7th Pay in Rajasthan Pay Matrix Calculator 7th Pay Matrix Table Rajasthan PDF | 7th Pay Commission Rajasthan Teacher | Pay scale Rajasthan Government Employees | 7th Pay chart Rajasthan PDF | 7th Pay Commission Rajasthan in Hindi PDF | 7th Pay Matrix Rajasthan Probation
7th Pay in Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table and Calculator
7th Pay Salary Arrears Matrix Calculator for Rajasthan Govt Employees – Fixation of Pay of Rajasthan Servants with a simple calculator
A simple free online tool for Rajasthan Government employees as per Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017. The rules with effect from 1st October 2017. Enter your Pay in Running Pay Band and Select Your Grade Pay. The calculator will give your revised pay indicated with Pay Matrix Table
[Note: The above results are based on your inputs and the values are approximate]7th Pay Matrix Rajasthan PDF Download
Tool Name | Rajasthan Pay Matrix Calculator |
Beneficiaries | Rajasthan Govt Employees |
Published | July 2017 |
Updated | July 2020 |
Calculation Method | Rajasthan Civil Services (RP) Rules 201 |
Input Details | Pay Level, Basic Salary |
Output Details | Revised Pay with Pay Matrix Table |
Pay Matrix Table for Rajasthan Government Employees
Rajasthan Basic Salary Table for Pay Levels 1 to 5
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 1 is Rs. 17,700
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 2 is Rs. 17,900
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 3 is Rs. 18,200
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 4 is Rs. 19,200
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 5 is Rs. 20,800
Pay Matrix Level 6 Rajasthan | 4200 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan | Rajasthan Pay Matrix Level 8 | Pay Matrix Level 14 Rajasthan Hand Salary
PB-I (5200-20200) | ||||
GP 1700 | GP 1750 | GP 1900 | GP 2000 | GP 2400 |
Pay Level-1 | Pay Level-2 | Pay Level-3 | Pay Level-4 | Pay Level-5 |
17700 | 17900 | 18200 | 19200 | 20800 |
18200 | 18400 | 18700 | 19800 | 21400 |
18700 | 19000 | 19300 | 20400 | 22000 |
19300 | 19600 | 19900 | 21000 | 22700 |
19900 | 20200 | 20500 | 21600 | 23400 |
20500 | 20800 | 21100 | 22200 | 24100 |
21100 | 21400 | 21700 | 22900 | 24800 |
21700 | 22000 | 22400 | 23600 | 25500 |
22400 | 22700 | 23100 | 24300 | 26300 |
23100 | 23400 | 23800 | 25000 | 27100 |
23800 | 24100 | 24500 | 25800 | 27900 |
24500 | 24800 | 25200 | 26600 | 28700 |
25200 | 25500 | 26000 | 27400 | 29600 |
26000 | 26300 | 26800 | 28200 | 30500 |
26800 | 27100 | 27600 | 29000 | 31400 |
27600 | 27900 | 28400 | 29900 | 32300 |
28400 | 28700 | 29300 | 30800 | 33300 |
29300 | 29600 | 30200 | 31700 | 34300 |
30200 | 30500 | 31100 | 32700 | 35300 |
31100 | 31400 | 32000 | 33700 | 36400 |
32000 | 32300 | 33000 | 34700 | 37500 |
33000 | 33300 | 34000 | 35700 | 38600 |
34000 | 34300 | 35000 | 36800 | 39800 |
35000 | 35300 | 36100 | 37900 | 41000 |
36100 | 36400 | 37200 | 39000 | 42200 |
37200 | 37500 | 38300 | 40200 | 43500 |
38300 | 38600 | 39400 | 41400 | 44800 |
39400 | 39800 | 40600 | 42600 | 46100 |
40600 | 41000 | 41800 | 43900 | 47500 |
41800 | 42200 | 43100 | 45200 | 48900 |
43100 | 43500 | 44400 | 46600 | 50400 |
44400 | 44800 | 45700 | 48000 | 51900 |
45700 | 46100 | 47100 | 49400 | 53500 |
47100 | 47500 | 48500 | 50900 | 55100 |
48500 | 48900 | 50000 | 52400 | 56800 |
50000 | 50400 | 51500 | 54000 | 58500 |
51500 | 51900 | 53000 | 55600 | 60300 |
53000 | 53500 | 54600 | 57300 | 62100 |
54600 | 55100 | 56200 | 59000 | 64000 |
56200 | 56800 | 57900 | 60800 | 65900 |
