Services – 2016 to 2018 Report July 1, 2019
- 7th Pay Commission Recommendations on Voluntary Retirement Scheme June 11, 2019
- Q&A regarding Voluntary Retirement – Pension Benefit – Promotion – CCL February 15, 2019
- Voluntary Retirement in Paramilitary Forces December 28, 2017
- Employees of BWEL will be Benefitted from the Voluntary Retirement Scheme to be Offered at 2007 Pay Scale August 23, 2017
- Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) in SBI August 11, 2017
- Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) in Associate Banks of SBI April 11, 2017
- DPE issues guidelines to expedite the process for clousure of CPSEs September 28, 2016
- Compulsory Retirement under CCS Rules ; Central Government employees over 50/55 worried September 28, 2015
- Govt mulls to execute compulsory retirement to Central Government employee for better administration September 23, 2015
- Request for Voluntary retirement from persons suffering from disability – Dopt Orders May 20, 2015
- Voluntary Retirement from Persons suffering with disability February 6, 2015
- Grant of compassionate appointment to the wards in Railways – Railway Board reply March 20, 2014

What is a Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for Central Govt Employees?
A Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) is a scheme introduced by the Central Government to provide an option for employees to retire voluntarily from service before reaching their superannuation age.
Who is eligible for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
All regular Central Government employees, including those from public sector undertakings, autonomous bodies, and statutory corporations, are eligible for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
What are the benefits of the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
The Voluntary Retirement Scheme offers various benefits such as a lump-sum amount, pension, gratuity, and other retirement benefits based on the length of service and salary.
Is there any age restriction to opt for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
No, there is no age restriction to opt for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme. However, the employee should have completed a certain number of years of service as specified by the Central Government.
Are there any penalties or drawbacks for opting for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
No, there are no penalties or drawbacks for employees who opt for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme. The scheme is purely voluntary, and the eligible employees can choose to avail themselves of the benefits offered.
How can an eligible employee apply for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
Eligible employees can apply for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme by submitting a written application to their respective department or organization’s authority responsible for managing employee retirements.
Are there any tax implications for the benefits received under the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
Yes, the benefits received under the Voluntary Retirement Scheme may have tax implications. Employees are advised to consult a tax professional or refer to the Income Tax Act for guidance on the tax treatment of VRS benefits.
Can an employee withdraw their application after opting for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
No, once an eligible employee’s application for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme is accepted, the decision is final, and they cannot withdraw their application.
Is there a deadline to apply for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme?
The Central Government may specify a deadline for employees to apply for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme. Employees are encouraged to check with their respective departments or organizations for any deadline information.
A Railway employee took VRS on 30.06.2013.
His Date of Birth is 02.06.1956
His Date of Death is 30.12.2017
In his PPO, it is mentioned that for Family Pension, Enhanced Rate would continue till 30.06.2020.
Could you please kindly inform me whether this is correct. If not in affirmative, could you please provide me the relative Circular No. ?
Correct as per the rules after 7 years from the retirement/VRS. If the pensioner dies 7 years family pension will be 60% basic pension minimum of Rs.9,000/-) plus applicable dearness allowance paid to the spouse or (dependent nominees if any not earning of rs.9,000/- p.m.)
For Class 3 employees in Indian railways , When will qualifying service start, from start of training or date of independent duty.
Independent duty only.
I am Ex-serviceman who served Indian Air Force. now I am serving in railways as SM. My DOB 15/05/1965
DOA in Railways 8/04/2003.
Training period from 8/04/2003 to 14/09/2003.
Now i want to give VRS on medical grounds. Please suggest me when i should give VRS.
VRS is given only after completion of 20years qualifying service excludes your (loss of pay if any & counting of E.L. taken in service)
Can i get minmimum 30% pension after 10 year regular service in Hp gov.
No. You will get gratuity & as on date eligible amount of NPS it will be given after 2 years.
Sir, I have completed 24 yrs 9 months now holding Gr one officer under MHA, Central Government. I have submitted my VRS application. If the authority rejects or refusal my VRS, can I apply a second time or many times till the VRS is granted or shall I go to Court? Please advise me.
Pay protection is eligible for personal join Rajasthan government after technical resignation from central government
I had given notice of Voluntary Retirement, but the same was withdrawn by me well in time before the expiry of the said notice period. Thereafter I got a salary of 4 months. All of a sudden the authority has intimated that your request of VR has been approved and you have been retired from the services four months earlier. The information of my VR accepted was given to me by the competent authority after the expiry of four months.
Is it right? on one hand the employee has been retired from services, but the department provides this information to his employee after four months that you have been retired. Moreover, the employee is getting his salary. Please intimate whether these orders are right and as per central govt service rules?
As per the rule 48(A) VRS acceptance of retirement is well.
I had given over one month notice for voluntary retirement. But my VR has been accepted and relieved me after 17 days of serving the VR notice i.e. before one month. is there any rule that employer can do so? I mean relieved after 17 days without assigning any appropriate reason for relieving before expiry of VR notice period..
If the employee is on extraordinary leave without other than medical grounds the notice period need not be insisted may be accepted immediately under Rule 48A GID(1).
I am a fourth class employee in uttar pradesh madhyamik inter college.I have worked there for more than 20 years. How can I get vrs or iam eligible for it.
If you’re qualifying service (without loss of leave) of 20 years you are eligible without any reasons in government service.
Sir my date of birth 14-08_1970 joined dept of post on 10-04-1994 now I am applying for vrs can I eligible? Grounds? Please sir
After completion of 20 years qualifying service (E.O.L. without M.C.) by three months notice which requires acceptance by the Appointing Authority.
I am Group A Central Govt. officer having 26 years plus continuous service and I am 56 + . Am I eligible for VRS.
If you’re qualifying service of 20years VRS eligible with the condition rule I have replied under date 28-1-2021.
I want to take VRS under 56(k) rules but in pension portal calculator suggest that no pension will be given. Is it correct or the calculator is not made for 56 (k) rules VRS.
Please suggest the rules for pension under 56 (k) rules so i can proceed further.
Yes correct.
GSR 27(E) article 309 rule 1922 in RULE 56(k), & (m) it shall be open to the Appropriate Authority to WITHHOLD permission to Government servant who seeks under suspension or (ii) a charge sheet has been issued and disciplinary proceedings are pending or (iii) if judicial proceedings are pending on charges which may AMOUNT to grave misconduct are pending.
I want to know that if I take retirement under FR 56 (k) rule , may i get pension or not. Please clarify this,
VRS cannot be given at this stage & the pension will be decided by the settlement of the case results.
I entered in the service in group B before 35 years of my age and now i am 50 years so i am very much able to take VRS under 56 (k) now what is the provision according to you.
No other sources until the case is finished in your favor. If you’re having Medical Leave in you credit with acceptable Doctors Certificates then only that period will counting your service.
Date of birth-21/07/1963
Joining Date-05/04/199
Joining Date- 04/05/2007
I eligible for VRS
If you’re qualified 20years of service (without having break) will require for VRS.
Sir, I have completed 26 yrs of service in central govt as defence civilian employee.
I want to take VRS on family medical ground.
Can the appointing authority reject my application for VRS
If anybody completed 20 years service in central govt. Nothing case is pending. Can he take vrs. If not interested to further govt. Job without any reason. Please clarify. Sir what will be the procedure and what are the benefit he will get.
Yes. 50% of basic pay as pension. Also get Gratuity, GPF balance, Engagement of leave balance amount. CGEIS amount, Commutation amount.
Sir is this calculation of pension for coloured service and are same ? If there is differences then please tell me what kind of
My friend has put in 16 years service as class B officer in railway. can he get benefits of vrs at this stage?
No. After qualifying serve of 20 years he will be eligible.
I have put in 24 years of service in central.govt on what ground I can apply for VRS
There no reason required and 3 months notice period.. 20 years qualifying service and without any disciplinary proceedings are pending.
I am serving in B.S.F. I have completed 28 years of service. A court case(criminal case)is in process in CJIM since2015.Now I wants to proceed vol. retirement.I have given a notice for the same in 2017and secondly in 2018.Now inNov 2019 inspector General of my department replied that how a employee can. sent V.R.S. whenever criminal case is not finalised.my case is purely civil criminal case .Iam apearing on every hearing in the CJIM. This case is completely fake. So many problems Iam facing which I can’t describe. PL guide me.
I am suggesting ask a Criminal Lawyer in chat with your full details of your case & next hearing date in the site http:www.justanser.com/ask-in-layers/Legal-help. As per his terms you can proceed with your case if desired.
Suggestion 2 : Resign the job it will be early to finalise the case.Any how you will get the 50% of last basic pay as plus & .since you are having qualified service of more than 20 years required for pension.
My father is in DRDO, And have 7 yrs of his retirement, but nw my father is not fit to go to office bcz he is suffering from paralysis, and he is in leave from six months, now he want to take voluntary retirement, what are the benefits he will gain by taking voluntary retirement, and does he get DISABILITY PENSION ALSO, AND SHOULD I GET MY FATHER JOB IN BEHALF OF HIM
In Valuntary retirement he should give 3 months notice with signature and after the periods he should report duty on last day or completion of that period. Basic pay pay of 50% as pension plus applicable dearness relief.
Otherwise they given compulsory retirement. Disability questions does not arise when he is not joining duty.
Until he alive job for you will not consider, after that compacenate appointment may be considered if you’re mom accept to appointment to you.
For receing pension first it will be considered to get it to your mom only, after that it may be eligible as family pension of 60% of pension as family pension.
Better to consult from your father’s Controlling Officer, for better prospects of family members.
Sir my father i government job in DRDO, AND Done 27yrs of and his retirement is of 6yrs in 2026. But due to medical ground he is not fit to got to office because he is suffering fro paralysis from 6months and he is in leave. I want know that should i get my father job in behalf of him. Is there any rule plz help me…
Sir my father is central govt employee IN (DRDO), AND done 27yrs . Job and 6yrs of retirement,his retirement is on 2026,, but now my father is suffering from medical ground (he is paralysed) , and he is in leave from 6 months and not able to join duty. I want to ask you that should i get my father job in behalf of him .
