Is the Central Government Planning to Reduce Retirement Age?
On the 28th of last month, a well-known English daily reported that the Central Government is considering reducing the retirement age of its employees. This news has caused quite a stir among those working under the Central Government. The proposal is said to be part of the Government’s plan to reduce non-plan expenses. A senior official mentioned that this move would create employment opportunities for new people under the new recommendations to be suggested by the 7th Pay Commission.
In 1998, the Vajpayee Government raised the retirement age for Central Government employees from 58 to 60. The subsequent UPA government proposed plans to raise it further from 60 to 62, but the plans were then dropped. The retirement age was raised from 55 to 58 in 1962.
The article stated that the BJP’s manifesto, which promised to rationalize and converge ministries, departments, and other arms of the government, could implement such tough reforms. However, our investigations and inquiries suggest that the Government has no such plans. We are not aware of any debate held in any office, including the PMO, over this issue.
Recently, the State Government of Haryana reduced the retirement age of its employees, possibly leading to speculation that the Centre might implement a similar policy. It is worth mentioning that none of the employee associations and federations have raised a voice or expressed an opinion about this issue.
We hope that the Prime Minister is aware of the responsibilities and financial commitments of a Central Government employee who has an average service period of 30 years.

it is very unfortunate that modi gov can reduce the service period, most employees are more responsible at the age between 55 to 60 years. So i think its like snatching one’s job for others sake. This formula is totally wrong. Many employees are ready to protest this.
Retirement age should be reduce from 60 to 58. This is Good thinking by Modi Government. It will be justified. I want to retire from service after completion of 30 years service. Now I am completing 28 years in Aug,2015
the central govt reduce retairment age 60 to 58 is a good news,but there shoud be retairment age move to down in allover the country, this will be good news for our youths/ young generation, they are all the faces to un employment.
All over the seventh pay commission going at the ending stage and some projected demand seems on net one of them is retirement age 33/60 is very good step fact that like one person have completed 33 years and getting more than Rs. 50,000/- and at present on retirement he got minimum pension worth Rs. 20,000/- and one new recruit join the said job and will be get minimum pay worth Rs. 30,000/- total Rs. 50,000/- both personnel can be managed.
very unfortunate. Senior employees contribution is very much useful to government to run successfully. experience and by age their knowledge is useful. They will have responsibilities at the age of 55-60. especially people who got married after 30 will oppose this recommendation.
Good move. It was 58 yrs in 1998. Now more youngsters are more in number and unemployed. If they are given opportunity , so many families will surely get support and retired employees any way getting pension. People should plan their life for 33 yrs time so that next generation children will contribute to govt. and take country to powerful nation.
Dr.APJ wanted Youngster to build the nation, so give them an opportunity else their mind be filled with evil things and try to nonsense to the society.
It will be worst if gov will reduce the retirement age. It will affect the families who have only one earner. And it can lead to more suicide cases also. Modi ji please think over it and if you gonna do it.. you will surely lose your supporters….this is ridiculous. .we should not forget our oldies in shade of young generation. At least our young generation is well educated and they can find their employment easily but most of our old gov. Employees are not that much educated..where will they go then? They will not even get the proper financial benefit of retirement. Plz MODI G…THINK AGAIN..N DON’T DO THIS..
One rank one pension should be applicable for all , otherwise it will be a discriminatory step of the Govt.
Best age of retirement from the services of NHPC is 58 year instead of 60 yrs..
Steps to control Govt. Expenditure
In order to handle deficit budget, Govt. needs to take some hard steps to curtail revenue expenditure on administration side. One such positive step may be to reduce Govt. deptts and also to reduce manpower in Govt. sector.
Retirement age in all Government Offices/ Deptts should be reduced to 58 years. To avoid vacuum in the Government following scheme may be floated:
All employees above age of 59 years and 6 months should retire in one month.
All employees above age of 59 years should retire in three month but not later than age of 59 years and 7 months.
All employees above age of 58 years should retire in next 6 months time but not later than age of 59 years and 3 months.
All employees below the age of 58 years and above the age of 57 years should retire in next 12 months time but not later than age of 59 years.
All others should retire at the age of 58 years.