2400 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan | 2800 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan | 3600 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan | 4800 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan | 5400 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan | 6000 Grade Pay Salary in Rajasthan
Rajasthan Basic Salary Table for Pay Levels 6 to 9
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 6 is Rs. 21,500
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 7 is Rs. 22,400
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 8 is Rs. 26,300
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 9 is Rs. 28,700
Grade Pay | GP 2400 | GP 2400 | GP 2800 | GP 2800 |
Level | Pay Level-6 | Pay Level-7 | Pay Level-8 | Pay Level-9 |
1 | 21500 | 22400 | 26300 | 28700 |
2 | 22100 | 23100 | 27100 | 29600 |
3 | 22800 | 23800 | 27900 | 30500 |
4 | 23500 | 24500 | 28700 | 31400 |
5 | 24200 | 25200 | 29600 | 32300 |
6 | 24900 | 26000 | 30500 | 33300 |
7 | 25600 | 26800 | 31400 | 34300 |
8 | 26400 | 27600 | 32300 | 35300 |
9 | 27200 | 28400 | 33300 | 36400 |
10 | 28000 | 29300 | 34300 | 37500 |
11 | 28800 | 30200 | 35300 | 38600 |
12 | 29700 | 31100 | 36400 | 39800 |
13 | 30600 | 32000 | 37500 | 41000 |
14 | 31500 | 33000 | 38600 | 42200 |
15 | 32400 | 34000 | 39800 | 43500 |
16 | 33400 | 35000 | 41000 | 44800 |
17 | 34400 | 36100 | 42200 | 46100 |
18 | 35400 | 37200 | 43500 | 47500 |
19 | 36500 | 38300 | 44800 | 48900 |
20 | 37600 | 39400 | 46100 | 50400 |
21 | 38700 | 40600 | 47500 | 51900 |
22 | 39900 | 41800 | 48900 | 53500 |
23 | 41100 | 43100 | 50400 | 55100 |
24 | 42300 | 44400 | 51900 | 56800 |
25 | 43600 | 45700 | 53500 | 58500 |
26 | 44900 | 47100 | 55100 | 60300 |
27 | 46200 | 48500 | 56800 | 62100 |
28 | 47600 | 50000 | 58500 | 64000 |
29 | 49000 | 51500 | 60300 | 65900 |
30 | 50500 | 53000 | 62100 | 67900 |
31 | 52000 | 54600 | 64000 | 69900 |
32 | 53600 | 56200 | 65900 | 72000 |
33 | 55200 | 57900 | 67900 | 74200 |
34 | 56900 | 59600 | 69900 | 76400 |
35 | 58600 | 61400 | 72000 | 78700 |
36 | 60400 | 63200 | 74200 | 81100 |
37 | 62200 | 65100 | 76400 | 83500 |
38 | 64100 | 67100 | 78700 | 86000 |
39 | 66000 | 69100 | 81100 | 88600 |
40 | 68000 | 71200 | 83500 | 91300 |
L8 Pay Scale in Rajasthan | L-10 Pay Scale in Rajasthan | L-11 Pay Scale in Rajasthan | L-12 Pay Scale in Rajasthan | L-14 Pay Scale in Rajasthan Hand Salary
Rajasthan Basic Salary Table for Pay Levels 10 to 13
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 10 is Rs. 33,800
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 11 is Rs. 37,800
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 12 is Rs. 44,300
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 13 is Rs. 53,100
Grade Pay | GP 3600 | GP 4200 | GP 4800 | GP 5400 |
Level | Pay Level-10 | Pay Level-11 | Pay Level-12 | Pay Level-13 |
1 | 33800 | 37800 | 44300 | 53100 |
2 | 34800 | 38900 | 45600 | 54700 |
3 | 35800 | 40100 | 47000 | 56300 |
4 | 36900 | 41300 | 48400 | 58000 |
5 | 38000 | 42500 | 49900 | 59700 |
6 | 39100 | 43800 | 51400 | 61500 |
7 | 40300 | 45100 | 52900 | 63300 |
8 | 41500 | 46500 | 54500 | 65200 |
9 | 42700 | 47900 | 56100 | 67200 |
10 | 44000 | 49300 | 57800 | 69200 |
11 | 45300 | 50800 | 59500 | 71300 |
12 | 46700 | 52300 | 61300 | 73400 |
13 | 48100 | 53900 | 63100 | 75600 |
14 | 49500 | 55500 | 65000 | 77900 |
15 | 51000 | 57200 | 67000 | 80200 |
16 | 52500 | 58900 | 69000 | 82600 |
17 | 54100 | 60700 | 71100 | 85100 |
18 | 55700 | 62500 | 73200 | 87700 |
19 | 57400 | 64400 | 75400 | 90300 |
20 | 59100 | 66300 | 77700 | 93000 |
21 | 60900 | 68300 | 80000 | 95800 |
22 | 62700 | 70300 | 82400 | 98700 |
23 | 64600 | 72400 | 84900 | 101700 |
24 | 66500 | 74600 | 87400 | 104800 |
25 | 68500 | 76800 | 90000 | 107900 |
26 | 70600 | 79100 | 92700 | 111100 |
27 | 72700 | 81500 | 95500 | 114400 |
