Revised Pension Calculator for Pre-2006 Pensioners
Revised pension Calculator for pre 2006 pensioners | 7th Pay Commission Pension Calculator 2020
This calculator indicating the existing basic pension and family pension without Dearness Pension, the basic pension/family pension with Dearness Pension and the revised consolidated Pension/family pension as per the DoPPW Order No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) issued on 1.9.2008
[Note: All the figures are approximate only]
Title of Tool | Revised Pension Calculator |
Beneficiaries | Central Govt Pensioners |
Feature | Revised Pension for Pre-2006 Pensioners |
Published on | 1.7.2016 |
Updated on | 1.12.2017 |
Inputs | Basic Pension with Dearness Pay (as on 31.12.2005) |
Outputs | Basic Pension as 1.1.2006 without DP Value |
Developed by | TEUT Digital Concepts |
- View All Concordance Pension Tables (1 To 58 Tables)
- Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners / family pensioners – Concordance tables-OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A) Dated 06/07/2017
- Revision of Pension of pre-2016 Pensioners and Family Pensioners – DoPPW OM dt. 12.5.2017
- Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners and Family Pensioners – DoPPW OM dt. 4.8.2016
i retired as asst foreman on superannuation w.e.f 1-11=1997 in the scale of rs 9300–34800 with g p 4200 now changed to rs 46oo.Now as per sparsh now ppo i am receiving rs 8500 as last pay drawn (in case 0f 6 th cpc grade pay included) notional pay as on 1-1-2016 rs 53600 with level 7. Now my designation has been shown as Junior Technical Officer ( Scientific) as upgradation in the scale of rs 44900–142400 as per Gazette notification no 20 New Delhi June 30-July 6-2019 (REF FN0 A/86320/RR /Scientific/DGQA/ADM/10244/D(QA)/2019. Kindly let me know where i will be fixed in the new upgradation PCDA never send any amended PPO to me ,I am receiving my pension through I O B chennai. In fact they have initially fixed my pension wrongly and added to that they have deducted commutation pension for 16 times (months) against 15 months, Got back after great efforts .
Kindly clear whether the revise basic pension
Is Rs49350/= wef 01-01-2016 or Rs35650 /= as fixed earlier in 2017.
DA/DR Payment 2006 -2015 2016- 2020
difference in basic pension fixed is yet to receive. MY parent deptt.CSMRS has given me noreply inspite of even no of representation
Submitted to Director CSMRS olofpalmemargHauskhasnew Delhi 16, but no attentiong iventome. Hoping to get information
From CPAO min.of Finance govt.of india at your earliest.
From 1-1-2016 pension is 35,650/- plus applicable dearness relief only.
1-50% DA merger inbasìcpay Rs11575/= wef01-01-2004 has not been done asper 7thcpc revision of pension central govt.
2 revise basic pension is shown as it is 8Rs35650/
If I had given the benefit of merger my basic pay mighty have gone to Rs17363/=and basic pension fixed on01-01-2006 Rs12804 -19202 revise Basic pension ToRs49350/= So kindly
Check that the merger 50%DA is eliminated in my case for that I have to go into Adalat or Director grievances cell. unfortunate date of retirement wason31-03-2004 Total service
Render in CWC/CSMRS 33years-07months-25days only. Hoping for an early reply pl.
Ppono 024500400045
In the every PAY COMMISSION duty is all the dearness allowance should be merged with revised as new. basic pay previouslly. INTERIM RELIEF. which was merged from 1-1-1996. From 1-4-2004 50% of D.A. as been called as DEARNESS PAY. From 1-1-2006 Basic pay plus D.P plus D.A. merged and called as basic pay plus Grade pay. that was merged with D.A. totally (merged) in 7th CPC called as MATRIX LEVEL from 1-1-2016.
Sir perfectly replied with above points. Thanks.
Don’t give your valuable comments, to this person he has not replied to your answer on 27th January Sir. Daily I am reading answers to all the questions sir.
