Retirement Benefits Calculator for CG Employees – Commutation Factor Value of Pension
[Disclaimer: Please note that the calculator’s results are intended for informational purposes only and should be considered as approximate. This free online tool is provided solely for educational and informative use.]The Retirement Benefits Calculator for CG (Central Government) Employees is an online tool that helps individuals calculate the value of their pension, including the Commutation Factor. The Commutation Factor is a multiplier that determines the lump sum payment that a retiree can receive in exchange for giving up a part of their monthly pension. This calculation is essential for CG employees who are planning for their retirement and want to ensure that they have adequate financial security in their post-retirement years. By inputting various factors such as years of service, basic pay, and date of retirement, the Retirement Benefits Calculator can provide an accurate estimate of the pension amount that an individual can expect to receive.
What is the commutation Value of the Pension calculation formula?
Government employees who have retired now have the option to sell a portion of their pension and receive a lump sum payment known as ‘Commutation.’ Despite the introduction of the 7th pay commission, there has been no alteration in the computation of pension commutation.
When it comes to calculating the commuted value of pension, there is a specific formula that is used. This formula takes into account multiple factors, including the commutation factor and the number of months in a year. To arrive at the commuted value of pension (CVP), the formula is as follows: CVP = 40 % x Commutation factor* x 12. This equation is commonly used by pension providers and financial advisors to help individuals plan for their financial futures and understand the value of their pension benefits.
* The commutation factor will be with reference to age next birthday on the date on which commutation becomes absolute as per the New Table annexed to the CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.
Commutation of Pension Calculator Overview
Name of Tool | Commutation Value of Pension Calculator |
Beneficiaries | Central Government Civilian Employees |
Type of Retirement | Superannuation (Normal Retirement) |
Type of Gratuity | Retirement Gratuity |
Features of Tool | Calculate the Lump sum of the Commutation |
Published on | 1.1.2017 |
Updated on | 22.06.2023 |
Inputs Details | Last month of Basic Salary plus DA |
Outputs Details | Commutation amount with bank pension |
Created by | TEUT Digital Concepts |
Retirement Benefits Calculator
The Commutation Factor Value of Pension Calculator, based on the 7th Central Pay Commission’s Commutation Table, is an essential tool for retired government employees or those who are about to retire. This calculator helps to compute the amount of lump sum payment that can be received by the employee in exchange for a part of their pension at the time of retirement. The Commutation Factor Value is determined by various factors such as age, years of service, and the amount of pension received. This calculator can be used by employees to plan their finances and make informed decisions about their retirement.
“Pension commutation is a lifetime asset for Government employees. After completion of his Government service, more than 30 years, half of the lifetime, selling his 40% of the pension amount, an employee gets a bulk amount while retiring”.
The retirement calculator designed for Central Government employees and pensioners in India is an outstanding and user-friendly tool to estimate their retirement benefits. Unlike other calculators that rely on Excel sheets, this comprehensive calculator operates using simple javascript software. You can trust the online tool to provide accurate results based solely on CCS Pension Rules, without any influence from inflation fluxation.
Commutation is not easy money for Government employees, not a gift also..!
The Calculation of Pension Commutation as per the Pension Rules for existing and retired CG employees. This is a simple tool to find the value of pension, reduced pension after commutation, and the commutation amount as per your inputs. The pension and commutation calculation is not applicable for premature retirement or Voluntary retirement employees.
Commutation Calculation Formula with Example as per Pension Rule: A Central Government servant has an option to commute a portion of pension, not exceeding 40% of it, into a lump sum payment. No medical examination is required if the option is exercised within one year of retirement. If the option is exercised after the expiry of one year, he/she will have to undergo a medical examination by the specified competent authority.
Pension Commutation Factor Calculation and Benefits: Lump-sum payable is calculated with reference to the Commutation Table. The monthly pension will stand reduced by the portion commuted and the commuted portion will be restored on the expiry of 15 years from the date of receipt of the commuted value of the pension. Dearness Relief, however, will continue to be calculated on the basis of the original pension (i.e. without reduction of commuted portion).
