7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation on Promotion & MACP Calculator – Result
Check Your Pay Fixation on Promotion or MACP after 7th Pay Commission
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LEVEL 6 TO 9 (GRADE PAY 4200 TO 5400)
PB-2 (9300-34800)
GP | 4200 | 4600 | 4800 | 5400 |
Level | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1 | 35400 | 44900 | 47600 | 53100 |
2 | 36500 | 46200 | 49000 | 54700 |
3 | 37600 | 47600 | 50500 | 56300 |
4 | 38700 | 49000 | 52000 | 58000 |
5 | 39900 | 50500 | 53600 | 59700 |
6 | 41100 | 52000 | 55200 | 61500 |
7 | 42300 | 53600 | 56900 | 63300 |
8 | 43600 | 55200 | 58600 | 65200 |
9 | 44900 | 56900 | 60400 | 67200 |
10 | 46200 | 58600 | 62200 | 69200 |
11 | 47600 | 60400 | 64100 | 71300 |
12 | 49000 | 62200 | 66000 | 73400 |
13 | 50500 | 64100 | 68000 | 75600 |
14 | 52000 | 66000 | 70000 | 77900 |
15 | 53600 | 68000 | 72100 | 80200 |
16 | 55200 | 70000 | 74300 | 82600 |
17 | 56900 | 72100 | 76500 | 85100 |
18 | 58600 | 74300 | 78800 | 87700 |
19 | 60400 | 76500 | 81200 | 90300 |
20 | 62200 | 78800 | 83600 | 93000 |
21 | 64100 | 81200 | 86100 | 95800 |
22 | 66000 | 83600 | 88700 | 98700 |
23 | 68000 | 86100 | 91400 | 101700 |
24 | 70000 | 88700 | 94100 | 104800 |
25 | 72100 | 91400 | 96900 | 107900 |
26 | 74300 | 94100 | 99800 | 111100 |
27 | 76500 | 96900 | 102800 | 114400 |
28 | 78800 | 99800 | 105900 | 117800 |
29 | 81200 | 102800 | 109100 | 121300 |
30 | 83600 | 105900 | 112400 | 124900 |
31 | 86100 | 109100 | 115800 | 128600 |
32 | 88700 | 112400 | 119300 | 132500 |
33 | 91400 | 115800 | 122900 | 136500 |
34 | 94100 | 119300 | 126600 | 140600 |
35 | 96900 | 122900 | 130400 | 144800 |
36 | 99800 | 126600 | 134300 | 149100 |
37 | 102800 | 130400 | 138300 | 153600 |
38 | 105900 | 134300 | 142400 | 158200 |
39 | 109100 | 138300 | 146700 | 162900 |
40 | 112400 | 142400 | 151100 | 167800 |
MACP Arrear Due-Drawn Statement PDF
Anomalies in payment of arrears of Rank Pay
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Officers) under Ministry of Defence has published the notice for the officers affected by Supreme Court judgment on Rank Pay, a link has been provided to download their ‘Due Drawn Statements’. Officers can download their details through the link is given in the official website of PCDAO Pune.
“Officers affected by Supreme Court judgment on Rank Pay and in receipt of payment of arrears may please note that in cases where there is no change in revised basic pay on substantive promotion, due-drawn statements are under review for checking of date of next increment. The affected officers are requested to wait for revised due-drawn statement which will be uploaded after completion of review.”