1-M.k.kumar clear my basic pay wef01-01-2004 and revision of basic pension hiketoRs5665 -8496 2-Basicpensionfixedon 01-01-2006 wasRs12804/= and it was again revised to19202/=fromsep.2012 but arrear of DA 2006toaugust2012 has not been received upto2015.3-Basicpensionhike 7thcpc01-01-2016 Rs35650 -49350/= The difference is yet to receive upto2020 .so kindly issue me 7thcpcrevise basic pay and pension CPAO recommendation order to get my revision implemented in the parent deptt CSMRS MOWR PPONO 024500400045. Hoping for favorable n.a and information.
This is to inform you that since 1-1-2004 pay with 50% D.A. was given as Pension & Dearness pension it was merged with D.A./D.R. as on 1-1-2006 from 6th CPC including Basic pay/Pension plus eligible Grade pay as per the pay scales.. In the 2012 it was revised due to the pension rules are changed 33 years pension treated as 30 year from the 6th CPC. In the 7th CPC previous D.A.was merged & treated as MATRIX LEVEL. PAY. In my opinion your all D.P. & “D.A. merged with Basic pension as per the Pension rules.
If you want clear total Basic pension as on 1- 1-2016 from 7th CPC you require,please intimate your last retirement (with day, month & year) pay (without D.P.) with scale of pay at that time.
If you retired on superannuation at 58 years & attaining 80 years onwards to 100 age you will get additional pension of 20% onwards to 100% as additional p respectively.
Dear Sir / Madam,
My mother retired as a teacher from Kendriya Vidyalaya on March 31st 2001 on superannuation.
Because of age / health reasons, she is now unable to do the pension computation nor do I know the method. So need some help please.
Her last pay details are as under –
Basic Pay – 9300
DA – 3813
HRA – 2790
CCA – 300
Transport Allowance – 400
The ‘ commutation payment order ‘ details are –
Amount of original pension – 4618
Amount of pension commuted – 1847
DA payable on original pension – 4618
It will be very kind of you to help with the calculation or suggest to some reference where I could understand the steps / method of calculation.
Thank you.
Commutation is only one in life time.
Perhaps I didn’t communicate properly.
My mother wants me to verify that the pension amount she is getting every month is correct. I want help to calculate that monthly amount. Please help.
Thank you.
See in this site: pension-commutation-calculator
Thank you Sir.
sir” I am usman gani appointed as sub khalasi on 6TH october 2008 and attained TS on 3RD febravary 2009 I want to know whether i am elegible for increment on july 2009 .
No. From the regular service the Increment from July, 2010 only eligible on completion of 12 months after July.
(I) Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – delinking of revised pension
from qualifying service of 33 years dated No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A). 06-04-2016 (II)Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners dated No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) 30-07-2015
Mention your last basic pay of retirement as on 31-1-1997?
Dear Sir, Vanakkam. I am Syed Rahman Batcha DOB 04-01-1939 retired on 31/01/1997 afternoon as senior supt.of post officer class 1 junior grade LPD 9925 scale of pay 8000-275-13500. Kindly intimate my pension wef. 01-01-2006 applying new scale pb-3— 15600 – 39100 (6th CPC ) and pension wef 01-01-2016 applying new scale. Thanking you.
As per your last basic pay of Rs.9925/- your pension in 6th CPC from 1-1-2006 as Rs.11,960/- & in 7th CPC from 1-1-2016 as Rs.30,750/-.
Date of retirement- 4/7/2005. Post- section officer. Basic pay on retirement-. ₹11500. Total service-36years ,10months.Basic pension on retirement-₹5500. Please tell me what is my new pension as per 7th CPC
From 1-1-2016 basis pension as Rs.14,650/- plus applicable dearness relief.
मै केंद्र सरकार के सेक्शन ऑफिसर के पद से 4 जुलाई 2005 में रिटायर हुआ था। मेरी बेसिक पे तब 11500 थी। मेरी बेसिक पेंशन 5500 बनी थी। अब मेरी पेंशन और एरियर क्या होगा।
If pension Holder died
And his wife died
Then who get The benifits of pension rewise
Retairment date 30/09/1995
If the dependent is to be eligible as per the rules.
