“Prevention of Sexual Harassment & Code of Conduct Courses | DoPT OM”
All government employees are required to successfully finish the mandatory training programs on “Safeguarding Women Against Workplace Sexual Harassment” and “Etiquette Guidelines for Civil Servants.” This directive is outlined in the official memorandum of the Department of Personnel and Training, dated March 17, 2023.
Completion of courses on ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace’ and ‘Code of Conduct for Government Employees’ by all: DoPT OM
File No. T-28/7/2021-iGOT
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Training Division)
Block-IV, 3 Floor, Old JNU Campus
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-10067
Dated: the 17th March 2023
Office Memorandum
Subject: Completion of courses on ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace’ and ‘Code of Conduct for Government Employees’ by all government employees- reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that the National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB) – “Mission Karmayogi” has been launched by the Government to promote role-based capacity building of civil servants, by offering a wide range of learning resources on the IGOT Karmayogi platform to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of officials and thus facilitate building their career trajectory.
2. The iGOT Karmayogi platform has over 3.6 lakh users from various Government Departments and 350+ competency-based courses have been published so far, covering a wide range of competencies. The courses are accessible on the website as well as through mobile applications available for both the Android and iOS platforms.
3, The consumption of these courses by officers of all Ministries/Departments has demonstrated beneficial effects on the overall efficiency and quality of functioning in Ministries/Departments as per assessments made by the Capacity Building Commission (CBC),
4 Two of the most popular courses available on iGOT Karmayogi platform are- ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace’ and ‘Code of Conduct for Government Employees’. These courses are important for all the government employees.
5. All the Ministries/Departments are therefore, requested to direct all the officers/officials under them to complete the above mentioned two courses within the month of March 2023. This will help in making the Civil Service more competent, confident and purposeful.
(Zachariah Thomas)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Top Links:
- Courses on Sexual Harassment & Govt Code of Conduct: DoPT OM
- Steps for Conducting Inquiry in case of Allegation of Sexual Harassment – DoPT Orders
- ‘Sexual Harassment at workplace in PSUs’
- Paid Leave for Sexual Harassment Victims
- Introduction of Special Leave Connected to Enquiry of Sexual Harassment
- Complaints Committee to enquire into complaints of sexual harassment at work place in the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

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