7th CPC New Table for Commutation of Pension
Retirement Benefits for Central Government Employees
Pension – Minimum and Maximum Pension: After the implementation of the 7th pay commission, the minimum pension is Rs. 9000 per month and the maximum amount of pension is 125000 per month.
Commutation of Pension: There are no specific 7th pay commission recommendations on this subject. No change in the formula for calculating the commutation of the pension amount.
Retirement Gratuity & Death Gratuity: Retirement gratuity is eligible for the retiring employees from Government service with a minimum of five years of regular service. The formula for the retirement gratuity calculation is 1/4th of a month’s Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance drawn on the date of retirement for each completed six monthly periods of qualifying service. There is no minimum limit for the amount of gratuity. The retirement gratuity payable for qualifying service of 33 years or more is 16 times the Basic Pay plus DA, subject to a maximum of Rs. 20 lakhs.
The superannuation age in Central Govt Services is now 60. If an employee gets voluntary retirement, the completed year of age will be taken into account of the Commutation calculation.
What is the Commutation Factor for normal retirement?
Currently, the normal retirement age for employees in Central Govt Services is 60 years old. When calculating commutation, the age factor used is 8.194, which takes into account various factors such as life expectancy and interest rates. This age factor helps determine the lump sum payment an individual may receive upon retirement, providing financial security for their future.
Commutation of Pension Formula for PBOR
- 50% of pension x 12 x Purchase Value (on the age of next birthday)
Benefits of Commutation of Pension
The commuted pension can be restored through a calculation process that involves the pension paying bank revising the pension after precisely 15 years or 180 months of receiving the commutation payment. For bank employees, there is a helpful commutation factor table available to streamline this process. It’s also important to note the applicable rate of interest on the commutation of the pension.
Restoration of Commutation Form
If you have commuted a portion of your pension and 15 years have passed since the date of the commutation, you may be eligible to have that portion restored. To apply for restoration of the commuted pension, you must complete and submit a formal application form. The form requires you to provide personal information such as your name, address, and pension scheme details. Additionally, you must provide details of the commutation, including the date and amount of the commuted portion. Once your application is received, it will be reviewed and processed by the appropriate authorities. – Click here
Clarification on Commutation Before 7th CPC for CG Employees
Clarification regarding pension to be taken for commutation after retirement: DoP&PW OM dated 25-10-2022
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-1 10003
Date:- 25th Oct, 2022
Subject:- Clarification regarding pension to be taken for commutation after retirement-reg
In accordance with Rule 5 of CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981, a Government servant can commute for a lump-sum payment of an amount not exceeding 40 per cent of his pension.
2. Doubts have been raised as to which pension i.e pension authorized at the time of retirement or the pension revised subsequently and payable at the time of application for commutation shall be allowed to be commuted.
3. As per Rule 10 of CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981, an applicant who has commuted a percentage of his final pension and after commutation his pension has been revised and enhanced retrospectively as a result of Government’s decision, the applicant shall be paid the difference between the commuted value determined with reference to enhanced pension and the commuted value already authorized. For the payment of difference, the applicant shall not be required to apply afresh.
4. This Department’s OM No. 42/14/2016-P&PW (G) dated 24.10.2016 provides that those pensioners who retired from 01.01.2016 till 04.08.2016 i.e the date of issue of orders for revised pay/pension based on the recommendations of the 7th CPC may be given an option, in relaxation of Rule 10 of CCS (Commutation of Pension), Rules, 1981, not to commute the pension which has become additionally commutable on revision of pay/pension on implementation of recommendations of the 7th CPC. The cases where the additional pension after 7th CPC has already been commuted will not be re-opened.
5. In cases where the pension was authorized on retirement before 01.01.2016 and the pensioner applied for commutation on or after 01.01.2016, the pension which was originally sanctioned at the time of retirement only shall be allowed to be commuted.
Clarification regarding Dearness Relief payable on Original Basic Pension
Dearness Relief payable on Original Basic Pension before commutation as revised on implementation of recommendations of Pay Commission: Clarification by DoP&PW
No. 42/15/2022-P&PW(D)/1
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Date:- 25th Oct, 2022
Sub:- Clarification regarding Dearness Relief payable on Original Basic Pension -reg
In accordance with Rule 52 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021, Dearness Relief on Pension and Family Pension against price rise is granted to Pensioners including the persons drawing compassionate allowance under Rule 41 and Family Pensioners at such rates and subject to such conditions as the Central Government may specify from time to time.
