BSNL 3 Days Strike - Confederation Extends Solidarity & Support Confederation extends solidarity & support to BSNL Nationwide three days strike from 18th February 2019 Confederation National Secretariat views with grave concern the move of … [Read more...]
Implementation of Revised Pay Scales with 15% Fitment Benefit for BSNL Executives
Implementation of Revised Pay Scales with 15% Fitment Benefit for BSNL Executives Why Pay Revision with 15% Fitment cannot be denied CHQ WRITES TO MOSC REQUESTING IMPLEMENTATION OF REVISED PAY SCALES WITH 15% FITMENT BENEFIT FOR BSNL EXECUTIVES ALL … [Read more...]
DA as per 6th CPC to BSNL Employees
DA as per 6th CPC to BSNL Employees Payment of DA as per Sixth Pay Commission recommendations While answering to a question in Rajya Sabha on 24th March 2917 regarding the Dearness Allowance to BSNL Staff and Officers, Minister Shri Upendra … [Read more...]
Free Night calling facility to BSNL Employees – SNEA
Concessional telephone facility to Retired and retiring employees of BSNL - Free Night calling facility regarding BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) 1st FLOOR,BHARAT SANCHAR BHAWAN, H. C.MATHÜR LANE , JANPATH ,New DELHI- … [Read more...]
Cabinet approves Revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners Removing Anomalies
Cabinet approves Revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners Removing Anomalies The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the revision of pension of BSNL pensioners and family pensioners, who retired prior to … [Read more...]
Is it true that BSNL is going to provide 20 GB 3G internet service for Rs.50?
Is it true that BSNL is going to provide 20 GB 3G internet service for Rs.50? BSNL, India’s biggest telecommunication company, made headlines when news surfaced that it is going to introduce 20 GB 3G internet service for as low as Rs.50. For the past … [Read more...]
BSNL Clarification regarding Employees Pension Scheme
BSNL Clarification regarding Employees Pension Scheme BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) NO.500-85/CA-II/BSNL/EPF/2011/Vol.VI Dated 19.01.2016 To, The IFAs, All Circles BSNL Sub.: Various Gazette Notifications issued by EPFO … [Read more...]
BDPA views on the 7th Pay Commission Report
BDPA views on the 7th Pay Commission Report G.S. BDPA (INDIA) writes to Shri S. K. Makkar, Under Secretary, GOI Ministry Of Personnel, PG & Pensions-DOP & PW, New Delhi No:BDPA(INDIA)/7th CPD/2015 Dated 21st December, 2015. Dear Shri … [Read more...]
BSNL cuts down broadband rental discounts to Central Government employees by 50%
BSNL cuts down broadband rental discounts to Central Government employees by 50% BSNL had reduced the discount offered to state and Central Government employees on its broadband facilities from 20% to 10%. It has further been reduced to 5% from … [Read more...]
Minimum speed of BSNL Landline Broadband will be 2Mbps from 1.9.2015
Minimum speed of BSNL Landline Broadband will be 2Mbps from 1.9.2015 BSNL Upgrades the speed of all Landline Broadband customers from 512 kbps to minimum 2 Mbps Committed to the Government’s Digital initiatives announced by Hon.ble PM, BSNL has … [Read more...]