Further to encourage VRS in Government department ,scheme should also be floated on the pattern of banks and various PSUs that who so ever opts for Voluntary Retirement would be paid 50% pay (Basic + Grade Pay + DA) of remaining service s.t maximum of Rs 10 lakhs in addition to normal retirement dues.
This step may be introduced along with 7th Pay Commission report expected to be rolled out by August’2015.
If central government employees age is restricted to 58 from current 60 years, at what condition the age was fixed, why it is planned to 58 years. and who is increasing and who is decreasing they are politicians, Why cont to restrict the age of politicians for 58 for contesting in the elections, what strength the politicians have got to work up to death and what is the reasons for increase and decrease of retirement age of govt employees.. This all games played for vote bank politics by politicians. First the rules to be implemented for politicians for contesting in the elections who has got criminal back ground, illiterate, family politicians an all like
In view of present progress scenario of country, reducing the age from 60 to 58 is justified as to reduce unemployment . But basic again remains stand good that up to what extent unemployment problem can be solved.
In my opinion till government’s take hard step to control population this problem can’t be solved and also country’s progress can’t be achieved as planned and expected.
But SAFETY related posts age must be reduced which will benefit employees and government both.
MSP in respect of J COs & should be hike at per officers .
This is a nice move from govt but it may be a badluck for those guys who will retire just before payscale.They may have a good pension when they retire after the declare of payscale.
Excellent move, there should be at least 30 yr service or attaining the age 58 years whichever is more should retire. Sufferers vote will be less & gainers vote will be large
Excellent move,everybody should get opportunity to serve the country.Temporary problem as existing employee going to retire will get pension to live that is 60% of their earning sitting idle & new entrants can get opportunity
I am a big fan of modi government. At each step of initiative taken by Modi govt. is appritiated by the people of India. But This one slightly chuck to me. This is not a wise decision a tleast. I am not in support of this step by Modi ji. As if the Retirement age of a Govt. employee will be reduced in future then please apply the same for the Leaders of India. As a lots of job aspirants is there in india like a lots of young and dynamic leaders this country have. why they are in back line. So if for govt. employees then also for politicians to be retired on or before 60. Jai Hind
Sri. Prime Minister ji. this is very bad decision for every gov. employee pls don’t do this.
I am a Central Govt. employee of Gr.’B’ status and going to be retired on superannuation on 28.02.2015. I thing there should be option from both sides, Govt. side and employee’s side, after attaining the age of 55 years of the employee concerned. With a view to enhance efficiency of Govt. Department utilizing experiences of existing officers there should be a mechanism to evaluate performace of the officers. Based on efficiency and performance of the officer Govt. may keep his/her in service upto 60 years of age, Similarly, the employee should also have right to excercise his/her option as to whether he/she is willing to continue in service upto the age of 60 years or not. I thing with thes conditions Govt. will have option to keep efficient employees in service upto the age of 60 years on the basis of their performance and similarly the employees will also have the scope either to leve or continue in service.
It will be a very bad step from ACCHE DIN PM as instead of resorting this sort of thing he should create new jobs from Foreign Collaberation through Make In India.Youngester will get more employment oppurtunity.Govt should refrain from such kind of NON-POPULAR STEP likely to harm its image and in turn Long term goal of Govt. as it is some thing that is likely to render so many deserving and experienced and financially burdened employees in terms of large chunk of TAX thay are paying for each and every thing.Govt should not try to move focus of Public from the imp issue OF BLACK MONEY FROM FOREIGN as that would be apt step …
It is good to reduce the retirement age from 60 years to 58 years as it will pave way for employment to the youths. But it will be done in the phased manner i.e. first 59 years and then 58 years as abruptly reduction in retirement age from 60 years to 58 years will pose heavy financial burdon over government and will also cause shortage of experienced staff which may lead to suffering of works.
Disgusting to see so many babus and officers crying to save 2 years of service (if at all they intend to do it. I mean service). These good for nothing 90% oldies only sit to take their cut and they do no work. Not only are they stale but also obstructionist with so much of nexus with politicians that they remain posted for 20 yrs at one place. posting them out leads to leave without pay,or applications based on blood sugar or BP.,but most of them who willingly write that they r too old for work also should willingly retire. They r the worst of the lot and govt to improve the system needs to apply gullitone.
And one advice for dependents .Stop being dependents and lead ur own life.
