Fixation of Pay on Promotion Calculator as per FR 22(I)(a)(1)
Fixation of Pay on Promotion Calculator as per FR 22(I)(a)(1): The Promotion Pay Fixation Calculator FR 22(1)a(1) and 7th Pay Commission MACP Calculator are tools that assist in the implementation of Rule Fundamental Rule 22(I)(a)(1), a crucial regulation for Central Government employees. This rule governs the increment process when employees receive a promotion or MACP in the Central Government Services. In such cases, employees may opt to fix their pay on either the date of promotion or the date of their next increment.
Following an important order issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) on July 27, 2017, we created a new calculator by the provisions outlined in FR 22(I)(a)(1). As per these provisions, eligible employees have the option to choose pay fixation on promotion from the date of their next increment. The aforementioned DoPT order also includes an illustration of pay fixed on the next increment date option
[Kindly be aware that the outcomes produced by the MACP Pay Fixation FR 22 Option Calculator presented here are intended solely for informational purposes and should not be regarded as conclusive or authoritative. It is strongly recommended to seek guidance from your respective Department before making any decisions pertaining to the exercise of your option.]Promotion Pay Fixation Calculator FR 22(1)a(1)
The Promotion Pay Fixation Calculator FR 22(1)a(1) is a digital tool designed to provide Central Government employees with pay fixation details when they are promoted. The tool, also known as the Promotion Option Calculator, was developed by TEUT Digital Concepts and was published on July 1, 2016. The calculator features a Pay Matrix Table and requires inputs of the Pay Matrix Level, Basic Salary, Promoted Pay Level, and Date of Promotion. The calculator outputs the Pay Fixation Details explained in the Pay Matrix Table. The tool was last updated on December 1, 2017.
Title of Tool | Promotion Option Calculator |
Beneficiaries | Central Govt Employees |
Feature | Pay Fixation Details with Pay Matrix Table |
Published on | 1.7.2016 |
Updated on | 18.01.2025 |
Inputs | Pay Matrix Level and Basic Salary, Promoted Pay Level and Date of Promotion |
Outputs | Pay Fixation Details explained in Pay Matrix Table |
Developed by | TEUT Digital Concepts |
Minimum Qualifying Service for Promotion
The Department of Personnel and Training has issued an order on September 20, 2022, stating the minimum qualifying service required for promotion. This order grants Level-9 of Pay Matrix (PB-2 GP-5400) on Non-Functional Posts. This means that employees must meet a certain length of service before being eligible for promotion to this level. The minimum qualifying service required for promotion varies depending on the position and level being targeted. It’s important to stay up-to-date with these orders to know the minimum requirements for career advancement in your field.
- Minimum Qualifying Service Required for Promotion – DoPT Orders issued on 20.9.2022
- Granting Level-9 of Pay Matrix (PB-2 GP-5400) on Non-Functional Posts
- Exercise of Split Option under Saving Clause of FR-22(1)(a)(1) to eligible CSS Officers
- Supreme Court Judgement on Reservation in Promotion for SC ST Government Employees
- Non Functional Upgradation for Postal Superintendent
- Increased Promotion Quota in Railways
Benchmark Grade in ACR
The Benchmark grade in ACR (Annual Confidential Report) is a crucial aspect of performance evaluation in the Indian government service. To clarify the guidelines around this grade, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) issued a notification on July 9th, 2019. The notification outlines the procedures to be followed by the Departmental Promotion Committee for promotions, including the review of the mode of promotion from Selection to Non-Selection. These guidelines help to ensure a fair and transparent process for promotions within the government service.
- Clarification on Benchmark grade in ACR – DoPT issued on 9.7.2019
- Procedure to be followed for promotion by Departmental Promotion Committee
- Review of mode of promotion from Selection to Non- Selection Process
- Special Dispensation does not exceed one-third (33 1/3%) of the Direct Recruitment vacancies
- Master Circular on Probation-Confirmation: Mandatory Induction Training
- Master Circular on Probation-Confirmation: Period of Probation
- Master Circular on Probation/ Confirmation in Central Services
Residency Period for Promotion
The Residency Period for Promotion is a crucial aspect of career advancement for Central Government employees, as recently highlighted by a Railway Board Circular. Amendments have been made in Promotion Guidelines for CG Employees, including the implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) in the Promotional Hierarchy as per the recommendations of the All India Civil Accounts Employees Association (AlCAEA). This requires completion of a certain period of residency in the current position before being considered for promotion, ensuring that the employee has gained the necessary skills and experience for the new role.
