OROP Table : One Rank One Pension (OROP) implementation tables issued
One Rank One Pension (OROP) implementation tables issued
The Government of India had taken the historic decision to implement OROP in November, 2015. This fulfilled the long standing demand of the Defence Forces personnel after 42 years and benefited over 18 lakh ex-servicemen and war widows.
In pursuance of the order issued on 07/11/2015, detailed instructions alongwith OROP Tables have been issued today.
The annual recurring financial implication on account of implementation of OROP at the current rate will be approximately Rs. 7500 crore.
The arrears from 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2015 would be approximately Rs. 10,900 crore.
86 percent of the total expenditure on account of OROP will benefit the JCOs/ORs.
Payment of arrears and revision of pension under OROP is to be made by the Pension Disbursing Authorities in four installments, except for family pensioners and pensioners in receipt of gallantry awards who will be paid arrears in one installment.
The total increase in the Defence Budget for pensions is estimated to go up from Rs. 54,000 crore (BE 2015-16) to around Rs. 65,000 crore (proposed BE 2016-17), thereby increasing the Defence Pension Outlay by about 20 percent.
Difference in length of service between sub and sub maj is 4 years. On granting honey commission the both rank is treated equal for pension. Seems unjustified. Sub maj become afters a deep screening.
OROP must be gtd all retired personnel as per his present rank that is who granted hony rank after retirement
Sir, Group after retirement is not understood. Pen will be same. The
purpose of orop not solved and variation between ranks and length of service not justified. Also Sub gtd Hony rank of Sub Maj not given any benefit in orop. Why?. Can authorities clarify the same?. Please reply accordingly.
Sir, The meaning of the OROP is not fullfilled why it project as group X or Y . The Govt approved that those personnel retd same rank and same service will get same pension. Sir the OROP approved chart published on 03 Feb 16 are very difference between group X and Y about 1300 more for X group than Y. In active service only 1400 more in X group.If approved it may be 700. Sir the only office staff are hold X group .Those personnel serving in crettical area and field are almost in Y group.It may be very demoralized the soldier
pension difference between subedar major & Hony Lt is very small. It gap shoul be minimum Rs 2000/- pm