There’s no rules, since he is alive.
Sir, what is gratuity, according to new rules nw gratuity raises from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs. What is this plz clear, kya ab govt 20 lakhs pay kregi the time of retirement
Limits of gratuity increased. But it will be given as per eligibility of your service and pay basic pay. It is not given 20 lakhs for all.
How much tax amount deduct from my blance due, when i take vrs from central government job after doing my 27yrs. Of job. Which amount is taxable.
There’s no tax deductible for retirement amounts. If your basic pay (upto retirement) & pension is more than 5 lakhs for the total amount in the next financial year, bank will deduct as per the income tax rules.
I am employee of central govt in DRDO, And i want to take voluntary retirement now, total qualifying service is 28 yrs, plz tell me the total benefits i would get on retirement.
And how much time the department take to pay me my all due amount,
50% of last basic pay as pension plus Dearness relief as applicable from time to time per month.In addition Gratuity is decided by your qualifying service & last basic pay. (Maximum 20lakhs) CGEIS accured savings amount, balance of GPF amount and leave encashment of balance of leave. Minimum 3 months of notice period is required and also your pension papers to be submitted with all your required details in time as early as possible it will be settled.
I have completed 31 years on a good post in central govt office and wants to voluntary retirement but wants to my job may given to my son as he is completed a post graduates degree can it may be possible or govt may issued an order in this matter for unemployment or new unemployed youth i may be first
I am a trained graduate teacher of RLY high school. Am I illigibile for the MACP?
Sir I was retired from army after completion of 16 years 6months on the medical boarded 20% disability along with service pension in the rank of Havildar Clark group B. Retired on 2nd September 1995. My question is can I gets MACP benefits and what is meaning of MACP my Havilar rank of service 16 and half years. My email id is sbk_supra@yahoo.in and mobile is 9448554848. Please give your good office on my email thanks
We have a case of an ex-servicemen Group A officer seeking voluntary retirement. He has completed a service of 17 years. While he can possibly seek voluntary retirement under FR 56k, it is also a fact that, as an ex-servicemen candidate, he entered the central government service after he attained 35 years of age, since age relaxation for entry into government service is available to ex-servicemen, to the extent of their previous military service. Can he be given voluntary retirement? What are the rules? He is governed by NPS, so there is no pension liability on the Government of India. Yet, the individual desires to seek voluntary retirement, because he can get encashment of 100% accumulated earned leave in his credit. If he submits resignation, he will get encashment for 50% of earned leave in his credit.
If a person seeks Voluntary retirement, is it true that he can get encashment for 150 days only whereas on superannuation one can get 300 days encashment. Moreover, If a person gives resignation while he is already on El will that leave period be counted in notice period.
All can take en-cashment of E.L. for 300 days, it any body have no 300 days E.L. they can take the balance of E.L. (full pay). plus half pay leave (balance), but for that only half pay will be taken for that days. (Not has full pay for that leave).
When he/she gives application from that date only may be accepted by the Authority with the conditions.
Sir, I am a Central govt employee group C employee and have completed 20 years of qualifying service. But my age is 47 years years. Can I take VRS .Since as per this rule there is some limitations like you can take VRS only if you you have completed 30 years of qualifying service or 55 years of age. Please also let me know how my pension will be calculated and what pensionary benefit will I get
This is to inform that now your qualifying service required is only 10 years. Now previous rules was abolished (weight age).. You will get the pensioner benefits :- 1) 50% of your last basic pay with D.R. from taking month of V.R.S./Retirement. 2) Encasement of Leave balance amount. 3) C.E.G.INSURANCE SCHEME., 4) If you are commuting your pension (limit 40%). COMMUTATION of pension amount. 4) Settlement of your home town transfer grant if your settling your declared Home Town. 5) Gratuity as per your service & age.
Sir , Please help me in knowing that can I take VRS now or I need to do 10 years of more service I.e require 3o years of qualifying service. I have read in the internet that as per amended rules now for Group C employee requires to do 30 years of qualifying service or 55 years of age to take VRS
That rule was abolished. You can VRS.
I have given 2nd MACP on 2009 with 3% increment plus Grade Pay of Rs. 2800. Further,I have promoted adhoc ASO on 28-02-2011. I have given only difference of Grade Pay Rs. 4600. After that annual increment on 01-07-2011 has not been given to me, annual increment has been given to me on 01-07-2012 after 01-07-2010. After that I promoted regular ASO without break. Latest as per DOPT order they have refix my pay Rs. 12540/- +4600 on my adhoc promotionon 28-02-2011.. Still they have not given annual increment on 01-07-2011.
Kindly clarify please is it right fixation or not as per rule .
Yes, it is correct. If it from 1/1/2011 to 30/6/11 completing higher pay it will be given on 1/7/11. From 28/2/2011 to 30/6/11 is not completing 6 months period in promotion pay, so it will be on 1/7/2012 in GP 4600 increment, Since you got Rs.4600-4200=400 plus D.A.at that time as extra from 28/2/11 to 30/6/12 that is treated as advance increment.
Even they withdraw VRS within three months after retirement also. After 3 months only the concerned Head of Department will process for further action. So, it will take another 3 months.
It will take more than 5 to 6 months. You will receive all the pensionary benefits including first pension amount through your bank account. The calculation of Commutation value (40% of Basic Pension), as per your age at the retirement. Don’t compare with regular retirement process.
Yes, you are correct. Usually after the completion of 25 years verification is completed it will be easy to verify further balance years. Moreover in the case of V.R.S it will not know, when they are giving V.R.S. Suppose they may withdraw any time is given V.R.S. Comparing to pension cases, V.R.S. cases will take more time. That work will be know by those who are doing, they only knows |
Sir I have taken Voluntary retirement by completing 3 months notice period after 29 years of service. When will i get Commuted value of pension & what is rule for that. It is learnt from my office that it is applicable after further 3 months after date of voluntary retirement. Please quote provisions.
It has no specific rules. Your qualifying service should be verified from the beginning of service, if you are taken E.O.L. without M.C. it will not count for service and it will be verified by your Pay & Accounts Office. On the basis your Pension, Commutation & Gratuity will be decided.
there is only 100 days of earned leave in my account. can i get leave encashment of remaining 200 days from commuted leave.
If you are retired you will get en-cashment for 100 days full pay and 200 days half pay i.e. 100 full pay total 200 days eligible.
Sir, I am central gov. Employee at defence, in the year 2022 I will complete 20 years of service.
I decided to go voluntary retirement in the year 2022 .so please i would like to know, can I get full pension ?
If not what type calculation should be available as per 7th pay recommendations.
If the qualifying Service (without any EOL loss of pay,) as per your last basic pay 50% of that is your pension p.m. plus D.R.
After 5th pay commission, every emoyee who retires (after becoming eligible for pension), can get full pension (i.e., 50% of 10 months average pay before the retirement or last month’s pay whichever is higher). Hence the question of full pension has been relinked with the number of years of service.
However, you would be loosing pension component of the increments that you would be earning had you been in service and retire at superannuation.
This is to inform you that your all increments are added to your last basic pay, on the basis of total last basic pay in that 50% is your pension from 1/1/2006.
No wait age from 6th CPC, Pension will be given as per the last basic pay or ten months average pay whichever is higher. Earlier it was minimum 33 years as full pension.
My father is central govt employee in DRDO, and balanced period for retirement is 7yrs.but from several months he is in leave bcz of disability (paralysed problem), i want to know that should i get my father job in behalf of him. If my father retired on medical ground, because nw he is not able to go to office.. And take care of my family, And what are the terms and conditions. Plz reply
My father is in DRDO In Central govt. And he is suffering from paralysis and not able to go to office, and 7yrs of retirement, i want to know that should i do my father job i behalf of him. And what are the terms and conditions.
Plz reply me
Sir i get compensation under section 10 10(c) at the time of taking voluntary retirement, 7 yrs blanced services.
Sir, i m central government employee in DRDO, and want to take voluntary retirement, service completed yrs. Is 27 yr.. And 7 yrs blanced to get retired,
Plz tell me what type of benefits i get at time of taking voluntary retirement. And the compensation
1) 50% of last basic pay as pension with D.R.(at applicable rates) p.m. 2) Commutation of 40% of your pension as advance, 3) Encashment of balance E.L amount. 4) CGEGIS amount in your savings fund. .5) GPF balance amount. 6) Settlement of Home-Town advance amount, if eligible.
Should i get compensation at my voluntary retirement.. For blanced period of years of my full retirement services. That is section 10(10c). Under this section i get the benefit Of compensation
No commendations for balance services, as per the 6th CPC last basic pay 50% is as Pension.. Now 33 ( 28+5) years qualified Service Pension rules are abboilshed..
Add : GRATUITY AMOUNT & FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE of ₹ 1000/- if non-resident of CGHS area.
I am completed 20 years job in odisha police now I decided to go voluntary retirement so please i would like to know, can I get full pension ? If not what type calculation should be ,as per 7th pay recommendations.
Service of completed 20 year should be qualified service, without any loss of pay of leave. Pension will be 50% of last basic pay plus D.R. as applicable.
My office ask me whether it is right which cercular order should be applicable, so that I would like to know that order or cercular noumber. Please mention this.
I have taken vol- retirement on 31.12. 18.My date of appointment was 31.7.1987. Completed 31 years 5 months due to Let One year reduced. But No weight -age has been allowed. Kindly menton whether as per 7 th cpc weightage is abolished or not. I am a retired Rly employee.
Weightage has been discontinued from 6th CPC. The pension is granted on the total service rendered.
Sir, In this case which rules should be applicable please mention this. In odisha police.
I have completed my service as teacher Kendriya Vidyalaya for 24 years (August 2019), If I avail VRS this year how much monthly pension would I get? My basic pay is Rs.58,600.Please specify that what will be my other benefits like gratuity etc,.