Top developments on Fundamental Rule 22(I)(a)(1)
- Amendment in FR 22(I)(a)(1) – DoPT Orders dated 19.11.2018
- Fixation of Pay on Promotion Calculator as per FR 22(I)(a)(1)
- 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation on Transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)
- 7th CPC Pay Fixation Tables: Promoted from Level 1 to 2
- Fixation of Pay on Promotion from the Date of Next Increment Option – Dopt Orders with Illustration
- 7th Pay Commission Promotion and MACP Pay Fixation
- 7th Pay Commission Fixation of Pay on Promotion or MACP
What is FR 22(i)(a)(1) Rule?
FR 22(i)(a)(1) is a regulation that provides Government employees with the choice to select their pay fixation on either the day of their promotion or on the day of the following increment. Every employee must exercise this option within one month of their promotion.
Why do ask to fix the pay on other day after getting promotion?
It is not uncommon for individuals to request a pay adjustment after receiving a promotion. However, the provision outlined in the FR 22 rule to fix one’s pay on a date other than the day of promotion is unique.
What is promotion date?
The promotion date refers to the date on which an employee is elevated from a lower-grade position to a higher-grade one. This occurs when an employee is deemed deserving of a promotion due to their performance and contributions to the organization. Consequently, the promotion date serves as a significant occasion for the employee, marking their progress and advancement within the company’s hierarchy.
What is DNI?
DNI, an acronym for ‘Date of Next Increment’, refers to the upcoming annual increment date.
My entry in the scale of 550-900(4th pay commn 1640-2900) in1983 as senior sci.asst(SSA). [Afterwards scale was split into 1640-2900 & 2375-3500), Seniors placed in 2375 in the ratio of 47%. Juniors will be placed in 2375 as and when vacant arises ie SSA’s promoted to JSO. Later in 1995, SSA’s(2375) and JSO’s merged with new designation TO’A’.]. I was placed in 2375 scale in 1988 in the same designation as SSA. up to 1995 and it was redesignated as TO’A’ with JSO’s.(In 5th commn equivalent pay is 9300-34800+4600) I got promotion in 2001 as TO’B’ in the scale of 15600-39100+5400. In 2015 retired in the same grade. As per MACP guide lines, I got only one promotion. So two upgradations I should get. ie from 2008 one(effective date of MACP) and 2013(30 years service) second macp. This is my arrival.
Dept will accept this or 2375 scale I got 1988 with same designation as SSA will be considered as upgrade/promotion and allow for me only one MACP. Pl clarify
I was drawing basic pay of 102800 on 1.7.2017 in level 12 (M4 grade) and got ptomoted to level 13(M5 grade) on 1.8.2017 and fixed my pay on date of promotion as 123100.My normal increment date is 1st July.On 1.10.2021 i got promotion to M6 grade in same level 13 and fixed my pay as 142700 on date of of increment remained 1st july.Now otion is allowed as per FR 22 1(a) for refixation of pay on DNI on promotion.Should i opt for this in both promotions or only on second promotion,which is beneficial for me
One official joined duty as Postal Assistant on 15/06/2010 and granted MACP-I on 21/06/2020 in Level 5. He was drawing pay @ Rs.34300/- before MACP-I. He had opted to have his pay fixed from DNI. His pay was fixed @ Rs.37000/- on 01/07/2020 with DNI on 01/01/2021 [Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016].
He was promoted to AAO cadre (Level 8) through LDCE) on 20/12/2022. In the instant case, as the MACP was followed by regular promotion as AAO, he was not entitled for fixation benefit vide Para.4 of Annexure-I to DOPT OM No.35034/3/2015-Estt. (D), dated 22/10/2019 and fixed at entry level pay Rs. 47,600/- on 20.12.2022. As his pay was not fixed in accordance with Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016, he was not entitled for increment on 01/01/2023. Hence, his pay was fixed as shown below:
Period Pay Remarks
20.06.2020 (Before MACP-I) 34300 (L4)
21.06.2020 (MACP-I) 34900 (L5) Opted DNI
01.07.2020 37000
01.01.2021 38100 Rule-10
01.01.2022 39200
20.12.2022 (AAO ) 47600 Minimum Entry Pay
01.01.2023 47600
01.07.2023 49000
Kindly intimate whether the above fixation is correct or the official is entitled for increment on 01/01/2023 or 01/07/2023 or 01/01/2024.
