7th Pay Commission Pension (Notional Pay) Calculator
7th CPC Pension (Notional Pay) Calculator for Pre-2016 Pensioners
Corresponding pay band and basic pay table is more important aspects to determine new pension
[Updated July 2017: This calculator has modified as per Concordance Tables. Concordance Tables for fixation of notional pay and pension / family pension of employees who retired/died in various grades during the 4th, 5th and 6th Pay Commission periods have been prepared and published by the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare on 6th July, 2017.]
7th CPC Pension (Notional Pay) Calculator for Pre-2016 Pensioners and Family Pensioners as per the Notification issued by the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare on 12th May, 2017.
[Note: All figures are indicative]
How to use this calculator:
We provided here a simple online calculator as the Notification issued by the Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensioners on 12.5.2017 for all Civil Pre-2016 Pensioners and Family Pensioners. This calculator gives revised pension as on 1.1.2016 under new formulation recommended by the Pension Committee.
First select your regime of pay commission and you have to enter your last pay drawn in the ‘Pay on Retirement’ field. And third one is ‘Scale of Pay’ at the time of retirement.
Calculator gives immediately gives an approximate value of pension amount as on 1.1.2016.
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Savitri Verma not be paid pension arrear from Jan 2016 to 2017june. I rtd on 30.6.2009 In basic pay PB2. 9300-34800 GP 4800 .As per your pension calculation table almost Rs.463260 pension arrear is due which I have not received in my bank account. This is a reminder. I was drawing my salaryfromGAD DEptt,GNCTD. MY mobile No.9871862666. RESD ADDRESS A2/296 Janak Puri New Delhi 110058
Contact your ex- employer.
I SAVITRI Verma remind you that at thr time retirement ,the accounts branch and in office record they have kept my bank account and home addresses for any payment after my retirement they can deposit in my bank account. So please due to my illness I am not able to contact them. Mobile 9871862666. Address A2/296; Janak Puri New DElhi. If they are unable to deposit the amount in bank, they can send a check by apecial messenger. Please oblige.
Lodge a complaint in the site http://www.cpao.nic.in
While calculating revised pension on notional pay will charge allowance drawn during 10months before retirement be considered or not? Kindly clarify.
No. Only 50% of Basic pay alone.
I Retired as Supdt in postal dept on30 April1993inthe 2000/3500 Mylast pay was 2825 . My pension in7th cpcis fixed Rs26800 .The corrospoding pay inthe 7th pay taking in account Gp4200 .53600 level 6. Now concordance Table for revision pension for this scale is revised giving Gp 4600 and level 7 . Will you kindly intimate me is this change will benifit me My basic pension in 31_12_16was rs9507
You have to contact your ex-employer/ PAO, he will colculate your arrears of ₹ 200/- Pension from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2015 & from 1/1/2016 as matrix level 7 difference of pension amount until settlement.
When is it possible to have lower revised pension under 7th Pay Commission than the current one ?
Can revised pension under 7th Pay Commission be lower than the pre-revised pension ?
What will be my latest pension
Concordance tables are based on fitmment tables of earlier pay commissions. But even as per om forwarding fitment tables of 6th cpc , the tables are not applicable in cases of upgradation. No separate tables were issued for upgraded cases.Notional pay in such cases has to be worked out separately as per rules of 2008. The revised pension arrived with reference to the c.tables will not be correct and result in lesser pension. Affected pensioners have to verify the pension fixed and take up with the concerned authorities . B.Appi Reddy, Guntur
How much will be instead of Service Pension Rs.14842 and Disability Element Rs.1755 according to Notional Pay for Invalided Sepoy pre 1996.
It is learnt that when armed forces rejected the pay and pension for PBORs, the MoD DESW declared the benefits in a large publicity. But nothing done for soldiers. All such benefits turned to only civilian pensioners including disability pensions. Why armed forces pensioners are being cheated this way by the DESW. The fixation given in MoD letter dated 5/9/17 just for show. PBORs will remain remain in same status of pension. Armed forces should review the fact for improvement. Thanks.
My husband died while in service at Cabinet Secretariat in the year 1983 June 21.I don’t know what was his pay scale was.In 6th CPC my family pension basic was 4887.In 7th pay commission my basic pension is 12560.Is there any hike.in my pension.