As your last Basic pay of 50% as pension is Rs.29,300/- plus applicable D.R. per month,, Gratuity, Commutation of pension, Encashment of balance leave.
Sir, Under which rule , I Can apply for VRS after having 23 years DOT and BSNL combined service . how much pension I will get if my basic pay is 30000 rupees per month?…. Roop Kumar
Number of years counts if it is proper channel technical resignation in previous service. Pension is also given as per their institutions rules separately.
if employ of KV teacher,33years should be continuous service or if one is on leave without pay then that year is not counted as service?
If you are giving medical certificate it will be counted as service as EOL with M.C. Otherwise it will not counted as gratuity, in Pension no change, it will be as per your last basic pay 50%.
Sir, I am serving in Delhi Police and joined the service in March, 2006. At present my Pay Band is Level-6 and Basic Pay is 49000, how much tentative benefit will I get as per NPS. Can VRS be taken within 01 month, if yes, under what clauses?
Since you are eligible for NPS you can pay 3monts salary & get VRS. Actually you are joining any other private company your NPS amount will be transferred.
I have a question how many years after eligible for voulentry retirement????
20 years qualified Service. But Pension will be given 50% of last basic pay.
Under Rule 48, a Government servant can apply for voluntary retirement after completion of 30 years of qualifying service. Under Rule 48-A, he can apply for voluntary retirement after completion of qualifying service of 20 years. Under FR 56 (k) he can apply for voluntary retirement an attaining the age of 50 years (for Gr. A & B) and 55 years (in other cases).
Can VRS be applied on completion of 17 years of service as central govt. employee
Employee can retire voluntarily by giving 3 months’ notice on completion of 20 years qualifying service. However, in this case, acceptance by the Appointing Authority is necessary.
In this question of ARCHNA as said in the first line your reply is correct, but second line is not applicable to this context as 17 years of service is not accepted by the authority.
I joined government service in 2009 and after serving for around 1 year and 2 months joined a new government department after rendering my technical resignation and without any break in service. Will my previous service length of 1 year and 2 months be counted by the new department for extending benefits under MACP Scheme, Gratuity, VRS and other such benefits associated with government service?
If you are applied through proper channel and your pay proacted with your old pay it will be counted. If it is new recruits it will not count.
I am a teacher of aided inter college of up state government joined the job on 07-11-2005 in NPS and now I want to take VRS. Kindly, give me proper direction in this regard.
You have not mentioned which state, we have to see the Rules of that State.
Any how you are not getting GOVERNMENT PENSION, so will get your NPS amount accumulated and other amounts recovered from you at any time.
Sir, i had completed 14 yrs of services as PGT in KV, later on could not continue the service due to health issue. Am i eligible for superannuation or other pension? Thnx
Due to the condition of your health (If it is major dices) it may be allowed. But appointment from 2004 you are not allowed GOVERNMENT PENSION, if they have recovered NPS accumulated amount with other amounts, it will be given to you with interest.
After taking VRS
In how much time the pension is to be paid to the retiere..Is there any time limit
Upto your life time, after your spouse’s life time as family pension & any of your dependents if eligible as per rules.
Sir, I have completed 30 years service and my basis pay is 50500. My date of retirement is 31/12/2027. If I wish to take VRS, how much can I get as VRS? I am working in central govt office.
Pension as ₹ 25,250/- plus D.R. as applicable rates. In addition gratuity, GPF , CGEIS, Leave encashment amount totally you will receive.
Sir, I was discharged from service after 9 yrs 8 months and 20 days. Can my service be counted as round off 10 yrs for pro rata pension and gratuity, as per new rules.
Pension is not eligible but due to the discharge of the service reason the gratuity is to be paid.
Sir. I am senior technical officer. Gp 7600. Nit I am copleeted 23 years service age 55.years I elgibul full pention and graduvity for vrs
You are eligible 50% of last basic pay as Pension & gratuity is also eligible in VRS.
Whether an official completed 20 years of service in Group C cadre and got promotion to Group B Gazetted post and under probation period of 2 years can give 3 months notice period and go on VRS
Completion of service 20 years should be qualifing Service. However acceptance by the Appointing authority is necessary in the case of 3 months notice.
If an employee has joined under new pension scheme; will it be benificial if he takes retirement after 20 years? What will be the financil implications?
I have completed 30 yrs as CMO,NFSG,what are all the benefits and pension that I can avail if I take VRS now.
I have completed 30 years full service in central government. My current basic pay plus D.A is 54000/- and my retirement date is februaru 2027. how much can i get if i take VRS just now?
50% of your last basic pay & D.R as at retirement..
I am 55% handicap. I have been transfer to other states without my concern. I don’t want to go there.pls suggest what I will do?
i have joined in new pension scheme in central government organization. if I want take retirement after the service of 20years, can I get gratuity and other benefits like CHSS?
Yes you can avail all the facilities as per your last basic pay, except Pension. For CGHS you have to pay the subscription as per your requirement matrix level.
Sir, is the VRS as envisaged for central Govt employees is available to PSU(Central/State) also .
Sir could you please guide me about Voluntary Retirement weitage benefits. My father has retired after 36 years of government job in Rajasthan police department. My father has retired due to health issues. His actual retirement is in February 2018.
Railway Group C employee. Actual date of retirements is 16.10.2021.
Want to apply for VR.
Concerned dealing Clerk pressing hard me to submit NOC of my wife. Otherwise my application will not be entertained. Is it statutory rule?
I feel helpless after a long qualifying service of 33 years.
Actually at the time of retirement for the purposes of pension of the pensioner’s after his/her life time the family pension should be given to the next spouse or depended family members. On the basis of this purposes he might have been asked, better you give in covering letter addressed to your Head of the Department. Your bank account should also have with your wife as Joint Account or E.O.S & with nominees.
Thank You Sir.
Yess, that is correct. I will submit the same as advised.
Problem is something different.
The dealer is asking my wife’s statement in written that. “I or any spiuse of me will not claim any alternate job in the case of my Husband’s VR from service”
Now, this is ridiculous. I just want to know whether this is mandatory for applying VR ?
If not I will ignore the same. I have already discussed with my family regarding VR. They have got no objection and no demand on my department of service.
Thanks in advance for guidance.
There is no another appointment in the case of VRS. Only n the case of death in Service, compassionate grounds may ask for job of the dependent.
i am a nursing sister service is 26year 5 months,i want take vrs. what is the procedure, and which benefits i will get?
SIR ,Thank u very much for ur response.Plz tell me whether I m eligible for the full pension with other pension benefits.I have completed 23yrs of service.. Length of setvice I hv mentioned for knowing about the eligibility.Due to unfavourable situations I need to apply for the VRS.. I M an Associate Prof. In a Granted College of Maharashtra. Ur Guidance,/Suggetion would be of great support for me.Plz reply me as soon as possible.Thanx a lot.
Pension is applicable on the last basic pay of 50% and other benefits are as per their rules of there State/Central Govt.
It means I’ll get 50 percent of the basic n other benifits according to the rules of M.S..Ok. Thanx a lot Sir for ur kind cocideration n prompt response.Thank u very much.
Hi, my mother has completed more than 23 years in coal India Limited with service aged 53 years and now she want to take vrs due to health issues.
Can you please tell me Pension Scheme n benefits and is she applicable for Vrs at now?
Pension benefits are as per her last basic pay.
I hvcompleted 23 n 1/2 yrs of service.I m an asdociate prof in a coolege in MS.Plz inform me abt. Pension Scheme n benefits because I want to take VRS.
Answer to BHOOMIKA – Your eligible Pension. Benefits amounts are depends upon your last basic pay calculation not as per your service/post.
Thank u Sir .Would u plz tell me how much pension I’ll get .Kindly also inform me about the other benefits.( I m an Associate prof in a college of M.S.). Than u Sir.
i am a kv teacher who completed 25 years of service aged 54 .want to take VRS. how much pension will i get?
Answer to KISIPRA – 50% of your basic pay & D.A for that.
My mother is teacher in junior girls school , it is added school, my mother want VRS from her job, please sir told me what is process for VRS, my mother’s DOB- 25/07/1964
My wife who retired from postal department on voluntary retirement wants to know the time frame to get her dues including pension.
AMOUNTS OF 1) Gratuity 2) G.PF, 3) C.G.E,I.S., 4) Encashment of balance leave., 5) If Settlement of home town. 6) Pension with D.R.
Dear sir ,
I am a CHS doctor and have completed more than 25yrs of qualifying service and I’m 56yrs old. I want to seek VRS on an urgent basis and I’m ready to pay 3 months salary. Would it be possible . Kindly advise
Yes, possible.
Thank you very much for your reply. Could you also pls let me know under which govt rule is this possible ???
Answer to DEEPAK CHAUDHARY – 25/7
Details see Rule 48,48A – under F.R.56(k) in site http://www.pensmin.gov.in chapter 48.
My father is taking a VRS 1 year ahead of his actual retirement date, he is working with Ordinance Factory under Ordinance Factory Board(OFB)? What all benefits he will get? He is not computer savvy so I’m researching on his behalf.
As per his last pay calculates of Retirement Benefits – Pensioners portal isee in http://www.penersportal.gov.in
I have joint in year 1998 as a govt employee. In year 2010 I was on medical leave eol till 2018. Now I have joint again. Is it possible for me to apply for vrs
You can get the resignation, if continuation of service 10 years as per your last pay you will get Pension & Other facilities, but they will not add waitage as in VRS. For VRS minimum age should 50 or the serious condition of diseases.
I am working in state government service in Uttar Pradesh. I have completed 22 and half years of services and applied for vrs. I am 51 years old and my service records are clean. Am I eligible for weightage in Gratuity? If yes then how much?
Yes. That will be as per 1/4 of month’s basic pay plus D.A. drawn before retirement for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service.The retirement gratuity payable is 16 times the basic pay subject to maximum Rs.20 laces from 29/3/2018.
I am central govt. Employee . I want to take vrs. My date of joining is 22/9/1987. My present BP – 73400/- & GP – 4800/-. PB -8. My one MACP is due (GP- 5400).