28 | 74900 | 83900 | 98400 | 117800 |
29 | 77100 | 86400 | 101400 | 121300 |
30 | 79400 | 89000 | 104400 | 124900 |
31 | 81800 | 91700 | 107500 | 128600 |
32 | 84300 | 94500 | 110700 | 132500 |
33 | 86800 | 97300 | 114000 | 136500 |
34 | 89400 | 100200 | 117400 | 140600 |
35 | 92100 | 103200 | 120900 | 144800 |
36 | 94900 | 106300 | 124500 | 149100 |
37 | 97700 | 109500 | 128200 | 153600 |
38 | 100600 | 112800 | 132000 | 158200 |
39 | 103600 | 116200 | 136000 | 162900 |
40 | 106700 | 119700 | 140100 | 167800 |
Also see: Revised salary structure for Rajasthan Govt Employees
Rajasthan Basic Salary Table for Pay Levels 14 to 17
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 14 is Rs. 56,100
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 15 is Rs. 60,700
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 16 is Rs. 67,300
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 17 is Rs. 71,000
GP 5400 | GP 6000 | GP 6600 | GP 6800 |
Pay Level-14 | Pay Level-15 | Pay Level-16 | Pay Level-17 |
56100 | 60700 | 67300 | 71000 |
57800 | 62500 | 69300 | 73100 |
59500 | 64400 | 71400 | 75300 |
61300 | 66300 | 73500 | 77600 |
63100 | 68300 | 75700 | 79900 |
65000 | 70300 | 78000 | 82300 |
67000 | 72400 | 80300 | 84800 |
69000 | 74600 | 82700 | 87300 |
71100 | 76800 | 85200 | 89900 |
73200 | 79100 | 87800 | 92600 |
75400 | 81500 | 90400 | 95400 |
77700 | 83900 | 93100 | 98300 |
80000 | 86400 | 95900 | 101200 |
82400 | 89000 | 98800 | 104200 |
84900 | 91700 | 101800 | 107300 |
87400 | 94500 | 104900 | 110500 |
90000 | 97300 | 108000 | 113800 |
92700 | 100200 | 111200 | 117200 |
95500 | 103200 | 114500 | 120700 |
98400 | 106300 | 117900 | 124300 |
101400 | 109500 | 121400 | 128000 |
104400 | 112800 | 125000 | 131800 |
107500 | 116200 | 128800 | 135800 |
110700 | 119700 | 132700 | 139900 |
114000 | 123300 | 136700 | 144100 |
117400 | 127000 | 140800 | 148400 |
120900 | 130800 | 145000 | 152900 |
124500 | 134700 | 149400 | 157500 |
128200 | 138700 | 153900 | 162200 |
132000 | 142900 | 158500 | 167100 |
136000 | 147200 | 163300 | 172100 |
140100 | 151600 | 168200 | 177300 |
144300 | 156100 | 173200 | 182600 |
148600 | 160800 | 178400 | 188100 |
153100 | 165600 | 183800 | 193700 |
157700 | 170600 | 189300 | 199500 |
162400 | 175700 | 195000 | |
167300 | 181000 | ||
172300 | 186400 | ||
177500 | 192000 |
Rajasthan Basic Salary Table for Pay Levels 18 to 20
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 18 is Rs. 75,300
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 19 is Rs. 79,900
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 20 is Rs. 88,900
GP 7200 | GP 7600 | GP 8200 |
Pay Level-18 | Pay Level-19 | Pay Level-20 |
75300 | 79900 | 88900 |
77600 | 82300 | 91600 |
79900 | 84800 | 94300 |
82300 | 87300 | 97100 |
84800 | 89900 | 100000 |
87300 | 92600 | 103000 |
89900 | 95400 | 106100 |
92600 | 98300 | 109300 |
95400 | 101200 | 112600 |
98300 | 104200 | 116000 |
101200 | 107300 | 119500 |
104200 | 110500 | 123100 |
107300 | 113800 | 126800 |
110500 | 117200 | 130600 |
113800 | 120700 | 134500 |
117200 | 124300 | 138500 |
120700 | 128000 | 142700 |
124300 | 131800 | 147000 |
128000 | 135800 | 151400 |
131800 | 139900 | 155900 |
135800 | 144100 | 160600 |
139900 | 148400 | 165400 |
144100 | 152900 | 170400 |
148400 | 157500 | 175500 |
152900 | 162200 | 180800 |
157500 | 167100 | 186200 |
162200 | 172100 | 191800 |
167100 | 177300 | 197600 |
172100 | 182600 | 203500 |
177300 | 188100 | |
182600 | 193700 | |
188100 | 199500 | |
193700 | ||
199500 |
Also check: 7th pay matrix table for civilian employees 2016
Rajasthan Basic Salary Table for Pay Levels 21 to 24
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 21 is Rs. 1,23,100
