One Rank One Pension
Modi may announce Ex-servicemen’s long-pending demand later this month
‘Narendra Modi may announce one-rank one-pension later this month’
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to make an announcement later this month on ex-servicemen’s long-pending demand of one-rank one-pension.
Rao Inderjit Singh, Minister of State for Defence on Tuesday told media persons that since coming to power in May last year the National Democratic Alliance consulted all stakeholders on the issue and then arrived at a decision.
“We came to power in May last year. Over the past one year we have consulted political parties, all stakeholders on one-rank one-pension, whether they are servicemen or ex-servicemen ,” he said.
Same assurances are being given for OROP for the last one year same as of black money is being brought from Swiss Bank
Govt of India is not able to take a final decision on implementation of O R O P for retired Indian Soldiers of all categories.Up course it is a deficult tasks, but not impossible. It is here by requested that subject may be assigned to the Army,Navy & Air Force itself to sort out the issue by themselves in correct order. Pay commission will notbe able to clear the issue, because of insufficient inner data available with pay panel. JAI-HIND.