Details | Values | |
Level in the revised Pay Structure | Level – 5 | |
Basic Pay in the revised Pay Structure | 37000 | |
Granted Promotion in | Level – 6 | |
Pay in the upgraded in Level-6 (Either equal to or next higher to 37000) | 37600 | |
Re-Fixation on DNI: Pay after giving 2 Increments in Level – 5 | 39200 | |
Pay in the upgraded in Level-6 (Either equal to or next higher to 39200) | 39900 |
Due and Drawn Statement
Existing Basic Pay | Basic Pay with Annual Increment | Basic Pay with Promotional Increment | Pay Fixation after Promotion | ||
Pay Level 5 | 37000 | ||||
Pay Level 6 | 37600 | ||||
Pay Level 6 | 39200 | ||||
Pay Level 6 | 39900 | ||||
Next Increment Date | 1.7.2022 |
Sir, I am working as Jr. Asst. under Govt. of Orissa since 29.10.1985. on completion of 15 years service, my pay fixed after sanction of Time Bond Advancement scale on 29.10.2000. On promotion to Sr. Asst., my pay fixed on 30.10.2003. The 2nd RACP @ G.P Rs.4200 and 3rd RACP @ Rs.4600 has been sanctioned w.e.f 01.01.2013 and 29.10.2015 respectively. On 01.05.2023, I got promotion as Estt. Officer under Matrix Level-10 under 7th pay Commission. Kindly clarify me that whether I am eligible to get one promotional increment w.e.f. 01.05.2023.
I was appointed as Trained Graduate Teacher in 2000 and got promoted as Post Graduate Teacher in 2006.(Level 8)
II MACP was granted in 2016 and my pay was fixed in Level 9 with Month of Increment as January
and drawing basic pay of 82600/-
Now in 2023 July 12 I was again promoted as Vice Principal(Level 10) .
My dealing clerk is fixing my pay as 82,600/- till December 2023 and 87400/- in Jan 2024. Is it correct?
My joining date as postman on 15/12/1995.I got 1st MACP on 2008.Promoted as Postal assistant on 12.06.2012 but no financial benefit.
If you have got promotion, no MACP. Those who are not got any promotion in between 10/20/30 years they will be given MACP in between 10/20/30 years respectively.
Joined on 1995 and get promoted in 1998, I got 1st TBP in Nov 2010 after 12 yrs. I am eligible for 2nd TBP/ MACP in 2022. I opted 7th pay in apr 2022. In first TBP my scale is 9300-38400 with GP 4900. what should my pay fixation in nov 2022.
I got my 2nd MACP in level 5 on 21.12.2021, due on 13.12.2020. My pay is fixed at Rs.39200/- in level 5 w.e.f. 13.12.2020. On 7.5.2022 I got my regular promotion to level 6. Since I have opted for pay fixation from the Date of the next increment ie 1.7.2022, my fixed on 1.7.22 at Rs.42300/- with a new increment date as 1.1.2023 with pay at Rs.43600/-
Since I got my 2nd MACP before my promotion, my pay fixation was not done. Is that correct? Please clarify.
why you have opted January option, if you have been given July increment option then you may got 2 increments i.e. normal increment & fixation increments as in Matrix Level 5 on 1-7-222 as 44100 & DNI will be on 1-7-23 since the same stay as 44100 in Matrix Level 6 onwards.
You have been given as per your 2nd MACP option for January 22. Are you retiring before 6/23.? Since your promotion is on 7.5.22 you cannot get increment on 7/22. As per the CCS RULE 10 you should have six month same then only your increments counts January/July option.
My date of appointment is 5.10.2011. My pay level is 4 .. Now my basic is 36400.
Till I didn’t get MACP .
I have no idea for pay fixation. My questions are
1. When I get next increment ? (Jun or Jan)
2. What option is good for me (ie Date of increment or Date of promotion ?
If you’re not got any promotion in between 2011-2021 then only you have to give increment option for January. From January 22 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 (same) as 36400 & DNI on 1-1-2023 as 37000 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
This is to inform you that those who are not got any promotion they will be given MACP upgradations of basic pay on completion of 10/20/30years in service.
1) …I got my 2nd promotion on 18 July 2016 from GP- 2800 to 4200. My old BP was 13130. I was fixed at 44900 in level-6 from 18/07/16 and DNI was shown 01 /07/17 (46200).sir, is the fixation correct and what was the order regarding date of notification i.e. 25 jul 2016 ?
2)…sir, Now I am getting my 3rd MACP from 07 Dec 2018 which option should i choose. Option I or II ?
