Minimum guaranteed Pension Disability/ War Injury Element of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Personnel as per CSC 2012 recommendation – Minimum guaranteed rate of various casualty pensionary awards for pre – 2006 Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks(PBOR).
Minimum Guaranteed Pension for Disability/War injury element as per CSC 2012 recommendation.
No. 16(01)/2014-D (Pension/Policy)
Government of India,
Ministry of Defence.
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, the 10th April, 2015
The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
The Chief of the Air Staff,
Subject: Minimum Guaranteed Pension for Disability/War injury element as per CSC 2012 recommendation.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 17(4)2008(I)/D(Pen/Pol)/ Vol-V dated 15th February 2011 issued in implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of 6th CPC, which prescribe minimum guaranteed rate of various casualty pensionary awards for pre – 2006 Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks(PBOR).
2. Further, orders were issued as per recommendation of CSC 2012 for determining the minimum guaranteed pension in respect of Pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners. The minimum guaranteed pension has been stepped up to 50% and 30% in respect of Service Pension and Family Pension respectively of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC instead of the minimum of the pay band. The question of extending this benefit to disability element in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Pensioners was under consideration of the Government. Now, the President is pleased to decided that the minimum guaranteed Disability/ War Injury Element of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Personnel should be determined with reference to the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC instead of the minimum of the pay band, subject to consideration that the rate of disability element/ war injury element of lower rank may not exceed that of higher rank. The Disability/ War Injury Element of Pre-2006 shall be further stepped up as under:-
Disability Pension
3. The disability element revised in terms of Para 2.2 of this Ministry’s letter dated 4.5.2009 as amended from time to time shall not be less than 30% of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC instead of the minimum of the pay band corresponding to pre-revised scale held by Armed Forces personnel at the time of retirement / discharge / invalidment for 100% disability.
3.1 For disability less than 100%, the disability element shall be proportionately reduced as per the period and degree of disability accepted.
3.2 In cases where permanent disability is not less than 60%, the disability pension (i.e. total of service element revised in terms Para 2.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 4.5.2009 as amended from time to time plus disability element) shall not be less than 60% of minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC instead of minimum of the pay band corresponding to the pre-revised scale held by Armed Forces personnel at the time of retirement / discharge/ invalidment, subject to minimum of Rs.7000/- per month.
Liberalized Disability Pension
4. The disability element revised in terms of Para 2.2 of this Ministry’s letter dated 4.5.2009 as amended from time to time shall not be less than 30% of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC instead of minimum of the pay band corresponding to pre-revised scale held by Armed Forces personnel at the time of retirement / discharge /invalidment for 100% disability.
4.1 For disability less than 100%, the disability element shall be proportionately reduced as per the period and degree of disability already accepted. However, in no case the revised disability pension (i.e. aggregate of service element revised in terms of Para 2.1 of this Ministry’s letter dated 4.5.2009 as amended from time to time plus disability element) shall be less than 80% of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC instead of the minimum of the pay band corresponding to pre-revised scale held by Armed Forces personnel at the time of retirement / discharge / invalidment.
War Injury Pension
5. The War Injury element revised in terms of Para 2.3 of the Ministry’s letter dated 4.5.2009 as amended from time to time shall not be less than 100% in case of invalidment and 60% in case of retirement/discharge, of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay structure issued for implementation of recommendation of 6th CPC instead of the minimum of the pay band corresponding to pre-revised scale held by Armed Forces personnel at the time of retirement / discharge / invalidment for 100% disability.
6. All Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) handling disbursement of pension to Defence pensioners are hereby authorized to pay revised Disability / War Injury Element in respect of Pre-2006 retired/ discharged/ invalided out pensioners from service, in terms of these orders without calling for any application from the Defence pensioners and without any further authorization from the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities(PSAs). PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad will issue further implementation instructions while circulating these orders to all the PDAs concerned.