You may know that ANNUAL INCREMENT always will be given on the competition of full 12 months. Promotional pay will be given on option January increment or July increment on the months on completed after JANUARY or July in same MATRIX LEVEL after completion of one year annual increment in new MATRIX LEVEL.. Both increment will not be given in the same year. In same MATRIX LEVEL. Above your calculation is totally wrong.
On 1.7.2017 my basic pay was 102800 in level 12(M4),i was promoted to level 13 (M5)on 1.8.2018 and fixed my pay as 123100 .Further I am promoted to next Grade (M6) in same level 13 on 1.10.2021 and fixed my pay as 142700.In both cases pay fixation was done on date of promotion.Now option for refixation of pay on promotion from Date of next increment is allowed in my organisation .Should i select this option for both promotions or for only the second promotion ,which one is befeficial for me?
Similar case of my office friend also..
Kindly intimate Pay if official given option given from (i) DOP or (ii)DNI or (iii) no option given …
Res. Sir,
I working ch. os level-7, my basic pay 70000/- on 01/07/2023, (D.O.I). I promoted level-8 on 24/08/2023, & Normal retired on 31/05 /2024, What should be best options me
Is it 3rd upgradations of basic pay in service? Than give January increment option so from January 24 on 72100/- in MATRIX LEVEL 8.
My basic pay is 47600 on 01/07/2023. Date of joining is 09/08/2013. I have chosen 2nd option for MACP. My parent department said I will be paid 47600 basic till 31/06/2024. No changes will be done in basic beacuase of i have chosen 2nd option. On 01/07/2023 two increments will be added in my basic pay and Date of next increment will be /01/01/2023. Please tell me is FR 22(1) (a) (1) saying as the above. I have to face financial lose because of that. Please tell me. My retirement date is 31/08/2047.
Dear Sir,
As per the 7th CPC pay fixation, what are the steps we have to follow those who are promoted on or after 01 July 2016 and their normal increment is July.
Entry pay is only for direct recruitment employees in that Grade Pay.
I joined the central gov department after training on 30-1-2009 and my training period was 28-08-2008. Mine increment date is what. Also, my MACP is now only approved. Mine now basic pay without MACP is 37500. Whether I should get MACP from 2019 or from 2020. And what will be mine basic fixed? And I am now in 2400 GP in level 4. And what will be my arrears?
increment July 2010. MACP fixation from 1-1-2021 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 as basic pay of 38600 & DNI 1-1-22 as 39,200 in MATRIX LEVEL 5.
Sir, 2nd Financial Upgradation w.e.f 23/07/2017.Her present Basic Pay is Rs.38,600/- what will be her new Basic pay after fixation of pay.Please help.
From 1-7-2018 as Rs.39,800/- you can opt for January increment then you will get from 1-1-1920 as Rs.40,400/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6.
My Basic Pay as on 19.12.2016 was Rs.66000/- in Pay Level 8 (GP Rs.4800). I have completed 4 four years in the GP Rs.4800/-. Now, I am eligible for Non-Functional Upgradation to GP Rs.5400/- (Level 9). I would like to know how my pay will be fixed on 19.12.2016? Whether exercising option under FR 22 will be beneficial for me? Date of superannuation from service is 31.05.2031.
Sir now i am 2400 GP B.P-30500 Elect HS-II. I am promoted HS-I 2800 2 Dec to fix my promotion.
Mention your basic pay before promotion & date. Also your retirement month. On the basis of these option should be given increment will be benefited on January/July.
Sir now my BP-30500(level 4) promotion date 2 Dec 2019 in level 5. Retirement Dt 30 Nov 2048.
Now better to give option in the month of July so that you will get July increment with last basic pay in 50% as pension in the year 11/2048 as per the 7th CPC rules, Rules may change in ensuing Pay Commissions in your retirement.
Please tell me, is your matrix for pay fixation as shown in your website, correct? It shows 02 increments in Level 9 when any promoted on 1 January 2016 at Level 8 and opted pay fixation on DNI. If it is correct please provide the sourses.
Ya it is correct. Level 8 two increments on 1-7-16 and next increment in Level 9 on 1-7-17 onwards as per the last O.M. dt.31.12.18 & 29-11-19.
If any employee get NFU/MACPs/Promotion as on 01.01.2016 and opt pay fixation from DNI i.e. 01.07.2016, then what will be DNI January 2017 or July 2017?? according to OM dated 31/07/2018 & 28/11/2019 of Ministry of Finance.