My questions is that shall I get full penstion & gratuity and how much monthly pension shall I get ? Waiting for reply.
Sir,I am a Railway Employee having completed 16 years of service .Now i decide to tender VRS due to health problems(cervical spondylitys).I am an
EX-S man joined Railways within pension establishment.Am i eligible for pension short of 4 year service to compulsorily needed service of 20 years for VRS ?
You may avail all the leave with medical certificates after that leave completed you may avail EOL (loss of pay) with M.C it will also count for service of your pension.
I have completed 10 years of govt service can i take vrs .as my health condition is not good that why i prefer to vrs .can i get pension
Sir, I left my job after sanction of my 2 years leave afternoon w.e..f. 23/2/1978 then applied for EOL on medical ground. Is it objectionable due to heart problem. Please clarify.
My phone no is 7093879966
at present i am working as a asst. prof. in the govt. of tamilnadu. i was joind in my service on 31-08-2000. due to my family situation, i like to get VRS. what will be the benifit and what will be my pension? please clear my doubt.
Sir .
I am central gov.drdo employee of tech officer ‘A’..completed 27 yrs service..
To take vrs.. 3 months notice condition is there..
So if i ready to pay 3 months salary. At a time and can i take VRS ..on the same day….without waiting/ completing 3 months service..
By 2019 march..retiring…
All my official leaves El/ Medical leaves are over..
Yes you can avail this facility.
I m working in railway. 35 years completed. Now I face one minor penalty charge sheet with 2 year increment stop in year 2018 & 2019. Can I take VR in this period or my. Please clear my situation.
If the CASE was fully completed you can give VRS. As per your last pay only your pension will be settled.
I am working as Junior engineer in R and B Department Jammu and Kashmir I joined my service on 12. 1998 as jr.Asstt. I have completed 20 + years of service I want to avail V.R.S kindly clear it how much pension I get as per 7th P.C and what benefits I get
I am working in an autonomous organisation with CPF benefits. I joined my service on 09-08-1991. I shall be retiring on 31-01-2021.
If I take vrs now, what are the benefits i shall get from the department.
Shall I getmy contribution to CPF, Management Share of CPF, Gratuity, GSLIS ?
Kindly clarify
I have completed 21 years of my service in Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. But, I want now VRS due to my family problems. How much pension percentage i will get. please give details about VRS information and oblige.
My case for vrs approved for 30April18.When the pension paper to be processed. My office said only after 30th April 18 they send service book for audit also they said only after 3 months they send papers to CDA Allahabd
. I’m working in Min of Defence DGQA, New Delhi on and Complete 37 yrs of regular service. When should I get leave and gpf mony.
After completion of 20years of service how much percentage of pension will get if any one take vrs in 7 th pay commission
After 20 years of service if any one take vrs will he get full pension or should he complete 33 years of sevice to get full pension
I am centfal govt employee completed 23 yrs service. i want vrs ready to 3 months salary at a time and can i take vrs on the samd day without waiting or completing 3 months service
Yes, but it depends upon your records and approval of HOD.
i am primary teacher. my total service is 13 years. so i want vrs. but i will take vrs then i have get pension. and how many service required to take vrs
Sir my dad is working as a pointsman. An I want to know now VRS scheme is active. Means my dad grade pay is 1900. So I am trying to apply on the month of Jan. I can eligible for VRS scheme.
I Completed 23 years , In government of maharashtra , My basic is around 22ooo ( 6 pay) now if I take VRS how pension I Will get
I have served 27 years in All India Radio. Now my basic pay is 88400. I want to take VRS from December. Please let me know how much get pension after commutation if any and gratuity. Am I eligible for new pay revision recommended by the NAC
I am working as a teacher in Govt school my basic pay is 20000 & DA alsmost 20000. Now i want to take VRS & i completed 23 years of service. How much pension i will get?
I hv joined service in 2009, when i will eligible for taking VRS under New pension schemes of 7 cpc
Yashwant Chavare says
October 22, 2017 at 2:23 pm
i am working in DGQA Department.min.of defence.Central Govt.employee and will be compliting 20 yrs of service on 23 Oct.2017.my present basic pay is 64100.how much i will be get pension.and how will be other benefits i.e. graduty etc.
The basic pension will be Rs.32,050/- Gratuity (64100+5% DA) =67305 * 10 = Rs.6,73,050/- Commutation of pension 40% of basic (12820 x 12 x 9 (Approx.) according to age. = 13,84,560/- The monthly pension for first 15 years will be (32050 – 12820) = 19230 plus DA of 32050 presently 5% =1603 ie. monthly pension Rs.20833/- – MathewT, TVM
.I am completing 29 yes service in cpmf.and my basic pay is 39200/-.So pl.tell me how I will get and what will be the pension.
I have completed 20 years service in central gvt.(defence ) My basic pay 47300 ,If I take VRS how much pension amount I get ?
I am in central government service, I have completed 20 years service if I take Voluntary retirement .How can get pension amounts ?
i am working in DGQA Department.min.of defence.Central Govt.employee and will be compliting 20 yrs of service on 23 Oct.2017.my present basic pay is 64100.how much i will be get pension.and how will be other benefits i.e. graduty etc.
My basic pay is 75315 and Ihave completed 33years in Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan as teacher .What will be disadvantage and advantage if I apply for VRS now ? please inform.
I have completed 17 years service in govt.of maharashtra as a teacher currrent my basic pay rs.19960 and now i take vrs.so please me guide to how much totalbenefits
I have completed 22 years in K V Sangathan my Basic pay at present is 60000/- and now if I take VRS then how much total amount I get and how much ll be my pension .
I have joined as teacher in delhi govt school ( Dir of education , delhi ) on 14-9-1998.
As on date I have completed 19 years in govt service and in 20th years of it. I want to take VRS now .
what will be the earliest date of VRS so that I will get pension benefit .
when will i give the VRS notice and what will be my pension. My present basic is 75400 ( 7 pc )
can there is any provision of pension if i opt for VRS right now ( ie before 20 years of govt service )
I have completed 27 years in K V Sangathan my Basic pay at present is 32000/- and now if I take VRS then how much total amount I get
I am join c govt service at march 2002 can I get vrs after 20 year servic which benefits will be i get
Due to some exprressable reasons and cancer intial stage and other problems I have applied VRS pensionery scheme from 30.11.2017 and notice served on 18.8.2017. I came to postal dept 1982 and confirmed post reglarlased from 27.1..1989 with continued service till now .and I worked as reserved trained pool asst from 1982 to 1988. Due mental agony I’ll helsth applied VRS pensionery scheme. I have completed 29 years regular service aged 58 years.csn I get VRS.there are no pending cases and no recoveries for me and no criminal records.can I get VRS from the date.murali Visakhapatnam 9290016534 postal asst
If i will complete 20 years of service and want to take vrs i join 1999 what benefit i will get.
If i will complete 20 year govt services. and want to take VRS( .i join in 2004 in nps scheme )what benefits i will get .What about my Earned leave. Which i have deposited. About graduty etc.
I got valantary retairment from bsnl at mar 2017 I am having 32 years experience my cadet is telephone machanic at the time of retirement I had 42000 net salary how much of retirement benefits I can get totally
V R S retirement Ke liye kitna age aur kitna service honi chahiye
I have Completed 23 years of service, & 6 1/2 years remain to reaching 60 , If I take VRS now what weightage /Benefits will get in 7th Pay commission
I will be completing my 28th years of Central Govt. Service in August,2017. As per new 7th Pay Commission my pay fixed on 64100. What will be my pension and other benefits.
I have completed 30 years and 6 months service and want to take voluntary retirement. Whether I will get all full benefits i.e pension, leave encasement, graduaty etc.
i want to vrs reason of seriosely back pan iam group d emp. of up govt my age is 47years and service is 27years please advise me thanks
I joined Central Govt. service as Group B Gazatted Officer on 7.8.2001, got promotion to the post of Under Secretary on 9.8.2010 and to the post of Deputy Secretary on 29.12.2016. I have completed 15 years of service on 7.8.2016. After implementation of 7th Pay Commission, my pay scale is Level 12 (78800-209200) and my basic pay is 78800/-. Please advise me whether I am eligible for VRS and what amount of Pension I will get.,
I have completed 27 years of service, my pay is 53600, how much pension I will get, according to the 7th cpc
I Want to take VRS from immediate effect. I have completed 23 years of Assam Govt Service in health department in March. 2016. As per new 7th pay commission my pay fixed on 32000. What will my pension and other benefits.
I want to take voluntary retirement I have completed ten years as laboratory assistant and ten years as a teacher . I have got concurrence . Ii want to know if my service’s will be counted for voluntary retirement
I want to take VRS…I completed my 26 years of service…And still i have 8 years of service left.I am working as sr.Goods guard (Running Staff),my basic is 56900 and GP is 4200…Kindly give me full details regarding VRS benefits….
i wish to give vrs from july 2017 .i completed 29 years of service and have 6 years of service still.my basic is 66000 (GP 4600).kindly give me total benefits details
I want to take vRS in July 2017. I have completed 20 years of services in Dec 2016. Now my pay scale is after granting of macp is 35900 (in 2800 pay band). What will my pension and other benefits.
Is LTC availability during 3 months notice period when applied for voluntary retirement after 20 years service?
I was invalided out from naval service with 14yrs service without disability pension (not attributed nor aggregated).. My DOJ is 02 feb 1996 and date of invalidedout from 03 march 2010.. Am I eligible for OROP. At instant my basic pay is 7270. Am I eligible for 7th cpc. Then how can I calculate. Kindly please help me
Sir, I want to clarify an important question of retirement whether I want to take VRs or Resign ?
1) I am a Central Admv. Tribunal (CAT,Govt. of India office) employee since 1992 and served almost 24 years of service and presently working as Principal Private Secretary.
2)Sir, as per the orders of the H’ble Supreme Court, including others, I have been benefited by the order applied to all whereby, I shall soon get an appointment in LIFE INSURANCE CORPN. OF INDIA.
