Pay Fixation on MACP as per 6th Pay Commission – Some Illustrations
Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)
MACP clarifications are given with useful illustrations for Defence Civilian Employees. This type of explanations is very useful to know and clarify the doubts of the new scheme. Wittingly to clear in the particular subject, because it is connecting with lifetime promotion of every employee.
This scheme for career upgradations to Central Govt. employees was introduced with effect from 1-09-2008 with introduction of revised pay rules 2008.
This scheme has replaced earlier scheme of Assured Career Progression Scheme of August 1999.
Under this scheme, an employee would get at least three career upgradations during his entire service on completion of 10,20 and 30 years of service.
Under this scheme an employee would be placed in next higher grade pay on completion of 10 years in previous grade and in case of no promotion has been offered to him.
a. Illustrations of Grant of MACP – Illustration – 1
In case of recruitment of an individual in Grade Pay (GP) of Rs.4200 with no promotion for 10 years,
1st financial upgradation after 10 years with GP-Rs.4600;
2nd financial upgradation after (10+10) 20 years with GP- Rs.4800;
3rd financial upgradation after (10+10+10) 30 years with GP- Rs.5400.
Illustration – 2
In case of recruitment of an individual in Grade Pay (GP) of Rs.4200 with first promotion after 5 years with GP of Rs. 4600,
The promotion will be considered as 1st financial upgradation;
2nd financial Up gradation after (5+10) 15 years with GP-Rs.4800;
3rd financial up-gradation after (5+10+10) 25 years with GP-Rs.5400.
Illustration – 3
In case of recruitment of an individual in Grade Pay (GP) of Rs.4200 with 1st promotion in 5 years with GP-Rs.4600 and 2nd promotion after 8 years,(5+8=13 years) with GP of Rs.4800,
He will get only 3rd financial up-gradation after (5+8+10) 23 years with GP-Rs.5400.
b. Norms for grant of MACP
The financial up gradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness in the hierarchy of pay band and grade pay.
The only benchmark of “Good” would be applicable till the grade pay of Rs.6600 in PB-3.
The benchmark will be “Very Good” for financial upgradation to the grade pay of Rs.7600 and above.
However, if the financial upgradation under the MACPS also happen to be in the promotional grade and benchmark for promotion is lower than the benchmark for granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in Para 17 of the scheme, the benchmark for promotion shall apply to MACP also.
c. Clarifications on MACP
If the promotional hierarchy as per recruitment rules is such that promotions are earned in the same grade pay, then the same shall be counted for the purposes of MACP.
Only the continuous regular service is counted towards qualifying service and the regular service shall commence from the date of joining in direct entry grade on the MACP envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay as given in Section1, Part A of first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008.
Financial upgradation will also be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years in the same grade pay.
Only regular service rendered in the Central Govt. Department/Office would be counted for the purposes of grant of MACP.
All tenures spent on deputation, Foreign Service, study leave, all kind of leave, shall be included in the regular service.
d. The benefits of MACP are admissible upto HAG scale of Rs. 67000-79000.
All cases of grant of promotions/ACPs under pre-revised pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000, Rs. 6500-10500 and Rs. 7400-11500 and if those merged w.e.f. 1-1-2006 would be ignored for purpose of grant of financial upgradation under the scheme.
Sir I joined as Gr. D on 1991 pay level 2 thereafter I promoted to pay level 4 on 1994 which is taken as 1st macp on 01-09-2008 notionally granted 2nd macp when the macp scheme came in existance. Therrafter I did not get any promotion till date kindy intimate from which date my 3rd macp counted/ granted.
It may be in the year 2022 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 depends upon your month of joining. If it may be with 2increments in july 2021 or January 2022 one increment in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & with one increment option January 22 or July 22 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 at located basic pay.
sir my pay fixsation 2 nd macp 12 04 2009 sro raipur n s s o office and regular increment due after 6 th month but till date no increment recived please guid me.
Check up have you got any punishment for any mis behaviour or any mis conduct in your service.
