Payment of Allowances in Revised pay may satisfy the Government Staff
It is believed that Payment of Allowances in Revised pay may at least satisfy the Government Staff, despite the fact that the Pay Hike is not sufficient.
Bapus are annoyed about the inordinate delay in announcing Allowances. Talks are doing rounds that the government is deliberately playing the delaying tactics to make the CG Staff to accept the decisions of Allowance Committee.
Central Staff upset with Pay Hike
Already the Central Government Staff are very much upset with Pay Hike recommended for next Ten Long years.
They in fact are not happy about the Arrears paid to them. Though the Govt has defended that the Pay Revision arrears will not be as high as in previous Pay Commission, because Arrears for couple of years had been paid in previous Pay Commission.
But this time Pay Revision took place within seven months from the due date. So obviously the Pay Revision Arrears will be lesser than previous Pay Commission.
Though a Committee was formed to review the Minimum Pay and Fitment Factor, it is believed that it was wrapped up already. But the federations are Optimistic.
They expect somehow the Committee will help them to pacify the Govt Servants on this particular issue.
But nonpayment of Allowances in revised Pay will certainly axe the feel good factor in Central Government Offices.
They are started losing patience over it and expect the government to announce it soon. Because the take home pay after pay revision is unbelievably very low comparing to the previous Pay commission.
The Central government should not reduce the rate of Allowances and it should be implemented with effect from 1.1.2016
Click to view List of all 7th CPC Allowances
We were getting 30% HRA on the pre revised basic pay only. The VII CPC recommended 24% HRA on the pre revised Basic Pay +125% D.A + Fitment benefit which forms the revised basic pay at 2.57 factor under VII CPC.. This 24% on VII CPC basic pay actually comes to more than double the HRA amount we were already drawing under VI CPC.
. Why the employees associations fail to understand this.. Because of their foolish protest the HRA at the new rate is delayed for which the employees associations should be held solely responsible.
it is difficult to arrive for a solution reg allowances – all the essential allowances should be retained as they are – i undrestand the huge amount has to be spared when there is any hike in allowances of 48 lakhs of c. g. employees excluding defence people (still more when taken into account ). At the same time only way is comparison and analysis of both 6 cpc and 7 cpc will pave the way (percentage wise )to get it. in this angle top people should think and act.
very good suggession for employees to compnsate otherwise but what about the poor pensioners?
How to compensate…as no T.A