Exactly from 1-1-2016 get MACP they will get 2 increments on 1-7-16 in old matrix level and DNI on 1-7-17 increment in next higher MATRIX LEVEL onwards.
Date of next increment will be 1st January 2017
Yes you are correct. But if he gives option in July increment he will get two increments July 17 in same level matrix and DNI is on 1-7-18 as next level matrix basic pay. If he retires between the month July to December he will be getting more pension as per his last basic pay. If he gives option in January he will loose one increment at the time of retirement.
Sir, I got MACP wef 01042018 from 4200 to 4600 grade pay. DNI 01.07.2018. basic pay on 01072017 is 49000. How will my pay br fixed and what will be the DNI.
After latest orders
As per your basic pay as on 1-7-2017 of Rs.49000/- from 1-4-18 as MACP Rs.50,000/- as advance increment so no increment on 1-7-18,as basic pay in level MATRIX LEVEL 6. From 1-7-2018 on wards as Rs.50,500/- in MATRIX LEVEL 7. First you asked circular only so I given the O.M.
Please recheck my pay already fixed 52000 on 01072018 with DNI 01072019.
No. As on 1-7-18 no increment, 1-7-19 onwards Rs,52,000/- that next DNI on 1-7-19. Already fixed was wrong it may may be recovered by your PAO.. The calculator was wrong it shows January increment. Nobody will be given January increment.
If I opt for pay fixation on next date of increment I.e. 01072018 then my pay will be fixed by upgrading two increment one for promotion and one for annual increment july2018. My pay will be fixed 52000 on 01072018 with DNI 01072019 I.E 53600 on 01072019. Now as per latest order on increment I am entitled for 53600 on. 01012019. If I am wrong please prove.
As per the Finance ministry O.M. No.4-21/2017-IC/E..III( (A) dt. 31-7-18 & 29-10-19 actually if you’re given option from 1-.4-18 it is from that promotional increment as 50,500 ( it is beneficial to you) or you can opt for 1-7-18 with two increments as 50,500 & 52,000 and DNI on 1-7-19 as 53,600. There is no increment on JANUARY. See the para 4 of O.M. dt. 31-7-18 financial benefits will accrue from restricting. Accrue – meaning is “but not increased” . Clearly mentioned annual increment should be given after a period of 6 months & also in para 5. It will be accrue in JANUARY i.e. From previous years July to December – 6 months basic bay accuse in JANUARY.
Sir, respectfully I disagree with this also. As per order dates 29.10.19 even if a person get two increment due to fixation. He will also be entitled for next increment on completion of six months it means pay fixed with two increments on 01072018 entitled for next increment on 01012019. Sir, this my point of view. Please discuss in your circle and deliberate.
Since you have not satisfied you may read in this TOPICS & site links :
Clearly mentioned previously in 6th CPC, there one date of annual increment, 1st JULY OF EVERY YEAR.
and other paras.
You are right sir as on 01/07/2018 you will get two increments one is your annual increment another one is promotion increment ll be fixed 52000 i 01/07/18
Your first increment in your higher pay (level8) in 01/01/19 53600 after that your DNI ll be 1st January.
No Sir, since the MACP is on 1-4-2018 comes under from the date of upgradation of basic pay in from 2nd Jan to 30th June so his Increment comes 1st July 2019 in same Matrix Level & DNI also in 1st July 2020 in next Matrix Level.
Yes Sir, your DNI will be 1.1.19 after pay fixation on 1.7.18.
My basic pay on 01/07/2017 is 49000 and next date is 01072018. I got macp on 01042018. How will my pay be fixed and what should be the date of next increment. please quote circular no. also
In which Matrix Level ? See Min.of O.M. No.4-21/2017-IC/E.III(A) dated 31-12-2018 Rule 10 of CVS (RP) RULES, 2016.
Sir, from grade 4200 to grade pay 4600
Completion of 10th year advance increment from joined duty in same GP 4200 and from 11th year onwards in GP 4600 in MATRIX LEVEL 7.
Sir, no details regarding next date of increment. Please show next date of increment as per new order after pay fixation.
Thank you!
Annual rncrement for all will be in the month of July only. In case of upgraded in between the dates from January to June basic pay changes it will be given to next year JULY due to MACP in next Matrix Level changes.
My BP was fixed Rs. 56900(Level 7 Grade Pay 4600) on 1.1.2016 as 7th CPC.Now my BP is Rs. 64100 and I have already availed MACP 3.
When I will be promoted to next level? Please clarify the promotion from regular service from 1.1.2016.
