14% Government Contribution in NPS - Gazette Notification “The monthly contribution would be 10 percent of the Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance (DA) to be paid by the employee and 14 percent of the Basic Pay plus DA by the Central … [Read more...]
National Pension System – 42 Aspects to Know
National Pension System 42 Aspects to Know... 1) What is National Pension System? NPS is an easily accessible, low cost, tax-efficient, flexible and portable retirement savings account. Under the NPS, the individual contributes to his retirement … [Read more...]
National Pension System to Tripura Govt Employees
National Pension System to Tripura Govt Employees Implementation of NPS for employees recruited on or after 1.7.2018 | Tripura Govt Notification GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA FINANCE DEPARTMENT National Pension … [Read more...]
New Norms for Withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS)
New Norms for Withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS) "Minimum period for partial withdrawal has been reduced from 10 years to 3 years from the date of joining w.e.f. 10th August, 2017" NPS Withdrawal Norms The Pension Fund Regulatory and … [Read more...]
NPS To OPS: Scrap NPS and Restore OPS – Demands Day 12.12.2018
NPS To OPS Scrap NPS and Restore OPS Demands Day 12.12.2018 OBSERVE 2018 DECEMBER 12 as "SCRAP NPS & RESTORE OPS" DEMANDS DAY National Secretariat of Confederation has decided to observe 12th December 2018 (strike notice serving day) as DEMANDS … [Read more...]
NPS to OPS: Proceeding on adoption of Resolution on Abolishing NPS by Delhi Assembly
National Pension System to Old Pension Scheme Proceeding on adoption of Resolution on Abolishing NPS Proceeding on adoption of Resolution on Abolishing NPS by Delhi Assembly- एन.पी.एस को समाप्त करने के संकल्प पर दिल्ली विधान सभा की … [Read more...]
Reversion to Old Pension Scheme for Personnel of Ministries
Reversion to old pension scheme for personnel of Ministries Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No.2665 - Answered on 9.8.2018 Shri K. Bhabananda Singh (a) whether a decision has been taken for hundreds of paramilitary forces whose recruitment process … [Read more...]
Exemption from National Pension System (NPS) – NFIR
Exemption from National Pension System (NPS) - NFIR Exemption of Railway employees appointed on or after 1.1.2004 from the purview of National Pension System (NPS) Government of India(BHARAT SARKAR) Ministry of Railways (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY … [Read more...]
Exemption from New Pension Scheme (NPS) to Railway Employees
Exemption from New Pension Scheme (NPS) to Railway Employees No.IV/NPS/PFRDA BILL/Part-I Dated: 11-12-2017 Shri Piyush Goyal, Honbal Minister of Railways, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi Respected Sir, Sub: Exemption of Railways from New Pension Scheme … [Read more...]
Maximum age of joining National Pension System (NPS) increased from the existing 60 years to 65 years under NPS
Maximum age of joining National Pension System (NPS) increased from the existing 60 years to 65 years under NPS - Private Sector In continuance of the several initiatives under taken by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) … [Read more...]