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 22 is Rs. 1,29,700
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 23 is Rs. 1,45,800
- The minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 24 is Rs. 1,48,800
Grade pay 8700 | Grade pay 8900 | Grade pay 9500 | Grade pay 10000 |
Pay Level-21 | Pay Level-22 | Pay Level-23 | Pay Level-24 |
123100 | 129700 | 145800 | 148800 |
126800 | 133600 | 150200 | 153300 |
130600 | 137600 | 154700 | 157900 |
134500 | 141700 | 159300 | 162600 |
138500 | 146000 | 164100 | 167500 |
142700 | 150400 | 169000 | 172500 |
147000 | 154900 | 174100 | 177700 |
151400 | 159500 | 179300 | 183000 |
155900 | 164300 | 184700 | 188500 |
160600 | 169200 | 190200 | 194200 |
165400 | 174300 | 195900 | 200000 |
170400 | 179500 | 201800 | 206000 |
175500 | 184900 | 207900 | 212200 |
180800 | 190400 | 214100 | 218600 |
186200 | 196100 | ||
191800 | 202000 | ||
197600 | 208100 | ||
203500 |
Note: The Pay of existing Government servants drawing pay in Running Pay Band PB-2 9300-34800 and Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- (15) shall be fixed in Level 13 in Pay Matrix.
Also check: Revised Basic Salary for CG Employees after 7th CPC
Latest News for Rajasthan Government Employees
Rajasthan Civil Service Medical Attendance – List of Approved Public Private Partnership Hospitals May 1, 2019 |
Rajasthan Govt Orders related to 7th Pay Commission September 30, 2018 |
Rajasthan Employees Pay Matrix Calculator December 18, 2017 |
7th Pay Commission Pay Hike for Rajasthan Govt Employees October 18, 2017 |
7th Pay Commission – Rajasthan Govt appoints 3 Member Committee February 28, 2017 |
10% DA Hike for Rajasthan Govt Employees March 3, 2014 |

What is the salary for 2400 GP in Rajasthan?
The minimum basic salary of pay level 5 is Rs. 20800 equivalent to 2400 Grade Pay in the Rajasthan pay matrix table.
How to download 7th pay matrix pdf download?
Go to the official website of the Finance Department (Rajasthan Government) and click the 7th Pay Commission tab is located on the left of the portal. Scroll down and click the link of the order named ‘Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2017’ dated 30 October 2017.
What is pay level 8 in Rajasthan?
The pay matrix level 8 is equivalent to Rs. 2800 Grade Pay in pre-revised pay structure. The minimum and starting basic salary of pay level 8 is Rs. 26300.
What is the salary of 5400 GP in Rajasthan?
As per the Rajasthan Govt decision, the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 is upgraded to Pay Level 13 in the Rajasthan pay matrix table with starting basic salary of Rs. 53100.
What is the salary of pay level 4 in Rajasthan?
As per the Rajasthan pay matrix table, the minimum basic salary of pay level 4 is Rs. 19,200.
What is the salary for 2400 GP in Rajasthan?
2400 Grade Pay has been converted to pay level 5 after the implementation of the 7th pay commission in Rajasthan.
What is the salary for 3600 GP in Rajasthan?
Minimum Basic Pay of Pay Level 13 is Rs. 53,100.
Rate of DA and HRA for Rajasthan Govt Employees
Rajasthan DA Table
The current rate of Dearness Allowance for Rajasthan Government employees as follows:
With Effect From | DA Rate |
01/07/2021 | 28% |
01/01/2021 | 17% |
01/07/2020 | 17% |
01/01/2020 | 17% |
01/07/2019 | 17% |
01/01/2019 | 12% |
01/07/2018 | 9% |
01/01/2018 | 7% |
01/07/2017 | 5% |
01/01/2017 | 4% |
Rajasthan HRA Table PDF
The current rate of House Rent Allowance (HRA) for Rajasthan Government employees as follows:
With Effect From | Cities Classified- Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota, Ajmer |
Other Places |
October 2017 | 16% | 8% |
July 2021 | 18% | 9% |
Click to Download 7th CPC HRA Rates in Rajasthan Govt PDF Download