If you got 3rd MACP no more basic pay fixation up to retirement. Only you will get every year increment and D.A. as apple rates from time time. 50% of last basic pay as pension plus D.R.
My pay has been fixed on 1.1.2016 at Rs. 64100 at level-8. after that one increment gtd on 1.7.2016 at Rs. 66000. I have been granted Senior Scale on 19.2.2017
and shiefter to Level-10 at Rs. 67000(not given increment only level changed) . Again one increment granted on 01.7.2017 at Rs. 69000 and on 1.7.2018 at Rs. 71000.
kindly look into the matter and inform me whether it is correct or not.
Yes, it is correct. Your pay fixed in 7th CPC from 1/1/2016 as Rs.64,100/- increment is given on 1/7/16 it is normal annual increment of Rs.67,000/- (not addition increment), then since you have opted increment on promotion from 1/7/17 pay fixed as Rs.69,000/- from Group A
of PB (15600-39100 in 6TH CPC in GP 6600) (if you have opted from promotion date it will be given to you on 19/2/17) and increment of 1/7/18 as Rs.71,000/-..In the 7th CPC pay fixation next matrix pay changes no addition increment, in the 6th CPC also only GP changes since they are not having pay scales for promotional posts. Since you got the promotion on 1/7/17 your next upgradataion of MACP, basic pay fixation only on your completion of 20/30 years of your service as MATRIX LEVEL CHANGES and pay fixation to next level. In the middle you may get promotion only your designation changes but no monitory benefits.
A. Salvi promoted from tech.II level-4 to Level-5 as on 24/04/2019 .His basic is Rs.28700. please show the fixation
If MACP upgradation of completion of 10 years (without any promotion) your pay from 24.4.2019 as Rs.29,600 as advance increment, no increment on 1/7/19 and your next increment in level 5 on 1/7/20 as Rs.31,000. If it normal promotion no monitory benefits only next designation changes from 24.4.2019 & increment on 1.7.19 as Rs.29,600/ & 1/7/20 as Rs.30,500/-
I was on deputation in the grade pay of Rs.7600/-in the pay scale of PB-3( Rs.15600-39100/-). prior to deputation, I was having GP Rs.7600/-.-in the pay scale of PB-3( Rs.15600-39100/-) as NFSG being a organised service cadre in the post of EE(CIVIL). After 3 years of deputation, I again promoted to NFU Scale of PB-4( Rs.37400-67000/-) with GP Rs.8700/- and my pay is fixed in the PB-4 scale. Later on I was absorbed in the post. What will be my fixation of pay?
If the promotion is in 6th CPC it will be on GP 8700. If it is in 7th CPC from 1/1/2016 in will be in Matrix Table 12.
I will be retired from govt. Service on July,2020. Weather I get level 9 after complete 4 years regular service
I was sr accountant with pay level 6 and basic was 43600 after that I was promoted to level
8 on officiating basis, and my pay was fixed at 47600 on 29/8/2017. I got an increment on 7/18 to 49000/-. Now I am promoted as permanent in level 8. What will my pay fixed.
I am working in center govt office. in 26-12-2013 i got MACP at 4600 grade pay. I promoted as Section officer through LDCE in 13-05-2014. But not even a single penny given to me at promotion. should i not given an increment on promotion? I would like some clarification.
You might have got three Promotions.
Sir मुझे तीसरा एम् ए सी पी दिनांक 01-04-2016 से दी गयी है और मेरा नया वेतनमान निम्न प्रकार से फिक्स्ड किया गया है :-
01-01- 2016 को वेतन मान — 12820 + 2800 = 15620
01- 04- 2016 — तीसरा एम् ए सी पी दिया गया
01- 04- 2016 — 13290 + 4200 = 17490
01- 04- 2016 — 17490 * 2.57 = 44949 = 46200
अग्रिम इन्क्रीमेंट का दिनांक — 01-01-2017
मेरा DNI .01.07.16 था और मैने अपनी पे next DNI से ही फिक्स करने का option दिया था लेकिन मेरे विभाग ने मेरे option पर कार्यवाही नही की I कृपया मुझे जानकारी दे कि क्या मेरी पे दोबारा next DNI से ही फिक्स हो सकती है या नहीं ? यदि हो सकती है तो मेरा क्या स्केल होगा ?
Sir, my basic pay 42800/-(L-5/GP-2800) on 9/10/18(AN) I got promotion and joined In L-6, GP-4200. What is my next basic pay to be fixed?