I’m a KVS pensioner.
Date of Retirement: 01-07-2002 ( VRS)
V th CPC basic pay: Rs. 11000/- ( scale: : 7500-250-12000)
Corresponding pay band: Rs. 15600- 39000 (PB – II ) Grade Pay: Rs. 5400.
Original pension ( V CPC) Rs. 5413;/-
Revised pension ( VI CPC) Rs. 12235/-
Please fix my notional pension ( VII CPC).
Thank you so much.
As per your last basic pay 11000/- it is from 1/1/2016 as ₹ 33,000/-, as per your grade pay was given as ₹ 4800 not 5400. Further to inform you that your 6th CPC Pension your last basic pay may be ₹ 10500 if it is now revised Pension is ₹ 32,0500/- only. Or your 6th Pension may wrong total pay above 24950 including GP 4800. It seems your pay was 24470 50% Pension as mentioned ₹ 12,235/-. Check up with your pension book.
My father Jyotirmoy Days retired from GSI on
31/11/1991 as a Driller(PPO No 366999200318). He expired on 01/02/2006. Now my mother Sarbani Days gets a family pension. Her current besic pension is Rs.12,946(since September 2016).
Can you kindly help us to know whether she is entitle to get a revised pension as per notification on 06/07/2017. If yes what will be her actual current besic pension and when it will be implemented.
My 3rd life pension BP Rs 12020-/ wef 01/05/2016 but I have 1st pension receive on 30/06/2018 I have not received Arrears of from 01.5.2016 to 1.5.2018 how ammount of my Arrears pl guide me
Sir. I retired from army on 01 SEP 2015 AND MY basic pension is 11970 and grade pay is 4600 rank is Sub of Y group. What is actual basic pension in 7th pay commission
You will get Rs.31,100/- plus D.R. as applicable from 1/1/2016.
Dear sir,
I have retired A.A.O retired 1997. My basic pay as on 1997 was 8300/-. According to concordance table 24 ,25 what is will be my revised pension. My PPO number is 413199700677
As per the revised GP from 4200 to 460O PENSION from 1-1-2016 as Rs.26,000/-. If not revised from old pension of Rs. 25,250, if not revised as 26000/- you have to contact your ex+employer they only do it.
Hi There,
I retired from Army from Hon. Naib Subedar post on Mar 31st 2010.
My current Basic pension is Rs 26000.
Can you kindly help me out with the revised pension and when from when it will be implemented.
I Retired on 30th November 1997. My Py Pension was Fixed as Rs.23,050 plus Relief on 01.01.2006.
What is the Fitment Pension on 01.01.2016 ? Please Indicate.
My Office Order Says it is 59,139 as Revised Pension from 01.01.2016. Is the Calculation Correct”
Pension as on 1/1/16 it should be rounded off to ten only, so it is wrong. Mention your last basic pay & scale of pay of 5th CPC at the time of Retirement.
I retired from kvs in 2000. Pay scale 7500_200_12000.time of retirement my basic is 12250. Service 30. 2months.pensio basic 5592. In 6cpc my pension is 12639.fixed what is in 7cpc I want to know.
It seems your basic pay crossed one increment stagnation if it is correct as per the concordance table no. 28 your revised notional Pension from 1/1/2006 is ₹ 36,050/- p.m. plus as applicable dearness relief from time to time.
Please permit me to seek the following clarification in respect of my sister A. Jayalakshmi (DOB 18.01.1934) Retired PRT, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan: she retired on 31.91.1996 with last pay drawn of Rs 7950.00 in the scale 5500-175-9000. Post 6 CPC her pension was initially fixed at 6424 from 1.1.2006, later revised to 8251 ( based off n OM dated 28.01.2013) and post 7 CPC to 28205 ( multiplying 8252 with 2.57). However the initial figure 6424 ( based on only 29.4 years of qualifying service was revised n 6750 ( based on government delinking minimum 33 years as eligible condition for full pension) effective 1.1.2006 and more recently, based on our representation, this was raised to 7215 ( following the acknoedgement that retired in the scale 5500-175-9000 as against the erroneously used scale of 5000-100-8000, also effective 01.01.2006. Should not the original figure of 6424 used for fixing the 7 CPC Pension be replaced by subsequently revised figure of 7215 for arriving at the figure to be multiplied by 2.57 instead of 8251? This will make a difference of more than 2000 pm in her pension. Also I would be grateful how the figure of 8251 was arrived at from the figure of 6424. I am sorry to have imposed you with this lengthy post.
