A complete latest list of Sainik Rest House located in India with Address, Contact Number
All India Sainik Rest House List
Army guest house in India State-wise details are given below:
- Sainik Rest House in Assam
- Sainik Rest House in Andhra Pradesh
- Sainik Rest House in Bihar
- Sainik Rest House in Chhattisgarh
- Sainik Rest House in Gujarat
- Sainik Rest House in Haryana
- Sainik Rest House in Himachal Pradesh
- Sainik Rest House in Jammu and Kashmir
- Sainik Rest House in Jharkhand
- Sainik Rest House in Karnataka
- Sainik Rest House in Kerala
- Sainik Rest House in Madhya Pradesh
- Sainik Rest House in Maharashtra
- Sainik Rest House in Mizoram
- Sainik Rest House in Nagaland
- Sainik Rest House in Odisha
- Sainik Rest House in Punjab
- Sainik Rest House in Rajasthan
- Sainik Rest House in Sikkim
- Sainik Rest House in Tamil Nadu
- Sainik Rest House in Tripura
- Sainik Rest House in Uttarakhand
- Sainik Rest House in Uttar Pradesh
- Sainik Rest House in West Bengal
- Sainik Rest House in Andaman and Nicobar
- Sainik Rest House in Chandigarh UT
- Sainik Rest House in Puducherry
Also check: List of Sainik Schools in India
Sainik Rest House Booking Eligibility
Who are eligible to stay in Sainik Rest Houses?
Sainik Rest Houses will be provided to serving personnel ESM, their dependents, Government officers, and the war widows are eligible to stay in Sainik Rest Houses. Disabled ex-servicemen above 50% disability and ‘Vir Chakra’ Series Medal holders and Arjun Awardees are eligible to get a room with Rent Free accommodation (Air Condition Charges will be charged).
Sainik Rest House online Booking
Request for Reservation of Accommodation will be accepted maximum 15 days in advance. Booking for the serving Officers/JCOs/ORs will be accepted maximum one day prior to their arrival. Booking of accommodation will be accepted online on KSB website www.ksb.gov.in between 10.30 hours to 17.30 hours on all working days by depositing the amount in CSRH account (POS/NEFT/Paytm). [Read more]
Sainik Rest House in Andhra Pradesh
Army Guest House in Anantapur
Address: Sainik Rest House Sainik Bhavan Near Clock Tower Anantapur – 515001
Nearest Railway Station: Anantapur
Nearest Airport: Puttaparthi
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Anantapur 08554-241146
Army Guest House in Kadapa
Address: Sainik Rest House Sainik Bhavan Opp RTC Bus Stand Kadapa-516002
Nearest Railway Station: Kadapa
Nearest Airport: Tirupathi
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Kadapa 08562-244558
Army Guest House in Guntur
Address: Sainik Rest House Sainik Bhavan Opp Hindu College Guntur – 522001
Nearest Railway Station: Guntur
Nearest Airport: Ganavaram, Vijayawada
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Guntur 0863-2225853
Army Guest House in Kakinada
Address: Sainik Rest House Sainik Bhavan Treasury Compound Kakinada – 533001
Nearest Railway Station: Kakinada
Nearest Airport: Rajahmundry
Army Guest House in Karimnagar
Address: Sainik Rest House, Sainik Bhavan H.No. 2-7-360, Opp Revenue Club, Near Collectorate Complex, Mukarampura, Karimnagar
Nearest Railway Station: Karimnagar
Nearest Airport: Ramagundam
Army Guest House in Kurnool
Address: Sainik Rest House, Sainik Bhavan B Camp, Near Water Tank, Kurnool – 518002
Nearest Railway Station: Kurnool
Nearest Airport: Hyderabad
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Kurnool 08518-229445
Army Guest House in SPS Nellore
Address: Sainik Rest House Sainik Bhavan Kondayapalem Gate Cente Dargamitta Nellore – 524001
Nearest Railway Station: SPS Nellore
Nearest Airport: Thirupathi
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Nellore 0861-2328419
Army Guest House in Visakhapatnam
Address: Sainik Rest House, Sainik Bhavan Maharanipeta, Visakhapatnam–530002
Nearest Railway Station: Visakhapat nam
Nearest Airport: Visakhapatnam
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Visakhapatnam 0891-2706511
Army Guest House in Vizianagaram
Address: Sainik Rest House, Sainik Bhavan Cantonment Post, Vizianagaram – 535002
Nearest Railway Station: Vizianagaram
Nearest Airport: Vishakhapatnam
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Vizianagaram 08922-274743
Army Guest House in Warangal
Address: Sainik Rest House, Sainik Bhavan Kanaka Durga Colony, Waddepally, Warangal – 506370
Nearest Railway Station: Warangal Kazipet
Nearest Airport: Hyderabad
Contact Address and Telephone: ZSWO Warangal 0870-2456018
Complete List of Sainik Rest House in India PDF Download

What is Sainik House?
The Guest House (Rest House) for the Ex-Servicemen community is maintained by Zila Sainik Board / Rajya Sainik Board.
What are the facilities available in Sainik Rest House?
Lowest Room rent, boarding facility, parking facility, laundry facility, room service facility, luggage storage facility, and the check-in 12 noon (12 o’clock morning).
How to book Puducherry Sainik Rest House online?
As per the Department of Sainik Welfare Puducherry, booking requests may be forwarded through email, telephone, or in-person with the ID Card number of the person who is booking and Contact Number and/or email id.
How many days allowed for booking in Sainik Rest House?
Booking is allowed 3 days only in advance. In exceptional cases, the period of stay can be extended on case to case basis with the specific sanction of the Director, DSW. However, no one will be permitted to stay for more than 07 days at a time for a period of six months.