If it is MACP upgradation it will given one increment in lower level 5 of Rs.44100 and basic pay fixed in level 6 (4200) at Rs.44900/- from that day of 10th year completion & next increment on 1/7/19 as Rs.46,200/- If it is vacant post of promotion only designation changes no monitory benefits, as it is same basic pay of Rs.42,800/- only.
Consequent on promotion from Assistant Engineer to Assistant Director Engineering with level of pay 10 ,(6th pay commission it was GP 5400/- PB-III) ,I joined All India Radio,Thrissur on 01-06-2018. Assistant Engineer Grade pay is Rs 4800/- and I got 2nd MACP on 01/09/2008 with Grade Pay Rs 5400/ PBII and my pay is fixed Rs 93000/- in the 7th pay commission as on 01/01/2016. Rs 95800/- on 1/7/2016 and Rs 98700/ on 1/7/2017. I completed 30 year of service as on 18/03/2017.3rd MACP is not granted till dated.Though I am opted my pay fixation in my increment month ie 01/07/2018,my office is fixed pay (Assistant Director Engineering) with out giving any fixation benefit.From 01/06/2018, my pay is fixed to Rs 1,01,400/- of level 10,cell -21 and from 01-07-2018 Rs 1,04,400/-,level-10 .It is requested that kindly verify the correctness of the pay fixation order.It is pertain to mention here that most of other station has given fixation benefit .
Also give the exact order (date)of pay fixation from MACP to actual promotion in 7th CPC.
I am in level 8 BP is 55200/- on 01.01.2016. Non functional up gradation was granted to me as on 01.01.2016 in level 9. Now please tell me if i opt for my fixation from my DNI which is 01 July. then after fixation of my pay what would my DNI. July or January.
Next DNI 1st JULY,16 only since you have completed your upgradation of pay from 1/1/16 to 30/6/16. If it is 1/7/16 to 31/12/16 it will be on 1/1/2017.
* sir. My date of appointment Is 11-11-10-79 on the post of 2nd gred Clark I’m retired employee from up state.. Was working.. On the post of head Clark on dt.. 1-7 2008 in PB -5200- 20200- my basic pay 12400- with gread pay 2400-
I goted first promotion 11-10- pay sacle 3050 to 3200.. 2nd Acp I goted 11-10-2005 IN PAY scale 4000)… As per up state Acp rules.. Acp in 6th pay commission effected from 1-12-2008 pay fixed on( 1-7- 2008- 12400 with gp 2400..) In Acp next promotion gp 2800, PB 5200-20200 nd 4200 in 9300- 34800 I goted on 1-12-2008– 2800 gp as notional gp..
nd revised Gp 4200.. also geted same date .my .basic salary is on 1-1-2016 17970 with gp 4200… Deptt not give me a notional increment. 6th pay commission scale on the stage 12400.. Only I geted with 4200pg 12400. Is it right. Or wrong tell me… We should be given one increment in that stage. After that fix my pay. As per revised rule. As central government employee.. Ordered on 25-7-2016. I hope u solve my problem…
As per the 6th CPC rules upgradation of basic as MACP/PROMOTION from THAT DATE, old grade pay added with basic pay and basic pay fixed at next grade pay only, no additional increment.
Sir, iam working as postal assistant with grade pay -2400 in latest pay matrix of pay scale 4 in 7th coc. Iam presently working in IPO cadre on deputation basis whose level is pay scale 7 in 7th coc pay matrix with grade pay-4800. How should my pay be fixed for deputation.
As per the 7th CPC your level 5 of basic pay will be fixed in level 8 equal ant to higher or in at next stage.
I retired from the office of Additional Director General (Engineering) (Research Department), All India Radio and DD, 14-B, Ring Road ,New Delhi-110002 on dated 30.04.2015 in the post of Assistant Engineer,which held continuously with effect from 31.08.1989 of Promotion as Assistant Engineer till the retirement dated 30-04.2015. Thus I passed a period of about 26 years of service in one post as Assistant Engineer, as I had been promoted on dated 31.08.1989 for this post as Assistant Engineer. I had joined All India Radio on dated 11.04.1980 as Engineering Assistant in the pay scale of Rs. 550-900. The department has fixed my basic pay to Rs. 23140 in the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800, Pay Band-2, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 as on dated 01.01.2006 due to grant of the non-functional scale and removed two numbers of Modified Assured Career Progression -II and Modified Assured Career Progression -III after my retirement,which was granted in scale of Rs. 9300-34800, Pay Band-2, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 with effect from 01.09.2008 as Modified Assured Career Progression -II and subsequently Modified Assured Career Progression -III in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100, Pay Band -III, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 with effect from 31.08.2009.I am got less pension due to reduction of pay after retirement, which based on Grade Pay Rs. 4800, Pay Band-2, Scale Rs. 9300-34800 and even got less retirement benefits on retirement.
