Attestation form for verification of character and antecedents prior to appointment in Government service
The Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has examined the matter related to the proposal for making attestation process citizen friendly.
In this regard, it has been decided to place a note on the proposed reforms on the DoPT’s website for comments. The comments on the above subject are invited within 15 days.
Source: PIB News
What is the necessity of verification of character and antecedents prior to appointment in Government services when the corrupt officers or the political Governments appoint the officers against whom the criminal prosecution is pending and the Government appoints such officers on a condition that the said appointment is subject to the outcome of the prosecution and by fixing the match the prosecution is allowed to favour the accused ?
The object of it is very good but the corrupt officers and characterless politicians act contrary to the provisions of verification of character and antecedents prior to appointment in Government services to protect their party interests.