I have joined as clerk in March 1994 in scale 3050 . I got first ACP in March 2006 in the pay scale 4500 (old scale) my office fixed my salary after 6th pay commission in sep 2009 with new pay scale in grade pay 2800 with 3% increment I got regular promotion in 2008 then I have no change in pay because I have already taken two increments in that scale in 2007 and 2008 now letter issued by ministry of finance in OM no.8-23;dated 28/09/18 in which mof clarify that ur benifit from date of promotion or MACP or hierarchy but office seeking clarification from Directorate that no word use in this letter ACP. please guide me at this stage because I have already in loss of minimum two increments at this stage.
It is understood. ACP is for those who are not got promotion of 12 years from 9/99 to 31/08/2007 & from MACP from 1/9/2008 for those who have not got promotion as 10 years as upgradation as fixation of basic pay.
Mention your last basic pay (at the time of retirement), It seems your service mentioned above is only 12 years, for 12 years Pension is not given as per the pension rules.
Further to my previous reply again informing you that your pension is Rs.9,000/- P.M. from 1/1/2019 with resent formula with calculations in topic “7TH CPC FIXATION’. If you have attained the age above 80 to 100, you will get additional percentages of pension.
My Date of joining in govt. service as SI in Statistics Department is 23/08/1988 in Pay scale Rs.1400-9000, 1st ACP given on 23/08/2000 with pay scale Rs.6500-10,500 of next post S.O, 2nd MACP given on 23/08/2008, 1st promotion received as per High Court direction w.e.f from 12/5/2004 during 2009. 2nd promotion given during 2012 in Rs.6500-10500(Pay anomaly exists and yet to be rectified and also not merged)as DD. what are the Pay Scale and Grade pay to be given for these posts during 5th and 6th CPC for SI, S.O and DD posts as our entry Edn. Qualification in S.I itself is Post Graduation in Maths/Economics/Statistics since S.O and DD post are in the same Pay scale from 01.01..1996 and SI and S.O. Posts are kept in same Grade Pay 4200/- from 01/01/2006 without any action from Govt. from 01/01/1996 to till date.Pl. clarify and guide me to get remedy.
After completion of training I was posted in grade 425-700 (present GP-4200/-) on 13.04.1983 in Railways. I was promoted in grade 550-750 (Present GP-4200/-) in May 1986. Further promoted on adhoc in 700-900 (Present GP-4600/- )in ex-cader post. Since then I am working on adhoc in same grade (GP-4600/-) in ex- cader post. Kindly guide me since when I would be entitle of all MACPs.
You have got 3 pay fixations, so you are not eligible for MACPS. First Promotion shown.425-700 in 3rd CPC it was in 6th CPC GP 2800 not 4200.
Sir, I joined Govt Service in the year 1997 in Grade Pay 4200/- I was promoted in September 2003 and my grade pay was enhanced to Rs 4600.. In the year 2013 I was granted 2nd MACP and my pay was fixed after giving one increment of 3% plus the difference of grade pay of Rs 4800- Rs 4600 under Pay Band 2.
I got regular promotion to the Grade Pay of 5400/- under PB 3 in August 2016. At the time of promotion, I was not given an increment by my department citing the reason that I was given MACP of Rs 4800/- under Pay Band 2 so as per MACP OM of 2009, I was not eligible for one increment. My pay was fixed in the next cell matrix of Level 10 from the Cell matrix of Level 9.
My question is- am I eligible for grant of 1 increment at the time of my promotion in August 2016 when my pay band changed from PB-2 to PB-3..
No increment. From 1/9/2008 O.M. in MACP Scheme additional increment given and basic pay fixed to next level. Normal promotions are no monitory benefits only designation changes in view of the vacant post/retirement. Now your level 9 only. In Service one has get only three promotions or 3 MACP of every completion of 10 years. You are UPGRADED from GP 1) 4200 to 4600, 2) 4600 to 4800, & 3) 4800 to 5400 matrix levels 7,8 & 9. Every year upto retirement you will get stages of increments in level 9.
sir I was not given the 1st MACP and the office told me that since you have been promoted you will get not get the first MACP. You will get MACP in 2013. Accordingly when the MACP was given in 2013, they termed it as 2nd MACP.
