Placement of Pharmacists in the Entry Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-(NFG) on completion of 2 years service in the Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-
In terms of Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/10 dated 0.03.2010, the Pharmacists (Entry Grade) in the pre-revised scale ₹4500–7000 have been granted Grade Pay ₹ 2800 in Pay Band-1 (₹5200-20200) w.e.f.01.01.2006. On completion of two years of regular service in the Grade Pay of ₹2800, the Pharmacists (Entry Grade) in PB-1 (₹5200-20200) are eligible to be granted non-functional upgradation to the next higher Grade Pay of ₹4200 in the Pay Band-2 (₹9300-34800)
- A reference has been received from NFIR stating that some of the Zonal Railways are insisting on rendering of two years service by the Pharmacists in Grade Pay ₹2800 for being placed in Pay Band-2, Grade Pay ₹4200 in the revised pay structure ignoring the service rendered by them in the pre-revised pay scale ₹4500-7000 and requested for issue of suitable clarification to the effect that the service put in by them in pre-revised scale of ₹4500-7000 which corresponds to Grade Pay ₹2800/- should also be taken into account for counting two years service in Grade Pay ₹2800 stipulated in Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/10 dated 30.03.2010.
- The matter has been considered in Board’s Office and it is clarified that the regular service rendered by the Pharmacists in the pre-revised scale ₹4500-7000 should be counted as service in Grade Pay of ₹2800 for being placed in Non-functional Grade of Pharmacists in Pay Band-2 (₹9300-34800), Grade Pay ₹4200 in terms of Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/10 dated 30.03.2010.
- This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
Revised pay structure of the Pharmacists Cadre.
While approving the Report of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Government referred the matter related to the pay scale of Pharmacists to a Fast Track Committee.
Based on the decision of the Government, on the recommendations of the Fast Track Committee, Ministry of Railways with the approval of the President have decided the following pay structure for the posts of Pharmacists cadre on the Railways w.e.f. 1.1.2016:-
Consequent upon the implementation of the above pay structure, promotion from Pharmacist (Entry Grade) to the next higher grade of Pharmacist (Non-functional Grade) having grade pay of Rs.4200 will be delinked from vacancies and will become non-functional and time-bound.
The posts of Chief Pharmacist in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 will be placed in Grade Pay Rs.4600 in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/8 dated 22.12.2009. Further, as stipulated in note 2 under schedule circulated vide Annexure ‘B’ of Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2008/I/RSRP/1 dated 11.09.2008 in case a post already existed in the pre-revised scale of Rs.7450-11500, the posts being upgraded from the scale of Rs.6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500.
This issues in consultation with Establishment, Management Services and Health Directorates and concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.