2. References/Representations have been received in this Department seeking clarification whether the Dearness Relief is payable on original basic pension or on pension as reduced after commutation. It is clarified that dearness relief is payable on the original basic pension before commutation or such basic pension before commutation as revised on implementation of recommendations of Pay Commission etc. and not on the pension as reduced after deduction of commuted pension.
Conversion value of pension of a Government servant born on the first day of a month and retiring on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month – Clarification by DoP&PW vide No. 42/15/2022-P&PW(D)/2 dated 25th Oct, 2022.
Commutation value for Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month and who retires on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month
No. 42/15/2022-P&PW(D)/2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-1 10003
Date:- 25th Oct, 2022
Subject:- Clarification regarding commutation value for Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month and who retires on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month-reg
In accordance with proviso to Fundamental Rule [FR-56(a)], a Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month.
2. References/Representations have been received in this Department seeking clarification as to which commutation value is to be taken in cases where a Government servant whose date of birth is first of a month and who retires from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month.
3. In such cases, pension becomes due from the day following the date of retirement. Further, as per Rule 6(1)(i-a) of CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, the commutation of pension shall become absolute on the day following the date of retirement. Therefore, the retiring Government servant will be eligible for commutation of pension on the day following the date of his retirement and the commutation value expressed as number of year’s purchase will be age on next birthday.
4. Accordingly, in the case of such Government servants who retire on attaining the age of 60 years, the age next birthday will be 61 years, including in cases where the date of birth is first of a month and the Government servant retires on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month. Therefore, the commutation value of 61 years (i.e age on next birthday) will be applicable in this case.

What is the rate of interest on the commutation of pension?
As per the commutation table with effect from 1.3.1971, the table is based on a rate of interest of 4.75 percent per annum. And another commutation table effective from 1.1.2006 indicated ‘Basic LIC (94-96) Ultimate Tables and 8.00% interest”.
What is the commutation factor?
The commutation factor for the employees retiring on a regular basis (age next birthday of 60) is 8.194.
How is Pension Commutation Calculated for PBOR?
An officer in the rank of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) may commute 50% of his basic pension. A commuted value of the pension is calculated on the basis of age on the next birthday, which falls after the date on which the commutation becomes absolute.
What is the calculation formula for pension commutation?
The calculation formula for commutation of pension value is CVP = 40 percent multiply with commutation factor and again multiply with 12
What are all the benefits of commutation of pension?
A huge amount will get at the time of retirement. After 15 years the commuted portion of the pension will be restored. In case of pensioner died before the commutation period, the commutation amount will not be deducted from Family Pension.
What is the commutation factor for retirement at 60?
As per the ‘Table of Commutation of Pension‘ published by the Pensioners Portal, the factor is 8.194.
I am pondering taking VRS. My age next birthday after proposed retirement will be 57yrs. What will be multiplication factor for commutation? 8.512 or 11.10? I am confused as some tables show 8.512 value while other tables show 11.10. please guide. Thank you
8.512 is right.
Sir, I retired from railway service on 31st.october, 2006 (60 years). My D O B is 1st November, 1946. I have completed 15 years, my commuted pension not restored til now. Which should be restored on 1st.November 2021. My service is 36 years 1 month, my pension -Rs. (21150 _3244 commuted) 17906.after restored commuted portion, how much I will be benifit, Thank you for your reply
Tarun Kumar Chakraborty🙏
Check when you received commutation amount. Also check from the Bank/Treasury.
I don’t want to sale 40 percent pension then what happens ?
Will my pension 100 percent ?
Sir i retired on 30 nov2020, i applied for commutation 50%, but i not get commutation, now pl suggest what i should do for commutation
Maximum percentage of pension will be 40% you can apply fresh. After one year of retirement it is not eligible.
Hi Sir,
My father served in Railways for 34 years and retired in Jan 2017. He was getting a pension after deducting the commutation amount. He expired in April 2021, will my mother receive a full pension or will it commutation amount deduct from her pension as well?