I retired on 31.01.2012 at scale 15600-39100. last pay Rs.36480 & GP Rs. 7600/-. pension fixed Rs 22040/-.as per 6th CPC.
As per 5th CPC scale was 12000-375-16500. Basic pay was on 01.09.2007 Rs.16500/-. Promoted in the scale 12000-16500 on 27.11.2002.
Kindly intimate my pension as per 7th CPC according to formula.notional increment.
I retired from Damodar Valley Corporation. Order of 7th CPC for pensioner issued on 20th August 2017 but till date I don”t know my new pension.
not getting medical allowance since last 4-5 months what about medical allowance
iI retired as supdt of post offices on 31-12-2015 with basic pay Rs 27010 including grade pay Rs 4800 . 7th pay commission upgraded the grade pay of supdt of postoffices Rs 5400 and fix the pay scale of supdts in pay matrix level 9. Kindly calculate my notional pay as on 01-01-2016 and basic pension
As per 6th CPC , Parity with IAS in the shape of NFU was granted to certain Organised Gr ‘A’ Services. How this will be taken care while fixing NOTIONAL PAY as on 01.01.2006, as this dispensation appears to have not been taken into consideration in the concordance tables circulated by DOP&PW on 06.07.2017. Please eleborate…From Er H.K.BANSAL R/O ROHTAK HR.
what if if the pensioner stagnating at the of time retiremet for more than 02 years. example if a pensioner was drawing 80000 for more than 02 years. in the HAG+scale 75500-80000. Can his pay will be fixed after granting stagnation increment as per Om dated 07/09/2016 of Pay implementation cell, Department of Expenditure
Respected, Sir. I am a permanent Central Autonomous Body obsorbee pensioner. My last basic pay as on 29/03/1993 was 1880 in the pay scale of 1540-60-2600-75-2900. I completed 15 years on 10/11/2010 from the date of release of pensionary benefits. Now, as per CPAO, MO dated 21/07/2017, what will be my notional pay as on 01/01/1996, 01/01/2006 and 01/01/2016 and also my full BP as on 10/11/2010? I shall be thankful to you..
Respected Sir,
I m permnt central AB obsorbee pensioner. Left CG Service in 1993. Last pay was 1880- in pay scale of 1640-60-2600-75-2900. Now as per CPAO MO dated 21/07/2017, what will be my notional pay at each PC and what will be my full BP as on 10/11/2010. when I completed 15 years from the date of release of pensionaries benefits? I shall remain thankful to you.
Dear respected sir I Retired October 2003 in the Scale pay 6500-10500,& my basic pay was 8300, then in 6th CPC I was fixed in the grade pay 4200 & basic pay 9289, then in 7th CPC fixed 23873 from Jan. 2016, I there for request you that what will be the newly modified revised pension, kindly explain me Thanks with Regards, Damodar D. Kandpal.
stagnation incriments will be treated as normal incriments without considering alternative year giving gaping year incriments. is it so
which agency has been earmarked for calculation of notional pay for defence pensioners
Thanks provide calculator for which every pensioners having knowledge of their revised pension as per on DT 12/5/17 .is correct pictures
Whatabout 30percent add on pay element for retired loco inspectors tocalculate thier pension?
The pension calculated is not in consonance with the MoF notification dt 16 may 2017.As per para-4 of the said notification,IOR of pay level-13 PB-4,gd pay-8700 only has been enhanced from 2.57 to 2.67.Accordinly my pay notionally should be fixed at 138500(51910+2.67) instead of 134500 n pension comes to 69250 not 67250.This calculation is also in consonance with the pay-stage based on the formula of Initial pay-fixation+No of increments drawn in that grade.Thus the Concordnce table issued by Department of pension appears confusing in that it unnecessary have mentioned pay range of retired/died in minimum-maximum for arriving notional pay for pension-fixation.There is no problem if the minimum or the next higher stage is taken from the said table for fixing pay/pension.
I am a family pensioner.the date of family pension eligibility is 21.02.2005.
The family pension was fixed based on pay scale of 5500-175-9000
Pensionalbe salary is 10088/-DA is 1715/-
KIndly inform me the Impact of 7th CPC ie what will be the revised pension.
What will be the arrears. What is the additional allowances allowed.
Kindly give me the details.
