Eligibility Criteria for Pay Matrix Level 14 – DoPT Orders dt. 29.10.2018
Eligibility Criterion on Deputation Basis for Pay Matrix Level 14 – DoPT Clarification Orders dated on 29.10.2018
Filling up of the post of Member, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi (Joint Secretary level) in the Level 14 in the pay matrix 144200-218200 on deputation basis
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi,
29 October, 2018
Subject:- Filling up of the post of Member, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi (Joint Secretary level) in the Level 14 in the pay matrix 144200-218200 on deputation basis.
The undersigned is directed to inform that it is proposed to fill up the post of Member, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) at New Delhi in the Level 14 in the Pay Matrix Rs.144200-218200/-. The eligibilty criterion is given at Annexure-I
Check also: 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table for Pay Level 14
2. Applications of only such officers will be considered as are routed through proper channel and are accompanied with (i) bio-data in the proforma at Annexure-II- (ii) clear photocopies of the up-to-date APAR dossier of the officer containing APARs of at least last five years, duly attested by a Group A’ offcer (if Original APAR could not be sent); (iii) An attested Statement indicating the grading in the APAR during the last five years (iv) cadre clearance; (v) clearance from and disciplinary angle; and (vi) statement giving details Of major or minor penalties, if any, imposed on the officer during the last ten years.
3. All Ministries/Departments and the State Governments/UTs are requested to forward the applications of willing and eligible officer in the prescribed proforma to:- Section Officer (Estt-B-I), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Departrnent of Personnel and Training), Room. No. 215-C, North Block, New Delhi-110001, so as to reach this OM, on or before 31st December, 2018.
4. The applications of only those officers may be forwarded who, in the event of their selection, would immediately join the duties of the post, and whom the concerned authorities would be in a position to relieve immediately. The application once forwarded would not be allowed to be withdrawn. Applications received after the prescribed date or not accornpanied with the required certificates/documents will not be entertained.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Eligibility Criterion for the post of Member, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi.
1.Name of Post: Member, Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi.
2.Scale of pay: in the Level 14 in the Pay Matrix Re 144200-218200/–
3.Eligibility: Officers of the Central Government (including officers of All India Services and Central Group ‘A’ Services):
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in he parent cadre/Department; or
(ii) with five years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the Level 13 in the pay-matrix (Rs. 123100-215900) or equivalent in the parent cadre or Department; and
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience, namely:-
(i) post Graduate Degree in a ny discipline from a recognized University or Institution; and
(ii) 10 years’ experience in dealing with Service, Administrative, Vigilance, Establishment and Financial matters.
4. Period of Deputation: The person appointed as Member of Staff Selection Commission shall hoki office for a period of five years or till he/she attains the age of 62 years, whichever is earlier. In case where a serving officer is appointed as Member, he shall be on deputation until he attains the age Of superannuation and thereafter he may be considered for extension of tenure on re-employment terms subject to upper age limit and tenure mentioned above.
5.Age Limit: The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 59 years as on the closing date of the receipt Of applications.
Other Pay Matrix Levels…
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 1 to 5 (GP 1800 to 2800)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 6 to 9 (GP 4200 to 5400)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 10 to 12 (GP 5400 to 7600)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 13 to 14 (GP 8700 to 10000)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 15 to 18 (HAG Scales)
As per your basic pay (including grade pay) on 31-12 2015 multiple by 2.57 equivalent or next stage in the MATRIX LEVEL 13A of that stage from 1-1-2016 of the 7th CPC with increments in that table.
Sir, let me know how my pay will be fixed in 7th pay if I am drawing pay at Rs. 37400 + AGP 9000 as on 7.7.2019, Am I entitled to get my pay fixed @ Rs.131200 directly on 7.7.2019 without multiplication factor.