Engineered delay in the submission of the 7th CPC report – NJCA strongly condemns
National Joint Council of Action decided to defer the Indefinite Strike from 23rd November 2015
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road New Delhi – 110055
September 30, 2015
All members of the NJCA
Dear Comrade,
The National JCA met today on 30.09.2015. In the background of the engineered delay in the submission of the 7th CPC report, the meeting reviewed the decision to go for indefinite strike action commencing from 23rd Nov.2015 and arrived at the following conclusions.
1.The 7th CPC, as per the indication the NJCA had, concluded its deliberations and finalised its report. But due to the pressure exerted by the GOI the report is not likely to be out till the Bihar election is going to be concluded on 8.11.2015.
2. Even if the report is given, the Government might plead for some more time to consider the same and arrive at conclusions.
3. Even though the charter of demand contain other major issues, viz FDI, outsourcing, New Pension Scheme etc, the CPC related issues especially the revision of wages has its own significance and struggle without the said issue is impracticable.
4. The meeting also noted that after the impressive march to parliament held on 28th April, 2015, no serious programme of action was undertaken, which has created a certain complacency in the movement. The meeting noted the necessity to rejuvenate the NJCA functioning at all levels.
5. It was also noted that there are states which have not held the state level conventions and consequently have not brought into being the state apparatus required to spearhead a serious action like indefinite strike.
6.In view of above mentioned conclusions, the National JCA has decided to defer the strike action slated for 23rd November 2015 to a date during the Budget session of the parliament i.e from Feb to April 2016. The exact date of commencement of the strike will be decided by the National JCA when the 7th CPC report is available.
7.The NJCA also has decided to call upon all Federations of Central Government Employees to organise a massive protest demonstration in front of all work-spots/offices on 19th November 2015 wearies Black Badge to register our anger and resentment over the Government’s action in engineering delay in the submission of the report by the 7th CPC.
8.The National JCA leaders and all standing council members will sit on a day long Dharna at Jantar Man tar on 19.11.2015 by wearies Black Badge to highlight the anti worker attitude of the GOI and its concerted efforts to undermine the functioning of JCM.
We also send herewith the resolution adopted at the meeting which has been Forwarded to the Government already.
With greetings
Enel: Resolution
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source: Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers
When serving employees get 7000 as bonus what is given to pensioners how we are compensated for our medical expenditure in view of higher trend of market..
Urgently required recruitment before pay commission,because very bad condition in operative staff.