Thank you sir 🙏
Your pay has been fixed from 1-1-2016 as 33900 and give increment option from January 2017 so you will get as on 34900 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-1-2018 as 35900 in MATRIX LEVEL 5.
Since you got 2nd promotion so you will not get 2nd MACP.
MACP granted in VI PC prior to 01.01.2016 in the next grade on hierarchy of the PB-1, On regular promotion in VII PC. May be allowed difference of GP
What is your promotion date?
Sir, I am in pay level 11 and my basic is 96600 at present. On 11.02.22 I got promoted to level 12. And my date of next increment is 01.07.22. I want my pay to be fixed from the date of next increment.
Please guide me regarding my pay fixation and my 1st increment.
If your promotion is under 3rd fixation in service, (Otherwise no pay fixation). You give July increment option so from 1-7-22 as 99,500 in MATRIX LEVEL 11 & DNI on 1-7-23 as 99,800 in MATRIX LEVEL 12 as per CCS RULE 10.
I have got 3rd MACP on 02-11-2014 in level-6 and now on 27-12-21, I got regular promotion in level-7. I have been opted pay fixation from date of increment i.e.01-07-2022. Presently my pay is Rs. 58,600.
Kindly give detail pay fixation in my favour.
After 3rd MACP no more pay fixation in service. Only every year increment in MATRIX LEVEL 6.
Respected Sir,
I have a doubt regarding MACP pay fixation.
I have been granted MACP from Level 7 to Level 8 w.e.f 26.07.2021 (2nd MACP). Date of joining is 26th July 2001. Current basic pay in July 2021 was Rs 66000/- in level 7. Date of annual increment is in the month of July every year.
Sir, Which option will be more beneficial for me to take MACP from the date of Promotion or From the Date of next increment?
I would request you to please give suggestion for selecting the option.
If you’re not got any promotion from 7/12 to 7/21 with the option increment from January 2022 as 68000 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 and from (since same pay) of 68000 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 onwards benefits from 1/23 only.
Thank you very much for your kind reply.
Kindly suggest which option will be more beneficial for me to take MACP from the Date of Promotion or From the Date of next increment ?
Now the rules changed hence there’s no increment option from the promotion/MACP. As per the CCS RULE 10 previous six months basic pay should there for any next pay fixation. As I told JANUARY increment option will be future befits and also the date of birth may be in between January-june period of last retirement pay for pension.
I have joined the service on 02 July 2012 in level 8 and my current Basic Pay is rupees 62200/_.
As my MACP is due w.e.f. 02 July 2022, may I the upcoming Basic Pay?
Will I have an increment on 01 July 2022 to rupees 64100/_ and then MACP is fixed on this BP of 64100/_ and by which I am eligible for a revised BP of rupees 69200/_ w.e.f. 2 July 2022.
As per the new rules you will get 2 increments on 1-7-22 as 66100 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 and 1-7-23 DNI on 1-7-23 as 67200 in MATRIX LEVEL 8onwards.
I have got promotion in level 3, my current basic is 22800, and my promotional order published on jan- 7, 2022,
So which date of increment should prefer by me either January,2022 or July 2022. Which one is beneficial for me. Kindly help
Give JULY increment so 2increments first normal increment as 23500 & promotional increment as 24200 on 1-7-22 in MATRIX LEVEL 1 & DNI on 1-7-23 as 24500 in MATRIX LEVEL 3.
I was granted 3rd macp from level 3(B.Pay 36100) to level 4 w.e.f., 1.1.2021. I have exercised option to daw increment on july. I am going jon superannuation w.e.f., 31/01/2022. Please fix my pay on awarding macp
If you’re not got 4th pay fixation give July increment so you will get 2 increments on 1-7-21 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 since you are retiring on 31-1-22 next stage increment does not arise. Your last basic pay may be 38,300 & Pension on 1-2-22 as 50% as 19,150 plus 34 % D.R.
Respected Sir,
I have a doubt regarding MACP pay fixation.
If Mr. X is granted promotion from Level 4 to Level 5 (1st MACP) w.e.f 13.09.2021 as his current basic pay in September 2021 is Rs 35300/- in level 4 and he was getting an annual increment in the month of July every year.
