7th Pay Commission Report on Storekeeping Staff working in all Ministries and Departments
Storekeeping Staff : Storekeeping functions are carried out in almost all ministries and departments, though the scope of these functions vary. Some departments handle highly sophisticated stores such as scientific equipment, spares for plant and machinery, fissionable materials, medicines and medical equipment, hazardous chemicals, etc. The duties and responsibilities of storekeeping staff primarily extend to receipt, proper storage, distribution, safe custody and accounting of stores. In certain large organizations, however, these include procurement functions as well.
Ministry of Defence has large workforce of Storekeepers and it is contended that they have been given lower pay scales vis-à-vis their counterparts in ministries of Railways. They have accordingly sought parity.
Analysis and Recommendations : The Cadre structure of Storekeepers along with their pay and entry level qualifications at various levels in different organisations is given in the table below
The Commission is of the view that considering the job profiles and requirements of educational qualifications, the different posts appear to be appropriately placed in the hierarchical structure. Upgrade is not justified.
Can you please mention the pay scale for store keeper?
I want to know regarding the store keepers who are working in others ministries like ministries of science and technologies, whether they are not performing like that of store keeper working in other ministries. why not their grade pay is upgraded. only the store keeper working in the mentioned ministries performed their duties of store keeping and not the others. why there is parity/difference in up gradation of grade pay. are the store keeper in other ministries sitting idle and not performing their duties. why the government is looking too differently among the store keeper of different ministries.
Pay scales, Structure and recruitment qualification of Store cader should equal in every Ministry as follow:
Srl. Post
1. Store keeper –
Educational Qualification:-
Degree in any discipline,
Minimum six months course in Materials Management/Store keeping & Basic Computer course/Typing
2.Store Superintendent (Promotion)
3. Store Officer : 75 % promotion+
25% through UPSC.
Educational Qualification:-
Degree in any discipline,
Minimum One year Diploma/PG Diploma in Materials Management,
Basic Computer course & 10 years experience in Store keeping.
4. Senior Store Officer Gd II through
promotion after 3 years service
as a Store Officer, 75% promotion
to UPSC SO & 25% who are
promoted SO but promoted SO
should qualified as Education
Qualification prescribed in
UPSC recruitment for SO
5. Senior Store Officer Gd I through
promotion only after complition
of 2 years service as a Senior
Store Officer Gd II
Job may be transferable after promotion of Senior Store Officer Gd II at inter Ministry