7th CPC Pension Arrears Calculator 2017
We have designed an another simple online tool for Pre-2016 Pensioners to find out their pension and arrears from 1.1.2016.
As per the Pensioners Portal Order dated 12.5.2017, Pension can be calculated in two options. Old formulation already implemented by the Govt to the Pre-2016 Pensioners, pension was determined by multiplying the pension/family pension as had been fixed at the time of implementation of the recommendations of the 6th CPC by 2.57.
Now, it has been decided to revise the pension for Pre-2016 pensioners by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th CPC. Arrears would be admissible w.e.f.1.1.2016.
Sir your phone no is 9 digit please me correct no.plese .i am vety sorry to you previous comment. Your no is 0444 55546 is correct.
Mr.m.k.Kumar sir you are knowing answer to my question please tell me not knowing please keep silence. I know very well to contact ex retd employee. But i try to contact 31 12 2015 retirees in gp 4200 macp 01.9.2008
I met some emploees .he did not know any thing.contact office staff did not tell any thing .cpao grievance toll free no 1800117788 trying many time no response what will you do please tell me..sorry for the disterbence
If you’re getting revised notional pension of Rs.44,900/- from 1-1-2016. I told you your ex-employer means were you worked office not retired employee. Further you have still doubt contact me phone no. 044455546.
Sir i am retd 31.5.2015 basic 20170 gp4200 in 6th cpc .5th cpc 6500_10500 basic in 6cpc 4200gp corresponding gp 4600 merging as per govt order concordence table 24/25.in. 01.o9.2008 promotion 4200 gp macp i get. Some messages macp elgible 2006 it is correct or not.please due to national bases .
Change my basic elgible arear or not pl tell me ph no 9346869937 addres no1.13.19 B/1
Kapuwada skzr 504296 Telangana s c rly.
Contact your ex -employer.
Why pension payment is not given on the of Notional basis. Please give reason. On Notional basis calculation is beneficial to the retirees.
Sir, as psu absorbee my notional pay is fixed as 2200 as on 1.1.86 4th cpc. I left railway job in 1981 after 16 year service. What should be my notional pay on 1.1. 96, 1.1.2006 and 1.1
2016 5th cpc , 6th cpc and 7th cpc respectively? Kindly advise me for pension calculation. I fall in level 6 pay in 7th cpc. Initial scale in 3rd cpc was 550 _ 750
I am a civilian family pensioner.My husband died on 21.06.1983.while in service.Atthat time my basic family pension was RS.291/_.He had put on 20years& 12days of service.His pay scale was mentioned as2000_3200 as per order it.01 09.2008.My basic family pension was RS.1964/_as per DP&PW OMNo.45/86/97P&PW(A) Part 3dt.10.02.98.In 6thCPC my basic family pension was enhanced twice as RS.4440/-&RS.4880/-respectively.In 7th CPC my basic family pension is RS.12560/-.Is there any further enhancement in my basic family pension ? Kindly let me know .
Normally, the Pay disbursing officer will send the Revised Pension orders to the banks well in advance. The banks will pay the revised pension . In my case, (CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, TN) orders have already been sent in the first week of this month to the individual pensioners with a copy to the pension disbursing Banks. Most probably CSIR-CECRI pensioners will get the revised pension this month end and also two months of arrears (Sept and Oct 2017) along with the Nov pension.
Most probably the grade pay has been taken as rs4800, but it should be taken as 5400 as per level 9 of matrix table as I retired as accounts officer on 30/11/2004
Dear Sir,
I would humbly request, if you could throw some light on the subject to say if & when this decree of AFT Chandigarh is going to see the light of the day.
Sqn Ldr (Retd)B L Sadhu(12486) Lgs
– Chandigarh
Subject – “Pre-1996 retired majors to get pension of lieutenant colonels: AFT
“Ajay Sura | TNN | Updated: Jun 4, 2017, 01.13 PM IST
CHANDIGARH: Erasing pension disparity between two groups of majors who retired before 2006, the Chandigarh bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) has directed the government to bring the pension of pre-1996 retired majors having 21 years of commissioned service or more at par with that of lieutenant colonels. The order is applicable from January 2006.
The AFT bench, comprising Justice Bansi Lal Bhat and Lt-Gen Sanjiv Chachra (retd), passed these orders while allowing a petition filed by Major Tarlok Singh and others.
In 1997, the ministry of defence (MoD) had issued a letter granting pay of lieutenant colonel to majors who had completed 21 years of service. These officers were consequently given pension at par with lieutenant colonels. This, however, resulted in a huge disparity following implementation of the 6th Central Pay Commission.