What is more beneficial for the employee to take MACP from the date of Promotion or From the Date of next increment. I think the date of next increment will be more beneficial for him after a few months.
I would request you to please correct me if I am wrong.
Further, new DNI in both cases may kindly me provided .
Say to him, give opinion increment from January, then he will get from 1-1-22 as 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & from 1-1-23 as 35900 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards as per the new rules Only benefits to him.
Say to him that give increment option from January, then he will get from 1-1-22 as 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-1-23 as 35900 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards as per the new rules only benefited.
I Got my MACP on MAY 2018 Due on dated 01-01-2018 I gave the option on july 2018 to change my option from july 2018 to January 2018 Department did not change my option nowadays my increment date is JULY KINDLY INFORM ME I AM CENTRAL GOVT EMPLOYEE
As per your MACP due date it should be given increment option is July only. Also you got two increments on July 2018 so it could not given. If you’re getting next promotion in between July to December option will be eligible from January increment.
I am a retired government employee odisha government. join july 1986.after 15 years service I got TBA 2001 as per orsp rule 1996.sixth pay fix tion Pay band 5200/20200 grade pay 2200.sevent pay fixed 2017 pay band 5200/20200 grade pay 2200.basic pay 12040+grade pay 2200=14240×2.57=36800 +2 increment 39000pay.sir Racp.macp hone ka bad me Mera salary December 2017 me kitna hoga.total pay kitna hoga.
My basic is 50500 Gp 4200 and MACP due on 06.09.2021. What is my new basic after MACP?
If it is less than fourth upgradations of basic pay in service with January increment option so 1-1-2022 on 52,000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6.
Sir, Namaskar. I am a retired government employee of the Odisha state government. I join on 1/12/1990. After completing of 15 years service I got TBA in 2005 As per orsp rule 1996.As per Racp rule 2013. after completing of 20 years service I got an increment with grade pay of 4800. I got my normal regular promotion as per seniority on 1 /12/2015. And I join on 3/12/2015 with option to take my promotional increment after grant of my normal increment in February 2016. As my normal increment month is February. My office give me a promotional increment with same grade pay 4800. I retired from the government job before completing 30 years service. Pls tell me whether I will be eligible to get a promotional increment within 30years of service. As per Racp rule 2013 it is clearly mentioned that if anybody forgoes his normal promotion, he will not be able to get next MACP. And also Racp and Macp is allowed in absence of normal promotion. In Odisha state government. Pls, clarify to me how my pay will be fixed. As per orsp rule 2017.
Check up you might have been given additional increment on 1/12/2002 as first RACP on completion of 12 year & 2nd promotion on 2005 & 3 promotion on 3/12/15. Luckily you got 3 pay fixation in between 21 – 30 years. RACP/MACP will get given those who have not got any promotion in between 1989- 12years and from 1-9-2009 as 10 years respectively. Increment also changed from 1-1-2006 as in july month only.
Sir I was promoted as senior clerk my pay fixed as 29200 wef 1st october 2020 and my birth month is january, as i apply for january option for next increment which is beneficial for me or not and if effect when it is from
whether it is beneficial tome for is january or july increment
If it 1st/2nd promotion give increment option from July so you’ll be benefited from July 22 onwards. In retirement stage get benefits.
I was promoted in Level 10 on 01.07.2015 and was getting more pay. My junior was promoted on 01.07.2016 and start getting more pay due to the annual increment due on 01.01.2017 and getting a benefit of 6 months. Is this create an anomaly? as the anomaly order says that seniors may be promoted or after 01.01.2016.
Further at the intermediary promotion from 01.07.2019 and my junior from 01.07.2020 is still getting more pay from 01.07.2021.
Please advise from which date I can claim anomaly i.e. 01.01.2017 or 01.07.2021
Further, at the entry level post my junior was appointed earlier and getting more pay. But after limited departmental examination at promotion, he becomes junior to me in 2009 and starts getting less pay.