A. Arjunan
As per her last pay of ₹ 7950/- she is eligible w.e.f. 1/1/2016 of ₹ 24,500/- plus 20% of additional Pension due to the attaining. age 80 years of ₹ 4,900 total ₹ 29,400/- plus applicable dearness relief. If this amount she is not getting contact her ex-employer/PAO.
Retired on 31.3.1987 in scale of 1640-60-2600-75-2900 on basic pay of 2600. Was in the same rank from march 1967 to 1987. Therefore should get 16 increments in pay matrix in band 6 and GP of 4200. so pension should be 50 % of 56900. But by notional fixing it will be 24500. Loss of 3950. How to get relief?
My father was expired on 2000 at that time his basic salary was 10100. Now my mother is getting family pension, pls tell me what is her new basic pension as per 7 pay commission
You have not mentioned his retirement year I presumed as in the 5th CPC i.e. from 1996 to 2000.
If his full basic pay of Rs.10100/- in the scale 6500-200-10500/-your mother’s family pension in the 7th CPC is Rs. 18,120/- plus applicable dearness relief as applicable w.e.f. 1/1/2016.
My grandfather pension just got increased from 7910 to 16899 can u tell me why he worked in ordinance depot in class 3 . And he got a arrear of 215415 as well can u tell why
In view of the 7th CPC revised Pension w.r.f. 1/1/2016 & moreover if the MACP due from 1/1/2006. If his above 80 age on completion at the rate of pension percentage may also be increased.
My father retired from Army in 1983 as Subedar after 21 years of service.Now after death of my father in 2009, my mother is drawing family pension. As per revised ppo received in 2010, my mother’s basic pension was fixed at 4770/- in notional pay band of 9400-34000. Iwant to know what should be the present basic family pension of my mother. Please guide.
This is to inform you as per 7th CPC from 1/1/2016 minimum family pension is now Rs.9,000/- it is as per your father’s last basic pay & of his scale of pay, previously it was Rs.3,500/- in the 6th CPC. May be more than 9000/- if not received so far contact his ex-employer/PAO.
I retired on 31.10.1997 a/n with v th scale of 8500-200-10500 in 8500 as basic pay And in 6 th cpc in the scale of 9300- 34000 +4200 as gp. Drawn 10 increments in the scale 6500-200-10500.What will be my Basic Pension as on 1.1.2016.
As per your last pay of RS.8500 your NOTIONAL PENSION FROM 1/1/2006 is ₹ 26,000/- plus applicable dearness relief. From 10/2019 attaining the age of 80 you will get 20% in additional Pension with D.R for that and applicable dearness relief for that also.
Answer to Mr. tr.Gopalartham – So for not revised pension contract your ex-employer/PAO
I have sent so many commentsa till today.My husband died while in service on21.06.1983.My family pension was RS.291/-.He had put on20years&12days of service.Old pay scale -2000-3200(pre1996). 6500-10500(1996).With effect from 01.01.2006my basic family pension was 4440/- & w.e.f.24.09.2012 @Rs4887/-.In 7th CPC my basic family pension is Rs12560/-.I received a letter Dt.21 .02.2018.stating my basic family pension will beRs.15510/-.Is there any office order for my husband’sremaining service after his death will be calculated for my basic family pension & he was getting a special pay of RS.75/- during1983.Kindly let me know.
Retirement on 30-04-2005 and expired in 15-12-2015 then family pension is on in mothers account and last(may) month pension was 15886 then what was the new pension on 7th CPC & there are any new ppo number….
Grad pay is 8000-275-13500
My father was retirement from pwd as sub engineer was 30-04-2005 & expired in 15-12-2015 then my family pension is on in my mothers account till date last may month pension was 15886 then what was new pension as on 7th CPC….