3)As per order, I will get entire benefits from the date of my first engagement in LIC i.e. 1988 while I was a Typist. I would get all benefits including the promotions and pay revisions.
4)Sir I would be offered whatever post by LIC but it is certain that I would get higher than what I am getting in CAT, therefore, I wants to resign after getting order from LIC
5)Supreme Court ordered LIC to absorb all such people of 1988 to 1991 that are about 6000 incumbents Order is of dated 18.03.2015. A contempt petition has also been decided recently on 9.8.2016.
6)Sir as I have completed 24 years of service, whether I am eligible to get VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT STATING THE FACT OF MY ABSORPTION IN LIC IN VIEW OF SUPREME COURT ORDER ? OR
Sir can I give valantir retirement at 15 years of service..age 36. Working in Indian railways..iam eligible for pension scheme..
Sir i am ct/f 11feb 2006 appointment.
I want VRS scheme for NPS pls tell
Sir Iam a staff nurse in Aiims .I completed 20 years of service. Iwant to take vrs .sir can i get all benifit and full pention inthe 7th pay commition . If any other rules. please give me the right direction.
I am taking a volentary retirement from date 30.04.2016 ,perhaps after 3 month date 31.07.2016 my vrs is sension
Please inform me about VRS in 7th pay commissions declared date 29.06.2016
I am a employees of government of gujarat
Joining may 1990
Service 26 years
My basic. 174oo/-
Gred pay 4200/-
Pl calculate my all benifit after VRS ( like pension, 300 leave cash, 1/3 pension advance, greguetee etc..
33 years or 60 years which ever is earlier Will be implemented in 7th pay commision or not
Dear Concern,
Will 33 years service OR 58 years age – policy will be implemented in 7th Pay Commission.
Seeking your kind response.
I took vol retirement on 01-01-1986 after completion of 23 service in MES as UDC. 6th pay commission has fixed my
basic pension as Rs 4223/- So let me know what benifit I get
as per 7th Pay commission.
Hi Sir,
VRS scheme is valid for which zones of Railway..???
Is this scheme still valid, because my father is working in Ahmedabad?
Can i replace him via VRS scheme..???
Sir, I took vrs in 2004 after 20years 3 and half month of service from space department can I get benefit of pre 2006 pensioners benefit that time I got 33% of pension . N
In which table can I see the amount of disability pension for officers having gone on voluntary retirement with 75% disability attributable to service. Kindly advise.
I have completed 20 years service what is there retirement scheme in 7th pay commission ?
Sir, I took VRS in 1991 in MES department as group D. My basic was at the time of VRS 940/- pm. please let me know what is my pension arrears and present pension
I am a central govt employee and has completed 21 yrs of service .now I am 43 yrs old and want to give Vrs due to some health problem I am illigible for vrs and what wiĺ be benefit to me
i am working with central govt and absent for about 30 months. completed
more than 22 years of service.i applied for voluntary retirement for which 03 months notice given….last date is 15may…so far my office has not fixed any penalty for my absentism and nor given any letter regarding my vr ,.Is this mean my v r will be effected from 15 of may automatically or my office will issue some letter to me.how they will work my pension and retirement
(how long they can …any specific ) time thet for retirement benefits
I am a central govt employers of group B staff in adoc .And completed 22 years services I would like to take
VRS due to some personal problem .What is the procedure ,and as per 7th pay commission what would be the take home money .
I am a defence civilian employee completed 17 yrs of service. On EOL for the last 4 yrs on medical grounds. (Physically handicapped) I want to take retirement. What is the required service for vrs in latest pay commission. Or i can take invalid pension? How much pension can i get with basic 16450 and grade pay 4200. Please guide me.
I am a central govt employee and has completed 21 yrs of service .now I am 43 yrs old and want to give Vrs due to some health problem and very shortage of staff in my deptt Plz tell me if I am illigible for vrs and what wiĺ be benefit to me
I am a govt school teacher in Delhi.,wish to take vrs.I have completed 34 yrs of service.If I quit my job before the announcement of 7 pay commission, Will I get the arrears of all benefits including gratuity etc.from 1/1/2016
I have completed 26 years of service & my age is 55+ I wish to take voluntarily retirement. How could I calculate my pension.
Dear sir I have completed my 10 year bounded service in INDIAN Navy EX as L .M. E. 103321y left in 1983 born on 21- 03- 1954 now I am running 62 year as senior citizen of nation there is no income to pull on my olden days I was expecting some benefit i will get to serve my olden days but unfortunate the all the dream wash out thank to the god liking to punish me of previous sine done
I am a central govt employee awaiting redeployment. But it has been more than 3 years I am not redeployed anywhere. Keeping my health and responsibilities in view the present office timings and distance not suiting me. I am 45 years old and completed 17 years service . So I want to quit the present office. Kindly advice me the procedure to take voluntary retirement. Also my benefits and pension to me.
I am a surplus govt employee. I am 45 years old. I am suffering with severe right upper arm , shoulder and back pain since 5 years . I have completed 18 years service. Please advice me the procedure to apply for vrs.
Sudha kumari
I am a central govt employee. I have completed 18 years qualified service. Due to bad health I want to take svrs as I am a surplus employee or vrs of qualified service. I would like to know how much pension I will get. I shall be thankful to you
i am centarl govt job inpolice I employment before the age of 41 years and have already completed 18 years of service. I am planning to take a Voluntary Retirement. May I request you to clarify whether I am eligible for a full-half pension?
From this article I understand that I am definitely eligible for pension under VRS. My predicament is that under the 6h commission I am eligible for a full pension under VRS. However, I would like to stay on for a year before taking the VRS. But if the 7th commission does not allow full pension, I should choose to retire now so I can get full pension. I would be grateful for your comments regarding this.
Thank you again for this article.
Binita Thakur
15yrs best option for vrs or premature …plz dont extend..
I retired through vrs on November 2012. I am drawing rs. 8998 as on November 2012. As gross pension and my basic pay is rs. 4525. So kindly provide me the full details about my future pay through 7th pay commission.
I am opting for vrs in May 2016 after 35 years and 9 months service in Postal Department. My basic pay is Rs. 21980 and pay band 4600. please inform pension and other benefits.
I joined in a Govt. of India autonomous body on 17-11-81. I will be superannuated from 1st May 2017.. I am interest to take VRS from 1st August-2016. because of my bad health. Kindly advice whether this decision will put me any financial loss for computing the pension , gratuity & other retirement benefits under Govt rules?.
Thank you so very much for such a detailed article. This is the information I have been looking for.
I am a college professor in Maharashtra. I started my employment before the age of 35 years and have already completed 20 years of service. I am planning to take a Voluntary Retirement. May I request you to clarify whether I am eligible for a full-pension?
From this article I understand that I am definitely eligible for pension under VRS. My predicament is that under the 6h commission I am eligible for a full pension under VRS. However, I would like to stay on for a year before taking the VRS. But if the 7th commission does not allow full pension, I should choose to retire now so I can get full pension. I would be grateful for your comments regarding this.
Thank you again for this article.
Binita Thakur
I have one doubt about voluntary retirement can i gave retirement in 14 years 6 months in 7th pay commission is any change s or n
employee of railway, working in different loco maintenance shed who provide loco power to train for commuter service should be given benefit by giving employment to its one ward on voluntary retirement after qualifying service between 20 yrs to 30 years as they are responsible for safety of public.
dear sir my name Sep/mt vithal AG I thinking VRS 15year3 month any changment rules 7cpc I eligible pensions
Can i take vrs in 2016 my service age is 33 in 2016 and my age will be 55
I am a soldier of CAPF (Para Military)–
VRS may reduce from 20 years to 15 years, it need young blood physically & mentally for such force as well as It can reduce unemployment in future.
Sir, 15 years of VRS must be imposed & implement to this pay comission(7CPC) for CAPF personnel please.
I want to take vrs (retairmemt ) on year 2017 .and my service completed approx 28 years samthing month .
So I want how mony find amount and pension .please tell me .in rule of CISF.
I wuld like to know about the retiremant age
It is wrong to say full pension on 33 yrs service, half pension on 20 yrs service and no pension if service less than 20 yrs. PENSION IS GIVEN AFTER COMPLETION OF 10 YRS OF SERVICE and naturally pension amount will be less when you take VRS on attaining age 50 than on 20 or 33 yrs service
i am an employee of eastern coalfield limited and my service is 32 years and age is 54 can i take vrs?
modiji, the VRS should be allowed after 15 years of service, as the changes in the world are hughly dynamic, technologcial innovations etc… 15 years of service for VRS…
sir,iam a publi sector employee(NHPC)i will retire on december 2016..so i will get the benefits of 7th CPC????
service in postal department is 21 yers.so I am planing to take volantery retirement my pay is 13710, how much I will get my pension after 7 the cpc
Seniority need to be maintained from date of entry to entry grade and the pay seniority, which would justify the seniority position to great extent.
In supervisory cadre , 7th CPC has recommended 4200,4600,4800 & 5400 x 2.57 as levels in each GP.
However as on now there is no 4800 GP running in few establishments and recommendation of VI pay commission for MACP anommolies are not settled wasting the time of JUDICIAL SYSTEM for these many years > 9 years where entrants in same pay scale in various units are not maintained with seniority and as many orders were passed by DOPT in this regard which shows the merging of scales were not realised properly. Eg.”ABC” appointed in entry scale equal to 4200 GP in one unit prior to “DEF” (> 3 YEARS ) is junior to “DEF” as he got vacancy & promotion in that unit. Now all such pay scales were merged in VI pay comission and again included now which would further enter into many more court cases.
Hence pay seniority in each pay band irrespective of promotion or MACP would drastically reduce the anommolies to a greater extent.
Hence DOPT may be asked to give clear guidelines in this regard, where date of entry to pay band entry grade to be considered with present basic pay.
no use 7thcpc
Sir I’m completed my 12 years of army service, I would like to gave premature retirement. How much pension will get.
