Prime Minister’s Assurance on One Rank One Pension
‘After hoisting the national flag at the Red Fort, the Prime Minister addressed the nation. Here are excerpts from the speech.’
“A number of governments have come and gone before us. They have all dealt with the One Rank One Pension problem. The scheme was presented to all of them. Each of those governments has given small assurances and promises on it, but the problem was never solved.
“I too give my word on this occasion, but this is not the word of an individual. This is the promise of this country of 125 crore people and I’m saying this as I stand in front of the tricolour at the Red Fort. We will accept and implement the One Rank One Pension policy. Talks are on with a number of organizations regarding this.
“The results of this talk will be in such a manner that it will support the development of one and all. Based on the talks, I’m convinced that good results will come out of it.
“Let me assure once again that One Rank One Pension policy has been accepted by the government. We will implement it after analyzing the main critical issues involved in it and talking to the stakeholders concerned.”
Dear Sir,
14213875P Ex Havaldar Mahendra Pratap Singh, joined army on 9th June 1971 and was discharged on medical ground on 6th June 1992 with 30% disability.
I humbly request information regarding what will be my probable basic pension after implementation of OROP.
Kindly provide the needful.
Mahendra Pratap Singh
Sir old chack man orop binefit only income tax claer very rich man Indian city big home today govt servant one room city dreem sir 7cpc central govt house sceem poor sarvants group c-d only
Dear Sir,
Pensioners’ too live peacefully after retirement. All retired persons are not having own house. For the person who are not having own house govt must consider for giving rental allowance along with pension as per 7 cpc norms. Hope this factor must consider by 7 cpc.
Also now the rules in vogue for crossing 80 years of age must be reduced to 70 yrs or 75 years for addl benefit of pension in their old age
for maintaining them. Hence this issue may kindly be revised and give benefit for very senior citizens of India.
My request is very genuine one and 7 cpc mus consider the above two issues and outcome of 7 cpc be expected favourably.
Thanking you,
It is true every successive Govt ‘s failed to implement OROP and same thing is being done by the present Govt . Implementation is denied and delayed for one reason or the other though agreed in budgetary declaration of 2014 by UPA and 2015 by NDA.A nation wide call should be given to ex servicemen , war widows and family pensioners to assemble in Delhi to press for immediate implementation of OROP.