Child Education Allowance Clarification on a Govt Servant Dies While in Service
What is the procedure followed in granting of CEA, if a Govt servant dies while in service?
In the event that a Government servant dies while in service, the procedure for granting the Children Education Allowance (CEA) is outlined in the consolidated instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) on 16th July 2019. The CEA or hostel subsidy will be admissible for the deceased employee’s children, subject to the fulfillment of other conditions for its grant, provided the deceased employee’s wife/husband is not employed in the service of the Central Government, State Government, Autonomous body, PSU, Semi-Government Organization (such as Municipality, Port Trust Authority), or any other organization that is partly or fully funded by the Central Government/State Governments. In such cases, the CEA/Hostel Subsidy shall be payable to the children until the employee’s actual receipt of the same, subject to other terms and conditions being fulfilled. The office in which the Government servant was working prior to their death shall make the payment, and it will be regulated by the other conditions laid down in the OM.
CEA Continue after Death of Employee in Service
In the event of a government employee passing away while in service, the process for granting the Children Education Allowance (CEA) involves the payment of CEA and Hostel Subsidy (HS) until the employee would have received them. This payment is subject to meeting additional requirements by the office where the employee worked prior to their passing. However, it should be noted that if the spouse of the government employee is employed in a central or state government position, an autonomous body, PSU, a semi-government organization, municipality, port trust or any other organization that is funded by the government (partially or fully), then the aforementioned benefits shall not be granted.

In ICAR, I have reached the Max pay level of Rs 218200 (level 14) in July 2020 and my retirement date is 31 July 2023. I did not get any annual increment in July 2021 and July 2022. Am I eligible for stagnation increment or notional increment on July 01, 2023?