Sir i wants to take voluntary retirement i already completed 35 years service.
am Office superintendent Basic pay 14800, Grade pay 4600
kindly tell me the benefits if i can apply voluntary retirement after the 7th pay commission
My DOB is 20/05/1961.I took reemployment in railway after 20yrs of military service in APRIL 2000.If I take VRS after 16yrs of regular service in railway,how much will be my qualifying service and pension( supposed basic pay 60000after 7 cc.)?
I shall be superannuating from IAF on 31 Dec 15 (A/D) ….will I get full benefits of 7th CPC in terms of pension, commutation of pension, retirement gratuity, encashment of leave etc.
sir I’m completed my 25 years of cpc service,I Would like to gave premature retirement.How much pension will get.
I have retired from service on 14.2.2005 after rendering 21 years of service to take new appointment in PSU. My pension was fixed at Rs 5474.. my last pay was Rs 5925/- now what will be my new pension w.e.f 1.1.2016. My pay scale was 4500-125-9500.. my pension was calculated on 10months emollients and I was on higher scale upto 5.2.2005.
Sir I’m completed my 15 years of army service, I would like to gave premature retirement. How much pension will get.
Hi sir my service duration is 5 years in army. Voluntary discharge proses and more position
7cpc मे बेरोजगारो को मौका मिले ईसके लिए vrs की Scheme मे change करना चाहिए, ताकी सरकार रोजगार देने का चुनावी वादा पुरा हो सके, साथ State governments भी वैसा लागू करे
sr mere pita ji ka garead pay 2000.Ac fitar ke pad par hai.kya unke larke ka noikary mil sakati hai. unka sarvice 28 sal hua.pleag send kare sr.
Retirement age should be 60 year’s for all government employees so that new young generation get job because they are going towards depression due to lack of job .33 years or 60 years of job is sufficient
Kewal offices me Jo ki jayadater resvatkor hai voh Hi age badane ki bat karte hai, nye janration ke bare me koi nahe sochta, is liye 33 or 58 age sufficient hai,
aaj ke employ direct 25000 sailary pate hi old employ 500 Se naukri start kiya bahut dino tak wah job karke 50000 Me aya pichle kuch salo me sailary kuch badi unki sailary kuch badate unki retire hine ki age a gai ve kuch ni bana paye jeevan sara paisa bachho ki pafai beti ki sahdi ghar ke kahrh me chali gai isliye yadi modi gov unki retirement age 65 Kar de to o bhi kuch saving karke apna future ke liye kuch sav e kar sakte hi midi ji ko old employ ki problem samajhkar unki age badani chahiye moddi ji se bahut umeed hi employ ko achhe dino ki umeed hi employ ko old employ ke sath judgement hoga
sir old gov employ ki retirement age badakar 65 karo air new employ After 2006 Unke liye niyam banao okd employ sarkar ki mansa aur neeti se khush ni hi chunav ke pahle nda sarkar ne vada kiya tha retiremet age bafayenge ye vada modi ji pura ni kar rahe hi sabhi old employ ki najaer is pay commison me hi old employ ki retirement age badakar unhe bhi 34 sal achhe paise save kar sakte hi apne future ke liye gov gov orop dekar desh ka paisa barbad kar rahi hi wahi paisa 7 Cpc me dete kya jaroorat thi vote bank banane kevliye dekarvfas gai hi bjp gov
It is an excellent scheme Government has introduced to improve the performance of the system since system needs young and dynamic work force .There are very bright young minds in the market who do not get chance to work in the key positions in the government departments since the keys positions have already been occupied by the old generation people who are at all not able to deliver but occupying the position without yielding the fruitful results. There is serious imperfection in the system which is to be exterminated by retiring the people as soon as they attain the age of 50 years since after this age mind does not deliver as good as it is required to reach to a perfection level.
The Keys positions in Government job should be given to young graduates of IITs/ IIMs and other premier institutions. Government should declare special packages for these dynamic and Energetic minds to attract to the keys positions.
The older generation people may contribute for building the nation by doing other social activities which suit them at this age.
For instance, there are keys positions at DDG/DG levels in the Government departments which have been occupied by old guys who are sampling passing the time without contributing effectively. Government should have taken this step for retiring the old work force 10 years ago since system has been rotten badly and it is high time to clean the system by giving VRS to all the non-contributing elements of the system.
It is to accentuate here that everyone has social obligation to complete but it should not be done at the cost of the nation. If a government official claims that at the age of 50 years, he has to arrange higher education for the children, arrange the marriage of children, this is all rubbish. Think about a person who has never got a government job but still completing his social responsibilities.
It is high time to retire all the non-performing people who have attained the age of 50 years.
retirement at 60 or 33 years oighert education of f qualifying service is not a good idea and should be turned down b’coz at this point of time you have lot of social and family responsibilities viz higher education / marriage of children moreover you have lot of health related problems at this age where you need lot of money to keep the things going so it is highly recommended to reject the proposal.
Retirement at the age of 60 years or qualifying service of 33 years whichever come first is very good decision. This proposal should be accepted by the Government. it will not only solve the problem of unemployment but bring much more efficiency in working. The age old employee with old mindset even IAS or SSS work in the same ageold culture with less innovative idea due to which digitization of all records in the various ministries of Central and State Government is suffering. In the age of IT people are not able to access information of their own. With the compliance of Center, State department has developed website but could upload information in details due to lack of efficient workforce. Consequently people of the country is facing trouble.
I dont agree with this proposal. An employee, who is at the age, whem he has to fulfil maximum of his social and family responsibilities such as higher education ot marriage of Children, medical situations etc. shouldn’t be deprived off. Specially, it should also be borne in mind that he/ she is at an age, when it is not easy to accommodate. Further, pension is also not for all, as newcomers are undet nps system. Think about it.
Retirement at the age of 60 years or qualifying service of 33 years whichever come first is very good decision of the 7 the pay commission, our government should accept this proposal, as it will solve the problems of unemployment, keeping aside relented employee rubbish as many telented youths are waiting for government jobs and they will definitely fill the gap of those so called relented employees,
Police personnel should get some preferential treatment as their job has become really demanding in present social scenario
Delhi police personal should be retired from service 33 years and not exceed age of 55 years plz
VRS qualified service brought down 20 year to 15 year specially in CPMF like BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB, CISF and ASAM RIFLES etc.
Because these forces will get new energetic personality in place of who retires from service.
VR qualifying service should be brought down from 20 to 15 yrs .
VR qualifying service should be brought down from 20 to 15 yrs .Govt. Institutions are no way loosers with this formula rather benefited.At least the purpose of VR will be some way meaningful for re- employed lot such as ex-servicemen.So far for re- employed ex-servicemen the VR is meaning less as all most all of them get re employed at or above the age of 40 yrs
Kindly grant patient care allowance for asi pharmaacits at par with staff nurses since they doing ardous duties
Kindly consider voluntary retirement for 15 years
please consider 20 years as voluntary retirement. it is mandatory for indian coast guard personal
i took vol.retirement wefrom 31-7-93 as chargeman gr1 in the pay scale of 1600-60-2660 ijoined the ordnance fy in july 1964 and my basic at the time of retirement was 2050 igot the last increment on 1stmarch pl 93 but they considered my qual. service as26+5==31yrs ifd itthey consider my qual service as34yrs1 month what wouldbe my pension basic in 7th pay commission in 6th they fixed it as rs 7163 plclarify
Upto 15 years
voluntary retirement age shud be reduced from 20 to 18 years as many employees feel lethargic after serving for more than 15 years without promotion, with out much monetary benefits …. they shud be given a chance to try something new in life instead of being a burden on the government. Also new people / generation vud get a chance to work … as they bring in new ideas etc.
Hardly fifteen years should be VISA is full pension because new je ne ration chance
Retirement ageage (vrs) should be 15.
The pay structure should be like as the pay structure of US ARMY
The age of the Voluntary retirement for full pension should be 15 years
All jawan of Bsf like in 18 years service pensions please thought about this sir
Vrs Should be after maximum 15 years service
An cg employee can retire at any time on medical grounds. He gets full pension only if he completes 10 yrs of service.
VRS is allowed only after completion of 20yrs of service at present. It would be great if it is reduced to 15yrs.
Retirement 58 years than better
To my opinion, there shall be ‘one fifth to one third’ new personnel shall be added every year to an organization. So that the work can go on, on teaching and learning process. Due to the above, the innovative way of doing the work or getting the work done through teaching and learning process can be established. This may be possible due one of following reasons.
(a) The task should always be increased by allotting more parameters to improve the quality of the work.
(b) Rate of accuracy should be checked at all times.
(c) More & more accountability shall be brought in.
(d) In addition, declare VRS right at 10 years of Service put in. And improve the VRS benefits in steps of 05 years or so.
(e) The VRS could be lump sum at initial stages and later on could be monthly pension.
However, a lot thinking process shall go on to improve the working conditions of the employees and there shall be a provision to leave the employees who can not adjust with the working conditions. This may avoid even stagnation for serving personnel.
lott many youngsters are waiting for their employment.
it is no good lingering on dead wood.
let new generation take over the lead role and aged should take a back seat.
if at all govt wants utilize some aged but able person`s service is required it should be on pay versus performance basis.
It is better if the retirment age reduced, and young generation given the opertunity
what is the retirement age for a high school headmistress as per the &th pay comission? Has it been reduced?
The retirment age should be 58 years because many of the people among us are employed at early age and it would now affect their life if 33 years employment age is given previleaged.
Older people, just acquired power want to only enjoy power and not responsibility, wanting to increase retirement age. I will rather say no voluntary retirement, instead compulsory retirement after 33 years of service or 60 years of age. We must help younger generation to enter service with latest technology to contribute to quality service.
Minimum 20 yrs of service is compulsory for vrs is only for civil services or for defence services also?
Please explain briefly….
