DA from July 2017 is expected 1% only at present!
As on date, we have two months AICPIN data only, i.e., Jan and Feb 2017. And we need four months AICPIN data for the calculation of DA from July 2017. The scenario of AICPIN is now being as down trend. If the AICPIN should increase minimum 6 points(total of 3 months) from the existing level in coming months, there could be a chance to increase the DA to 2%. Otherwise, the additional DA from July 2017 will be enhanced by 1% only.
In case of AICPIN increase one point from the existing level subsequently for 4 months, the below table shows the calculation…
Click to Calculate DA with your predicted AICPIN
My basic pay on retirement was 11725in scale 7500-11500.I was paid basic pension by adding payelement of 30percent. So now what will be my basic pension as per matrix by adding 30 percent wef 1-1-2016.?
Good news but still we have to wait …
Good news
MP get med allonc 30000 pm pensioners get 500pm in oldage to survive