The General Secretary of BPMS has written a letter to the Secretary of the Department of Expenditure under the Ministry of Finance. The letter is regarding Pay Fixation (including fixation of DNI) under FR 22(1)(a)(1) on regular promotion or financial up-gradation on or after 01.01.2016. A complete copy of the letter is included for your reference.

Date of next increment under Rule 10: If a Government Servant decides to have their pay fixed from the date of their next increment after being promoted, they will be placed in the next higher cell of the post to which they are promoted from the date of promotion until their DNI. The DNIs occur on either the 1st of July or the 1st of January, depending on the case.
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
(An All India Federation of Defence Workers)
(An Industrial Unit of B.M.S.)
(Recognised By Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India)
REF: BPMS/MoF/Pay Fixation/ 60(7/3/L)
Dated: 01.03.2023
The Secretary
Department of Expenditure
Govt of India, Ministry of Finance
North Block, New Delhi- 110 001
Subject: Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.
Reference: 1. Department OM No. 04-21/2017-IC/E.IIIA dated 28 Nov 2019 & subsequent relaxation in rules through letter of even no dated 15 April 2021
2. This federation letter of even no.dated 16.06.2022, 01.08.2022 & 21.12.2022.
Respected Sir,
With due regards, your kind attention is invited to the letters cited under reference 1 whereby instructions/clarifications were issued regarding Pay Fixation (including fixation of DNI) under FR 22(1)(a)(1) on regular promotion or financial up-gradation on or after 01.01.2016. And, employees were allowed to exercise/ re-exercise of option for pay fixation for past cases if they had not availed the same on the occasion of their regular promotion/ financial up-gradation.
Through the OM dated 15 April 2021, a special condonation, on one more occasion, was granted with a three month time-limit to all employees by relaxing the condition in exercising of option.
It is worth to mention here that during the same period (aftermath of 15 April 2021) the sudden outbreak of corona pandemic derailed the life of all. Establishments were being run at least strength. Everyone was struggling to save the lives of his dear ones.
In such a catastrophic situation’ employees could not avail the above relaxation. But, with restoration of normalization, many employees started to approach this federation for a further extension/ relaxation in rules for one more and last time.
As the situation was beyond their control and the OM dated 15 April 2021 could not be availed by the employees, you are again requested to condone the delay for one more time and give one more opportunity to all employees in this regard.
Thanking you.
Sincerely Yours
General Secretary/ BPMS &
Member National Council JCM
Click to view the letter in PDF
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