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
Sh. Narender Modi ji,
Hon’ble Sir,
With profound veneration I would like to draw your kind attention regarding the award which was given by the then Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Sh . Atal Bihar Bajpayee ji who increased the retirement age of Central Govt. Employees from 58 to 60, but your Govt. has put up the proposal to decrease the age of retirement from 60 to 58 which will ruin/destroy the future of such old employees who were to be retired on 2017-18 will be forcibly retired in 2015-16.
Sir, the last 4-5 remaining years of employees are very important and critical because either their son/daughter reached in higher education or they reach in the age of marriage, and these both stages are the period of more expenditure. Further, sir, these 4-5 years of employees are very meaningful because they get more salary and can face the expenditure of higher studies but employees will be forced to retire at the age of 58 instead of 60 and the future of their children will be destroyed.
Every retiring employee who have5 years made planning regarding future of their children but your good self has no children how you can realize the problems of family men. I have a daughter who has taken admission in B.Tech if I got retired two years before how shall I manage her fee for remaining years? I have to take loan from society for construction of home but how can I pay the loan amount in one year , your good self require no loan, how you will realize it?
Sir, this is very contradictory in our constitution in our country that to be clerk there require graduation and to be Councilor, MLA &MP there require no qualification. On the other hand, employees will not be able to do work at the age of 58-60 but Councilor, MLA &MP will be eligible to work at the age of 60 to 100?
Sir, I know that your good self has done many good work for country and you are the rays of hope of million Indian but sir do not do such bad work of taking back the award of 60 year retirement age which was given your idle man Sh. Atal Bihari Bajpayee ji. If your good self have regard for Sh. Atal ji do not take back what he gave to employees of Central Govt. .
I expect that your good self will consider the problems of these old age employees and please let the age of retirement be 60 instead of 58 for the good future of their children. I expect your good self will accept out request.
Thanking you,
Your’s faithfully,
Bharat Singh,
Section Officer, Delhi Govt.
The poor employees of cg has made all liabilities assessing to retire at 60 years, Liabilities are House building loans, study loans for their children and health insurances if any as such it is very difficulty to live in the world only solution is that CG employees to purchase poison from market and drink.
Retirement age from 60 to 58 is very unfortunate .Modi ji think over it and if you gonna do it……you will surely lose your supporter .PLZ…PLZ..MODI JII THINK AGAIN AND AGAIN AND DON”T DO THIS.
If at all it is decided to reduce the retirement age to 58, It is the most disturbing decision for the salary class who voted for this govt. It is really a back stabbing. Let this govt clarify whether they had this proposal in their election manifesto. Had there been, they would not have reached three digit figure. It is easy for them to implement, but have they really analysed how it is going to get affected to the salary class. Last two years of service is the crucial as this is the period when children will get settled through marriage / employment. And any savings for the post retirement period is possible only in these two crucial years. The commitments made for housing loan / education loan / Insurance etc., for the balance service period will get badly affected and result in huge burden and leave the retired employees in darkness. It is time that all Unions irrespective of affiliation to any political party should raise their voice against this harsh decision and also make our parliamentarins to opponse any such move by this governement. I have not seen this issue being raised by any political parties uptil now. I wish good sense prevail on the law makers and desist from taking any such hasty and unpopular measures.
I think it will be one of the wst move to be made by the “ache din aayenge” wali gov…
Modi sir just think what will happen to the employees who are the sole earning person in their family, all their financial plans will just go in vain……
They can’t even think of an alternate job, that also at the age of 58…..
Creating employment by forcefully making people retire will be the most cruel decision by your mean gov……
I request you to especially rethink this idiotic and immature plan of your gov…..
this is not fare because poor man are so sad for this ation so don’t action for this command
at least one eligiable family member should be offer employment,if retiement age is reduced to 58 yr from 60 yr.
It will be a good move if government reduce retirement age from 60 to 58 the young people who are Job less will get employment. And the most important thing is to remove reservation to the reserved category employees for promotion’s. They should be given promotion on general seniority. Reservation should be given upto employment.
Cocsidering the un-employment in the country it will be a excellant move, if implemented. Please implement this scheme as early as possible. Fast action is requested.
