Reduction of Residency Period for Promotion in Central Government Services
Residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr.Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr.Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr.Goods Guard, Passenger Guard to Sr.Passenger Guard and ALP to Sr.ALP.
(Railway Board)
No.E(NG)I -2014/PM7/5
The General Managers (P)
All lndian Railways &PUs,
(As per standard list)
New Delhi, dated 09.04.2015
Sub: Residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr. Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr. Goods Guard, Passenger Guard to Sr. Passenger Guard and ALP to Sr. ALP.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-94/PM1/9 dated 02.09.1994
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2004/PM7/16 dated 22.03.2005
(iii) Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 10.11.2014 on the above subject.
The issue of residency period for promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr. Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr, Goods Guard, Passenger Guard to Sr. Passenger Guard and Assistant Loco Pilot to Sr. Assistant Loco Pilot has been under examination of this Ministry for the past some time. A clarification on this subject has also been issued to North Western Railway with copy of letter endorsed to all Zonal Railways. However, subsequently it came to notice that different Railways are still observing different procedure for granting promotion from Goods Driver to Sr. Goods Driver, Passenger Driver to Sr. Passenger Driver, Goods Guard to Sr. Goods Guard, Passenger Guard to Sr. Passenger Guard and Assistant Loco Pilot to Sr. Assistant Loco Pilot.
2. In view of above, the issue has again been examined and to ensure uniformity, it has been decided that two years’ residency period may be followed for promotion to all grades as mentioned above, provided a longer length of residency has not been provided for any post.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Hindi veriion will follow.
(Amita Bhalla)
Railway Board.
Source: NFIR
In BSF still basic training period and further techincal training period in case technical categories are not taken into account with that we are lossing around 2 years of our qualified service for the next MACP. On the other hand there is no promotion even after 25 years of long service.(in comn set-up)
please look into the matter if possible
Why such benifits are not extended to BSF personnel who stake their lives for the sake of nation nation
In BSF neither there is any promotion nor timely benifit. further more fittness is mandatory how it is possible after attaining 45 years of age one has to be like a new entrant. it is usual to reel under some ailments. If atleast one promotion is given before the first 10 years of service on timely basis then one could be able to get next financial upgradation in the form MACP if delay in getting second promotion