Last pay scale 8000-275-13500
Mention your father”s last basic pay (without DEARNESS PAY & D.R.). On the basis of this only it will be calculated your mother’s family pension it will be minimum ₹ 9000/- plus applicable dearness relief as on date.
I retired on 1 Jan 2001. pay scale of RS 3200-4900 at the time of basic pay 3934 and pension basic RS 1591. What is the 7th revised basic ? and how much amount of arrears? Please tell me sir.
Thanking you
(Mallikarjuna Kempaller)
As per your pension as on 1/1/2001 from 1/1/2016 your NOTIONAL PENSION is RS.10,850/- plus applicable dearness relief. So far not settled you contact your ex-employer/PAO.
I am retired on 31-01-2001 .Pay scale 5000-150-8000 .My basic on 31-01-2001 is 5750.00 please tell me my 7th cpc basic Thanks Please reply
I am retired on 31-01-2001 Pay scale 5000-150-8000 My basic pay on 31-01-2001 was 5750.00.My retired basic fix 2875.00 .Now tell me my 7th cpc basic and arrear pls send me reply Thanks
As per your last pay from 1/1/2016 your NOTIONAL PENSION is RS.19350/- plus applicable dearness relief as applicable rates. If so far not settled you contact your ex-employer/PAO.
Mr. Kumar
I took retirement voluntarily on 04=01=2001 with Basic Pension of Rs. 6249 fixed against pay scale of Rs.14300-400-18300, which in I retired at basic of Rs. 17500;
My VI CPC basic pension was fixed at Rs. 23050;
What will be my 7th CPC Basic Pension latest Revised Basic Pension inclusive of 8 increments earned in 5th pay scale.
As per your last pay of ₹ 17500 x 1.86 = 32550 + GP 8700 = 41250 × 2.57 = 106012.50 fixed at 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL 13, Stage 1 as 123100/2 = ₹ 61,,550 w.e.f. 1/1/2016 as your NOTIONAL PENSION + D.R. as applicable rates.
I am retirement 28/02/2002
Pay scale 3200-85 -4900
My basice pay 4135
When I retired pantion basice pay -1970
Plz send my 7th pay after basic pay & arrears
Plz sand me riply
Thanks sir
As per your last pay of Rs.4135/- your NOTIONAL PENSION from 1/1/2016 is Rs.12,600/- and D.R. as admissible from 2% from 1/7/16, 3% from 1/1/17, 5% from 1/7/17 and 7% from 1/1/18. So far you are not received the revised pension and the arrears you can approach your ex-employer/PAO.
I retired from DGAIR ON 26 FEB 2004 .AS SR ASSISTANT IN THE SCALE OF RS. 5500_9000
My badis pay was the 6th pay commission my basic was fixed 8985. On 7th pay commission pension wad fixed..on . 23092. On 26.4.18 my badic penddion was refixed at 24500. Now i want to know as per mofigication of 7 pay commssion what eill be my basic penssion.
Your modified NOTIONAL BASIC PENSION from 1/1/2016 is Rs.24,500/- plus applicable D.R.rates.
Retired from Border roads Organisation( HQ 48 BRTF) on 01 February 1998. PPO No C/gref/16012/97. My revised PPO is still awaited from CDA (P) Allahabad. Please expedite,
PPO No C/GREF/16012/97. I was retired on 01 Feb 1998. My revised PPO has not been received
awaiting for your reply
I retired in feb 1996.myppo no,is 59021102706.retired from s.c far I have not received my revised PPO and long I have to wait.
Thank you for kind reply.
Will my pension be fixed @50 % on LPD ( on 1-12-2000) wef 1-1-2006 instead of 10 months av emoluments in 6 cpc as a pre 2006 pensioner.
MY LPD on 30-11-2000 = 11575- (8000-275-12950) + GP 5200 (PB-2)
Pension on 1-12-2000 =5664/- (10 mth. av. emoluments)
Pension on 1-1-2006 =5664*(1..86+ 40% fitment on basic pension)= 12802/-
corresp. PB =(9300–34800)
Qualifying service = 36 years
Request to know if i am entitled for rev. of pay in terms of circulars 30-5-17 & 6-4-16..being a state pre- 2006 pensioner.
