Encashment of LTC & Earned Leave – Clarification by Dopt
Regarding the encashment of earned leave along with LTC, the DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A), dated 23rd September, 2008 has allowed it. However, there have been inquiries about how many times a Government servant can avail of this encashment within the same block. To clarify, Government servants who are governed by the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 and are entitled to avail of LTC may encash earned leave up to 10 days when availing both types of LTCs, namely ‘Hometown’ and ‘Anywhere in India’. But, if the same LTC is being availed of by the Government servant and their family members separately in a block year, encashment of leave will be restricted to only one occasion.
G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.14028/2/2012-Estl(L), 9.2.2015
Subject: Encashment earned leave alongwith LTC- clarification.
The undersigned is directed to refer to DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A), dated 23s September, 2008 allowing encashment of earned leave alongwith LTC and to say that references have been received with regard to the number of times that a Government servant can avail of the encashment within
the same block.
It is clarified that the Government servants governed by the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 and entitled to avail LTC may encash earned leave upto 10 days at the time of availing both types of LTCs, i.e. `Hometown’ and ‘anywhere in India’. However, when the one and the same LTC is being availed of by the Government servant and his family members separately in a block year, encashment of leave would be restricted to one occasion only.
Source :www.persmin.gov.in
Is there any limit on the number of earned leave days that can be encashed along with LTC?
As per the clarification, the total number of earned leave days that can be encashed along with LTC will be restricted to 300 days.
Can earned leave be encashed along with LTC?
Yes, earned leave can be encashed along with LTC as per the clarification issued by Dopt.
What is the purpose of encashing earned leave along with LTC?
Encashing earned leave along with LTC is an additional benefit provided to employees to help them meet their expenses during travel.
Is the encashment of earned leave along with LTC applicable to all employees?
Yes, the encashment of earned leave along with LTC is applicable to all central government employees.
Where can one find more information about the rules regarding encashment of earned leave along with LTC?
One can refer to the Office Memorandum issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) for detailed information.
I availed Home Town with 10 days Leave encashment in the block year 2022-23 (two year block year for HLTC). Now I availed All India LTC of the block year 2022-2025 (four year Block of Allindia). Will i get leave encashment for 10 days for this all India (four year Block Year) during July 2023??? DDO denied to sanction Leave encashment for this AILTC. Kindly clarify on this issue.
Will I get DA arrears for EL Encashment on LTC on revision of new DA rate?
No. Only one time the bill should be presented.
I am being retired on 31 May 2021 and have 35 days balance EL. . Whether I can avail 10 days EL and encash 10 days EL while proceeding on LTC
If you’re eligible LTC block you can avail it for en-cashment for 10 days, but you can’t get LTC VOUCHER Scheme.
I have performed tour on 24.12.19 without availing advance. The orders for performing tour was also issued earlier. Can I submit my bills on 12.3.19 due to some inconvenient situations.
without going on LTC is it admissible to en-cash 10 days of earned leave
After retirement you will encash balance of E.L.
If you are completed qualifing of service of 20years can avail VRS & take the encashment of balance of upto 300 days E.L. if having in account.
I availed LTC on and from, 10/7/2018. APPLY FOR, 10 DAYs ENCASHMENT ON JUNE, 2018. AT THAT TIME MY LEAVE AT CREDIT WAS 300+10.” FROM WHICH PERIOD OF LEAVE WILL BE DEDUCTED I. E. From the period ending 6/2018 or from the credit of 7/2018. PLEASE INFORM THE RULLING POSITION
Answer to TAPAN KUMAR DAS – 20/8 : Encashment of 10 days was deducted in June. After 1st July credited 15 days EL 290 + 15 and limited to 300 days and then since the LTC period of total leave days was in July so it will deducted after..
rakesh pandey says
November 7, 2016 at 10:53 am
how can take 10 days leave encashment along with hltc in a year and also clarify 60 days entire carrier
how can take 10 days leave encashment along with hltc in a year and also clarify 60 days entire carrier