Government may introduce attractive benefit to those who want vrs after 33 years of service .it will open uppertunity to Young’s in govt job
first of all the Govt should clear the restriction of age of 50 and 55 for VRS. Many employee has complete their 20 year services but not crossed the age of 50 or 55 and want to VRS and also avail pension
यदि सरकारी कर्मचारी कम करने ही है तो उनके लिए गोल्डन हैंड स्कीम वाली वीआरएस योजना लानी चाहिए न कि 33 साल की सेवा पूरी होने पर सभी को रिटायर करना चाहिए। सरकारी बाबू पूरी तरह से अपनी नौकरी पर ही आश्रित होते हैं और 60 साल में रिटायर होने के अनुसार ही पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों को निपटाने की योजना बनाते हैं। समय से पहले कोई कार्य करना ठीक नहीं रहता और यह तो वर्तमान एवं भावी पीढी के जीवन’मरण का सवाल है। सबके लिए एकसमान 60 साल पूरी होने पर रिटायरमेंट होनी चाहिए। यदि ऐसी बेहूदा सिफारिश को माना गया तो यह एक विध्वंसकारी फैसला होगा और इससे भूखमरी और अराजकता ही बढेगी।
Govt. will be able to create more employment opportunityn for people by providing provision of full pension scheme to the people who need/want to opt the VRS after completion of their 20 yrs’ of service.
The Full- Pension Scheme after the completion of 20 yrs’ service will be a very generous ,judicious and remarkably considerate step of the Government. So,Honourable govt. please provide this provision & help your people.
After 25year or33 year ofer toemployee for vrs those who are wanted or physicaly /mentaly ill for retirment
7th pay commission should consider only age 58-60 for the retirement of person . At the age of 50 -51he is not able to get some other job to fulfil his financial needs more over this is the time when he is having major financial resposiblities.
Post 2006 Pensioners orretirees are allowed pension without PRORATA REDUCTION if their qualifying sevice is more than10 years whreas pre 2006 retirees suffer PRORATA REDUCTION of pension with more than 1oyears. This is total discrimination based on an arbitrary cut off date of retiement..government is not truly implementing court decisions against PRORATA REDUCTION but still cling tonOM dt 28/1/13 para 5. Courts are also liberal in dealing with contempt cases and soft on government. Weep weep my poor country Pensioners.!
Cpf holder govt.empolyees should get one obtion to change gpf as pention hence so many employment facility can be produce
Age for VRS should be made to 15 years ,at least an option for women employees who are at an age where they have to look after their career seeking children and older getting parents at almost same time.
Every party claims that the “OROP” has been accepted by them (the previous regime and teh present regime)
However, neither both parties are seriously bothered about Armed forces and its veterans as they have been denied teh fundamental rights of this country ,hence no formal union to represent,
Why there are hues and cries to provide OROP for the since and loyal jawans of this country.
Remember “Politicians/Babus” the younger generations of India have rejected joining armed forces just to avoid this hand to mouth survival what they see in us.
The time has come to the government to think in-retrospect and to motivate the younger generations to join the forces, by duly recognizing the veterans and the serving personnel .
Govt: have you done a survey from the Young Indians……you may get surprises..at least take necessary actions now!!!!! to promote interest in the young minds to happily join the armed forces.
Jai Hind!
Age limit for v r s should be reduced from 20 years of qualifying service to 15 years or age of 40 years whichever is earlier at least for women employees as they have to perform so many responsibilities as well as at the home too. Thnx
Vrs age should be 15 yrs of service..
In Army the entitlement of ex service man should be implemented after completion of 13 years of qualifying service where except pension they should be provided with medical facilities & canteen facilities. In 7th pay commission it should be implemented.
Yes all the benefit of VRS must considered for all completing the 15 year of service.
The VRS Minimum service age can be reduced to 15 Years. This will be benefit to government because, physically ill people and aged people will come out from service. Youth will get jobs and they will be fast in work. the work will be more productive in case of youths.
in a life time 33 yrs is enough for central govt employee .if the govt approves this scheme iam grateful
koi emp 20 years age me central ki service join kiya to 53 aga me retire, samanyta 27 age me shade kiya 29 me child huaa child ka eduacation me paisa kharch kiya aur retire, na home bana paya na hi kuch aur (2) yadi koi emp 20-21 me service kiya ek dept. se dusra dept me 26-27 me join kiya to uski balle balle usne 40 years service kiya (3) kya state govt,. Banks etc. sab jagah 33 years service ya 60age central govt lagu kar sakti hai retirement age 58 years very good
Voluntary retirement for para military personnel may be reduced from 20 year to 15 year ,For better and powerful force . It also manimise unemployment of youth . old aged personnel are not so good To perform the duties such forces…….
15 years VRS is essential for force personnel, young blood are Fit for such duties, So, I therefore requested it may reduced from 20 to 15 year if possible , as new genaretion employment plan.
At least this pay commission should reduce the qualifying service for vrs from 20 years to 15 years. Many will benefit. And will be a boon.
Retirement at completion of 33 years or 60 years attaining whichever is earlier.
Excellent idea and do implement the same.whichout considering any thing.
Eating govt money 33 years is not sufficient, then who is not getting govt jobs cant they expect to get selected in govt jobs?
Modi govt will get more than 400 seats if implement this idea
Young India Jai Hind
Sir, I am ex serviceman and my date of retirement is 30.04.2023, but i want to take retirement (30.04.2021) on completion of 10 yrs from Indian railway .My question is , will all the dues to me can be paid by NPS ? Will i get my pension after immediately retirement ? please educate me.
Govt. should allow full pension and others benefits after completion 20 years qualifying service ?
as per 7cpc retiring age is to be fixed for 33 years or 60 yrars age so whho have more remaining service should be given a chance to employed one of their child in railway it will cop up un employment .
why the retirement age should be reduced when a number of post lying vacant from a long time specially in subordinate offices still not permitted to fill up. More ever family does not settled before 58 years of age. First fill all the vacant post, only then talk about reducing the age of retirement.
mallappa b k. says
28-07-2015 at-11;45pm
govt should redused VRS age minimum 20 years to 15 years
when the govt is going to reduce the retirement age from -60 to-58years .
should redused (58years for gents & 55years for ladies) or on completion of
qualifying service of 30years. for new employment opportunities for the
younger generation.
retierment age upto 58 years only
Govt. shud reduce VRS from 20 yrs to 17 yrs bcos it will open up lakhs of jobs as many talented employees vud prefer to look for other opportunities in pvt. sector with the govt. experience. Also anyone in govt. job for 15 + years tends to become lethargic and dull with no promotions.
what about pensioners how rtd after completion of 20yrs in the year 1994
if a person taking retirement on 20/25 year of service…..he is leaving rest 7 to 9 year of service …at-least he should get extra cash equivalent to 2-3 year of service.
The vrs date should be 15 yrs specialy for the armd personnel . If the somebody is likely to be trying to find a job in civil then he should be given vrs after 15yrs of service, because in that time he has a enough age to settle down him in civil.while the otherhand the present vrs of 20 yrs is not so beneficial to the individual because he already spent his young age in defence. So it’s so difficult to find a job in this kind of situation. And also to settle down himself in the civil…
So I request you to the vrs should be given after termination of 15 yrs with the pensionery benefits .
Voluntary Retirement should be reduced from 20 to 15 years atleast for woman employees , as they had dual responsibility to grow up children and look after household activity along with there service. This exactly affecting there health and has direct impact on child’s future. This is serious concern and to be looked after.
what govt. doing for vrs in 2015 year.
Full pension may be paid after completion 20 yrs of qualifying service instead of 33 yrs
There are many unfilled posts in both Central Government, State and Quasi Govts. Earlier retirement is not a solution for unemployment. Perhaps more accountability shall be imposed.
The rumors that one of the recommendations either 33 years of service or 60 years (which ever earlier) is BAD for both employees as well as the Government. Many joined service as early as 20 and is it not their right to serve till 60 or above ?.
Govt. is concerned about the huge expenditure on salary and allowances on the government employees. Govt. should come with VRS with Ex-Gratia as applicable for the employees declared surplys. Make the scheme applicable for all. i will be the first person to avail VRS. i am from IA&AD. in case the VRS with Ex-gratia is allowed for all, the number of employees and the expenditure on salary and allowances will be reduced substantially.
vrs scheme for 15 years not 20years
The Government should reduce the VRS age limit from 20 years to 15 years with full pension benefits. This will give way for the Young Generation to take up Employment in this Government.
It should be reciprocal. If an employ is not performing well, the person shall be given VRS by the government. It will be good for the government of the day to implement its policy effectively.
There shall be consideration for the young generation, who can easily adjust and adapt the modern day technological changes, so that they can serve the society better. So if a person want to VRS after completion of 15 years, govt may release him and recruit new person immediately
Sir, Pl don’t expand premature criteria up to 15 years.15 years is best for premature retirement.
By granting the permission by 7 CPC for VRS of Ex-servicemen in Centre Government at about 3 to 5 lakh unemployed can get job. The ex-servicemen 53 to 58 year in re-employed service. I think 95% of this category can get VRS.
I think no any ex-servicemen will refuse because he will get all the pensionary benefits after completion of 15 years of service. About 3 to 5 lakh ex-servicemen in Central Government can be got VRS. All Ex-servicemen may kindly forward your comments so that 7th CPC can consider the same.
The Retirement age for Ex-Servicemen who have re-employed in Central Government. After completion of 15 years of service Govt should given a attractive package so that New Generation may be inducted in service
There are so many corrupt officers still continuing in service in so many organisations. They should be sent out. Then there is no question of reducing age. Loyalty counts the most. The rulers should understand this.
In 7th pay commision,minimum service for pension & exserviceman certificate for pbor in army should be reduced from 15 years to 10 years because some pbor jawan suffering from several domestic probles.
Please consider about the age reduction for voluntary retirement from services for women government employees as we have to perform so many responsibilities at home. Please reduce the v r s age upto 40 years. It will open so many scopes for next generation to get employment.
Good for female
Sir, retirement should be reduce to 15 yrs
Govt. must provide some attractive benefits to the class C employee who want to take voluntary retirement.
