7th CPC Pension Calculation: Option-1 recommended by 7th CPC is rejected
Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 03.05.2017. Only Action Taken Report (progress report) on old items discussed in the Standing Committee meeting held on 25.10.2016 was discussed from 3 to 7 PM.
The protest of the staffside regarding abnormal delay in implementation of revised allowances from 01.01.2016 , increase in minimum pay and fitment formula , Option -1 parity of Pensioners , revision of pension and grant of dearness relief to autonomous body penioners etc was conveyed to Secretary , Department of Personnel who chaired the meeting. The proposed move to close down DGS&D was also raised.
To discuss the new items another meeting will be held shortly.
On behalf of Confederation Coms: K.K.N.Kutty , M.Krishnan and M.S.Raja attended. Cabinet has approved the parity in pension recommended by the Pension Committee constituted by Govt w.e.f.01.01.2016. (whether it is 5th CPC recommended parity can be confirmed only after seeing the orders).
It is confirmed that Option-1 recommended by 7th CPC is rejected.
Secretary General
Source: Confederation
No.101/Pension (DRN)/2k16 Date 14.102016 SPEED POST/COURIER
From: Dr. Dakshina Ranjan Nandy,
Retired Director (Sl. Gr.), Geological Survey of India.
GC-78, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700106.
Email: nandy49@gmail.com Mob: 09432282520.
1. The Secretary, To
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensioners. 2. Sri Anuj Sharma,
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Under Secretary (Public), Public Wing.
Welfare,3rd Floor Lok Nayak Bhawan, 5th Floor, Rail Bhavan, New Dehli-110011
New Dehli-110003.
Dear Sir,
I would like to bring to your kind notice the following facts for your kind perusal and for your necessary action.
1. I joined Central Government Service on 07.03.1962 and retired as Director (Sl. Gr.), Geological Survey of India, Deptt. Of Mines, on 30.09.1995 in the pay scale of Rs. 4500-150-5700/-. Last pay drawn was Rs. 5700/- earning 8 increments.
2. My Pension was fixed at Rs.2805/- being 50% of average salary for 10 months (Rs.5550/- for 6months + Rs.5700/- for 4 months) vide PPO No. 366999501651 issued on 20.09.1995.
3. My basic pension was revised to Rs.7372/- with effect from 01.01.1996 while my earlier pay scale was revised to Rs.14300-400-18300/- as per recommendation of the Vth CPC.
4. The said pay scale was again revised to Rs.37400-67000/- with varying amount of grade pay from Rs.8700/- to Rs.10000/- with effect from 01.01.2006 as per the recommendation of the VIth CPC.
5. Accordingly my basic pension was revised to Rs.23700/- i,e. 50% of (Rs.37400/- + Grade Pay of Rs.10000/-) with effect from 01.01.2006 vide revised PPO No. 366999501651/936976/A2 dated 22.03.2012.
6. As per OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW (A) now my pension has been fixed at Rs.60909/- (Rs.23700/-X 2.57) as per the option 2 as recommended by the VIIth CPC. But in my case option 1 is applicable.
7. As per clause 4(2) of OM No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016 of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) for serving officer in the pay scale of Rs.37400 to 67000/- with grade pay of Rs. 10000/- minimum basic pay has been revised to Rs.1,44,200/- (kindly see column 14 and level 1 of the annexure 1 –matrix attached to the referred OM).
8. Therefore, even without giving weightage for my 8 increments as recommended by VII CPC (option 1 for which a Committee has been constituted) my basic pension should be 50% of Rs.1,44,200/- that is Rs. 72,100/- in place of Rs.60909/- as given now as natural justice.
9. If option 1 is approved by the Government my basic pension should be 50 % of Rs. 1,82,666/- that is Rs. 91,333/-
Yours truly,
(Dr. Dakshina Ranjan Nandy)
Copy to the Account Officer, Central Pension Accounting Office, Trikoot-2, Bhikhaji Cama Place, New Dehli-110066 with a request to kindly look in to the matter and arranged issue of revised PPO accordingly.
(Dr. Dakshina Ranjan Nandy)
All Pre-06 pensioners are neglected and deprived from the decision taken by the 7th Pay Commission as Option -I.. It is needless to say that the Prime Minister wanted to uplift the senior pensioners by giving some monetary benefit like one rank one pay as of military style. I think the Ministry who has rejected may think and find some other way by granting slight more in Option II for Pre-06 pensioners at least.for shake of our Great Prime Minister.