PENSION COMMUTATION CALCULATOR - COMMUTATION VALUE OF PENSION CALCULATION Commutation Value of Pension Calculation Formula Commutation of Pension = 40 % x Commutation factor* x 12 Apart from monthly Pension, another important retirement benefit for … [Read more...]
Amount of Pension which was originally commuted shall only be deducted from the Revised Pension – DoPPW
The portion/amount of pension which was originally commuted shall only be deducted from the revised pension. No. 42/15/2022-P&PW(D)/4 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ … [Read more...]
There is No Proposal to Revise the Period of Restoration of Commuted Pension
"The Seventh Central Pay Commission also did not recommend any change in the said period for restoration of commuted pension". In Rajya Sabha, the DoPT Minister replied in written form on 22nd July 2021 that there is no proposal to revise the period … [Read more...]