7th CPC Arrears for PBORs (Army, Air Force, Navy)
Mode of Payment of Arrears of Pay.– (1) The arrears, computed after deduction of subscription at enhanced rate of Armed Forces Personnel Provident (AFPP) Fund with reference to revised pay, shall be paid after deduction of adhoc arrears paid as per GoI MoD letter No 1(11) 2016/D(Pay/Services) dated 10/ 10/2016.
Explanation.– For the purpose of this rule, “arrears of pay” in relation to Junior Commissioned Officers/ Other Ranks, means the difference between;
(i) the aggregate of the pay, dearness allowance, Group ‘X’ Pay and Military Service Pay to which he is entitled on account of the revision of his pay under this Rule for the period effective from the 01st day of January, 2016; and,
(ii) the aggregate of the pay, dearness allowance, Group ‘X’ Pay and Military Service Pay to which he would have been entitled (whether such pay and dearness allowance had been received or not) for that period had his pay and dearness allowance not been so revised.
- 7th Pay Commission HRA to PBOR of CAPF and Assam Rifles January 20, 2025
- Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed ex-servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to POBR October 17, 2019
- 7th Pay Commission HRA to Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) June 13, 2019
- Pension Revision for PBOR – PCDA Circular 607 October 22, 2018
- Educational Concession to Children of Armed Forces Officers/PBORs – DESW Order September 16, 2017
- PBOR TABLES – Revision of pension for PBOR discharged prior to 01.01.2006 August 8, 2016
- OROP Tables for PBOR and Family Pensioners February 11, 2016
- Relief to lakhs of pre-2006 retirees of the Armed Forces and Central Government August 3, 2015
- Imparting any training to the Armed Forces personnel before their retirement – Minister replied in Parliament April 7, 2015
- Extension of benefit of broad banding of percentage of disability/ war injury to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) November 11, 2014
Thank you.