CGHS Monthly and Yearly Subscription Table : KVS Orders on 22.4.2019
Guidelines to implement O.M. dated 13.03.2019 for extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan – regarding.
18 Industrial Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi – 110 016
Dated: 22.04.2019
The Deputy Commissioner/Director
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices / ZIETs
Subject:- Guidelines to implement O.M. dated 13.03.2019 for extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan – regarding.
In continuation of KVS Office Memorandum of even no. dated 13.03.2019 vide which the approval of the Competent Authority of KVS for extension of CGHS facility to the retired employees of KVS who were having CGHS card while in service and residing in CGHS covered cities was conveyed. In this connection, the following guidelines may be kept in mind while processing the requests made for making of new CGHS card by the retired employees:-
A. A retired employee of KVS who was having CGHS card while in service and is residing in CGHS covered areas can opt for CGHS facility by submitting his / her application along with relevant documents and CGHS contribution to the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) which has released his / her pensionary benefits. As per 7th CPC, the revised monthly subscriptions, as decided by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide their O.M .No. 5.11011/11/2016-CGHS(P)/EHS dated 09.01.2017, to be made by employees/ pensioners for availing CGHS facilities are as under:-
S. No. | Corresponding levels in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC | Contribution (Rs. Per month) |
1 | Level: 1 to 5 | 250 |
2 | Level: 6 | 450 |
3 | Level: 7 to 11 | 650 |
4 | Level: 12 & above | 1000 |
B. On receipt of application from the retired official, the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority i.e. Regional Office (R.O)/ZIETs/ Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ) will verify the particulars filled in the application form and enclosed documents as required by CGHS Authority i.e. self-attested photocopy of the LPC, PPO, Aadhar Card, CGHS card while in service, employee contribution as per 7th CPC as applicable to the concerned employee in accordance to his / her pay level at the time of retirement. Thereafter, PSA will write a letter for discontinuation of payment of fixed medical allowance (FMA) to the Pension Disbursing Authority (PDA) i.e. State Bank of India, Parliament Street, New Delhi. The PSA will forward the application form along with Cheque / draft for the amount as per the CGHS rate applicable with reference to residential address of the official concerned to the Deputy Commissioner concerned of the Regional Office having jurisdiction over the CGHS city wherein the official is residing.
A Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner or Administrative Officer is retired from Mumbai Region having CGHS card while in service & residing in Lucknow i.e. CGHS covered area. He / she will submit his / her application (along with his employee-contribution as per 7th CPC in favour of, KVS, HQ and documents stated in para B) to the PSA (KVS, HQ). The PSA will verify the application form and forwarded the same to KVS, RO Lucknow along with the Cheque/DD (amount as applicable for CGHS Centre at Lucknow). Since the Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Lucknow is having jurisdiction over CGHS Centre at Lucknow the application form will be countersigned by the Deputy Commissioner, RO Lucknow and submitted to CGHS Centre at Lucknow along with Cheque/DD and other necessary documents for preparation of CGHS card. The Deputy Commissioner RO Lucknow will also maintain a register depicting the name of the employee and family members, CGHS card no., validity of the card and the details of the pension sanction authority along with particular of Kendriya Vidyalaya or Regional office from where the official is retired. Further, Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Lucknow, will also keep a copy of CGHS card (Index Card) issued by CGHS. All medical claims in respect of the Deputy Commissioner/ Assistant Commissioner/ Administrative Officer retired from Mumbai, will be reimbursed by Regional Office Lucknow.
C. The concerned Deputy Commissioner will forward the application to the CGHS center, along with all necessary documents including Cheque or Demand Draft after countersigning the application form, for issue of CGHS card. If the retired official is residing in the city having CGHS Centre which falls under the jurisdiction of Pension Sanctioning Authority, then the Pension Sanctioning Authority will forward the application to the concerned CGHS Centre. The Deputy Commissioner concerned will countersign the form and send it to the CGHS authority for preparation of CGHS card under intimation to the retired official as well as the Pension Sanctioning Authority.
D. The Deputy Commissioner of the RO, who has forwarded the application form to the CGHS Centre for issue of card, will maintainthe proper records and make necessary entries in CGHS card issuing register which will carry the details of Name of the employee and family members, CGHS card, validity of the card and the details of the Pension Sanctioning Authority along with particulars of Kendriya Vidyalaya/Regional Office/ZIETs from where the official retired.
E. Existing Rates of CGHS yearly contributions payable by KVS, as circulated by Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Nirman Bhawan, New delhi vide their Circular No. Z.22025/4/2007-CGHS (Stats. Cell) dated 02.03.2010 are given below. The concerned PSA will calculate KVS share by deducting the employee contribution as mentioned in para ‘A’ from yearly contribution as indicated below. The PSA will then forward the total amount (KVS share & employee contribution) to the respective Deputy Commissioner where the retired official is residing.
(Figures in Rs.)
S. No. | City | Total cost per card 2009-10* |
1 | Ahmedabad | 8667 |
2 | Allahabad | 6292 |
3 | Bengaluru | 5736 |
4 | Bhopal | 3060 |
5 | Bhubaneswar | 8943 |
6 | Chandigarh | 11449 |
7 | Chennai | 5236 |
8 | Dehradun | 8947 |
9 | Guwahati | 4296 |
10 | Hyderabad | 6097 |
11 | Jabalpur | 2925 |
12 | Jaipur | 18464 |
13 | Kanpur | 8447 |
14 | Kolkata | 5397 |
15 | Lucknow | 6033 |
16 | Meerut | 14535 |
17 | Mumbai | 7372 |
18 | Nagpur | 8046 |
19 | Patna | 7765 |
20 | Pune | 3593 |
21 | Ranchi | 7068 |
22 | Shillong | 5553 |
23 | Thiruvanthapuram | 6762 |
24 | Delhi | 15368 |
*(These rates have not been revised after 2009-10 by DGHS,Nirman Bhawan,New Delhi)
F. Medical claims, if any, will be reimbursed by the Kendriya Vidyalaya/Regional Office/ZIETs where the official is residing. The copy of CGHS card (Index Card) issued by CGHS has to be kept for record.
Read also: Terms and conditions of extension of CGHS facilities to the retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS)
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. Shachi Kant)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)
I retired on 31-12-1990 and have not enrolled in CGHS
If I have to enroll, have I to pay past subscription also. Thanks (hypothetical question)
Contribution depending on the last grade pay/Matrix Level of last retirement. Choice is with one can apply for Life time card by paying 10 years contribution together or one can apply for one year, two years etc. by paying for that applicable period.