CPI-IW for Jan 2023 Press Release Issued By Labour Bureau
The next episode of ‘Expected DA from July 2023’ Starts!
The current rate of AICPIN for the month of January 2023 is 132.8
The All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) rose by 0.5 points from December 2022 to 132.8 points in January.
The Labour Bureau, which is an attached office of the Ministry of Labour & Employment, compiles the Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers each month. This is based on the retail prices collected from 317 markets in 88 important centres across the country. This index is released on the last working day of the following month. We are now releasing the index for January 2023.
The All-India CPI-IW has increased by 0.5 points and is currently at 132.8. This is a 0.38 per cent increase compared to last month and a decrease of 0.24 per cent compared to the same month last year.
How to calculate Dearness Allowance on Salary
If you want to find out how to work out the Dearness Allowance (DA) that applies to your salary, you can use the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (AIPCIN) index. This allowance is adjusted twice a year, in January and July, following the instructions of the 7th Pay Commission. To calculate the allowance, simply use this formula: DA = (12 Months Average – 261.42) / (261.42 x 100).
How to Check Dearness Allowance on Your Salary?
Are you wondering about your Dearness Allowance (DA) on your salary? We have an easy solution for you! Just click on the link below and you’ll be taken to a free online calculator. Select your pay level, followed by your basic salary, and you’ll get the result right away! It’s that simple. So why wait? Check your DA now!
How much da central government going to give for 1st January 2023