In 2013, the MoD issued fresh orders for release of lieutenant colonels’ pension to majors with more than 21 years of commissioned service with effect from January 2006. But this only applied to those who had retired between 1996 and 2006, thereby splitting the homogeneous category of pre-2006 retirees of the same rank into two groups. While majors with 21 years of service, who retired between 1996 and 2006 were granted a pension of Rs 26,265 per month, those who retired prior to 1996 got Rs 18,206 per month.
Based on law laid down by the Supreme Court, the AFT bench held that it would be discriminatory to make such a division among pre-2006 retirees based on a cut-off date. In its order released on Friday, the bench has directed that the pension applicable to Lt Cols being granted to majors who retired between 1996 and 2006 be extended to pre-1996 cases also from January 2006.
The AFT has further directed the MoD to extend the benefit to all retirees without forcing them into litigation. The defence services headquarters had taken up this anomaly with the MOD time & again but nothing happened.”
The calculater is useful. Of course departments may take a Little bit of time to issue the revised PPOs. I thank GOI for this decision. Waiting.
How long it is going to take the concerned P&AOs to issue the revised PPOs of the pensioners? Or will the concerned pension disbursing banks themselves calculate the pension on the formula indicated and disburse pension arrears provisionally with provision for adjustment of the total arrears thereafter as is the normal practice. Otherwise it is going to take long time for issuance of revised PPOs by which time some pensioners would die. Wish if this could be done at the earliest so that pensioners are able to see and if required represent in case of wrong calculations since in case of some pensioners there is one in their families to do so in case someone dies. Will the concerned authorities look into this aspect?
In the case of 6th CPC, the manner of initial fixation of pay in the revised pay structure has been indicated in rule 7 of the CCS (RP) Rules 2008. On the basis of this rule, detailed fixation tables were annexed to this OM. It was clarifed,in OM No. F No.1/1/2008-1C dt 13/10/2008, that in the case of posts upgraded as per 6th CPC recommendations, the fitment table attached with OM dt 30/08/2008 -corresponding to the prerevised scale shall be used for determination of pay in the pay band. To the pay in the pay band so determined, the grade pay corresponding to the upgraded post is to be added and that will be the revised pay in the upgraded post. An illustration has also been given in the OM. A large no common categories of posts as well as other posts were thus upgraded. I find that in the preparation of notional pay of pre 1996/2006 pensioners this aspect has been missed out. For example, in the case of 4th PC pay scale 1400/2300 for Head Clerks, the 5th PC scale of 4500/7000 has been upgraded into the higher scale (in PB 2) and therefore after initial determination of pay in the revised pay structure the higher grade pay of Rs.4200/- should be added and notional pay as on 1/1 2006 should be fixed accordingly. It is also seen that in some other websites this aspect has been taken into account, thereby allowing a higher pension. Kindly re-examine.
The calculator is wrong. The notional pay calculated under the 6th CPC is not based on the fitment tables issued by Ministry of Finance vide OM no. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30.8.2008. For example, for a person who retired in 2005 on a basic pay of Rs. 22900 (5th CPC Scale S-29 Rs.18,400-500-22,400 with one stagnation increment), the notional pay under 6th CPC will be Rs. 63,410 and not Rs. 52,600 as shown in your table. The corresponding 7th CPC notional pay is Rs. 1,67,200 (Level 14, Index 6 in the Pay Matrix). This gives a revised basic pension of Rs. 83,600 and family pension of Rs. 50,160 w.e.f. 1.1.2016. Kindly correct the calculator and arrears tables accordingly. Thanks.
Sir, I Retired on 30.04.2014. In the Paymatrix Level 13, as on Cabinet decision the Paymatrix of Level will be calculated by 2.67 and then calculate according to the Basic before fixing Pension basic, At the time of Retired my Basic is Rs 50260/- then if multiple by 2.67 =Rs 134194.20 is coming ,this is according to Notional fix to the near by Paymatrix of Level 13 my Baisc may fix by Rs 134500/-.then fixing my Basic pension Rs 67250/-.has to come, pl look intothat my case.
Thank you
While preparing the Pension calculator, you have not taken the orders of bunching into consideration. Kindly refer to para 4 of the OM dated 12.5.17 and para 5.1.36,5.3.37 of the 7th CPC and confirm whether the pensioners are aligible for bunching.
The last table has been correvted npw thanls.
Calculator does not work for Pay Band IV
I had selected to continue old pay scale till the date of next increament .i had been promoted on 22.1.2016. I want to revise my option to enter in seven pay commission. can I submit revise option
Pl.correct as 82550/- in place of 49530/- in basic pension as per new formulation in table no.1
82550/- in place of 49530/-in table no.2
In pension new formulation column 82550/- in place of 49530/-in table no.4
In the last table you have comparedfamily pension wotj pensiom of a survovor pemsioners. Please make the corrections.
Sir,I was joined army. DT 22-11-1980 retired on 30-11-1997. (17yrs). As per 7thcpc at will be my basic pension? Let me know sir that s