And is there any difference in the amount for the normal pension and family pension?
1) Commutation amount will not be deducted after death of pensioner.
2) Up to the pensioner age 67 years she will get full pension with applicable dearness relief same as Enhanced Pension afterwords normal family pension of 60% of his pension until her 80years then it will be raised by percentages of her age in lifetime.
Sir my qualifying service is 19 years 8 months my basic is 152000 I am up govt serviant what will be my pension after supperannuation
50%of basic pay plus applicable dearness relief as at 20years qualifying service.
Im going to retire on march 2021, from government job. Do i get DR on further declared percentage or if i get the total percentage which has been added till date
As per the orders till date you will get total D.R. percentage of at that time in July 2021 onwards for your Pension.
My age is 40 yrs and I am working in state government service for last 20 yrs… My basic amount is ₹35000. Now if I took VRS than what will be my pension amount and what will be my gratuity amount. Please suggest me.
Thank you
If your qualifying service (without any break) is 20 years & basic pay of Rs.35,000/- approximately 4 lakh. Pension is 17500/- p.m. plus applicable dearness relief.
And also Commutation of amount Rs 6.50/- Lakh approximately. After commutation – pension 17,500-7000 10,500 plus D.R.
Sir,Ihave been retired at earli age on 48 yaer on 24/12/1995 my pension and gretuety was calculated at the rate of 50% of my pension ie Rs 1150 and gratuaty amout paid to me was 3,39,226.08.sir what will b the exet date and year for the restoration of my commutted portion of my pension
Commutation amount recovered up to 15 years from the retirement year (i. e. 180 months recovery.).
If any govt servent retired and got commuted pension amount. After that he got pension with deduction of commuted amount instalment. If he died before 15 yers than how the rest commuted amount is recovered. Is it forgive or recover from family pension.
No recovery in family pension. It will be stoped upto pensioner death month.
What is the benefits of vrs after 20 year job how much take advanced pension (15 year) please suggest me
. मेरी मां 31 जनवरी 16 को रिटायर्ड कर गई उनको सिक्स पे रिवीजन पर provident fund 40% कम ट्यूशन ऑफ पेंशन डी सी आर जी लीव सैलरी एनकैशमेंट ग्रुप इंश्योरेंस मिला है जबकि 1 जनवरी 16 से सेवंथ पे रिवीजन लागू हुआ है क्या मुझे सेवंथ पे रिवीजन पर सभी लाभ मिलेगा, मुझे ग्रेच्युटी 40% कम ट्यूशन आप पेंशन 120000 कम मिला है इसका निराकरण बता दे धन्यवाद
My wife expired while in service I was getting Enhanced Family Pension Rs. 24500 till March 2019, in April 2019 I received reduced Family Pension Rs.14700, when will i get commutation amount, please help THANKS
You are not eligible of commutation amount since your wife was expired, soon you will get the following amounts:-
Thanks, she expired on 4 4 2009, she was 47, now that my enhanced family pension is reduced by 40%, am I not entitled for commutation amount? my age now is 60/19-07/1958.
She was at the age 57 might have been expired. Commutation amount is given from the pension amount those who are after retirement, if she expired it is not given. You got enhanced Pension also full amount until her age of 67 years, after that until your life time you will get 60% of pension as family pension. It you are attaining the age 80 years you will get in additional of 20% of family pension.
Okay Thanks
Hi Sir
@80years 20% increase, would benefit only few, since average life span in our country is 72 Thanks
I joined coast guard jul 85 and VRS a on Jan 17 completion of 31.6 yrs. At the age of 51.6.commutation of pension is 12820.commutation amount received by me PPO 1355023.pls I need to know how many yrs was commuted.ppo it is not clear pls guide me.
Commutation amount is recoverable in 180 months from the retirement month.
My father’s basic salary was 91400
He commuted 40% of his pension and reduced pension is 27,420.
He has been paid 17,97,435 as commuted pension,
Want to understand how this value of 17,97,435 has been calculated
Pension Commutation= 0.4*45700*8.194*12=1797435/-
Pension commutation Formula = 40% of Pension Basic X Commutation Factor X 12
Note: Commutation Factor Chart is available on net.