It will be occur due to joining month, upgradations of basic pay in view of promotion/MACP of option increment . But It will be adjusted in future promotion /MACP upgradations of basic for you or at the time of retirement. Those who are getting July increment option they wouldn’t get last increment and it will be loss of their last basic pay pension in lifetime.
I have been promoted as Head Clerk w.e.f 01.07.2018 level 6. My pay was fixed at the level 6 Rs 47600/- with giving any benefit. I got 3rd upgradation macp w.e f.01.09.2018 in level 7. Sir may please guide me the option for pay fixation is beneficial from date of macp or next increment. Which fails on 01.01.2019/01.07.2019
Since you got promotion on 1-7-18 give from January increment option so from 1-1-18 as 49000 & DNI on 1-1-19 as 49,000 in MATRIX LEVEL 7. Moreover you got promotion you’ve not eligible for 3rd MACP upgradations of basic pay on completion of 30th year. Only 3 upgradations of basic pay in service. Any how you’re in retiring stage JANUARY increment option is good. Otherwise you’re retiring on before June you will not get last increment for pension.
Dear Sir,
My basic pay on 01.07.2021 is 102500/- with grade pay 6600/- in pay level 11
I got 3rd MACP on 13.5.2021. on GP 6600/- (still to be implemented as the MACP proposal is yet to be approved by the competent authority)
what will be the pay fixed on 01.07.2021, I wanted fixation on 01.07.2021. i.e day of increment.
Kindly give details of fixation on my email. what is the best option I should exercise. please advice. My superannuation is on 30-06-2023
If you’re not got 3 upgradations of basic pay in and confirm your as on 30-6-21 as 99,500 than your normal increment in MATRIX LEVEL 11 on 1-7-21 as 102500. Give option increment from January 22 so you will fix at 102800 in MATRIX LEVEL 12. Than you will get increment on 1-1-23 as 105900 & you will not get July increment option on 1-7-23 in MATRIX LEVEL 12.
My Basic Pay is 27600 in level 2
My MACP Is due on 1September2020
What will be my next Basic & My DNI
January increment option. On 1-1-21 as 29,300 & DNI on 1-1-22 as 29,600.
Granted NFU from 4800 (PL-8) to 5400 (PL-9) w.e.f 30-5-2020. My basic pay was 76,500 in PL-8 with DNI 1-7-2020.
Though I opted my NFU pay fixation from the date of increment i.e. 1-7-2020, my pay was fixed at Rs.80,200 with DNI 1-7-21.
Is it correct ? .
No. 2 increments one in MATRIX LEVEL 8 & 2nd promotional increment in MATRIX LEVEL 9, 77,900 on 1-7-20 & DNI on 82,600.
Sir, I am a central govt employee. I got MACP on 21.01.2016 from level 7 to level 8. My basic pay on 01.01.2016 is 60400. My annual increment was in January every year. As per the latest circulars, what is my best choice of pay fixation? Pl.communicate clearly.
In the Central government increment has only july increment in the normal case if promotion arises only increment may be on January if the option given and there’s no basic pay of 80400 in MATRIX LEVEL 7.. Give correct pay details & where you are working.
Hello Sir, I am CPNADH working in Central Govt.
On 1st January, 2016, my basic pay was Rs.60,400 at Level 7. I came for eligibility of MACP to Level 8 on 21st January 2016. I was drawn old basic pay only from January 2016 to June 2016 (i.e., Rs.60400 at Level 7).
At the time of fixation, I was given Rs.64100 basic pay at Level 8 from July 2016 and every year in July I am getting one increment.
Based on recent Office Memorandums issued by Ministry of Fiance, Department of Expenditure on 31.07.2018 and further in 2019 and 2020 seeking option for fixation of pay either in January or July, I kindly request you to suggest me for better way of fixation of my pay.
Correct. Increment option July.
Thank you sir for your valuable suggestion. Pl.clarify further that I was drawn my MACP increment and annual (July) increment in July 2016, then when I get my next increment? Is it January 2017 or July 2017? I came to know that as per recent Memorandums of Ministry of Expenditure, the first increment shall be after 6 months of fixation.