It may not be out of place to mention also that some of my colleagues,who similarly placed to me in post, cadre, pay scale, have got retirement benefits along-with grant of Modified Assured Career Progression -II and Modified Assured Career Progression –III and thus it is a kind of discrimination in respect of undersigned. I would be kind enough to you, if kindly let me know the reason ,as to how the pay is reduced comparatively to my other colleagues and what may be the correct pay fixation in respect of undersigned with effect from 01.01.2006. Thanking you,
You have not mentioned last basic pay + GP 4800. As you mentioned from the 3rd CPC your retirement 7th CPC is in Matrix Level 7 of minimum pay of 50% is pension as Rs.23,800/- from 1/1/2016. On the last basic pay (including grade) it will decided correct your pension as on 1/1/2016. Regarding seniority old service persons and new recruits entry pay will be higher to old persons due to pay commissions new pay scales will be merged. In view of this there pay may differs. Further attaining the age of 80 the percentage of pension will be increased to old persons.
Sir mai crpf me hoo. Aur 1.1.16 ko mera basic pay 9820 + grade pay 2400 tha. 5.6.16 ko as a sub inspector select hua. Jiska minimum pay 35400 hai. As per 7 cpc. But 2nd pay option ke anusar 30.6.16 tak revise pay lekar 1.7.16 ko pay fixation karwana chahte hai.
Kya purane basic +grade pay ko promotion date or DNI (jo July me hai) tak lekar ja sakte hai. Ya pay fixation kaise kiya jayega.
I got macp in March 2011. As per exercise my option I had given the benefit from July. I again got nfsg in 2018 ihe grade pay for4200 from June 2011 than I exercise my option and benefit may be given me from july again . I had got promotion in September 2011. How may will be re fixed pl
Answer to AJAI Singh – There is no promotional benefits/fixation from 6th CPC. Designaton changes. Only pay fixation in MACP of every 10 years by grade pay changes in 6th CPC & next Matrix level changes in 7th CPC.
My basic pay is 22400/ in G.P. 1900/ in 15 Aug 2018.i got promotion in 2400/ G.P. in 16 Aug. 2018 .what is my next basic pay in next month sep 2018
Answer to SANDEEP YADAV – This is to inform you that from GP 1900 to next promotion GP was 2000 not 2400. If it is in GP 1900 on 15/8/18 from ₹ 22400 next increment was 23100 fixed in level 3 (GP 2000) from your basic pay from 16/8/2018 as ₹ 23100 and next increment from 1/7/19 as ₹ 23800..If it’s in GP 2000 to 2400 it may be ₹ 25500/- from 16/8/18..
(1) WHAT IS MY PAY FOR 23/04/2018 TO 30/06/2018.
(2) WHAT IS MY PAY ON 01/07/2018
If you are upgraded as MACP : Your pay on date of MACP (23/4/18) is Rs.58600/-, Date of increment if new pay on the date of MACP on 1/1/2019 at level 8, stage 9 fixed as Rs.60,400/-new pay on the date of next increment (1/7/2018). Date of next increment in new pay from 1/7/2018 to 1/7/2019 will be Rs.62,200/( from 1/7/2019)- in level 8 (4600) stage 9.
If the promotion is as designation changes in the vacant post, there will not be any monitory benefits as above, but only your designation changes (example from LDC to UDC/SUPERINTENDENT/ASST.DIRECTOR IF ANY) from that day.
My basic pay on 15th June 2018 is 93000 in level 9.
I got my promotion in level 11 on 15th June 2018 afternoon. My date of next increment 1 July 2018
I’m asking what suitable option for me of fixation of pay from my date of next increment 1st July 2018 OR date of promotion. kindly guide.
If it upgraded as next MACP from 15/6/18 your pay will be fixed at Rs.98,400 at level 10, stage 21 and from 1/1/2019, Increment on 1/7/18 to 31/6/19 on 1/7/19 as Rs.1,01,400/- at level 11, stage 21. or if it is designated promotion there will not be any monitory benefit, only designation changes from 15/6/18.