There was one error in my submission earlier, I was promoted in august 2016 from grade pay of 4800/- in Level 8 to Grade Pay of Rs 5400 in Level 10. Since there was a change in the Pay Band, I should have been given one increment at the time of promotion. Recently there was a circular of the Govt of India wherein those promoted between 1.1.16 till 25.7.17 were given the option to submit their revised option. I have given my option for fixation of pay from DNI. Will my pay be fixed as per this OM by giving me one increment of the lowest post and placing me in the next cell of Level 10 under PB-3.
Check up with your basic pay with GP 4800 as on 31/12/2015 x 2.57 fixed at level 8 in one increment and fixed in the level 9 on your promotion date (first they might have been given 3% of old pay then they changed). Further this is to inform you that you cannot be in LEVEL 10 because that level is only for Group A entry I. e. new recruits ( ₹ 15600 – 39100 PB 3). Moreover check up with your basic pay in this site 7thCPC PROMOTION OR MACP OPTION CALCULATOR & OPTION FOR FIXATION OF PAY ON PROMOTION FROM THE DATE OF NEXT INCREMENT.. DO IT I & INFORM FOR SATISFACTION. OTHERWISE mention your basic pay with GP total as 31/12/2015 & inform the date of promotion, I will do the calculations extractly as on date.
Latest Min. Of Finance O.M. No.F.No.25-2/2017-IC/E.III(A) Ft. 18/6/2018 whether this order is suitable to your department,on completion of 4 years in GP 4800 it will be of GP 5400 LEVEL 9 from 1/1/2016 to you also.
Further this is to inform you that since you have promoted on 2003 you should not given MACP on 2007 & your 2nd MACP on 2017 at that time additional one increment should be given in level 8. Since there’s no promotional benefits from 6th CPC & 7th CPC because there’s no pay scales for the separate posts, only for new entries/recruiter’s having entry pay with GP. It seems your office had not followed the rules properly, in future you will have recovery. Sorry to inform you earlier.
Joined in Govt. organization 0n 30th Jan1989,In a cadre hierarchy was as follows: Rs.5000-8000 (revised GP 4200) Rs.5500-9000 (revised GP 4200) Rs.6500-10500 ( revised Up graded GP 4800 w.e.f.01-01-2006) and Rs.7500-12,500 (revised Up graded GP 5400) w .e.f. 01-01-2006,in 6th pay commission. What would be the 1st financial up gradation under the ACPS for a Government employee recruited in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5000- 8000, who has completed his 12 years of regular service on 12.04.2001 is 4800/-(in promotional hierarchy) or GP 4600/- after completion of 10 yrs of Govt.Service,kindly clarify; employee is pressing to grant 4800/-in promotional hierarchy ;it In terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.3 issued vide DOPT’s O.M. No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 9.9.2010, the benefits of ACPS would be applicable in the new pay structure adopted w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in the promotional hierarchy.
Kindly clarify it through mail at the earliest
As per you have been appointed in 1989 it was in 4th CPC treated your GP as 2400 on completion of 12 years ACP on 1/2001 upgraded as GP 2800 and 2nd MACP on completion of 10 years on 1/2011. The illustrations shown in the O.M was in the 4th CPC scales you meaned as 5th CPC scale. Effects from 1/1/2006 of GP 1800 for GROUP D only in last para of O.M. Moreover for military service they have given ACP/MACP w.e.f 1/1/2006 for them 8/16/24 years upgradations.
I Joined Govt. organization 0n 30th Jan1989, a promotional cadre hierarchy was as follows: Rs.5000-8000 (pre-revised) Rs.5500-9000 (pre-revised) Rs.6500-10500 (pre-revised) and Rs.7500-12,500 (pre-revised )
After 6th pay Commission i.e from 01.01.2006 the revised promotional cadre hierarchy is
9300-34,800/- with G.P 4200/- in PB-2,and with a G P. 4800/- in PB-2 and next with group “A” G,P,5400/- In PB-3 –
The 1st financial up gradation under the ACPS, on completion of 12 years of regular service on 30-0-2001 is with a GP 4800/- in PB-2(in promotional hierarchy) and subsequently GP Rs. 5400 in PB-2 and %$00/-in PB-3 on completion of 20 and 30 years of Service ; on MACP it In terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.3 issued vide DOPT’s O.M. No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 9.9.2010, the benefits of ACPS would be applicable in the new pay structure adopted w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in the promotional hierarchy. is it true kindly clarify ?