Why should we search net, we can see above in this site…
But the commutation factors will be charged with reference to age of next birthday as in the table as per the CCS(Commutation Pension) Rules, 1981. Any good effort to search net. Thanks.
In my opinion the above commutation calculator should have next age birth date (age factor) column. Also please check up it is not now.
My father Basic pay is 23800₹ and DA is 2142₹ with Comm deduction is around 3000₹ But while getting message every time what is (RB:20100₹) shows while get pension message
My father was a railway employee ,took vrs in 2006,he served for almost 35years ,now his basic pension is 13950,but the bank is deducting 2118 rs every month ,it’s mentioned as comm in statement,,please let us know what deduction is that & whether it will be repaid to us or not
That amount was Commutation amount taken by your father at the time of retirement, it will be recovered for 180 months after that it will stops. It will not repaid.
I retired on15th of January,2007 after 35 years of Service at the age of 60 years my date of birth is 15th of January,1947 as per new rules Iam entitle to restore my computation after twelve years on 15th of January,2019
Kindly let me know how much pension including comutation I will get.
My present pension slip is follows
Monthly pension self. Rs.6632
Pension increase self. Rs.29948
Medical Allowance pensioner 3062
Medical Allowance 2015 pensioner. 766
Total Rs.40,408
Your comes under which government Pension rules ?
It is necessary to commute pension
Thanks. What is the Commutation factor as per 8 CPC
Maximum 40% of your last basic pay or 10 months average basic pay which ever is higher in 7th CPC.
Dear sir, my father has been retired from sail in 1998 and he was joined 1971 but his basic was near 3000 rs about at that of on vrs what should pension should may have after 7th pay commission has he his having only 800 rs pension nowadays
my 1st service joining 01/09/1996 total service peried 11 year
pf amount withdrawn but pension amount no withdrawn.
My IInd service joining 0/9/2009 to continue ??
caluculation the pension amount
Retired from Mumbai Port Trust after superannuation on 01.02.2007.
Last post held Dy. Chief Engineer
DoB 11.01.1949
LPD / Av pay 32448 / 18469.03
Pension -9235
After Comm -5541
Commuted Value 4,63,671
Enhanced rate / Ordinary Rate -Family Pension 9235 / 5760
Please let me know the Pension amount after 15 years if I survive / otherwise for my family
The basic pension is same of Rs.9,235/- plus D.R. of your survival . After 15 years the deduction of commutation amount of Rs.5541 will stop, if your future pay commission increases basic pension. After life time family pension for your wife/dependents will be 60% of your basic pension.
What a joke Sirji…..My DOB is in the year 1959 and my DOA is in 1981. For commutation of pension chart say’s that at that time I was below 18 yrs😀😀😀😀…clarify please…
Moinji…please refresh the web page and then calculate
After refreshing still it is not working, please correct it. Thanks.
Mr.Kumar, Thank you.
Rectified soon.
Can we make commutation of pension calculator
My D O B is 01/12/58,what is my date of retirement ,as per 60 date of retirement.
Answer to G H WANI : 30/11/2018 A.N. Since he his attaining the age 60 on 1/12/18.
I’m retired from army after giving 24 years and 7 days of service I have give service as havildar 12 years and retired from army on 1 August 2008 so I will also get the benifit of macp plse reply
I am employee who was psu absorbee after 11.5 years service, from ministry of power.i was in 650-1200 scale in 3cpc with rs 880 (10 months average).i am engineering graduate working as EXTRA ASST. DIRECTOR. I HAD 7 INCREMENTS IN THAT SCALE. what should be my pension in 4th 5th 6th and 7th cpcs . infact i asked this question severam times but no reply. t least what is my grade pay and pay band . i joined as tech. asst, and promoted to EAD cader a group b officer.
plz leave reply by mail
Since 95% pensioners were settled their 7th CPC pension, you are requested to contact your ex- employer/PAO/CPAO. Since your age might have been attained above 80 you may get addition 20% of pension and above percentage at your age. logon or complaint in pensioners portal.
when pensioners will get their 7th pay commision..?? till today they r not getting their money..??
Most of the Pensioners were got from 1/1/2016. If you are not revised contract your ex-employer/ PAO.