Modi Sir,
After retiring at the age of 60 itself,they were admitted in old age homes by their kids, if they retirement age has been reduced from 60 to 58 the Govt has first of all open Middle age homes all over the country and also appoint more Psychiatry doctors in the state district hospitals to treat and give counselling to the mentally affected pre-age retired middle class govt servants. already lot of uneducated/unemployed mental patients are rowing in the streets of all over the country, if you reduced the retirement age, suddenly lakhs of cleverly/sincerely worked dedicated govt servants will come to the street as mental & beggar. we may proudly announce around the world that our country has educated beggars/ experienced mentals . So, Modi ji please think to improve & strength the country with help of the most valuableguidelines of the experienced govt. senior afficials.
It is a very good decession taken by our PM. If poosible implement Goldenshake hand scheme for employees who has completed more than 25 years of service with attractive benifits. Young blood will work more than the old blood. By this implementation of this scheme or reducing the retirement age 60 to 58 will lead India in progress. Govt will solve unemployment problems. And also Govt. may give an option to employees to get VRS with all benifits(special). An early implemention (schemes) are expected at the earliest.
Government is collecting data from various departments for reducing retirement age of employees from 60 to 58. This move is highly demotivating for the employees and socially going to be a regressive step.
If it is Implemented, It is good News for the Youngsters. But as mentioned my friends above it is not only for the Central Government, It must be for all Ruling and non Ruling Politicians. .
this is good news to unemployed peoples
PLZ DO NOT REDUCE RETIREMENT AGE. We have only one earner in our family and I know how badly this move gonna affect my family. There are lots of responisibilities on my father’s shoulder. Modi g, you can never understand it. Like my family, there are many others also, which gonna be badly affected by BJP worst move. I would suggest please apply this scheme to your MPs, MLAs, PMs…Supreme court, high court…the whole parliament…And if dis gonna happen.. BJP…party will have no future. Retirement at age 60, is central gov. employee’s right.. Do not snatch their right. MODI G..TILL NOW I WAS SUPPORTING YOU,,BT NOW ONWARDS I WILL OPPOSE YOU..
yadi govt. family ke one person ko nokri ki gurantee dai to 58 yr retirement ki koi objection nahi hai
sorry that hear a news about this ,,,think if you implement this If gov will reduce the retirement age. It will affect the families who have only one earner. And it can lead to more suicide cases also. Modi ji please think over it and if you gonna do it.. you will surely lose your supporters..At least I am gonna support AAP now..this is ridiculous. .we should not forget our oldies in shade of young generation. At least our young generation is well educated and they can find their employment easily but most of our old gov. Employees are not that much educated..where will they go then? They will not even get the proper financial benefit of retirement. Plz MODI G…THINK AGAIN..N DON’T DO THIS..(at least for the sake of old poor …middle families and their dependents)..
I am for 58 years of age. we should stop be more greedy and selfish to have everything for our own. if the gov.t employee can not plan his retirement after working 35 years of service and still begging govt. to allow them to contininue beyond 58 is a shamless.
let us allow our lakhs of youth who are unemployed to have better job employment opportunity. modi sir, you will be serving the youth of the country.when state govt employee can be retire in 58 and the defence personnel are also getting retired. “What is so special about central govt employee” arfe th so useless that they want to chipko with wervice till die. They are greedy.
I think the time has come for central govt employees to think beyond family obligations and start thinking about national interests.
Instead of reducing the retirement age from 60 to 58 years Government may give an option to employees to get VRs once they complete 58 years to get full pension benefit instead of minimum qualifying service years. This will make both sides happy
It is very good news. I am also Govt. Employee. It will help to give employment to the young generation. On the retirement of one employee three new young persons can be employed on the same salary of that retiring person. It will also increase the efficiency of the organization and India will touch new hights. Modi ji done it as soon as possible.
Good move it will be.After a age of 55+ 90% govt employees do not work.They come to office only for time pass, politics and a handsome salary. Those persons who will retire at this time are old pension scheme employee. Remove them as youths will inject new blood to the system.
It’s an threatening move, people will have commitments based on this job, If governments really cares about giving employment to youngsters then priority should been given to working employee family.
Medical science jaha bata raha hai ki 50year ke bad Aankho(EYE) mei power barne lagta hai ,Memory kamne(Reduce) lagta hai woha Railway mei Safety Catagory (Station Master/Driver/Guard) jinke haton(hand) mei lakho ki LIFE dipend karti hai kya inlogo ki Retirement 58 karna uchit nahi hai !