Request you to members of 7 pay commission to grant retirment sevice age 55 yrs.only of all govt central and state.it is very necessary to sulves of new unemployed generatio.
why there is a gender difference – dependents sons become ineligible for benefits of LTC, CGHS etc. after crossing the age of 25 years – their age limit should be at least enhanced from 25 to 30 years
for creating employement/opporunities for unemployed ,it will be much better to reduce minimum age for VRS from 20 to 15. The benefits of VRS can be given according to the ratio/proportion of service period.
The VRS age in respect of Ex-Army persons who have re-employed in Central Government Department could be 15 years as the employee touch at least 55 years of service in 2nd Job.
7th pay commission is suggested to consider qualifying service for VRS
At present the qualifying service for VRS is 20 years,( to become eligible for pension ) it may be reduced to 15 years, as more middle aged employees will be lured to go for VRS, resulting in creation of more JOBS, which is need of the hour .
Government should provide smart I-CARD (smart card like I-CARD) to the all defense stuff. In which the every information of the particular defense stuff will be available..
This process will save stationary items.
In Indian army need some Multi tasking stuff for administrative work, excluding documentary works…
Govt should take a step to get the unfit soldier(over weigh person) out of army…
In Indian army 80% of officers are physically unfit
If any officer come from TD or leave, then a light vehicle waits in the railway station before the officer reached at railway station…
But for a sepoy, there are no facility…
That time the sepoy has to hire a auto to reach at unit
In the Indian army, every officers get servant allowance…
Althoug, some officers compelled the Sepoy to be their helper..
whereas helper is not authorized for them
During a TD (Temporary duty), a soldier Pay from his pocket…
Although.. it is a govt job, the soldier gets financial loss..
After publishing the TD the soldier gets few amount.
As a result, TD become so expensive for a soldier….
Govt Should take step against the current recruitment system…
Every defence aspirant should have to be an NCO (Non commission officer), after attending the promotion cadre exam he should be promoted to JCO( Junior commission officer), next will be senior officer…
In this way a soldier can be an experience officer….
During the service of a soldier…
The Rank of the soldier should come at a particular time…
For example…
After crossing the period of sepoy rank, Govt pays the payment of Nayak rank to the soldiers as.a ACP Nayak.
But govt don’t promote the soldier to the Nayak rank.
So, what’s the problem to promote the soldier to Nayak rank.
The physical stamina of a soldier get reduced after 12 years of service…
So…. govt. Should fix the duration of voluntary retirement after 12 years of service…
My dad would be retiring in 30th November 2015. Is there any way through which he can benefit from the pay commission?
Eligible criteria of 20 years of service for VRS may be reduced to 15-18
The service of other rank in army should be15 yrs for premature retirement .But soldiers who want to extend his job or willing to serve in his field then in such case their service should be22yrs.
15 years of VRS should not be changed bcoz if a soldiers retires after 20 he wont get any goct job in civil. According to IA proposal there are 70% of jobs goes to civilian bcos lack of qualifying in entrance exams…
Most of the employees working for the Dept of Post are working under lot of stress and pressure.The work environment in the post office is very pathetic and employees especially the female staff are working like slaves.They don,t get even the child care leave and other legitimate leaves normally.The new accounting software called Finacle is not user friendly and the employees are not properly trained.Many occasions the server is too slow resulting exchange of words with the customers. Now the post offices functioning in the city are lacking basic staff welfare facility like adequate toilets,specific lunch time and are congested with more number of employees in small sized buildings.Eight hours working is a dream now as most of them are working even till 8pm. They are afraid of speaking to the higher. officials out of fear ,punishment transfers in disguise of interest of services or victimization. Union should consider this also apart from the pay revision.
In the armed forces,Govt should pay attention to long pending discharge cases to improve the efficiency of the orgn.Moreover if one is not willing to serve further, he should be given immediate discharge without waiting further. Process of discharge should be made simple in forces to make it practical for force personals.There are various reasons of premature discharge for a govt employee.Govt should sympathetically address the problem of forces regarding premature discharge.
As per the current trend of New Pension Scheme in Government Jobs, Central Government should reduce the VRS period from 20 yrs to 15 yrs. In my opinion it will be very helpful for the Government & Individual too on long term financial ground. VRS should be 15 yrs with minimum 5yrs salary benefits to the Individual. I am not intelligent like Mr. Jetally but as per my calculations is necessary for the country, even I suggest to implement it before 7th Pay Commission.
Please reduse time 20year to 15 years service pbor in army
irrespective of more conditions, rules and different type of retirements for pensionable retirement, I suggest, like short service commission, all central government employees can give option to VRS at minimum 10 years of service,( 10 years/ 15 years / 20 years) their pension has to be based on number of years they served. This will reduce the financial burden of government and more job opportunities for young generation.
Pl reduce vr from 20 years to 15 years due to medical problams arising.
Voluntary retirement should be decreased to 15 year of continuous service with less benefit compare to 20 year..
7th pay commission should introduce “golden handshake” scheme in which employees seeking voluntary retirement on completion of qualifying service equal to or more than 15 years but less than 20 years should be paid one time, lump-sum, retirement benefit.
Volunteer retirement for forces 15years@ of 60%pension.why 20years &@of 50%penssion for CAPF?can’t we make the stages or offers for VRS ,as 45%after 15years & 50%after 20years.As we are also serving the nation.
Govt of India has to come forward with an Aim to provide job oppertunity, Either it is in combatt or casual, Service Length should be reduced to minimum with good pension schope and benifit so that govt servent will take early desicion of retirement and a new job oppertunity will come forwarnd to fight with unemployment.
100days leave army solger
Army service 15 years only.
20 years very hards
The voluntary retirement should be after 15yrs because so many people may have different problems.. Like health, family problems etc
qualiying service 15 years vrs benifit
the modiji government should actually make available vrs after 15 years service and many other liberal options for servants to choose willing to leave.. the retirement age too should actually be reduced to 55/58 so there are opportunities to the young the professionals to enter. the changing dynamics of governance, globalisation, technological innovations have all but compel the states to amend their people policies where the services should not be life long, permanent but for 15 to 20 years only and not like die cast 30-35 years service till attains 60 years.
If you propose to change in the service criteria for pension benefit then reduse age limit 15 yrs to 12 or 10 yrs from 6 CPC. Becoz it’s armed force not civil service and Only young generation can give the best performance.
I think voilentry retirement scheme with family pension the qualifying service 15 years OK ihope this request accepted in seventh pay commission and current central government
army Valentine pension after 14 years of complete service
Retirement age of CG employees must be reduced from 60 yrs to 58 in the interest of youth of the nation for getting job opportunities. Also voluntary retirement age should be reduced from 20 yrars to 15 years.
Hello, Hope this 7th Pay Commission will reduced the VRS from 20yrs to 15 yrs, so that, those who wants to take VRS before 20yrs but will not get any pension benefits and forced to wait his or her 20 yrs of service to avail all benefits may get that oppurtunity to avail all benefits instead of 20 yrs to 15 yrs. And this move will be highly appreciable by the employees those who want to quit,further, an employment crisis will be lesser for the young generation, but the government shud announce some attractive benefits for those who will take retirement aftr 15 yrs of service.lets hope for the best package.
i want pension is 15 or 17 after service. i am not agree 20 years because so many young boys and girls will waiting for their life what happend so i want 17 years pension is good for India
disability penssion should be raised for defence personel
Hello, Hope this 7th Pay Commission will reduced the VRS from 20yrs to 15 yrs, so that, those who wants to take VRS before 20yrs but will not get any pension benefits and forced to wait his or her 20 yrs of service to avail all benefits may get that oppurtunity to avail all benefits instead of 20 yrs to 15 yrs. And this move will be highly appreciable by the employees those who want to quit,further, an employment crisis will be lesser for the young generation, but the government shud announce some attractive benefits for those who will take retirement aftr 15 yrs of service.lets hope for the best package.
I think 15 year for VRS with all benefits will be more beneficial for the govt. as well as individual.Room will be create for unemployed and individual can spends life with family with good pension
Age of VRS should be reduced to 15yrs of service .—–will open up opportunity for our young generations.
20 year plan are correct but purani pention vyvastha bahal ho
After 15 yres services eligible for V R S. It is benefit for armed force.
Retirement age should be reduced to 15 yrs rather than 20 yrs especially for women employees who have lots of other family responsibilities at this point of time
I think also 15 year is very effective year for soldier who caring there parents after retirement.
I think 15 years Service should be considered for Full Benefits of VRS with attractive/handsome Packages…… It will provide room for experienced employees to work independently with innovations…. & jobs for youngsters…! LET’S HOPE….
i want pension is 15 or 17 after service. i am not agree 20 years because so many young boys and girls will waiting for their life what happend so i want 17 years pension is good for India
Cancer patients ?
After completion of 20 years of service when the employee apply for VRS, Employer may or may not accept it??
regular service must be reduced from 20 years to 15 years for vrs for physically handicapped employees without medical board and full pensioner benefits
Hi,the accurate age for for vrs should be 15yrs of working,particularly for woman employee.so that they can look after their children.
there should be a cap of no. of years of service one should put in say below 30 yrs lot of opportunities will open up for younger generation added to that timely recruitment should be carried ou t
The Govt must come reduced retirement age from 20 years to 17 years with some good and attractive retirement benefits so that, many will opt this opportunity to take voluntary retirement after completing 17 years of service and this will open lots of vacancies to un-employed youths. This will facilitate more employment for the youths and crimes. .
The Govt should come with some good n attractive retirement benefits for those employees who have completed their 20 years of service. By doing this, many will be allured to take voluntary retirement after completing 20 years of service and this will open up new employment opportunities for the younger generation.Creating more employment for the younger generation is a major challenge before the govt today.
Govt should redused vrs age minimum 20years to 15 years
why can’t be the eligibility criteria of 20 years of service for VRS reduced to 15 years for who have medical problem on duty and facing lot’s physical problem to perform duty.
why can’t be the eligibility criteria of 20 years of service for VRS reduced to 15 years?? when the govt.is going to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58.