7th Pay Scale Calculator for Maharashtra State Govt Employees
Calculate your 7th Pay Scale for Maharashtra State Government employees: An important notification was recently released by the State Government of Maharashtra on January 30th, 2019. This notification pertains to the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission for all government employees, effective from January 1st, 2016. To assist you in determining your revised pay, we have developed a user-friendly online calculator. Simply input your basic pay, along with your Pay Band and Grade Pay, into this free tool. Based on your input, the calculator will generate a recommended pay fixation format according to the Maharashtra Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules of 2019. The resulting Pay Matrix Table will reflect your new basic pay. Additionally, this tool also offers a calculation for your annual increment.
Maharashtra Government 7th Pay Fixation Calculator
[All figures are indicative]
7th Pay Matrix Table for Maharashtra State Government Employees – PDF Download
Maharashtra Revised Pay Fixation Rules – Download pdf
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7th Pay Fixation Calculation Method for Maharashtra Government Employees
Method for Calculation of 7th Pay Fixation for Employees of the Maharashtra Government
Determining the initial pay in the revised pay structure: For government employees who choose to be governed by the revised pay structure starting from January 1st, 2016, as per sub-rule (1) of rule 6, or are deemed to have made this election under sub-rule (3) of rule 6, their initial pay will be fixed separately. This applies to their substantive pay in their permanent post, on which they hold a lien or would have held a lien if it hadn’t been suspended, as well as their pay in the officiating post they currently hold. The fixation of their pay will be done in the following manner:
For all employees: The pay in the relevant Level in the Pay Matrix will be determined by multiplying their existing basic pay just before January 1st, 2016, by a factor of 2.57. This resulting figure will then be rounded off to the nearest rupee and located within that Level in the Pay Matrix. If an identical figure corresponds to a Cell in the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix, that will be their pay. If there is no such Cell available in the applicable Level, their pay will be set at the immediate next higher Cell in that Level of the Pay Matrix.
If the minimum pay or the first Cell in the applicable Level exceeds the amount obtained from sub-clause (i) above, the pay will be fixed at the minimum pay or the first Cell of the applicable Level.
However, in cases where, due to the revision of pay, government servants drawing pay at two or more consecutive stages in the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale end up fixed at the same Cell in the applicable Level of the Pay Matrix, an additional increment will be given for every two stages bunched together. The pay of government servants drawing higher pay in the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale will then be fixed at the next vertical Cell in the applicable Level. Following this, the provisions of rule 10 will be applicable for the granting of the next increment.
My besic pay 2016 6460+2000
1/7/2017 7260+2000
26/9 /2017 7540+2500
1/7/2018 7850+2500
plz calculate my besic
As on 31/12/15 + basic pay of Rs.6460 + 2000 = 8460 x 2.57 = 21742 rounded off to 21,700
1/7/16 22,400
26/9/16 23,100
1/7/18 23,800
1/7/19 24,500
Correction : 26/9/17 If it is normal Promotion basic pay will not charge,.If MACP on completion of 10/20/30 years it will change in next matrix level bay. If not 1/7/17 as ₹ 23,100/-, 1/7/18 as ₹ 23,800/- & 1/7/19 as ₹ 24,500/-
Will TPTA be applicable for maharashtra state government employees?
How to calculate pension for pre 2016 & pre 1986 pensioners of Maharashtra Government?
The calculator doesn’t have that option
As per the pay as on 1/1/2006 & as on 1/1/2016 50% of pay as Pension. Plus 50% D.R.
1) Thanks for uploaded Maharashtra State Notification translated.
2) Above calculator “SELECT YOUR GP” is not function, please rectify. Thanks.
3) ANNEXTURE I & II are not attached.
4) If the Matrix Tables are same as per the CIVIL CENTRAL EMPLOYEES, mention as same.
Thanks for your appreciation. Check the drop down of Grade Pay list in the calculator, it is working in our systems. Pl. check once again in Chrome and IE.
Ok, if click first (PB) than it works. Thanks.
Thank You.
My basic pay 15900 as on 1.1.2016 (PB:2 9300-34800 and Grade Pay 4200). What is my arrear amount?
Pl. Calculate with details.
If your basic pay as on 1/1/2016 including GP 4200 it will be fixed as Rs.42,300/-. Your arrears for 24 months will be credited in GPF. Still the matrix tables are not released as per the Civil Central Government Employees it may be from 1/1/2016 the difference of Rs.6,725 (approximately) plus 3 increments (amount) with applicable D.A. will be given for January, 19 & it will be included in February, 19 salary & if the financial year 2018-19 funds are available. Otherwise 3 months arrears will be paid in next financial year 2019-20 only i.e. in APRIL 2019 onwards.
Specify your basic pay as 31/12/2015 it is Rs.15900 (including 4200) or 4200 will be added. On your correct figure it should be added as 15900. As on 1/1/16 as 41,100, 1/7/16 as 42,300, 1/7/17 as 43,600 & 1/7/18 as Rs.44,900/-.
Good. What about arrears calculations?
Since the arrears may not be paid in cash, it will be credited in GPF or Applicable Pension Scheme from 1/1/2016 to 31/12/2018 and if required it will be given in 5 equal installments with the conditions from the each financial year from 2019-20 respectively. Retired from January,16 of Pensioners, it will be given iin cash of arrears as per their months upto retired periods.