Extension of Canteen Facilities to retired Defence Civilians
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Defence Accounts Department
Date: 30/10/2015
All PCsDA/PCA(FYS) Kolkata,CsDA
(Through CGDA website)
Subject: Extension of Canteen Facilities to retired Defence Civilians.
Reference: This officer Letter of even No dated 20.10.2015.
With reference to HQrs office letter quoted above the following is clarified.
2.In order to obtain further clarity on the issue of eligibility of the family ensionerrs for canteen facilities, the same is under consultation with DDGCS. As and when the clarification is received, the same will be intimated.
3. In view of the above, issue of CSD canteen card to the family pensioners may be kept in abeyance till further orders.
(Mustaq Ahmad)
R Sivam says
Purchase of AFD-1 items including car is disallowed for retired defence civilian employees. There is no specific order to this effect. Why there is a disparity between serving and retired?
Is family pensioner of retired defence civilian employees eligible to purchase above said items?