Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Fitr during 2016 for all Central Government Offices
F.No.12/10/20 16-JCA2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 05 July, 2016
Sub: Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Fitr during 2016 for all Central Government administrative offices located at Delhi / New Delhi.
As per list of holidays circulated vide this Ministry’s 0.M.No.12/7/2015-JCA-2 dated the 11th June, 2015, the holiday on account of Id-ul-Fitr falls on Wednesday the 6th July, 2016.
It has been brought to notice of this Ministry that in Delhi Id-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on 7th July, 2016. Accordingly, it has been decided to shift the Id-ul-Fitr holiday to 7th July, 2016 in place of 6th July, 2016 as notified earlier, for all Central Government administrative offices at Delhi / New Delhi.
2. For Offices outside Delhi / New Delhi the Employees Coordination Committee or Head of Offices (Where such committees are not functioning) can decide the date depending upon the decision of the concerned State Government.
Hindi version will follow.
Under Secretary
There is no clarity on how pension would be fixed, in respect of employees who retired on or after 01-01-2006. There is no confusion as regards the application of the principle of working out pension as 50% of revised pay . But what is not clear is on how the revised pay would be fixed under 7th Pay Commission. For the sake of equity, revised pay shall be fixed (which forms the basis for fixation of pension ) as follows: Entry Pay for the given Pay Band and Grade Pay as per the Pay Matrix of 7th Pay Commission plus number of increments on earned in the retiring grade (corresponding to the index number). The said procedure needs to be followed to remove the anomalies created in pay fixation under 6th Pay Commission (The root cause of anomaly was due to consideration only one increment for each of two increments one earned) – K. A. N. Talpasai