7th Pay Commission Fixation of Pay on Promotion or MACP
Methodology of Pay Fixation on Promotion or MACP as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission
Central Government employees should be given an option form for fixing pay on promotion or MACP. Prior to implementation of 6th CPC Report, the pay fixation on promotion was governed by provisions of FR 22(I)(a)(1). In 6th CPC context, the first part of FR 22(I)(a)(1) was replaced by Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008.
Similarly, consequent upon implementation of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 in 7th CPC context, the pay fixation on promotion is regulated by the provisions of Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. This rule regulates pay fixation on promotion if the same is opted by the employee from the date of promotion itself.
The issue of relevancy of provisions of FR 22(I)(a)(1) as well as the methodology of fixation of pay on promotion to a
post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance, of a Government Servant in case he opts for pay fixation from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) has been considered in this Department.
The Government Servant opts to his/her pay fixed from the date of his/her next increment (either 1s July or 1st
January, as the case may be) in the Level of the post from which Government Servant is promoted, then, from the date of promotion till his/her DNI, the Government Servant shall be placed at the next higher cell in the level of the post to which he/she is promoted.
Subsequently, on DNI in the level of the post to which Government Servant is promoted, his//her Pay will be re-fixed and two increments (one accrued on account of annual increment and the second accrued on account of promotion) may be granted in the Level from which the Government Servant is promoted and he/she shall be placed, at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived, in the Level of the post to which he/she is promoted; and if no such Cell is available in the Level to which he/she is promoted, he/she shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that Level.
More relavant orders issued by Department of Personnel Training from time to time. We compiled some important orders for your further reference…
I’m a arailway employee. I got 3rd MACP from 4200 GP / Level-6 to 4600 GP / Level-7, w.e.f. 01.09.2018. Later, I joined as Sr. Clerk on 02.02.2021 in WAT Division on request transferred with pay protection benefit. Now, my questions are 1) What will be my pay fixation on joining as Sr. Clerk, 2) What will be my entitlement of Travelling Allowance, whether it is as per my 4600 GP or as per my designation of Sr. Clerk.
If the technical transfer withv pay production & all facility after the 3rd MACP upgradations of basic pay in service there will be no pay fixation. Only your designation changes from from that date.
It not only 200 difference between 4600to 4800.diffrence will be 2700actual.
I Joined in Ordnance Factory ( Ministry of Defence) as a Chargeman on 08.10.1998 in GP 4200. In our department (Ordnance Factory Board) the GP were 4200 ( for Chargeman) then GP 4600 ( for Junior Works Manager) then GP 5400 (for Assistant works Manager) then 6600 ( for Works Manager) like that in 6th CPC. But the 7th CPC introduced a GP 4800 in between GP 4600 and GP5400, which is neither a promotional cadre nor an appointment / Feeder cadre.
I got First MACP of GP 4600 in 2008 and subsequently promoted to Junior Works Manager without any Financial benefits. Now I am going to get Second MACP pay of GP 4800 in this month ( ie. 11/2018). After 10 years of service getting Rs 200 increase in GP is not a logical and genuine. Like me there are several persons (around 4500 officers) got upset in my department due to this reason. They are all disappointed, unhappy and ready to face this illogical GP of 4800 in CAT. Kindly give your comments and guide Us, so that more than 4500 families will be thankful to you please.