Equivalent Pay Scales of 4th and 5th Pay Commission for CG Employees
4th Pay Commission’s Pay Scale Table and the corresponding pay scales of 5th CPC
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Equivalent Pay Scales of 4th and 5th Pay Commission for CG Employees
4th Pay Commission’s Pay Scale Table and the corresponding pay scales of 5th CPC
My basic pay was RS. 2540 in 1991 in the pay scale of 2000-3500(S-12).
Could you please let me know what is the pay in 1994 where in my promotion was confirmed as JSW IN THE SAID PAY SCALE ? IN 1996 PAY WAS FIXED AS 2750 as against the pay worked out RS. 2675. as per the records kept in OFFICE ( MES, MIN OF DEFENCE ) at GE( AF) HEBBAL, HQTC, BANGALORE
It is very much feasible to find the number of increments got at the time of retirement from the PPO book of the pensioners. There is scale of pay, last pay in the scale. So, it is very easy to find out the number of increments got in that scale of pay..
Pay Scale of Rs.5900-200-6700 had only four increments to reach top of the scale and thereafter stagnant pay of Rs. 200 was allowed after each interval of 2 years. I spent 8 Years in the grade. 7th, Pay commission collates number of increments in earlier scale for arriving at presumptive pay in revised pay scale for fixing revised pension. It should be No of Years spent in the old pay scale rather than No. of Increments.
4th pay commission S27 had only 4 increments. It was followed by stagnation increments once in every two years. It means the maximum for that scale was exceeded.
The 5th Pay commission changed it to S29 with 8 increments.
How the 7th Pay Commission would consider these cases for fitment?
As I retired in 1995, I would like to be enlightened.
My point employees get stagnetion increment after 2yrs How to calculate vii pay com.yrs service in benifit matrix
What about stagnent increment ,ie every 2yrs calculate .silent pl clarify.& Revise fixation
pre-06pensioner concurant table based on last basic pay at retiremet.Thanks for providing very useful tool.