Admission Guidelines of Wards of Armed Forces in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
Automatic admission of children in the Kendriya Vidyalayas on the basis of transfer certificate
Automatic admission of children in the Kendriya Vidyalayas on the basis of transfer certificate issued by the CBSE affiliated schools run by Armed Forces (e.g. Army, Air Force, Navy and CRPF) will be entertained only if the parent has been transferred to that place or has desired to settle at the place after his retirement., provided no Armed forces run School exists in the vicinity of 10 km. from the place of posting.
This provision shall be applicable to schools run by Indian Coast Guard also. This provision may also be extended to the children of government employees studying in schools run by ISRO/AEES. It is clarified that above provisions are only for the wards of Defence personnel / CRPF viz. sons & daughters only. This will not include the grand children of Defence personnel. Provisions of KVS admission guidelines including the eligibility criteria for age and marks/Grades will be followed in letter and spirit. Also the fee including VVN is to be paid from the month of admission of the child in the Kendriya Vidyalaya regardless of the fact that the fee for succeeding months have already been paid in the school from which TC has been issued for admission to KV. TCs issued by the CBSE schools of Defence Ministry/Deptts/Authority will be endorsed by the concerned Deputy Commissioner of the region where admission is sought.
The policy of automatic admission of pre-primary students in class-I has been withdrawn w.e.f. session 2008-09. Now all admissions in class-I shall be treated as fresh admissions and shall be dealt with as per rules in vogue.
Children who were earlier studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya but due to (a) transfer of parent or (b) relocation due to exigency caused by posting of parent to field area was compelled to study in a school other than Kendriya Vidyalaya because no KV was available at that station, if the said parent subsequently gets transferred to a place where a Kendriya Vidyalaya exists, his/her child be considered for admission, consequent upon the transfer/movement of the parent subsequently to a place where a Kendriya Vidyalaya exists, over and above the class strength. A proof to this effect has to be provided by the parent.
- Admission Guidelines for KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Special Provisions for Admission in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Admission Guidelines of Wards of Armed Forces in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Publicity and Registration Guidelines for Admission in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Submission of Documents for Admission in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Method of Admission in Class I in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Composition of Committee for Draw of Lots for Admission in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Fee and Other Concessions in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
- Method of Admission for all Classes in KV Schools – Academic Session 2016 -17
My own brother is working in central govt job, can i get admission for my KV
K. V No 1 Delhi cantt is doing admission in class 3 on posting to Srinagar from Secunderabd
i am a retired person from navy(on 28/02/15)from vizag. my child is studying in NAVY CHILDREN SCHOOL run by NAVY in Vizag. now i am going to settle in my native place in July as got a job over there. KV available near my home is refusing to take admission of my child now. I wanna know is any rule there to deal with my case?please send link or mail me. i am in huge problem with her admission. my mail id