Revised 7th CPC Pension to Autonomous Bodies Pensioners from 1.1.2016
Extension of benefits of 7th CPC to the pensioners and family pensioners of Autonomous Bodies
F.No. K-58015/9/2018-Plant-Coord
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
[Plantation Division]
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated 27th December, 2018
The Dy. Chairman. Tea Board, Kolkata
The Secretary, Coffee Board, Bengaluru
The Executive Director. Rubber Board, Kottayam
The Chairman, Spices Board, Kochi.
Subject :- Extension of benefits of 7th CPC to the pensioners and family pensioners of Autonomous Bodies under the control of Department of Commerce – regarding.
In continuation of this Department’s letter No 5/20/2008-Plant (Coord) (part) dated 15.5.2018 and 16.7.2018 conveying therein approval of extension of benefits of 7th CPC to the pensioners and family pensioners of Commodity Boards viz Tea Board, Coffee Board, Rubber Board and Spices Board w.e.f 1.1.2018, the Competent Authority has further approved the extension of the benefits of 7th CPC to the pensioners/family pensioners of these Commodity Boards w.e.f. 01.01.2016
2. In this regard, it is directed that the Pension Corpus created by Coffee Board, Rubber Board and Spices Board should be utilized for meeting the liabilities towards payment of pension arrear from 1.1.2016 The pension liabilities of Tea Board amounting Rs.4.50 crore should be met from their Revolving Corpus for extending the benefits of 7th CPC to the pensioners/family pensioners of Tea Board w.e.f 01.01.2016
3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority and in concurrence with Finance Division vide their Dy. No 417/FD/2018 dated 27th December, 2018.
Yours faithfully,
(M. S. Banerjee)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: Confederation
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