July 2017. Annual increment always after one year only.
Dear Sir,
My basic pay on 01.07.2020 is 81200/- with grade pay 4800/-
I got 3rd MACP on 15.03.2020. on GP 5400/-
what will be the pay fixed on 01.07.2020, i wanted fixation on 01.07.2020. i.e day of increment.
Kindly give details of fixation on my email. what is the best option please advice as my superannuation is 31.01.2022.
Your normal increment on 1-7-20 as 83600 & DNI fixed pay as on 1-7-21 as 1-7-21 with 2increments in MATRIX LEVEL 9’as 87700. July increment option. It is beneficial but since you’re retirement on 31-1-22 this will be your last basic pay.
Dear Sir,
My basic pay on 01.07.2020 is 81200/- with grade pay 4800/-
I got 3rd MACP on 15.03.2020. on GP 5400/-
what will be the pay fixed on 01.07.2020, we i wanted fixation on 01.07.2020. i.e day of increment.
Kindly give details of fixation on my email. what is the best option please advice as my superannuation is 31.01.2022.
Dear Sir,
My basic pay on 03.05.2020 is 81200/- with grade pay 4800/-
I got 3rd MACP on 3.05.2020. on GP 5400/-
what will be the pay fixed on 01.07.2020, we i wanted fixation on 01.07.2020. i.e day of increment.
Kindly give details of fixation on my email. what is the best option please advice as my superannuation is 31.01.2022.
If you’re 3 upgradations of basic pay fixation in service with 2 increments on 86100 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 & DNI on 1-7-21 as 87700 in MATRIX LEVEL 9. July option is good. If you already got 3 promotions/upgradations of basic pay fixation in service no more changes in fixation.
My recruitment in railwayon 02/03/2006,i got my first macp in 2016 i have promotion in level-08 grade pay 4800 can i get promotion pay fixation in july 2021 please guide me
Yes, mention your promotion date & month? If it is January to June eligible for 2increments from 7/21 or july to December, January option is good.
My Date of Increment is 01 Jan of every year. If I got promotion or MACP between 02 Jul to 31 Dec, Can I opt to fix my pay after grant of annual increment.
Normally it will be eligible January increment option only. So two increments on January in old matrix level & DNI on next year January in higher matrix level of basic pay..
Sir Namaskar. I have got tba in 2005 and racp in 2013 with grade pay 4800 in odisha state government. My basic pay is Jan 16 is 17820+4800 GP. My normal increment month is February. I promoted on my normal promotion to same post and same grade pay 4800. On December 2015 and give options to take my pramotional increment after taking my normal increment. Can I am eligible for getting increment on my normal promotion before completing of 30years service in same post and same grade pay 4800. So Pls fix my pay as per orsp rule 2008 and 2017 and what is my lable and cell. And what is the actual amount. Waiting for your valuable help and Obliged.
As per your basic pay as on 1-1-2016 total pay of 58,133.40 fixed at stage 8 of 58,600 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 with increment as 60,400, 62,200, 64,100, 66,000, 68,000, and on completion of 3rd MACP as.on 1-1-2021 as 70,000 respectively stages 9 to 14 & in the years 2016 to 2021 .next DNI on 1-1-22 as 71,300 in MATRIX LEVEL 9. As you mentioned in same grade of promotion there’s no pay fixation and also inform that from the 6th CPC (there’s no pay scales of post/designation) upgradations of promotion/MACP changes. next Grade pay/ from 7th CPC as next MATRIX LEVEL changes respectively.
