Zone of Consideration for inclusion in Select List of Section Officers’ Grade of CSS for the years 2009/2010/2011 against Seniority Quota-Regarding.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 3l January, 2014
Subject: Zone of Consideration for inclusion in Select List of Section Officers’ Grade of CSS for the years 2009/2010/2011 against Seniority Quota-Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel and Training’s 0M of even number dated 25th September, 2013 vide which Zone of Consideration for inclusion in Select List of Section Officers’ Grade of CSS for the years 2009/2010/2011 against Seniority Quota was issued. All the care units were requested to conduct the DPC in respect of all the officers covered in the zone and intimate their fitness or otherwise to Department of Personnel and Training by 15th October, 2013. A reminder was also issued on th January, 2014 to all the cadre units to expedite DPCs. However, till date information has been received from few cadre units only.
2. Some Doubts have been raised by cadre units on some of the issues pertaining to Select List of Section Officers’ Grade of CSS for the years 2009/2010/2011 against Seniority Quota. Also, some discrepancies have been found in the information furnished by some of the cadre units. The clarification on these issues is as under:
Issue 1 : Whether DPC is to be conducted in respect of officers not clear front Vigilance angle.
Clarification: As per DOPTs 0M No 22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10th April, 1989 (Consolidated Guidelines on DPC), DPC in all such cases should be held and sealed cover procedure should be adopted as laid down in the O.M.
Issue 2 : Whether DPC is to be conducted in respect of officers who are in the zone of promotion but have retired/taken VRS/expired/resigned from service as on date before conduct of DPC
Clarification : As per DOPTs 0M No 22011/4/98-Estt(D) dated 12th October, 1998, DPC in respect of such officers should be held but as they have retired/left the service before the conduct of DPC, their order/notification for promotion need not be issued. Many Ministries/Departments have issued notification/orders in respect of such officers, which is not as per the 0M mentioned above. Such Ministries/Departments are requested to issue necessary corrigendum in this regard. Only the fitness of these employees is to be informed to CS.I Division for finalization of Select List.
Issue 3 : What should be the date of effect of promotion in respect of persons included in the zone of promotion for inclusion in the Select List of Section Officers’ Grade of CSS for the years 2009/2010/2011 against Seniority Quota
Clarification: Promotion orders/notification should be issued from prospective effect only not prior to the date of DPC. Many Ministries/Departments have issued promotion order w.e.f. 1.7.2009, 1.7.2010 and 1.7.2010 for the respective Select Lists, which is not as per DPC guidelines. Such Ministries/Departments are requested to issue necessary corrigendum in this regard.
Issue 4: If a person whose name appeared in the zone of promotion for inclusion in the Select List of Section Officers’ Grade of CSS for the years 2009/2010/2011 against Seniority Quota had retired from a deputation post. Who will conduct the DPC in such cases- borrowing department or Parent department?
Clarification: DPC in such cases is to be conducted by the parent department.
Issue 5: What is the action on the part of Ministries/Departments if they found an officer in the zone who has already left the service prior to the crucial date i.e. 1.7.2009. 1.7.2010 and 1.7.2010 for the respective Select Lists?
Clarification: The concerned Ministry/Department will forward the name of such officers to CS.I Division, DOPT so that necessary corrections may be carried Out in the Select List. One such instance has come to the notice of this department that notification has been issued in respect of person for the Select List Year 2011 who had taken VRS w. e. f. 1.4.2011 i.e. prior to the crucial date of promotion. The mistake may be rectified by issuing of a corrigendum.
Issue 6: Many Ministries/Departments have not conducted DPCs in respect of many persons on the pretext that ACRs for these officers are incomplete
Clarification: Ministry/Departments may refer to para 6.2.1 of DOPTs 0M No 22011/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10th April, 1989 (Consolidated Guidelines on DPC).
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Sir,I am retired from Eastern Railway,kolkata as Sr.S.O(A/cs) from February,2012 convicted in VICPC,though my Junior (more than 18 years) drawn higher pay in wronly issued MACP scheme. VII CPC in their recommendation said,representation from the cadre of Sr.S.O.(A/cs) that junior drawing higher GP than the senior. An example has been proffered to highlight the situation. Senior S joined service as AC in 1981,while junior J joined service at the same level of AC in 1986.Both cleared the Appendix IIA examination after four years in service and were promoted to JAA in 1985 and 1991 respectively,both cleared the Appendix IIIA examination and were waiting for their postings as SSO .However there was no vacancy of SSO from 1096 to 1990 and S got promoted to AA in 1989(ie after completion of residency period of three years), Later, when vacancies of SSO arose in 1992,both S & J were promoted as SSO. Ten years down the line, both were considered for an upgrade under MACP. However, since S had already availed of three promotion, he was ineligible for upgradation under the MACP scheme and remained in GP Rs.4800,but since J had received two promotions,he was upgraded to GP Rs.5400(PB-2)through MACP.This has been resulted in a situation wherein junior is placed in a higher GP than the senior puely on circumstantial grounds.The Commission finds merit in the contention that the above has led to an anomalous situation,it is therefore recommended that in cases where a Senior employee has cleared both Appendix IIA and IIIA examination before the Junior, and purely through circumtances the Junior is drawing higher GP,the anomaly should be fixed by stepping up the pay of the Senior employee vis-a-vis the Junior ,and then fixing the Senior employee in the Pay Matrix, but till now my pay has not been fixed and I have not been informed accordingly.I hope,my prayer will be considered favourably.