I retired on 30-4-2006. I joined my service on 14 – 1 1965. period between 14-1-1965 to 13-7-1967 was training period. As per our service rules this period is considered as regular service. I was graded in scale of 250-350 after completion of training. In my whole service I got 4 promotions as per existing grades at that time. After 6th cpc all the grades were merged and if now it is seen I got only two (2) promotions.I was not granted any benefit of ACP. Now I want to know if I am entitled for any benefit of ACP or MACP as per recommendation of 6 CPC. Kindly guide so that I may apply accordingly. thanks
I was enrolled in the Army on 28 Sep 1985. I was promoted in the rank Nk WWF 01 Apr 1992 and Hav ildar WWF 01 Mar 1996. Pl confirm whether I am applicable for gtd MACP with effect which date while I was promoted to Nb Sub WWF 01 Sep 2008 as per latest court order in the month of Dec 2017 last year. However, I have completed 12 years and 05 months of service in one rank (ie Hav).
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I have joined as Jr Clerk 26/02/l985 in State Government. . I got 1st ACP on 26-02-1985 and fix my basic pay 4000-6000.on 26/02/1985. Lateron I am on Transfered in DRT Aurangabad Central Government with request new opering Later on with on 13/02/2003 promoted as as UDC already ACP granted hence same pay o pay is fixed.
Kindly inform me on which date MACP is grant to me with rule of MACP, I am working in continous service. I Have completed 24 years service on 26/02/2009. On which date macp is grant to me.
I appointed as LDC in 03-05-2000 under Autonomous Body under MoD with the pay scale of 3050-75-3950-80-4590 as per Vth Pay commission and worked till 30-09-2010.
What should my basic pay after fixation in VI pay Commission and MACP etc.
kindly help me.
Date of joining 1988.1st promotion 1996.2nd macp got 2008.what is my 3rd macp 2016 or 2018?
I was appointed as direct J.A.A. in 1993 at Railway accounts and promoted in 1996 as A.A. and as per 6th CPC my 1st MACP was due 2006 after 10 yrs, But I got 1st MACP in June/2010 with G.Pay 4600/-. now when will be due next MACP . it is 2016 or 2018 ?. I think it is something wrong. kindly reply correct solution.
I was appointed as L.D.C. in 28-4-1978 and promoted in 25-11-1988 as stores-keeper then I got TBPS 4500 to 7000/-in 25-11-2000 and placed in scale 5000 to 20000 with 2800/- in 6th pay commission thereafter I was due for promotion 30-11-2006 where clear vacancy arise but Dept.given promotion 22-12-2010 in scale 9500 to 34800/-with gr pay 4200/- .I retired on 30-6-2012. thereafter I have granted MACP w..e..f.1-9-2008. with grade pay 4200/- I feel this is some thing wrong. kindly reply correct entitlement.
I was appointed to the post of LDC on 14.08.1985 in the Department of Agriculture and I got 1st regular promotion to the post of UDC on 09.09.1991.
As per implementation of MACPS under 6th CPC, I got the 2nd Financial upgradation on 01.09.2008 under the MACPS on completion of 17 years from the date of 1st regular promotion (i.e. from the date of MACP scheme became operational). In this regard kindly clarify that as per illustration 28 A (i) & (ii) of MACP order whether I am admissible to get 3rd MACP on 09.09.2011 (i.e. after 6 + 10 + 10) confirm at msgeethamol@gmail,com
I have joined as UDC on 09-9-1985. I got 1st ACP on 12-10-2000 and fix my basic pay 5250. on 01-01-2006 my pay fixed as per vi CPC at 10930 + 2800. on 01-8-2008 my pay fixed at 12510+4200 and 01-09-2008 IInd MACP gtd 13020+4600. kindly let me know is it correct or not
Sir could you please provide me the details of Government order on basis of which these illustrations are made, So that same can be made available to authorities to get the rectifications made. AS at my institute it seems most of MACP’s are done in wrong way.
Thank You