Sir i have retired 30 sep 1998 and join state government police service my last pay was 4415.00 state government has given me 4400 scale but 3 GCB pay of rs.20×3=60 not agree to give. What should I do?
Sir retired 30/04/2012 in PB 9300-34800 Gp 4800.DOB 20/04/1952. BP 11345 Commute 4538 getting 29157-4538 as on 1-1-2016. What will my Basic Pension on 1-1-2016 with new formula.
Will all the pensioner get the arrear from 1.1.2016 on the revision of pension according to First formula ll kindly clear this issue
6th pay commission was appointed to revise the pay structure of employees working for the 10 years from 1996 to 2006.Surprisingly the employees who retired before 2006 in 5th pay commission scale of rs.6500-10500 were demoted to lower grade pay of rs.4200 and the employees working as on 01-01-2006 in the same scale were given higher grade pay of rs.4600/- and merged in next higher scale. How far this is justified and why DOPT is not correcting the mistake inspite of several judgements by cat benches and supreme court. The DOPT is disregarding the judgements of the courts in this matter which may pl. be brought to the notice of Finance Minister so that perpetual injustice is not done to the pre-2006 retirees in scale rs.6500-10500 and how a retired employee can be demoted to a lower grade pay of rs.4200/- while upgrading the same post to higher scale for employees working as on 01-01-2006
In pay matrix 7cpc 1 index of a corresponding pay level represents basic eqvilent of 6 cpc payband +grade pay so index 2 first increment and index 3 2nd earned increment and so on while in pension calculator they take one lower index for calculation of pensions causing financial loss to pensioners why so can any body explain logic behind such calculators on net
I agree with Mr.D.S.Murthy and the Pension Calculator has to be reset.
Further, the Pension Calculator does not add the grade pay specified by the 6th CPC for different scales of pay in different bands while arriving at the notional pay as on 1/1/2006. This is what I noted when I tried out the Pension Calculator for the scale 14300 -400-18300 of the 5th CPC for people who retired at different stages of the scale. The Calculator fixes the notional pay on 1/1/2006 without taking note of the grade pay given by the 6th CPC for this scale of pay, namely 8700/-.The fitment tables given by the Finance Ministry for pay fixation on 1/1/2006 will clearly show how this should be done.
S.S.Suryanarayanan. 20/6/17.
iretiredin scalers6500-10500payscalewith one stag incriment. is 10700pay which comes to 21stages. but in modified matrix it is shown 20 stages.
Sir let me know why grade pay 2400 and pay 13860 is showing as Rs. 18200 pension in 7 cpc but grade pay 2800 and pay 13860 is as 17950 in 7th CPC.
where is problem occurred and rectify the accuracy please.
My friend’s last pay at retirement was 4700 in the scale 3700-125-4700-150-5000 in the 4th PC regime. My calculations using the fitment scales for the 5th & 6th PCs gives the following result:
Pay on 01-01-1996 as per 5th PC—12367 and the next stage in 5th PC scale 12000-375-16500 is 12375. The notional pay for 6th & 7th PCs are 30620 and 78693.4. The nearest value in the 7th PC pay matrix is 78800 and the revised pension is 39400.
But your calculator gives the results as follows:
Notional pay on 01-01-1996 as per 5th PC—-12750
Notional pay on 01-01-2006 as per 6th PC—31320
Notional pay on 01-01-2016 as per 7 PC——80492.4
Nearest value in Pay matrix——————-81200)
Revised Pension—————————- –40600
Can you please clarify?
Please check the 5th CPC Ready Reckoner Tables. Link is given below for your reference…
In the format”7th CPC Pension( Notional Pay) Calculator” in col. 2 named as”pay on retirement” is to be taken basic pay only or basic pay+ Dearness Pay? Kindly reply.
To arrive at a fixation factor for Level 13 corresponding to GP 8700, MF of 2.57 needs to be revised to 2.67 as conveyed through Resolution dt 16th May 2017 of Ministry of Finance (Dept of Exp). Accordingly, 7th CPC Notional Pay Fixation Calculator needs to be reset at the earliest.
