Rates of Transport Allowance for all Central Govt Employees including Railway Employees
In view of complete lockdown of 21 days announced by Govt. of India, effective all over India w.e.f. 25.03.2020 on account of spread of pandemic COVID-19, a number of officers / staff of this Railway who proceeded on sanctioned leave/ HQ leave/ Duty may not have been able to return to their respective place of duty owing to interruption of train service and road communication etc.
Therefore. in terms of Para 7.9 of Master Circular No. 10 of Railway Board, following instructions are issued for guidance:
Officers staff who could not assume duty after completion of sanctioned leave period, due to suspension of Train Road Communication during the lockdown period, their over-stay is to be treated as Special Casual Leave. Similarly,in case of staff who were on HQ Leave permission as on 25.03.2020, their absence from HQ during lockdown period may be treated as Special Casual Leave.
Staff who proceeded on duty prior ta 25.3.2020 bur could not return to their respective HQs, due to suspension of Train Road communication during the lockdown period, such forced halts period to be treated as on-duty.
Officer Staff who arc above 50 years of age and having underlying conditions i.e. Diabetes, Respiratory problem, Renal Diseases and other life-threatening illness may be granted Commuted leave without insisting on RMC for a period up to 4th April vide Railway Board’s Lr.No. E(P&ADI- 2020 /CPC/LE-3 dated 23.03.2020.
Officer staff who have been advised for quarantine by the competent authority, their salary may be drawn for the period. However, regularization of the said period will be decided later in due course.
Keeping in view the present scenario, the following guidelines / instructions are to be followed by all Bill compiling officers / staff of this Railway:
Salary / Stipend for April. 2020 may be drawn for off existing regular Employees / Apprentices Trainees irrespective of their presence / absence on duty during the lockdown period, except those who are unouthorisedly absent from their duties since long (unauthorized absence prior to 25.03.2020). Over-payment found, if any, will be adjusted in the regular salary of May 2020 or later.
List of such employees who were on sanctioned leaves/ on duty/ home quarantined / under Quarantine should be prepared by respective Bill sections Unit in charges and should be sent through the Master Roll and also brought to the notice of respective controlling officers.
Pay Level (Grade Pay) | Higher TPTA Cities* | Other Places** |
Level 9 and Above (GP 5400 PB-2 and Above) | Rs. 7200 + DA | Rs. 3600 + DA |
Level 3 to Level 8 (GP 2000 to GP 4800) | Rs. 3600 + DA | Rs. 1800 + DA |
Level 1 and Level 2(GP 1800 and GP 1900) | Rs. 1350 + DA | Rs. 900 + DA |
Admissibility of Transport Allowance for Central Govt Employees during the following circumstances:
TA on During Leave: The allowance will not be admissible for the calendar month(s) wholly covered by leave.
TA on During deputation abroad: The allowance will not be admissible during the period of deputation abroad.
TA on During Tour: If an employee is absent from the Headquarters /Place of Posting for full calendar month/months due to tour, he/she will not be entitled to Transport Allowance. During that/those calendar month/months. However, if the absence does not cover any calendar month(s) in full, Transport Allowance will be admissible for full month.
TA on during Duty: During training treated as duty. The allowance may be granted during such training, if no Transport Facility/ Traveling Allowance /Daily Allowance is provided for attending the training institute. During Official tour in him training course, the allowance will not be admissible when the period of the tour covers the whole calendar month. Also, during training abroad, no Transport will be admissible when the period of such training covers the whole calendar month.
TA on During Inspection: During inspection/survey duty by Members of Special Parties within the city but exceeding 8 kms. From the Headquarters or during continuous field duty either in or outside the Headquarters: Transport Allowance is given to compensate for the expenditure incurred for commuting for both to and fro between the place of duty and residence. In case when one gets Road Mileage/Daily Allowance or free transportation for field/inspection/survey duty or tour for a period covering the whole calendar month, he/she will not be entitled to Transport Allowance during that calendar month.
TA on Vacation Leave: To vacation staff: Vacation staff is entitled to Transport Allowance provided no free transport facility is given to such staff. However, the allowance shall not be admissible when such vacation spell, including all kinds of Leave, cover the whole calendar months.
TA on Suspension Period: During Suspension: As a Government employee under suspension is not required to attend office, he/she is not entitled to Transport Allowance during suspension where suspension covers full calendar month(s). This position will hold well even if the suspension period is finally treated as duty. Where suspension period covers a calendar month partially, Transport Allowance payable for that month shall be reduced proportionately.
To Whom and When Travelling allowance is not admissible?
- Central government employees who have been provided the Government facility of Staff Car Transport.
- Absence form duty during full calendar month, will not be admissible Transport allowance.