Yesterday (29.6.2016) the Cabinet gave its approval for implementation of 7th Pay Commission Recommendation for Central Staffs and Pensioners.
It was a shock to all central government servants that the Most Expected Fitment factor and Minimum Pay has been approved by cabinet without any change.
Further it has been decided that a Committee headed by cabinet Secretary will examine all the Allowances and it is directed to submit the report within four-month time.
Due to this, there is a confusion on payment of some allowances, particularly in respect of HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE and TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE
We have designed this calculator in order to calculate the HRA as per revised 7th CPC Basic Pay based on the rates prescribed for HRA by Sixth CPC.
Accordingly, the Transport Allowance also will be calculated as per 7th CPC revised Pay in revised rates.
Revised Basic Pay Calculator as per 7th CPC Gazette Notification
Fixation of pay in the revised pay structure : The pay in the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix shall be the pay obtained by multiplying the existing basic pay by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest rupee and the figure so arrived at will be located in that Level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any Cell in the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such Cell is available in the applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher Cell in that applicable Level of the Pay Matrix
[Note: All figures are indicative]
What will be the salary of an employee in j&k state selected under new job policy of (sro 202)of basic &grade pay(5200_20200) &(1900) respectively
Please make a new calculator for defence personnel.
As per 6th pay commission i am taking TA 1600+DA on TA@125% Rs. 2000=Rs.3600 but as per 7th cpc recomandations i am loosing the TA RS.2250 because of my TA reduced to Rs. 1350 at higher TPTA cites in PB-II
Now minimum pay is 15750(5200 basic +1800 Grade pay +8750 as DA, 125%of basic and grade pay). Now pay commission increased to 18000 ie 2250 extra or 14. 2%.Cutting of salary increased upto 2000 rupies extra. . Last increased before 10 years, nest will increase after 10 years. . 2nd pay commission increased 14.2 %. 3rd increased 20.6%,4th is 27.6%,5th is 31%, 6th is 54%, now 7th is 14.2% . How is this happened… 7th cpc calculate expense of 4 members family for festivals, ceremonies, education, medical and food to determine minimum pay. In his submitted report says this is 24000 rupies. Report says no need for pay for education and medical because education allowance available and medical festivities available. So he reduced minimum pay to 18000 rupies. Govt spend for both matter below 1% of total salary, but he reduced 25%salary. If child not studing 1to10th class, his matter is GOVINDA. If child studying he gets only 25%expence due to Govt ask bill for all expenses. Due to poor control, poor facilities and British rules our medical expenses and risk increased than normal people. Risk of life in an emergency is increased than normal people. . If allowance starting for festivals and ceremonies, cpc can reduce minimum salary to 12000, and Govt can decrease expense for this below 1% of total salary. If he noticed food items gets in ration shop, he can further reduce to minimum salary to below 8000 rupies. He didn’t consider new expenses for phone, Internet,vehicle, DTH service. . What is the difference between new and old pension… This 14.2% increased benefits gets only old pension schemes. For old pension, Govt spend 10%for PF and more than 50% for pension of total spend both pension and salary. But for new pension Govt spend only 10%of total salary amount both for pension and PF.If new new pension scheme employees think he wants equal benefits as old pensioners after retirement he should save minimum 30% of his salary. So he gets 16% reduced benefits after adding 14.2% benefits of 7th cpc. . Railway reduced its strength 17 lakhs to 13 lakhs. In this period line strength increased 50% more. Travelers strength increased to more than double. ………………………….I advise to cpc please provides pay allowance 1000 rupies per month you can reduces salary to zero.
this calculater seems to be in higher side. AS this calculator shows HRA @ 30% for A class instead of 24% as rocommended by 7 CPC and its almost certain it will not go beyond that according to the cabinet decision.
The new calculator shows HRA @30% for A class cities instead 24% as recommended by the 7 cpc
Points seeking for clarification: I understand that revised pay would be higher of the two amounts worked out based on the following methods: (i) 2.57 times the basic pay plus grade pay as on Jan 01,2016 & (i) Minimum revised basic pay in the related grade plus number of increments one earned in the revised pay scale. It is reported that the increment value to be applied is at 3%. It is not clear whether the rate of 3% shall be worked out based on the initial pay in the grade or on the pay inclusive of increments earned up to the stage of granting increment.