With due Regards
Sir I retired in 2001 I hear that who retired before 2006 will get the arreas by the order of supreme court….is it true plz reply in my mail
Sunitha Sreedhar
I took voluntary retirement in the year 2005 after completing20 yrs.11months service as production asst.My 6th pay commission pension basic was 8475.How much raise in my basic pension.When can I get the arrears.
I was retired (VRS) on 10. 05. 1997.. from. Central. Railway.
I have not received any arrears on this ccount of PRE 2006 PENSION ARREARS yet.
What shall I do.
I was retired on 1997 September and qualifying service 35 years my pay scale
Was 7500_250 -13200 group B my last payRs
8750 my pension was fixed RS 9862 at 6 th pay commission and 7th pay commission my pension is RS 25345 Due to revised order
Dt25-7-2017 the pension orders is revised from pre 2006 and pre 2016 and they given two options my clarification to know which option is beneficial
Thanking you sir.
Adikesavan Rtd SDE
I retiredon31 12.2005 as Superintendent Cus.& C.Excise on pay scale 8000_275 13500.My basic pay was 10750 and my pension fixed at ₹8063/-( 50% of 10750+DP 5375) w e f 1.1.2006.A consolidated pension of ₹ 12149/- was grsnted on VI CP C and as of now I am being paid ₹ 31223(12149 x 2’57)as basic pension in7,CPC. Since the Govt. Ordered on 12.5.2017 to revise pension on fixing notional pay basis what will bemy pension wef 1.1.2016.?
I received my revised PPO issued on25/01/2018 fixing my pensio n Rs.32050/– showing 5th CPC scale ₹7500-250-12000(S14) and notional pay ₹64100.It is not u derstood as to how the 5th Cpc scale ₹8000-275-13500(S15) has been changed to a lower scale as a result when my notional pay to be fi xed at ₹67200/-& pensin at ₹33600/- it has wro ngly been fixed at ₹32050 thereby depriving me from arrears & current pension.Would the authority cheque my ppos issued earlier and revise my 7th cpc ppo correctly?
please write your doubt clearly. it is not understood.
thse pro rata pensioners will now get full pension .from 1-1-2006and also cash arrears from 1-1-2006. eg.
suppose ur pension was 15000 and u had only 27years qualifying srvice
now at the time of retirement prior to isssue of this order they would have fixed your pension as 15000 x 27/33 =12 273
now after the order(delinking qs of 33years) your pension from 1-1-2006 would get restored to full. i.e 1500/- u arse also entitled for arrears from 1-1-2006
same case would be with family pensioneers also.
hence what is your doubt in this
The Pension of Pre-2006 is not justified in any respect . We don’t know the calculator of the Govt ,used to calculate the pension. It is a wonderfull method adopted by the Govt, that shows totally letigate . I, think Govt have to think over to stop the army Pension and the amount saved from it shall have to pay to the Committe settled for the purpose of 7th Pay Commission in respect they are unable to solve the issue even after a long period of 1.5 year , because they are much clever and faithful of the Govt . I hope it is impossible to solve till the date of 8th pay Commission .
After delinking qualifying service 33yrs the calculated the pension of pensioners last basic pay at the time of retire as per CCS pension rules 1972,so that the pensioners who are getting pro-rata benefits get now full pension with the issue of on DT 6/4/16 .which not deleted para 4 only 5 delete & controvercial fitmantable DT 28/1/13 for which large no of pensioners deprived to get full pension as mension on headline .who are benefit of the order.lastly what about family pensioners fate they loosing their legitimate pension ie 5750 lbp as per table show 5000/- is not redeculous .any one understand the calculations pls clarify simple mathematics done to reduce pension instead of enhanced every CPC but vi CPC implemented long 12yrs spent burocrate settlement their pension.. Thanks
i am retirement for 28.2.2006 but no arrears for bank account why?