7. This order will take effect from 24th September 2012. There will be no change in the amount of revision of disability element/ war injury element paid during the period 01.01.2006 to 23.09.2012. Therefore, no arrears shall be allowed for this period.
8. All other terms and condition shall remain unchanged.
9. Pension Regulation of all the three services will be amended in due course.
10. This issues with the concurrence of Finance division of this Ministry vide their ID No PC-3 to MF 10(12)2012/FIN/Pen dated 23.03.2015
11. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully
(Prem Parkash)
Under Secretary (Pen/Pol)
Source :
BETRAYAL AND DEPRIVE to ESM P K Chandran by the TRIBUNAL, AFT – Armed Forces Tribunal, Chennai Regional Bench. A genuine and true Case of neglect and discrimination owing to Ego and Arrogance by the Administration Members of Chennai Regional Bench of the ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL. SINCE THE HON’BLE LT. GEN. K. SURENDRA NATH, MEMBER(A),and his predecessor Lt. Gen’s Anand Mohan Verma, with their ornamental defence rank, with basic NDA entry qualification and virtue of service, in a secluded Defence Area(working/living), lived his life-time exclusively rising progressively to the top, whose knowledge in other disciplines are negligible, but their rise in ranks by virtue of promotions within varied, who after compares themselves with BUREAUCRATS the creamy layer of the nation, inducted on All India Competitive basis unfairly placed in par with Retired Judge of the High Courts and placed in ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL, with political lien and not on merits, without even a Degree in Law, in this modern era, while on the other hand ” Degree and PG Law Graduates” appointed as Law Clerks/Assistants, in High Courts. The Bar Council of India, which should please note. Hence, with their swollen head placement through Political Influence, and not on merits competitively, develops EGO and ARROGANCE, and acts to their whims and fancies, not instilling fair-play in considering true welfare to ex-servicemen uniformly but unequally, to those ESM who cannot influence or bribe the linked Advocates. This A.F.T. placed suitably in a secluded place, unreasonably near the airport while soldiers come from their small home-town generally are in remote places of small towns and villages, hence rampant corruption but no fair-play. Being outspoken self victimized. What is the Peoples elected Govt. doing to instill fair-play and justice, when the COURTS are supposedly known as sacred and divine. Where is the JUSTICE FOR ALL but for political parties blaming each other, coming into governance, as passing clouds, to amass wealth as a commercial business, which is after 70 long years of Indian Independence ? THIS IS THE VERY POOR STATE OF NATIONAL GOVERNANCE to a person who came forward to give his life for the nation during the NATIONAL EMERGENCY, AS A SMALL BOY IN THE TENDER AGE OF FIFTEEN and a son of an exserviceman of Royal Indian Army of Artillery served in World War II, though SELF not in active politics BUT Member of B J P Tamilnad Chapter, since 2011, prior to Sri. Narendra Modi nominated for P.M.of India. Self aged 70 + with geriatric diseases and had an acute heart attack and stent fitted in June 2017, in a prominent Hospital (Kauvery Hospital) in the Metropolitan City of Chennai.
Very rightly said recently, by our Honourable Home Minister Rajnath Singh, in The Times of India Chennai Edition, of the 8th October 2017, in the 1st, front page that the Police should not act brutal, but be most civilized in this modern era IF SO the military spent life-time in secluded Defence Area, with exploitation of their subordinates who are left voice-less, with their word of command known to all from the NEWS during this Modern Era, though seniors enjoying without a watchdog over them, to be warned of not being brutal, also to the ex-servicemen, who call at the ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL Open Court with their basic claims, which ought to be paid rightfully soon after, when discharged from the Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Airforce.
Research Scholar in Ph.D(Law). A Chartered Engineer and Corporate Lawyer. Ex.6286018 Rect. Signals Boy entry of Regular Indian Army, entry at 15 years during National-Emergency and son of an Ex-Serviceman,of World War II,Royal Indian Army. war injuris disabslty pendioner myservice pen basic 7170 disbalty pen 7020/ hai ab mera pen kitna hoga?