There is anomaly as far as the persons who retired prior to 2006. As per 5th pay commission there were two similar scales one Rs. 8000-275-13500 and the second one new Rs. 8ooo-275-13500 ( group A entry). As per 6th pay commission the persons in first scale were placed in PB-2 Rs. 93oo-34800, GP-5400 and person in second scale were placed in PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100, GP-5400. Now if the persons in both the scales retired at the last pay drawn as Rs. 11025 then as per recent pension fixation formula in circulation the person retiring from PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 , GP-5400 will get a pension of Rs. 33600 and the person retiring from PB-3 Rs. 15600,GP-5400 will get less pension i.e; Rs. 33500 as per pay matrix fitment table for 7th pay commission.
If any benifits can useful at this age of 66 years.
Not calculating correct for the pay scale 6500-200-10500. Some posts like Asstt. Supdt. of Post Offices were upgraded from Grade pay 4200 to 4600/- The present calculator is calculating with 4200/- for all whereas ASPOs G.P was 4600/- The formula should be:-
Basic Pay at the time of Retirement : 8500
Pay Scale at the time of retirement : 6500-200-10500
Date of retirement :. 31.7.2003
6 CPC Grade Pay : 4600
Notional Pay 6 CPC = 8500×1.86=15810+4600= 20410
Notional Pay 7 CPC : 20410x 2.57 = 52454
Pay as per next stage = 53600
Pension fixed = 26800
Please correct the calculator formula.
Please check the Concordance Table issued by the Pensioners Portal on 28.1.2013.
Kindly inform my pension rates on revised order My pay scale at the time of retirement on 31 March 2012 is; 15600-39100 GP Rs.6600 My gross pay at the time of retirement is Rs.61041. Last basic pay drawn is Rs. 30110 and my basic pension as on 1.4.2012 is Rs.15055 If possible,kindly intimate the revised pension rate eligible as per the revised order
Level 13 has been revised. Is it not applicable for retired pensioners of indian economic service retired director in 2010. Please confirm.
The CPC matrix shows multiplication factor as 2.57, 2.62, 2.67 and so forth for various levels. How is it that u are applying factor 2..57 uniformly in ur calculation table. Nowhere does the notional pay fixation order says so.
This calculation of pension does not take the number of increments drawn in the scale from where one has retired . The pension is same at the beginning of thascald and at the end of the scale . This can not be the correct calculation as per the formula
M,. BISWAS. SAYS,May.21.2017. Index ratio considered 2.57 insteat of 2.67 in level 11 of pay matrix which is not correct. as pay matrix table has been prepared based on 2.67.
The calculation shown above does not give correct results for grade pay 8700 and 8900, instead pay fixation tables for sixth cpc should be used . Notional pay calculation from the above table gives lower results than existing basic pension in sixth cpc.
Mr. Admin, please check the revised pension as per notional pay calculation for V CPC LPD of Rs.16,300/- in the scale of pay 14300-400-18300 PB-4 – Level 13 under VII CPC) as I feel that the notional pay as per VI CPC as mentioned (39018) in the calculator is wrong as in the fitment table it is shown as 48,390/-. Hence the resultant figure also is wrong.
Calculation given is a great service to the retirees in 4 th cpc
It is the basic pay at the time of retirement i.e. 3400 and average basic pension was 1670 calculated on last ten months . The problem is due to notional grade of 2500-4000. V- CPC grade as per PPA is 7500-12000 and ad per VI- CPC pay band is PB-2 with grade pay of 4800. However the grade at the time of retirement was 2000-3500. As per manual calculation my notional pay should be 62200 in Level 8 of pay matrix.
This is good calculator But then what about option 1 for 7CPC
Please rank by pension data bhej dijiye
Is it last basic pay drawn at the time of retirement or basic Pension calculated on the last 10 mths average of pay,as it prevailed at that time?
I reached maximum of 11500 in scale 7450-11500 on 1-1-2002 , got stagnation increment after 2yrs on 1-1-2004 raising pay to 11725. I retired on 30-11-2005 I.e. after 23 months of stagnation increment. Am I entitled to one increment on 1-1-2006?
What about stagnation increment(s)
I am a 2006 retiree. My basic pension on retirement was Rs.14415/- What shall be my basic pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016?
It doesn’t calculate my notional pay in the 7th CPC regime calculator does not accept the notionally upgraded scale of 2500-4000. If I put my grade as 2000-3200/2000-3500 then it shows and calculate my pension in Level 6 instead of Level 8(GP being 4800). Hence it needs correction.