If gov will reduce the retirement age. It will affect the families who have only one earner. And it can lead to more suicide cases also. Modi ji please think over it and if you gonna do it.. you will surely lose your supporters..At least I am gonna support AAP now..this is ridiculous. .we should not forget our oldies in shade of young generation. At least our young generation is well educated and they can find their employment easily but most of our old gov. Employees are not that much educated..where will they go then? They will not even get the proper financial benefit of retirement. Plz MODI G…THINK AGAIN..N DON’T DO THIS..(at least for the sake of old poor …middle families and their dependents)..
pls think once about the middle class families
Sending lakhs of employees home in one stroke will naturally create a sort of shock to them as they may not be mentally prepared. Moreover, there are many ways for the government to curtain expenditure. Curbing wasteful expenditure itself will help in a big way. Further, the government can dispense with lot of dead woods accumulated in the government machinery instead of losing useful workforce. Snatching someone’s roti and giving it to another is not the method to solve unemployment. Government has to create jobs. Already for the last more than 10 years there is no new recruitment. Actually with life expectancy having increased, there should be an increase in retirement age.
Modi sir please think again for this decession which is reduced the retirement age from 60 to 58. Otherwise we are badly effected from your decession. Because those employees in new pension scheme, they have lost economically. If you want to implement the system then kindly added the NEW PENSION SCHEME into the old scheme. Sir, please think again and again to the poor and middle class employees.
Jst create new job opportunities for not snatch jobs from one mouth..jst to feed othrs.. DO NOT REDUCE RETIREMENT AGE. Let the gov. Employees take their right to come under new pension they have been serving d country for whole their life. Now it’s time to repay them. Watch it BJP…
Reducing retirement age from 60yrs to 58yrs would surely bring some financial loss to the employees like us who are under new pension scheme. Because our retirement benifit depends on our own contribution as well as the govt’s. A longer period of service would benefit us and lesser we lose as we don’t come under the old pension scheme at all.
It is not feasible to retire abruptly a huge chunk of employees who will not retire empty handed .Each one of them will withdraw a huge chunk of money such as GPF/retirement benefits resulting a colossal huge financial burden on the Govt exchequer .At present there already exists an acute shortage of staff in central govt office sudden en mass retirement will jeopardize the normal functioning of offices.This harsh step will result in disenchantment among Govt employees along with their dependents towards ruling party and send wrong signals .This appears an anti party ill advised and vindictive plan aimed . to tarnish the popular image of party
It would be good for the nation as a whole. Unemployment will reduce to a large extent. Younger people will infuse more energy and efficiency hence development will increase..
Hi dear friends this is nice to hear from modi government but if you give one job in there families means it so nice but without any issues this is not fair, i request to give one job in there family’s then every one will support your government now and forever
Thanking you sir
A pragmatic thinking on part of our government . Its time we should think about our millions of unemployed youths. I am willing to retire at 58.
Bad Move by BJP. This would create misfortune for so many employees. BJP is snatching morsel from someones mouth and putting into others mouth. Government should give opportunists to bring up entrepreneurs and create new jobs. Why snatching someones rights?
Good for some category of employee like me. Never provde promotion MACP benefit for GAMES MUSIC DRAWING WE TEACHER IN Kendriya vidyalaya sangathan.
Considering the un-employment in the country It will be a excellent move, if implemented
It will be worst if gov will reduce the retirement age. It will affect the families who have only one earner. And it can lead to more suicide cases also. Modi ji please think over it and if you gonna do it.. you will surely lose your supporters..At least I am gonna support AAP now..this is ridiculous. .we should not forget our oldies in shade of young generation. At least our young generation is well educated and they can find their employment easily but most of our old gov. Employees are not that much educated..where will they go then? They will not even get the proper financial benefit of retirement. Plz MODI G…THINK AGAIN..N DON’T DO THIS..(at least for the sake of old poor …middle families and their dependents)..
O it will be an excellent move if they reduce the retirement age as efficiency will improve. They should also introduce eb and promotional exam at every stage as it was there. Efficiency should be given precedence over caste creed or religion.
Retirement age from 60 to 58 is very unfortunate. Because employee of back log category should be suffering from this planning.