Proposals with Regard to Pay Structure of JCOs/ORs
Common Pay Scale for X, Y and Erstwhile Z Pay Groups
As mentioned earlier, JCOs/ORs in the Services are presently organised into two groups. Prior to the VI CPC they were in three groups, viz., X, Y and Z. Based on the recommendations of the VI CPC, group Z was merged with Y. Generally the entry level qualification of X group personnel is class XII+diploma in engineering in the relevant field and that of group ‘Y’ is class XII. The qualification requirement of the erstwhile group ‘Z’ was Class X; this was raised to class XII when it was merged with Group Y. With effect from 01.01.2006, groups X and Y have been given a common pay scale, i.e., they are at the same notches in Pay Bands 1 and 2 and receive the same grade pay, with one distinguishing feature viz., ‘X- pay’ to those in Group X.
The Services have contended that the re-grouping detailed above resulted in situations where seniors (Pre-2006) in Y group who were earlier drawing total pay which was more compared to that of juniors (Pre-2006) in the X group, are now drawing lesser pay. To address this the Services have sought upgradation of all in-service JCOs/OR of Groups ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ (Pre 2006) to the best of Group ‘X’ scales in the respective rank, retaining their annual increments in the scale as on 01.01.2006.
The Commission has carefully considered the demand for upgrading all JCOs/ORs of Groups Y and Z (Pre-2006) to the best of Group X. It notes that the main purpose of retaining the two Groups of X and Y along with X-pay for the former is to recognize the premium attached to the higher entry level qualifications of Group X. If all personnel in Groups Y and Z (Pre-2006) are upgraded to the best of Group X scales, not only would it involve a fitment to them that was higher than intended, it would also dilute the measure taken by the VI CPC to recognise the higher qualification. It is felt that the emphasis placed by the Services and VI CPC on skilled manpower and higher educational/technological threshold was entirely appropriate and that such a dilution is not desirable. The Commission is therefore unable to accede to the demand made with regard to a common pay scale.
I don’t understsnd why the govt of India has kept a huge gap
between officers and PBOR while providing pay and allowances to them while both do their job in same weather conditions and hardships. Offrs pay scale may be high comparison to PBOR but the allowances and the MSP should be the same because of both are rendering their 24 hrs according to their capabilities. On the other hand MNS Officers are also given the higher rate of MSP compatison to PBOR. While jawsns are posted in far flung and extreme cold area where tempreature remains 0 or in -. By doing so the govt and the chairman of CPC do not justify with jawans.