Transport Allowance will be lower in 7th CPC 7th CPC Transport Allowance gives lower amount of Money than Sixth CPC – Shocking Fact As Media publicized, the Revised Allowances will not make Central Govt Employees happy and its not a Bonanza too. Most … [Read more...]
Cabinet Decision on 7th CPC Transport Allowance
Cabinet Decision on 7th CPC Transport Allowance (CLICK TO CALCULATE YOUR TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE) Cabinet Committee has decided to implement the recommendations of 7th CPC on Transport Allowance without any change. In its official report, "For most of … [Read more...]
Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal rates to deaf and dumb employees of Railways
Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal rates to deaf and dumb employees of Railways GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAY (Railway Board) S.No.PC-VI/374 No.PC-V/2014/A/TA/1 RBE No.14/2017 New Delhi, dated 22.02.2017 The General … [Read more...]
Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal to deaf and dumb employees of Central Government
Grant of Transport Allowance at double the normal to deaf and dumb employees of Central Government - Finmin Orders "Transport Allowance at double normal rates would be admissible to the 'Hearing Impaired employees having loss of sixty decibels or … [Read more...]
Clarification on admissibility of Transport Allowance in the cases where the officers are drawing Grade Pay of 10,000
Clarification on admissibility of Transport Allowance in the cases where the officers are drawing Grade Pay of 10,000 Clarification on admissibility of Transport Allowance in the cases where the officers are drawing Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- in PB-4 … [Read more...]
Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway employees on the basis of revised classification of cities/towns/localities – AIRF
Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway employees on the basis of revised classification of cities/towns/localities - AIRF All India Railwaymen's Federation 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi - 110055 No.AIRF/97(li) Dated: August 10, 2015 The … [Read more...]
Finmin orders on granting Transport Allowance to Central Government employees as per census 2011
Finmin orders on granting Transport Allowance to Central Government employees as per census 2011 Finance Ministry issued orders regarding the revised rates of Transport Allowance to Central Government employees as per Census 2011 with effect from … [Read more...]
Based on the Census of 2011 HRA and TA increased for Central Government employees
Based on the Census of 2011 HRA and TA increased for CG employees for select cities House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance increased for select cities Based on the Census of 2011, the House Rent Allowance and Travel Allowance for Central Government … [Read more...]
Revision of classification cities for the purpose of House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees
Revision of classification cities for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance to Central Government employees Revision of the classification/upgradation certain cities/towns on the basis of Census-2011 for the purpose … [Read more...]
Foreign travel of Government officers – Clarification issued by Finance Ministry
Foreign travel of Government officers - Clarification issued by Finance Ministry No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2014 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure North Block, New Delhi 10th November 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: … [Read more...]