My basic pay on 14th main 2018 91100 in reliable 11
I got my promotion in level 10 of higher responsibility on 15th may 2018. My date of next increment 1 July 2018
My fixation with hidden according to FR 22 1
I’m asking the option of fixation of pay from my date of next increment 1st July 2018
What is my fixation of pay
As per your pay of ₹ 91,000/- in matrix stage 11, after promotion as MACP Rules only giving one increment in same table stage 12 of ₹ 93,800 to fix next matrix level of ₹ 94100 as on 1/7/2018 than you opt for increment from 1/1/2019 so your pay will be ₹ 96900 on that date. If your promotion not as MACP there will not pay chenge in the promotional/designated from 6th CPC no monitory benefits this may be note.
Iam 30years of work in central govt employ my prasent Basic pay 41600 and graidepay 2800 is it correct? pls reply sir
I got promoted from Grade pay 1900 to Grade pay 2400 on Jan 18,
I want to fix my pay w.e.f. from 01 Jul 2018, is it possible.
If it is from 1st January,18, ok with one increment from 1st July,18 in NEXT matrix level table in 7 the CPC.
I am working in pay level 7 (4600 grade pay) with basic 58600 in the month of july 2017 to 27th December, 2017. I got selection to the level 10 (5400 Grade pay) through UPSC, since I have already crossed initial pay of level 10, I joined my duties in pay level 10 on 28.12.2017 through UPSC selection. my pay fixation will follow FR 22 A 1 or not. I am assuming my pay have to be fixed With one increment in level 7 as I am taking higher responsibilities as per FR 22 A 1. Kindly clarify
My basic on 1st jan 2017 is 66000/-GPF4800 Acpl-8 and promoted on 22nd feb 2017 in same GPF 4800 &Acpl-8
please tell if I will got increament in feb 2017.
And which date will be next increament.
My basic on 1st jan 2017 is 66000/-GPF4800 Acpl-8 and promoted on 22nd feb 2017 in same GPF 4800 &Acpl-8
please tell if in will got increament in feb 2017.
I am working in pay level 7(4600 grade pay) with basic 58600. I got selection to the level 10 (5400 Grade pay) through UPSC, since I have already crossed initial pay of level 10, my pay fixation will follow FR 22 A 1 or not. I am assuming my pay have to be fixed With one increment in level 7 as I am taking higher responsibilities as per FR 22 A 1. Kindly clarify
Regards .
I am a TGT, (PB=9300-34800,GP : 4600).My pb on 15/11/2015 was 16510.ACP granted on 15/11/2015 for gp 4800.It (200)has not been added till now. So, as on 31/12/2015 , my gp was 4600 and pb was 16510.In the 7th CPC matrix it was fixed at 55200.
Sir, I want to know, what would be salary position in the matrix if ACP is considered on 15/11/2015( Date of joining : 15/11/2003).What should be best option for increment for me?
What is the basic pay on promotion 28 July 2017 from 2400gp 26300to
(2800gp level 5)=?
I got the MACP from 9300-34800-4800 to 9300-34800-5400 on 16.05.2016.My basic Pay prior to 16.05.2016 was 32240/=in 6th CPC.I opted for fixation of Pay from the date of next increment i.e. 01.07.2016 and it was considered.My Pay was fixed 32840/= from 16.05.2016 to 30.06.2016 and from 01.07.2016, Pay was fixed Rs. 34810/=.Salary for the period of July,2016 was paid with basic Pay of Rs. 34810/=.7th CPC came on 28.07.2016, I have requested for fixation of Pay in 7th CPC (on 28.10.2016 against RBE No. 124/2016 Dated 20.10.2016) from the date of next increment i.e 01.07.2016.Can,it be considered ?(RBE No. 79/2017 Dated 31.07.2017 and DOPT L.No. 13/02/2017-Estt.(Pay-I) Dated 27.07.2017 )
i am working as JE with basic pay Rs 49000/-at level 6, I got MACP on 20/02/2017 to level 7 with basic 50500/- . my question is what will the next increment date July-17 or Jan-18. please advice
Promotion Option Calculator as per FR22(I)(a)1
1 Select Level
2 Select Basic Pay
3 Promotion/MACP Level
4 Promoted Period Between
5 Annual Increment granted on (Before Promotion)
Calculator in column 3 says Promotion/MACP level, word Promotion has been mentioned in the DOPT L.No. 13/02/2017-Estt.(Pay-I) Dated 27.07.2017 and also the same wording has been used in Railway Board L.No. 79/2017 Dated 31.07.2017.Cases of MACP are not being considered.Please do the needfull.