Clarification on Two Family Pensions – DoPPW Orders 24.1.2019
Clarificatory OM for payment of two family pensions on death attributable to Govt.Service of a re-employed pensioner
Government of India
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delh,
Dated the 24th January, 2019
Office Memorandum
Subject: Clarificatory OM for payment of two family pensions on death attributable to Govt.Service of a re-employed pensioner-regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that references have been revived in this Department Seeking clarification as to whether a second family pension is admissible under CCS(EOP)Rules when a military/civil pensioner is re-employed in civil service dies and his death is attributable to government service.
2.Vide this Documents Notification No. G.S.R 938(E) dated 27.12.2012,sub-rule 13A 13B of Rule 54,prohibiting two family pension have been deleted.Subsequently vide OM No 1/33/2012-P&PW(E) dated 16.1.2013,two family pensions have been allowed in the event of death of a re-employed pensioner,in service or after retirement, The financial benefits for the pest cases however is with effect from 24th September 2012 Thus under CCS(Pension) Rules,two family pensions are admissible with effect from 24th September.
3.The matter has been examined in the context of the provisions of CCS(Extra-ordinary Pension)Rules. it is clarified that the provisions of two family pensions,one in respect of Millay/civil service and the other for civil service after re-employment as available i terms of CS(Pension)Rules is also applicable under CCS(EOP)Rules in other words on death of a pensioner who was re-employed civil service where death is attrbutable to government services family pension under CCS(EOP)Rules in respect of services in re-employment would be admissible in addition to ordinary family pension n respect of the previous military/civil service.
4.Where, however, on death of a re-employed civil Government servant the family is eligible for Special/extra-ordinary family pension under the EOP rules in respect of the first spell of service,family pension for the second spell of service would be admissible under the CCS(Pension)Rules,1972 only.
5.The extra-ordinary family pension shall be granted only in one service in no case both the family pension shall be granted under EOP Rules.
6.The financial benefits in the past cases will accure with effect from 24th September 2012 as in the case of family pension under CCS (Pension)Rules.
7.Formal amendment in Central Civil Service (Extraordinary Pension)Rules will be made in due course.
8. This issues with the approval of Department of Expenditure, vide their ID No.1 (5)/EV/2012 dated 3/4/2017 and 15/01/2019.
(Sujasha Choudhury)
View Pension Portal Orders 2019
मेरे पिताजी केन्द्रीय विश्वविध्यालय श्रीनगर गढ़वाल में कार्यरत्त थे। उनकी मृत्यु होने के फलस्वरूप मेरी माता जी को उनके स्थान पर नौकरी मिली व पिताजी की पेन्शन मिली, अब मेरी माता जी भी केन्द्रीय विश्वविध्यालय श्रीनगर गढ़वाल से सेवानिवृत्त हो गयी हैं। क्या उन्हें दोनों पेन्शन मिलेंगी। केन्द्रीय विश्वविध्यालय श्रीनगर गढ़वाल वाले बोल रहे हैं की आपको एक ही पेन्शन मिलेगी।
Yes, only one pension will be given, if you are dependent son/daughter.
You can get job in compassionate grounds, apply for it.