Sir Namaskar.I join in December 1990. I avail one tba in 2005 as per orsp rule 1998 after completion of 15 years service and 2nd racp in 2013 after completion of 20 years service and get my normal promotion in December 2015 and join in 3.12.2015. With take financial benefits from February 2016 because my normal increment in February. My basic pay in January 2016 is 17820+gp 4800 and in February 2016 after normal increment is 18500+gp 4800. I retired from service on 31.3.2019. Before completing of 30years service. I request you please clarify me whether I am eligible for getting normal increment in promotion before completing of 30years service with same grade pay 4800. Though the maximum grade pay 5400 in my scale which will be sanction after completion of 30years service. As per orsp rule 2017, after getting my normal increment in February my pay is fixed in 60400. In this stage can I am eligible to get my normal promotion increment in February 2016 and my pay fix in 62200. Sorry to disturb you. Waiting for your valuable information. Thanks.
Sir, Namaskar. I am a retired state government employees of odisha. I join in 1990 Dec 2nd. I am complited 15years service in 2005 and get tba. As per racp rule after completion of 20 years service I will get 2nd racp on 2.2.13 with with one increment and grade pay 4800. On 1st December 2015 I get my normal promotion on same post and with same grade pay 4800. I join on 3.12.2016 and give option to take my promotional increment after taking my normal increment in February. As my increment month is February. So Pls tell me how my pay will be fix as per orsp rule 2008 and 2017. Of Odisha state. Waiting for your valuable answer. With regards.
The Pay in applicable Level in Pay Matrix shall be the pay obtained by multiplying the existing basic pay (pay in pay pay band plus Grade pay) as on 1-1-2016 by a factor of 2.57 rounded off to the nearest rupee and the figure so arrived at will be located in that Level in Pay Matrix.. Next increment will be fixed in that Pay Matrix up to your retirement. In that stage of 50% as your Pension.
Sir,my macp 1 st in 4800 give in indian railway last 2016 march, now i m getting promotion of 4800 grade pay by administration,this time my basic pay 74300,my question is about how much my new basic pay after getting 4800 grade pay please telling me
You have not mentioned the date of promotion it depends upon your option increment. The stage after 76,500 & in the MATRIX LEVEL 9 (5400) in the next promotion. Since there’s no pay scales from the 6th CPC so same GRADE PAY may be charge as GP 5400 (MATRIX LEVEL 9) Nest stage 76,500 in January 22 & DNI January 23 as 77,900 in MATRIX LEVEL 9. If given option January increment.
Mrs anitha C. Pillay – 01 Oct 2020
Sir I have granted MACP wef 01 Feb 2020 my Matrix pay on 01 Feb 2020 is 68,000/- old gde pay was 4600/- i.e Level 7 Cell 15 Sir please how to calculate my fixation pay MACKP scheme wef 01 Feb 2020 as I have completed my 30 yrs of service on 01 Feb 2020 please
From 1-7-20 as rs.70,000 & as MACP upgraded pay as from 1-1-2021 as rs.72,100 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 of January increment option if you are not got 3 upgradations/promotion.. If have got already 3 promotions so as 1-7-21 as rs. 72,100 as normal increment only.
Sir I have got promotion from Junior Engineer (grade pay 4200) to Assistant Engineer (grade pay 4600) on 9.6.2020. I am opted my pay fixation date on the next increment date ie:; 1.7.2020. On the date of promotion, I have already drawn the grade pay 72100 Grade pay 4800 as per awarded by MACP. Hence it is requested may communicate my new pay fixation statement at an earliest
From 1-7-2021 as Rs.74,300/- plus D.A. 21% & applicable allowances as per the place of duty.
1 to 40 indicates stages in that matrix level to fix basic pay from that next stage is after increment. If you’re basic pay after upgraded pay will be fixing in next matrix level changes next stage of pay in that level. From the joined grade level you’re in third grade on completion of 20 years. After 30years your matrix will change next level. i.e. now your in matrix level 6 means after completion of 30th year you will be in 7 level and pay Wii be fixated next higher pay in that stage of pay.
Sir, I would like to ask about ser No 1 to 40. What indicates the Nos. On 1 Jan 2016, I have completed 25 years 8 months service and promted as Nb Sub (pay level-6) wef 01 Jan 2012. Promoted as MACP Nb Sub wef 01 Dec 2007. What should be the fixing of basic pay on 01 Jan 2016?